{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./bin/sed", "source2": "./bin/sed", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 c9c8 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0002 ab78 0003 16e0 0000 1000 0002 ab78 ...x...........x\n-00000020: 0000 053c 0000 0001 61c4 1f13 0000 0000 ...<....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 053c 0000 0001 61c4 28be 0000 0000 ...<....a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 15f0 1fbc 14f0 dfff 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0001 c94d 0001 c625 0001 c941 0348 044b ...M...%...A.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0002 ab30 .B...K...GpG...0\n 00000090: 0002 ab30 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...0.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/aggregartp", "source2": "./usr/bin/aggregartp", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 fb70 bFLT.......E...p\n 00000010: 0001 cb38 0002 1a80 0000 1000 0001 cb38 ...8...........8\n-00000020: 0000 0291 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0291 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 f3be 05f0 b7ff 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 faf5 0000 f22d 0000 fae9 0348 044b .......-.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 caf4 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 caf4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/applygeo", "source2": "./usr/bin/applygeo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 82ac bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0026 d670 0027 5f30 0000 1000 0026 d670 .&.p.'_0.....&.p\n-00000020: 0000 7e5a 0000 0001 61c4 1d31 0000 0000 ..~Z....a..1....\n+00000020: 0000 7e5a 0000 0001 61c4 26d4 0000 0000 ..~Z....a.&.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6df1 b7bd 6cf1 6dfe 0000 ...H.Km...l.m...\n 00000070: 001c c345 0017 8455 001c c339 0348 044b ...E...U...9.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0026 d62c .B...K...GpG.&.,\n 00000090: 0026 d62c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .&.,.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/bmon", "source2": "./usr/bin/bmon", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0003 3e40 bFLT.......E..>@\n 00000010: 0005 44f8 0005 a560 0000 1000 0005 44f8 ..D....`......D.\n-00000020: 0000 1055 0000 0001 61c4 170c 0000 0000 ...U....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 1055 0000 0001 61c4 20a1 0000 0000 ...U....a. .....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 2af0 abbe 29f0 0ffc 0000 ...H.K*...).....\n 00000070: 0003 3dc5 0003 37b9 0003 3db9 0348 044b ..=...7...=..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0005 44b4 .B...K...GpG..D.\n 00000090: 0005 44b4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..D......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/cbordump", "source2": "./usr/bin/cbordump", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 c1a8 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 963c 0001 e440 0000 1000 0001 963c ...<...@.......<\n-00000020: 0000 02c7 0000 0001 61c4 1f33 0000 0000 ........a..3....\n+00000020: 0000 02c7 0000 0001 61c4 28e0 0000 0000 ........a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 05f0 37b8 04f0 87fa 0000 ...H.K..7.......\n 00000070: 0000 c12d 0000 bf95 0000 c121 0348 044b ...-.......!.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 95f8 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 95f8 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/ccguess", "source2": "./usr/bin/ccguess", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b0ac bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 a0a0 0001 eea0 0000 1000 0001 a0a0 ................\n-00000020: 0000 01f5 0000 0001 61c4 178c 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 01f5 0000 0001 61c4 2125 0000 0000 ........a.!%....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 03f0 05bd 02f0 bdfd 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 b031 0000 acd1 0000 b025 0348 044b ...1.......%.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 a058 .B...K...GpG...X\n 00000090: 0001 a058 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...X.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/ccrypt", "source2": "./usr/bin/ccrypt", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 f584 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 fcc0 0003 5de0 0000 1000 0001 fcc0 ......].........\n-00000020: 0000 02f3 0000 0001 61c4 178b 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 02f3 0000 0001 61c4 2125 0000 0000 ........a.!%....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 05f0 8bb8 04f0 b3fa 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 f509 0000 eae1 0000 f4fd 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 fc78 .B...K...GpG...x\n 00000090: 0001 fc78 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...x.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/cct", "source2": "./usr/bin/cct", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 78d8 bFLT.......E..x.\n 00000010: 0025 ddb8 0026 6630 0000 1000 0025 ddb8 .%...&f0.....%..\n-00000020: 0000 75ce 0000 0001 61c4 1cc8 0000 0000 ..u.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 75ce 0000 0001 61c4 266b 0000 0000 ..u.....a.&k....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6cf1 1fbb 6bf1 d5fb 0000 ...H.Kl...k.....\n 00000070: 001c b831 0017 6e85 001c b825 0348 044b ...1..n....%.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0025 dd70 .B...K...GpG.%.p\n 00000090: 0025 dd70 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .%.p.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/cs2cs", "source2": "./usr/bin/cs2cs", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 7f84 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0025 dbb8 0026 6480 0000 1000 0025 dbb8 .%...&d......%..\n-00000020: 0000 7604 0000 0001 61c4 1cb2 0000 0000 ..v.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 7604 0000 0001 61c4 2655 0000 0000 ..v.....a.&U....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6bf1 d7bf 6bf1 8df8 0000 ...H.Kk...k.....\n 00000070: 001c bdcd 0017 69c1 001c bdc1 0348 044b ......i......H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0025 db70 .B...K...GpG.%.p\n 00000090: 0025 db70 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .%.p.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/curve_keygen", "source2": "./usr/bin/curve_keygen", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0007 4cbc bFLT.......E..L.\n 00000010: 0009 3ba8 0009 9ea0 0000 1000 0009 3ba8 ..;...........;.\n-00000020: 0000 28c9 0000 0001 61c4 1939 0000 0000 ..(.....a..9....\n+00000020: 0000 28c9 0000 0001 61c4 22d1 0000 0000 ..(.....a.\".....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 2ef0 d7be 2df0 47ff 0000 ...H.K....-.G...\n 00000070: 0006 e03d 0003 6381 0006 e031 0348 044b ...=..c....1.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0009 3b64 .B...K...GpG..;d\n 00000090: 0009 3b64 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..;d.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/drmdevice", "source2": "./usr/bin/drmdevice", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 ed98 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 c1b4 0002 14a0 0000 1000 0001 c1b4 ................\n-00000020: 0000 0079 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ...y....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 0079 0000 0003 61c4 2578 0000 0000 ...y....a.%x....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 07f0 f5b8 06f0 b5fc 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 1ded 0000 c1eb 0000 11ed 0000 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 70c1 0100 .B...K...GpGp...\n 00000090: 70c1 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f p........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/dvblast", "source2": "./usr/bin/dvblast", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0002 2f28 bFLT.......E../(\n 00000010: 0003 dcd8 0017 0360 0000 1000 0003 dcd8 .......`........\n-00000020: 0000 0b66 0000 0001 61c4 1a27 0000 0000 ...f....a..'....\n+00000020: 0000 0b66 0000 0001 61c4 23c1 0000 0000 ...f....a.#.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 1af0 81be 19f0 c7fd 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0002 2ead 0002 1889 0002 2ea1 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0003 dc94 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0003 dc94 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/dvblastctl", "source2": "./usr/bin/dvblastctl", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 5810 bFLT.......E..X.\n 00000010: 0002 9a58 0002 f980 0000 1000 0002 9a58 ...X...........X\n-00000020: 0000 0693 0000 0001 61c4 1a27 0000 0000 ........a..'....\n+00000020: 0000 0693 0000 0001 61c4 23c0 0000 0000 ........a.#.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 0bf0 9dbb 0af0 29fd 0000 ...H.K......)...\n 00000070: 0001 5795 0001 4111 0001 5789 0348 044b ..W...A...W..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0002 9a14 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0002 9a14 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/fix-qdf", "source2": "./usr/bin/fix-qdf", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 000a 87f4 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 000d 3144 000d 9dd0 0000 1000 000d 3144 ..1D..........1D\n-00000020: 0000 267d 0000 0001 61c4 1eaf 0000 0000 ..&}....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 267d 0000 0001 61c4 2861 0000 0000 ..&}....a.(a....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 53f0 25be 52f0 2dfe 0000 ...H.KS.%.R.-...\n 00000070: 0009 c6e9 0006 0805 0009 c6dd 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000d 3100 .B...K...GpG..1.\n 00000090: 000d 3100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..1......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/fribidi", "source2": "./usr/bin/fribidi", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 c518 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0002 d17c 0003 1f90 0000 1000 0002 d17c ...|...........|\n-00000020: 0000 02b0 0000 0001 61c4 1bab 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 02b0 0000 0001 61c4 2558 0000 0000 ........a.%X....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 04f0 d3ba 03f0 6ffc 0000 ...H.K......o...\n 00000070: 0000 c49d 0000 bd49 0000 c491 0348 044b .......I.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0002 d138 .B...K...GpG...8\n 00000090: 0002 d138 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...8.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/gdcmpgif", "source2": "./usr/bin/gdcmpgif", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 0a88 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 dd3c 0002 2ae0 0000 1000 0001 dd3c ...<..*........<\n-00000020: 0000 01c8 0000 0001 61c4 1a78 0000 0000 ........a..x....\n+00000020: 0000 01c8 0000 0001 61c4 241b 0000 0000 ........a.$.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 08f0 05be 08f0 b9fa 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0001 0a0d 0001 094d 0001 0a01 0348 044b .......M.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 dcf8 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 dcf8 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/geod", "source2": "./usr/bin/geod", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 6db8 bFLT.......E..m.\n 00000010: 0025 c5d0 0026 5370 0000 1000 0025 c5d0 .%...&Sp.....%..\n-00000020: 0000 75c4 0000 0001 61c4 1cb2 0000 0000 ..u.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 75c4 0000 0001 61c4 2654 0000 0000 ..u.....a.&T....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6cf1 27b9 6bf1 ddf9 0000 ...H.Kl.'.k.....\n 00000070: 001c ae45 0017 6a99 001c ae39 0348 044b ...E..j....9.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0025 c58c .B...K...GpG.%..\n 00000090: 0025 c58c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .%.......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/geotifcp", "source2": "./usr/bin/geotifcp", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e df0c bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0027 4810 0027 d920 0000 1000 0027 4810 .'H..'. .....'H.\n-00000020: 0000 7fa8 0000 0001 61c4 1d33 0000 0000 ........a..3....\n+00000020: 0000 7fa8 0000 0001 61c4 26d5 0000 0000 ........a.&.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 73f1 f3b9 71f1 d5ff 0000 ...H.Ks...q.....\n 00000070: 001d 1fa5 0017 dc25 001d 1f99 0348 044b .......%.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0027 47cc .B...K...GpG.'G.\n 00000090: 0027 47cc 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .'G......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/gie", "source2": "./usr/bin/gie", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 85bc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0025 ed30 0026 ebe0 0000 1000 0025 ed30 .%.0.&.......%.0\n-00000020: 0000 7680 0000 0001 61c4 1cb4 0000 0000 ..v.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 7680 0000 0001 61c4 2657 0000 0000 ..v.....a.&W....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6cf1 a7be 6bf1 5dff 0000 ...H.Kl...k.]...\n 00000070: 001c c625 0017 7599 001c c619 0348 044b ...%..u......H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0025 ecec .B...K...GpG.%..\n 00000090: 0025 ecec 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .%.......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/giftogd2", "source2": "./usr/bin/giftogd2", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 0bb0 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 dddc 0002 2b80 0000 1000 0001 dddc ......+.........\n-00000020: 0000 01c3 0000 0001 61c4 1a78 0000 0000 ........a..x....\n+00000020: 0000 01c3 0000 0001 61c4 241b 0000 0000 ........a.$.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 08f0 7dbe 08f0 99fa 0000 ...H.K..}.......\n 00000070: 0001 0b35 0001 0a5d 0001 0b29 0348 044b ...5...]...).H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 dd98 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 dd98 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-annotate", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-annotate", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 493c bFLT.......E..I<\n 00000010: 000c 92d8 000c ee50 0000 1000 000c 92d8 .......P........\n-00000020: 0000 2e85 0000 0001 61c4 1b8e 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2e85 0000 0001 61c4 2537 0000 0000 ........a.%7....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 8af0 d9b9 89f0 17fa 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0009 48c1 0009 400d 0009 48b5 0348 044b ..H...@...H..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c 9294 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000c 9294 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-bind", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-bind", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 4e40 bFLT.......E..N@\n 00000010: 000c a198 000c fca0 0000 1000 000c a198 ................\n-00000020: 0000 2ecb 0000 0001 61c4 1b8e 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2ecb 0000 0001 61c4 2537 0000 0000 ........a.%7....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 89f0 2dbe 88f0 bffe 0000 ...H.K..-.......\n 00000070: 0009 4dc5 0009 3909 0009 4db9 0348 044b ..M...9...M..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c a154 .B...K...GpG...T\n 00000090: 000c a154 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...T.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-calc", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-calc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 55f8 bFLT.......E..U.\n 00000010: 000c aed8 000d 0a20 0000 1000 000c aed8 ....... ........\n-00000020: 0000 2f1a 0000 0001 61c4 1b8e 0000 0000 ../.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2f1a 0000 0001 61c4 2537 0000 0000 ../.....a.%7....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 8af0 07be 89f0 45fe 0000 ...H.K......E...\n 00000070: 0009 557d 0009 485d 0009 5571 0348 044b ..U}..H]..Uq.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c ae94 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000c ae94 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-diff", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-diff", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 3c30 bFLT.......E..<0\n 00000010: 000c 7c98 000c d7b0 0000 1000 000c 7c98 ..|...........|.\n-00000020: 0000 2e14 0000 0001 61c4 1b8f 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2e14 0000 0001 61c4 2537 0000 0000 ........a.%7....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 89f0 09be 88f0 47fe 0000 ...H.K......G...\n 00000070: 0009 3bb5 0009 390d 0009 3ba9 0348 044b ..;...9...;..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c 7c54 .B...K...GpG..|T\n 00000090: 000c 7c54 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..|T.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-distrib", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-distrib", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 3d7c bFLT.......E..=|\n 00000010: 000c 84f8 000c e010 0000 1000 000c 84f8 ................\n-00000020: 0000 2e6d 0000 0001 61c4 1b8f 0000 0000 ...m....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2e6d 0000 0001 61c4 2538 0000 0000 ...m....a.%8....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 89f0 69bb 88f0 a7fb 0000 ...H.K..i.......\n 00000070: 0009 3d01 0009 33cd 0009 3cf5 0348 044b ..=...3...<..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c 84b4 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000c 84b4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-info", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-info", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 597c bFLT.......E..Y|\n 00000010: 000c b778 000d 12b0 0000 1000 000c b778 ...x...........x\n-00000020: 0000 2f4b 0000 0001 61c4 1b8f 0000 0000 ../K....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2f4b 0000 0001 61c4 2538 0000 0000 ../K....a.%8....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 8af0 01bd 89f0 3ffd 0000 ...H.K......?...\n 00000070: 0009 5901 0009 46fd 0009 58f5 0348 044b ..Y...F...X..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c b734 .B...K...GpG...4\n 00000090: 000c b734 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...4.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/hwloc-patch", "source2": "./usr/bin/hwloc-patch", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 3c58 bFLT.......E...\n 00000010: 000c 82f8 000c de30 0000 1000 000c 82f8 .......0........\n-00000020: 0000 2e59 0000 0001 61c4 1b90 0000 0000 ...Y....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2e59 0000 0001 61c4 2539 0000 0000 ...Y....a.%9....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 89f0 97bf 89f0 95f8 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0009 3e75 0009 3941 0009 3e69 0348 044b ..>u..9A..>i.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c 82b4 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000c 82b4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/ingests", "source2": "./usr/bin/ingests", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 f5f4 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 c278 0002 11c0 0000 1000 0001 c278 ...x...........x\n-00000020: 0000 027e 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ...~....a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 027e 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ...~....a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 67bf 06f0 fff8 0000 ...H.K..g.......\n 00000070: 0000 f579 0000 f0e5 0000 f56d 0348 044b ...y.......m.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 c234 .B...K...GpG...4\n 00000090: 0001 c234 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...4.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/kms-steal-crtc", "source2": "./usr/bin/kms-steal-crtc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 2a14 bFLT.......E..*.\n 00000010: 0002 0914 0002 5c00 0000 1000 0002 0914 ......\\.........\n-00000020: 0000 00c1 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 00c1 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 0bf0 33b9 0af0 9dfc 0000 ...H.K..3.......\n 00000070: 9929 0100 d127 0100 8d29 0100 0348 044b .)...'...)...H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 d008 0200 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: d008 0200 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/kms-universal-planes", "source2": "./usr/bin/kms-universal-planes", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 0f24 bFLT.......E...$\n 00000010: 0001 e41c 0002 3730 0000 1000 0001 e41c ......70........\n-00000020: 0000 0092 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 0092 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 09f0 87ba 08f0 25fb 0000 ...H.K......%...\n 00000070: a90e 0100 010b 0100 9d0e 0100 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 d8e3 0100 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: d8e3 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/kmstest", "source2": "./usr/bin/kmstest", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 f5b8 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 cb0c 0002 1e20 0000 1000 0001 cb0c ....... ........\n-00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 07f0 19bd 06f0 05fe 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 3df5 0000 01f4 0000 31f5 0000 0348 044b =.......1....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 c8ca 0100 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: c8ca 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/lasts", "source2": "./usr/bin/lasts", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 9260 bFLT.......E...`\n 00000010: 0001 5550 0001 a2f0 0000 1000 0001 5550 ..UP..........UP\n-00000020: 0000 0194 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0194 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 01f0 69b8 00f0 b7ff 0000 ...H.K..i.......\n 00000070: 0000 91e5 0000 90dd 0000 91d9 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 550c .B...K...GpG..U.\n 00000090: 0001 550c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..U......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/listgeo", "source2": "./usr/bin/listgeo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e ef7c bFLT.......E...|\n 00000010: 0027 5a90 0027 eb70 0000 1000 0027 5a90 .'Z..'.p.....'Z.\n-00000020: 0000 7f92 0000 0001 61c4 1d32 0000 0000 ........a..2....\n+00000020: 0000 7f92 0000 0001 61c4 26d5 0000 0000 ........a.&.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 74f1 47ba 73f1 fdfa 0000 ...H.Kt.G.s.....\n 00000070: 001d 3015 0017 ecd9 001d 3009 0348 044b ..0.......0..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0027 5a4c .B...K...GpG.'ZL\n 00000090: 0027 5a4c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .'ZL.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/lstopo-no-graphics", "source2": "./usr/bin/lstopo-no-graphics", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 000a 0bbc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 000d f4d0 000e 5410 0000 1000 000d f4d0 ......T.........\n-00000020: 0000 325a 0000 0001 61c4 1b92 0000 0000 ..2Z....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 325a 0000 0001 61c4 253b 0000 0000 ..2Z....a.%;....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 95f0 cdbd 94f0 e5fc 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 000a 0b41 0009 f1e9 000a 0b35 0348 044b ...A.......5.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000d f48c .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000d f48c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/modeprint", "source2": "./usr/bin/modeprint", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 08f8 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 e22c 0002 3540 0000 1000 0001 e22c ...,..5@.......,\n-00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 08f0 33bd 08f0 a5f8 0000 ...H.K..3.......\n 00000070: 7d08 0100 5100 0100 7108 0100 0348 044b }...Q...q....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 e8e1 0100 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: e8e1 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/modetest", "source2": "./usr/bin/modetest", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 6378 bFLT.......E..cx\n 00000010: 0002 540c 0002 b8c0 0000 1000 0002 540c ..T...........T.\n-00000020: 0000 010a 0000 0003 61c4 1bca 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 010a 0000 0003 61c4 2578 0000 0000 ........a.%x....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 0df0 69be 0cf0 15fd 0000 ...H.K..i.......\n 00000070: fd62 0100 794d 0100 f162 0100 0348 044b .b..yM...b...H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 c853 0200 .B...K...GpG.S..\n 00000090: c853 0200 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .S.......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/multicat", "source2": "./usr/bin/multicat", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 1278 bFLT.......E...x\n 00000010: 0001 e8b8 0002 38f0 0000 1000 0001 e8b8 ......8.........\n-00000020: 0000 0307 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0307 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 08f0 d5b8 07f0 33f8 0000 ...H.K......3...\n 00000070: 0001 11fd 0001 0129 0001 11f1 0348 044b .......).....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 e874 .B...K...GpG...t\n 00000090: 0001 e874 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...t.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/multicat_validate", "source2": "./usr/bin/multicat_validate", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 f800 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 c638 0002 1580 0000 1000 0001 c638 ...8...........8\n-00000020: 0000 0285 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0285 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 07f0 abb9 06f0 6ffa 0000 ...H.K......o...\n 00000070: 0000 f785 0000 f461 0000 f779 0348 044b .......a...y.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 c5f4 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 c5f4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/multilive", "source2": "./usr/bin/multilive", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 f96c bFLT.......E...l\n 00000010: 0001 c778 0002 16b0 0000 1000 0001 c778 ...x...........x\n-00000020: 0000 028d 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 028d 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 b7bf 06f0 3ff8 0000 ...H.K......?...\n 00000070: 0000 f8f1 0000 f41d 0000 f8e5 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 c734 .B...K...GpG...4\n 00000090: 0001 c734 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...4.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/nano", "source2": "./usr/bin/nano", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0002 b744 bFLT.......E...D\n 00000010: 0004 0498 0004 6d70 0000 1000 0004 0498 ......mp........\n-00000020: 0000 08f9 0000 0001 61c4 1e4b 0000 0000 ........a..K....\n+00000020: 0000 08f9 0000 0001 61c4 27f3 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 23f0 67bf 23f0 9dfa 0000 ...H.K#.g.#.....\n 00000070: 0002 b6c9 0002 b1f9 0002 b6bd 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0004 0450 .B...K...GpG...P\n 00000090: 0004 0450 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...P.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/nanocom", "source2": "./usr/bin/nanocom", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 a040 bFLT.......E...@\n 00000010: 0001 6e50 0001 bcc0 0000 1000 0001 6e50 ..nP..........nP\n-00000020: 0000 01ca 0000 0001 61c4 1e4c 0000 0000 ........a..L....\n+00000020: 0000 01ca 0000 0001 61c4 27f4 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 01f0 cbbe 01f0 adfa 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 9fc5 0000 9e3d 0000 9fb9 0348 044b .......=.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 6e0c .B...K...GpG..n.\n 00000090: 0001 6e0c 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..n......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/netperf", "source2": "./usr/bin/netperf", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 df1c bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0003 53d8 0003 f3a0 0000 1000 0003 53d8 ..S...........S.\n-00000020: 0000 0cc0 0000 0001 61c4 1e57 0000 0000 ........a..W....\n+00000020: 0000 0cc0 0000 0001 61c4 2801 0000 0000 ........a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 15f0 d9bf 14f0 33fe 0000 ...H.K......3...\n 00000070: 0001 dea1 0001 dcad 0001 de95 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0003 5394 .B...K...GpG..S.\n 00000090: 0003 5394 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..S......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/netserver", "source2": "./usr/bin/netserver", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 eafc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0003 6578 0004 1570 0000 1000 0003 6578 ..ex...p......ex\n-00000020: 0000 0d34 0000 0001 61c4 1e57 0000 0000 ...4....a..W....\n+00000020: 0000 0d34 0000 0001 61c4 2801 0000 0000 ...4....a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 16f0 21be 15f0 7bfc 0000 ...H.K..!...{...\n 00000070: 0001 ea81 0001 e93d 0001 ea75 0348 044b .......=...u.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0003 6534 .B...K...GpG..e4\n 00000090: 0003 6534 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..e4.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/offsets", "source2": "./usr/bin/offsets", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 ed84 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 b7d8 0002 06d0 0000 1000 0001 b7d8 ................\n-00000020: 0000 0263 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ...c....a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0263 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ...c....a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 e7bb 05f0 7fff 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 ed09 0000 ec75 0000 ecfd 0348 044b .......u.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 b794 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 b794 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/proj", "source2": "./usr/bin/proj", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e 7328 bFLT.......E..s(\n 00000010: 0025 cdf0 0026 5720 0000 1000 0025 cdf0 .%...&W .....%..\n-00000020: 0000 760c 0000 0001 61c4 1cb4 0000 0000 ..v.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 760c 0000 0001 61c4 2656 0000 0000 ..v.....a.&V....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6cf1 09bb 6bf1 bdfb 0000 ...H.Kl...k.....\n 00000070: 001c b385 0017 6f11 001c b379 0348 044b ......o....y.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0025 cdac .B...K...GpG.%..\n 00000090: 0025 cdac 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .%.......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/projinfo", "source2": "./usr/bin/projinfo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 001e ae88 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0026 1a38 0026 a2b0 0000 1000 0026 1a38 .&.8.&.......&.8\n-00000020: 0000 76d1 0000 0001 61c4 1cc8 0000 0000 ..v.....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 76d1 0000 0001 61c4 266b 0000 0000 ..v.....a.&k....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 6df1 27be 6cf1 ddfe 0000 ...H.Km.'.l.....\n 00000070: 001c e7f5 0017 8e4d 001c e7e9 0348 044b .......M.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0026 19f0 .B...K...GpG.&..\n 00000090: 0026 19f0 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .&.......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/proptest", "source2": "./usr/bin/proptest", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 0c78 bFLT.......E...x\n 00000010: 0001 e4ac 0002 37d0 0000 1000 0001 e4ac ......7.........\n-00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 09f0 b5ba 08f0 75fa 0000 ...H.K......u...\n 00000070: fd0b 0100 b109 0100 f10b 0100 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 68e4 0100 .B...K...GpGh...\n 00000090: 68e4 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f h........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/qpdf", "source2": "./usr/bin/qpdf", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 000c f6dc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0010 558c 0010 c0e0 0000 1000 0010 558c ..U...........U.\n-00000020: 0000 2e55 0000 0001 61c4 1eb1 0000 0000 ...U....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 2e55 0000 0001 61c4 2862 0000 0000 ...U....a.(b....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 75f0 03ba 74f0 0bfa 0000 ...H.Ku...t.....\n 00000070: 000b d961 0007 e4b9 000b d955 0348 044b ...a.......U.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0010 5548 .B...K...GpG..UH\n 00000090: 0010 5548 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..UH.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/reordertp", "source2": "./usr/bin/reordertp", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 fe74 bFLT.......E...t\n 00000010: 0001 d038 0002 1fc0 0000 1000 0001 d038 ...8...........8\n-00000020: 0000 029b 0000 0001 61c4 1e30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 029b 0000 0001 61c4 27d6 0000 0000 ........a.'.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 07f0 43b8 06f0 07f9 0000 ...H.K..C.......\n 00000070: 0000 fdf9 0000 f4cd 0000 fded 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 cff4 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 cff4 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/rocat", "source2": "./usr/bin/rocat", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 dd18 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 a5f4 0001 f3f0 0000 1000 0001 a5f4 ................\n-00000020: 0000 0270 0000 0001 61c4 1db8 0000 0000 ...p....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 0270 0000 0001 61c4 275e 0000 0000 ...p....a.'^....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 c1bb 05f0 9ffc 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 d5d1 0000 d405 0000 d5c5 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 a5b0 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 a5b0 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/roxml", "source2": "./usr/bin/roxml", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 d6d4 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 9d34 0001 eb00 0000 1000 0001 9d34 ...4...........4\n-00000020: 0000 025d 0000 0001 61c4 1db8 0000 0000 ...]....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 025d 0000 0001 61c4 275e 0000 0000 ...]....a.'^....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 06f0 b5b8 05f0 67fc 0000 ...H.K......g...\n 00000070: 0000 cf8d 0000 cda5 0000 cf81 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 9cf0 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 9cf0 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/sl", "source2": "./usr/bin/sl", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 7634 bFLT.......E..v4\n 00000010: 0002 c114 0003 52d0 0000 1000 0002 c114 ......R.........\n-00000020: 0000 0531 0000 0001 61c4 1f15 0000 0000 ...1....a.......\n+00000020: 0000 0531 0000 0001 61c4 28c0 0000 0000 ...1....a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 10f0 17bc 0ff0 6bff 0000 ...H.K......k...\n 00000070: 0001 75b9 0001 74e1 0001 75ad 0348 044b ..u...t...u..H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0002 c0d0 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0002 c0d0 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/sqlite3", "source2": "./usr/bin/sqlite3", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0009 a520 bFLT.......E... \n 00000010: 000c 8878 000c dcb0 0000 1000 000c 8878 ...x...........x\n-00000020: 0000 1ab2 0000 0001 61c4 1c2d 0000 0000 ........a..-....\n+00000020: 0000 1ab2 0000 0001 61c4 25ce 0000 0000 ........a.%.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 8df0 e9bd 8df0 5df9 0000 ...H.K......]...\n 00000070: 0009 a4a5 0009 97d9 0009 a499 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000c 8834 .B...K...GpG...4\n 00000090: 000c 8834 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...4.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/vbltest", "source2": "./usr/bin/vbltest", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0001 0978 bFLT.......E...x\n 00000010: 0001 df74 0002 3290 0000 1000 0001 df74 ...t..2........t\n-00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 1bc9 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 00b1 0000 0003 61c4 2577 0000 0000 ........a.%w....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 09f0 cdb8 08f0 45f9 0000 ...H.K......E...\n 00000070: fd08 0100 1107 0100 f108 0100 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 30df 0100 .B...K...GpG0...\n 00000090: 30df 0100 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f 0........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/whetstone", "source2": "./usr/bin/whetstone", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 a4dc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 6888 0001 b680 0000 1000 0001 6888 ..h...........h.\n-00000020: 0000 01a8 0000 0001 61c4 1f48 0000 0000 ........a..H....\n+00000020: 0000 01a8 0000 0001 61c4 28f5 0000 0000 ........a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 f7b8 01f0 d3ff 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 a461 0000 a101 0000 a455 0348 044b ...a.......U.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 6844 .B...K...GpG..hD\n 00000090: 0001 6844 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..hD.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/xmlcatalog", "source2": "./usr/bin/xmlcatalog", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0007 e328 bFLT.......E...(\n 00000010: 000a bb10 000b 1590 0000 1000 000a bb10 ................\n-00000020: 0000 27a4 0000 0001 61c4 1b6b 0000 0000 ..'.....a..k....\n+00000020: 0000 27a4 0000 0001 61c4 2513 0000 0000 ..'.....a.%.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 74f0 91b9 73f0 a9fd 0000 ...H.Kt...s.....\n 00000070: 0007 e2ad 0007 dc51 0007 e2a1 0348 044b .......Q.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 000a bac8 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 000a bac8 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/xmllint", "source2": "./usr/bin/xmllint", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0008 3cd0 bFLT.......E..<.\n 00000010: 000b 3710 000c 5710 0000 1000 000b 3710 ..7...W.......7.\n-00000020: 0000 2aa6 0000 0001 61c4 1b6b 0000 0000 ..*.....a..k....\n+00000020: 0000 2aa6 0000 0001 61c4 2513 0000 0000 ..*.....a.%.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 78f0 49be 78f0 61fa 0000 ...H.Kx.I.x.a...\n 00000070: 0008 3c55 0008 25e1 0008 3c49 0348 044b ......\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 c7bc 01f0 53fe 0000 ...H.K......S...\n 00000070: 0000 a3bd 0000 a111 0000 a3b1 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 72ac .B...K...GpG..r.\n 00000090: 0001 72ac 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..r......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/i2cdetect", "source2": "./usr/sbin/i2cdetect", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b580 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 81bc 0001 cf90 0000 1000 0001 81bc ................\n-00000020: 0000 020b 0000 0001 61c4 1b95 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 020b 0000 0001 61c4 253e 0000 0000 ........a.%>....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 9bbf 02f0 d9fb 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 b505 0000 b099 0000 b4f9 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 8178 .B...K...GpG...x\n 00000090: 0001 8178 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...x.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/i2cdump", "source2": "./usr/sbin/i2cdump", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b9c8 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 869c 0001 d470 0000 1000 0001 869c .......p........\n-00000020: 0000 020c 0000 0001 61c4 1b95 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 020c 0000 0001 61c4 253e 0000 0000 ........a.%>....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 03f0 5bb8 02f0 99fc 0000 ...H.K..[.......\n 00000070: 0000 b94d 0000 b109 0000 b941 0348 044b ...M.......A.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 8658 .B...K...GpG...X\n 00000090: 0001 8658 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...X.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/i2cget", "source2": "./usr/sbin/i2cget", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b4fc bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 819c 0001 cf70 0000 1000 0001 819c .......p........\n-00000020: 0000 01fc 0000 0001 61c4 1b95 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 01fc 0000 0001 61c4 253e 0000 0000 ........a.%>....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 b3bf 02f0 f1fb 0000 ...H.K..........\n 00000070: 0000 b481 0000 afb9 0000 b475 0348 044b ...........u.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 8158 .B...K...GpG...X\n 00000090: 0001 8158 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ...X.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/i2cset", "source2": "./usr/sbin/i2cset", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b7d4 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 843c 0001 d210 0000 1000 0001 843c ...<...........<\n-00000020: 0000 0204 0000 0001 61c4 1b95 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 0204 0000 0001 61c4 253e 0000 0000 ........a.%>....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 03f0 23b8 02f0 61fc 0000 ...H.K..#...a...\n 00000070: 0000 b759 0000 b099 0000 b74d 0348 044b ...Y.......M.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 83f8 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 83f8 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/i2ctransfer", "source2": "./usr/sbin/i2ctransfer", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b404 bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 801c 0001 cdf0 0000 1000 0001 801c ................\n-00000020: 0000 01f1 0000 0001 61c4 1b95 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 01f1 0000 0001 61c4 253e 0000 0000 ........a.%>....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 7bbf 02f0 b9fb 0000 ...H.K..{.......\n 00000070: 0000 b389 0000 af49 0000 b37d 0348 044b .......I...}.H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 7fd8 .B...K...GpG....\n 00000090: 0001 7fd8 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .........H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/ifmetric", "source2": "./usr/sbin/ifmetric", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 9a40 bFLT.......E...@\n 00000010: 0001 5ff4 0001 aed0 0000 1000 0001 5ff4 .._..........._.\n-00000020: 0000 01bb 0000 0001 61c4 1b99 0000 0000 ........a.......\n+00000020: 0000 01bb 0000 0001 61c4 2543 0000 0000 ........a.%C....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 45b9 01f0 f7fd 0000 ...H.K..E.......\n 00000070: 0000 99c5 0000 9949 0000 99b9 0348 044b .......I.....H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 5fb0 .B...K...GpG.._.\n 00000090: 0001 5fb0 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f .._......H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/spidev_test", "source2": "./usr/sbin/spidev_test", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n 00000000: 6246 4c54 0000 0004 0000 0045 0000 b28c bFLT.......E....\n 00000010: 0001 7d7c 0001 cb80 0000 1000 0001 7d7c ..}|..........}|\n-00000020: 0000 0210 0000 0001 61c4 1f30 0000 0000 ........a..0....\n+00000020: 0000 0210 0000 0001 61c4 28dc 0000 0000 ........a.(.....\n 00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000040: 0000 0000 4ff0 000b 4ff0 000e 5df8 041b ....O...O...]...\n 00000050: 009a 4df8 042d 4df8 040d dff8 14c0 4df8 ..M..-M.......M.\n 00000060: 04cd 0448 044b 02f0 4db9 01f0 05fb 0000 ...H.K..M.......\n 00000070: 0000 b211 0000 adb9 0000 b205 0348 044b .............H.K\n 00000080: 8342 02d0 034b 03b1 1847 7047 0001 7d38 .B...K...GpG..}8\n 00000090: 0001 7d38 0000 0000 0548 064b 1b1a d90f ..}8.....H.K....\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/PRU_ADC_onChip.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/PRU_ADC_onChip.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/PRU_ADC_onChip.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/PRU_ADC_onChip.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/328.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -131,15 +131,15 @@\n 00000820: 0000 0000 1002 1100 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000830: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000840: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000850: 5f0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 7072 755f _...........pru_\n 00000860: 6164 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0000 adc_firmware.c..\n 00000870: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000880: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000890: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000890: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000008a0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000008b0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000008c0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 000008d0: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 000008e0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000008f0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000900: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -313,15 +313,15 @@\n 00001380: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00001390: 6233 0010 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 b3........payloa\n 000013a0: 6400 0601 4b01 b105 0000 7061 796c 6f61 d...K.....payloa\n 000013b0: 6400 0000 0100 0003 00c1 0000 0004 0170 d..............p\n 000013c0: 7275 5f61 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e ru_adc_firmware.\n 000013d0: 6300 5600 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.V..../home/pek\n 000013e0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000013f0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000013f0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001400: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001410: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001420: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001430: 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 /PRU_ADC_onChip.\n 00001440: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001450: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001460: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -330,15 +330,15 @@\n 00001490: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0060 0200 porated......`..\n 000014a0: 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 014c 0200 0043 CT_CFG.....L...C\n 000014b0: 545f 4346 4700 0003 0100 0003 00ea 0000 T_CFG...........\n 000014c0: 0004 0170 7275 5f61 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 ...pru_adc_firmw\n 000014d0: 6172 652e 6300 9b00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 are.c....../home\n 000014e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000014f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001500: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001500: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001510: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001520: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001530: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 335x/PRU_ADC_onC\n 00001540: 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b hip.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001550: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001560: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00001570: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -346,15 +346,15 @@\n 00001590: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 000015a0: 0000 0200 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 8903 ....CT_INTC.....\n 000015b0: 018c 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 0c01 .....CT_INTC....\n 000015c0: 0000 0300 1301 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 ..........pru_ad\n 000015d0: 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 00e1 0000 c_firmware.c....\n 000015e0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000015f0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001600: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001600: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001610: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001620: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001630: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00001640: 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 ADC_onChip.TI PR\n 00001650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001670: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -363,15 +363,15 @@\n 000016a0: 6564 0001 0205 0384 0300 0070 7275 5f69 ed.........pru_i\n 000016b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 3c01 c705 0000 ntc_map...<.....\n 000016c0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 0e01 pru_intc_map....\n 000016d0: 0000 0300 3c01 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 ....<.....pru_ad\n 000016e0: 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0017 0100 c_firmware.c....\n 000016f0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00001700: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001710: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001710: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001720: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001730: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001740: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00001750: 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 ADC_onChip.TI PR\n 00001760: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001770: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001780: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -381,15 +381,15 @@\n 000017c0: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a 0150 0120 8f00 rceTable...P. ..\n 000017d0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 .resourceTable..\n 000017e0: a401 0000 0300 6501 0000 0402 7072 755f ......e.....pru_\n 000017f0: 6164 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 004d adc_firmware.c.M\n 00001800: 0100 0084 0400 0018 0500 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00001810: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001820: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001830: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001830: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001840: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001850: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001860: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e m335x/PRU_ADC_on\n 00001870: 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Chip.TI PRU C/C+\n 00001880: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001890: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 000018a0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -407,15 +407,15 @@\n 00001960: 0000 636f 756e 7400 0402 9038 766f 6c74 ..count....8volt\n 00001970: 6167 6500 1a8e 0000 766f 6c74 6167 6500 age.....voltage.\n 00001980: 0514 0500 0001 0000 4001 0000 0300 d301 ........@.......\n 00001990: 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 635f 6669 726d ....pru_adc_firm\n 000019a0: 7761 7265 2e63 00ac 0100 001c 0000 00fc ware.c..........\n 000019b0: 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000019c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000019d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000019d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000019e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000019f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00001a00: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00001a10: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 00001a20: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001a30: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001a40: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -427,15 +427,15 @@\n 00001aa0: 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e 6300 9b06 7072 _firmware.c...pr\n 00001ab0: 755f 6164 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 u_adc_firmware.c\n 00001ac0: 00ee 0100 03f8 0100 0001 0000 1102 0000 ................\n 00001ad0: 0300 2302 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 635f ..#.....pru_adc_\n 00001ae0: 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0018 0200 00fc firmware.c......\n 00001af0: 0100 00e8 0200 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00001b00: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001b10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001b10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001b20: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001b30: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001b40: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001b50: 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 x/PRU_ADC_onChip\n 00001b60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001b70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001b80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3139,15 +3139,15 @@\n 0000c420: 948d 0000 0273 3200 0002 1c01 2d9b 8d00 .....s2.....-...\n 0000c430: 0002 7c32 0000 021c 012f a98d 0000 0285 ..|2...../......\n 0000c440: 3200 0002 2001 33c5 8d00 0002 8e32 0000 2... .3......2..\n 0000c450: 021a 0153 a98d 0000 00d1 0000 0003 00f1 ...S............\n 0000c460: 0e00 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 0000c470: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 0000c480: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000c490: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000c490: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000c4a0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000c4b0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000c4c0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 0000c4d0: 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 _ADC_onChip.TI P\n 0000c4e0: 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 RU Linker Unix v\n 0000c4f0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 0000c500: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -3212,15 +3212,15 @@\n 0000c8b0: 4164 6353 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c AdcSs.h.........\n 0000c8c0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 0000c8d0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 0000c8e0: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 0000c8f0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 0000c900: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000c910: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000c920: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+0000c920: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 0000c930: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 0000c940: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 0000c950: 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff ..<.....3.......\n 0000c960: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e ................\n 0000c970: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 0000c980: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 ru_types.h......\n 0000c990: 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 00ff ..2.....).......\n@@ -3811,15 +3811,15 @@\n 0000ee20: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 0000ee30: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 0000ee40: 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 0000ee50: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000ee60: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 de/am335x/pru_cf\n 0000ee70: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000ee80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000ee90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000ee90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000eea0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000eeb0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000eec0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 0000eed0: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 0000eee0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000eef0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000ef00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -3907,15 +3907,15 @@\n 0000f420: 5049 4e5f 4d58 0050 494e 5f4d 585f 6269 PIN_MX.PIN_MX_bi\n 0000f430: 7400 5049 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 7072 t.PIN_MUX_SEL.pr\n 0000f440: 7543 6667 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 uCfg..../../../i\n 0000f450: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 nclude/am335x/pr\n 0000f460: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 0000f470: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000f480: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000f490: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000f490: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000f4a0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000f4b0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 0000f4c0: 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 5x/PRU_ADC_onChi\n 0000f4d0: 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 p.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 0000f4e0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 0000f4f0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 0000f500: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -4113,15 +4113,15 @@\n 00010100: 7400 4e45 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 t.NEST_HINT_9.HI\n 00010110: 4552 0048 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 5f48 ER.HIER_bit.EN_H\n 00010120: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 00010130: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00010140: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00010150: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00010160: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00010170: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00010170: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00010180: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00010190: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 000101a0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 35x/PRU_ADC_onCh\n 000101b0: 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 ip.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000101c0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000101d0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000101e0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -4140,15 +4140,15 @@\n 000102b0: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d00 7500 fw_rsc_custom.u.\n 000102c0: 7273 635f 7369 7a65 0072 7363 0073 7562 rsc_size.rsc.sub\n 000102d0: 5f74 7970 6500 7374 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f _type.st..../../\n 000102e0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 ../include/am335\n 000102f0: 782f 7379 735f 7473 6341 6463 5373 2e68 x/sys_tscAdcSs.h\n 00010300: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00010310: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00010320: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00010320: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00010330: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00010340: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00010350: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 les/am335x/PRU_A\n 00010360: 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 DC_onChip.TI PRU\n 00010370: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00010380: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00010390: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -4361,20 +4361,20 @@\n 00011080: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 nsigned int.long\n 00011090: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c .unsigned long.l\n 000110a0: 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 ong long.unsigne\n 000110b0: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 000110c0: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 000110d0: 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f uble../home/peko\n 000110e0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000110f0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000110f0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00011100: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00011110: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00011120: 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f int.h./home/peko\n 00011130: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00011140: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00011140: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00011150: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00011160: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00011170: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00011180: 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 PRU_ADC_onChip.T\n 00011190: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000111a0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000111b0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4383,15 +4383,15 @@\n 000111e0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0069 orated.uint8_t.i\n 000111f0: 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 nt16_t.uint16_t.\n 00011200: 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 int32_t.uint32_t\n 00011210: 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e .uint64_t..../..\n 00011220: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 00011230: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 00011240: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00011250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00011250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00011260: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00011270: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00011280: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00011290: 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 x/PRU_ADC_onChip\n 000112a0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000112b0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000112c0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -4402,15 +4402,15 @@\n 00011310: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00011320: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00011330: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00011340: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00011350: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00011360: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00011370: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00011380: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00011380: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00011390: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000113a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000113b0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 335x/PRU_ADC_onC\n 000113c0: 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b hip.TI PRU C/C++\n 000113d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000113e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000113f0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -4420,15 +4420,15 @@\n 00011430: 7365 006f 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f se.offset.rpmsg_\n 00011440: 7664 6576 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 vdev.rpmsg_vring\n 00011450: 3000 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 0.rpmsg_vring1.p\n 00011460: 7275 5f69 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e ru_ints..../../.\n 00011470: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00011480: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00011490: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000114a0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000114a0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000114b0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000114c0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000114d0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000114e0: 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 PRU_ADC_onChip.T\n 000114f0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00011500: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00011510: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4440,15 +4440,15 @@\n 00011570: 4e53 5f44 4553 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 NS_DESTROY.pru_r\n 00011580: 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 pmsg_transport.v\n 00011590: 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 irtqueue0.virtqu\n 000115a0: 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 eue1..../../../i\n 000115b0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 nclude/pru_virtq\n 000115c0: 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ueue.h./home/pek\n 000115d0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000115e0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000115e0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000115f0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00011600: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00011610: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00011620: 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 /PRU_ADC_onChip.\n 00011630: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00011640: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00011650: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4458,15 +4458,15 @@\n 00011690: 7175 6575 6500 6964 0074 6f5f 6172 6d5f queue.id.to_arm_\n 000116a0: 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 event.from_arm_e\n 000116b0: 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f vent.last_avail_\n 000116c0: 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 0070 7275 5f61 idx.vring..pru_a\n 000116d0: 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e 6300 2f68 dc_firmware.c./h\n 000116e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000116f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011700: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011700: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011710: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011720: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011730: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f /am335x/PRU_ADC_\n 00011740: 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f onChip.TI PRU C/\n 00011750: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00011760: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00011770: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -4474,15 +4474,15 @@\n 00011790: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0073 s Incorporated.s\n 000117a0: 6861 7265 645f 7374 7275 6374 0076 6f6c hared_struct.vol\n 000117b0: 7461 6765 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 2e2e tage.channel....\n 000117c0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 000117d0: 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 ru_virtio_ring.h\n 000117e0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000117f0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00011800: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00011800: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00011810: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00011820: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00011830: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 les/am335x/PRU_A\n 00011840: 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 DC_onChip.TI PRU\n 00011850: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00011860: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00011870: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -5501,15 +5501,15 @@\n 000157c0: 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e DR.far..debug_in\n 000157d0: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 000157e0: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 000157f0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 00015800: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 00015810: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 00015820: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00015830: 7065 7300 5449 324a 4c4e 3143 4143 3200 pes.TI2JLN1CAC2.\n+00015830: 7065 7300 5449 345a 6266 4176 5163 7400 pes.TI4ZbfAvQct.\n 00015840: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 00015850: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 244c 3500 2443 3.$C$L4.$C$L5.$C\n 00015860: 244c 3600 2443 244c 3700 2443 244c 3800 $L6.$C$L7.$C$L8.\n 00015870: 2443 244c 3900 2443 244c 3130 0024 4324 $C$L9.$C$L10.$C$\n 00015880: 4c31 3100 2443 244c 3132 0024 4324 4c31 L11.$C$L12.$C$L1\n 00015890: 3300 2443 244c 3134 0024 4324 534c 3100 3.$C$L14.$C$SL1.\n 000158a0: 2443 2453 4c32 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 $C$SL2..data:pru\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/pru_adc_firmware.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/pru_adc_firmware.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/329.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 109 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x13c refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 58 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x32 refers to abbreviation number 35 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x4b refers to abbreviation number 82 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x4b refers to abbreviation number 82 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n 00000520: eee2 0001 8002 40f1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......@........#\n 00000530: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000540: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 5f0b 0000 annel 30...._...\n 00000550: 0300 0000 0000 0407 7072 755f 6164 635f ........pru_adc_\n 00000560: 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0000 0000 0002 firmware.c......\n 00000570: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000580: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000590: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000590: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000005a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000005b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000005c0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 es/am335x/PRU_AD\n 000005d0: 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 C_onChip.TI PRU \n 000005e0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000005f0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000600: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -265,15 +265,15 @@\n 00001080: 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f 6233 0010 _b2.....R31_b3..\n 00001090: 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0601 ......payload...\n 000010a0: 4b01 b105 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0000 K.....payload...\n 000010b0: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0170 7275 5f61 ...........pru_a\n 000010c0: 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e 6300 0000 dc_firmware.c...\n 000010d0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000010e0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000010f0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000010f0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001100: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001110: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001120: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00001130: 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 _ADC_onChip.TI P\n 00001140: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001150: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001160: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -281,15 +281,15 @@\n 00001180: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00001190: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f43 ted.........CT_C\n 000011a0: 4647 0017 01f2 014c 0200 0043 545f 4346 FG.....L...CT_CF\n 000011b0: 4700 0003 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0170 G..............p\n 000011c0: 7275 5f61 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e ru_adc_firmware.\n 000011d0: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 000011e0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000011f0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000011f0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001200: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001210: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001220: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001230: 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 /PRU_ADC_onChip.\n 00001240: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001250: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001260: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -298,15 +298,15 @@\n 00001290: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 000012a0: 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 8903 018c 0300 CT_INTC.........\n 000012b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 0c01 0000 0300 .CT_INTC........\n 000012c0: 0000 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 635f 6669 ......pru_adc_fi\n 000012d0: 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 rmware.c....../h\n 000012e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001300: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001300: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001310: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001320: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001330: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f /am335x/PRU_ADC_\n 00001340: 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f onChip.TI PRU C/\n 00001350: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001360: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001370: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -315,15 +315,15 @@\n 000013a0: 0205 0300 0000 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .......pru_intc_\n 000013b0: 6d61 7000 0f01 3c01 c705 0000 7072 755f map...<.....pru_\n 000013c0: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 0e01 0000 0300 intc_map........\n 000013d0: 0000 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 635f 6669 ......pru_adc_fi\n 000013e0: 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 rmware.c....../h\n 000013f0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001400: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001410: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001410: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001420: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001430: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001440: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f /am335x/PRU_ADC_\n 00001450: 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f onChip.TI PRU C/\n 00001460: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001470: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001480: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -332,15 +332,15 @@\n 000014b0: 0205 0300 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .......resourceT\n 000014c0: 6162 6c65 001a 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 able...P.....res\n 000014d0: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 a401 0000 ourceTable......\n 000014e0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 7072 755f 6164 635f ........pru_adc_\n 000014f0: 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 0000 0000 0000 firmware.c......\n 00001500: 0000 0094 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00001510: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001520: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001520: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001530: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001540: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001550: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001560: 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 x/PRU_ADC_onChip\n 00001570: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001580: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001590: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -359,15 +359,15 @@\n 00001660: 756e 7400 0402 9038 766f 6c74 6167 6500 unt....8voltage.\n 00001670: 3800 0000 766f 6c74 6167 6500 0590 0000 8...voltage.....\n 00001680: 0001 0000 4001 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 ....@...........\n 00001690: 7072 755f 6164 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 pru_adc_firmware\n 000016a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 00e0 0100 0002 .c..............\n 000016b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000016c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000016d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000016d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000016e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000016f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001700: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 es/am335x/PRU_AD\n 00001710: 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 C_onChip.TI PRU \n 00001720: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001730: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00001740: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -379,15 +379,15 @@\n 000017a0: 6d77 6172 652e 6300 9b06 7072 755f 6164 mware.c...pru_ad\n 000017b0: 635f 6669 726d 7761 7265 2e63 00ee 0100 c_firmware.c....\n 000017c0: 03dc 0100 0001 0000 1102 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000017d0: 0000 0401 7072 755f 6164 635f 6669 726d ....pru_adc_firm\n 000017e0: 7761 7265 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 00ec ware.c..........\n 000017f0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00001800: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001810: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00001810: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00001820: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00001830: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00001840: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00001850: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 00001860: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001870: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001880: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -2489,15 +2489,15 @@\n 00009b80: 7363 4164 6353 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 scAdcSs.h.......\n 00009b90: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 00009ba0: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00009bb0: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00009bc0: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00009bd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00009be0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00009bf0: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00009bf0: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00009c00: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00009c10: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00009c20: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n 00009c30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00009c40: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00009c50: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 /pru_types.h....\n 00009c60: 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 ....2.....).....\n@@ -2594,15 +2594,15 @@\n 0000a210: 0005 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 0000a220: 0617 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 .......9.:.;....\n 0000a230: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 0000a240: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000a250: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 de/am335x/pru_cf\n 0000a260: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000a270: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000a280: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000a280: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000a290: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000a2a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000a2b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 0000a2c0: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 0000a2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000a2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000a2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -2705,15 +2705,15 @@\n 0000a900: 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c .......9.:.;....\n 0000a910: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 ......9.:.;.....\n 0000a920: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 0000a930: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000a940: 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 e/am335x/pru_int\n 0000a950: 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 c.h./home/peko/a\n 0000a960: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000a970: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000a970: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000a980: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000a990: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000a9a0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 0000a9b0: 555f 4144 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 U_ADC_onChip.TI \n 0000a9c0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000a9d0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000a9e0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -2922,15 +2922,15 @@\n 0000b690: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 ....9.:.;.......\n 0000b6a0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 .....9.:.;......\n 0000b6b0: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 0000b6c0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000b6d0: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000b6e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000b6f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000b700: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000b700: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000b710: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000b720: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000b730: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 335x/PRU_ADC_onC\n 0000b740: 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b hip.TI PRU C/C++\n 0000b750: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 0000b760: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 0000b770: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -2965,15 +2965,15 @@\n 0000b940: 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 0000b950: 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 0000b960: 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 I......./../../i\n 0000b970: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7379 nclude/am335x/sy\n 0000b980: 735f 7473 6341 6463 5373 2e68 002f 686f s_tscAdcSs.h./ho\n 0000b990: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000b9a0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000b9b0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000b9b0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000b9c0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000b9d0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000b9e0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f am335x/PRU_ADC_o\n 0000b9f0: 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nChip.TI PRU C/C\n 0000ba00: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000ba10: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 0000ba20: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -3190,20 +3190,20 @@\n 0000c750: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 0000c760: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 0000c770: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 0000c780: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 0000c790: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 0000c7a0: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 0000c7b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000c7c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+0000c7c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 0000c7d0: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 0000c7e0: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 0000c7f0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 0000c800: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000c810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000c810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000c820: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000c830: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000c840: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 0000c850: 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 RU_ADC_onChip.TI\n 0000c860: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000c870: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000c880: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -3216,15 +3216,15 @@\n 0000c8f0: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 0000c900: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 0000c910: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 0000c920: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 0000c930: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 0000c940: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000c950: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000c960: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000c960: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000c970: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000c980: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000c990: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 les/am335x/PRU_A\n 0000c9a0: 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 DC_onChip.TI PRU\n 0000c9b0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000c9c0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 0000c9d0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -3238,15 +3238,15 @@\n 0000ca50: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 0000ca60: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 0000ca70: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 0000ca80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 0000ca90: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 0000caa0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 0000cab0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-0000cac0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+0000cac0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 0000cad0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 0000cae0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 0000caf0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f /am335x/PRU_ADC_\n 0000cb00: 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f onChip.TI PRU C/\n 0000cb10: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000cb20: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 0000cb30: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -3262,15 +3262,15 @@\n 0000cbd0: 0000 0311 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 0000cbe0: 400b 0000 0413 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 0000cbf0: 0b3b 0b00 0005 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b .;....(.....9.:.\n 0000cc00: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 0000cc10: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 nclude/pru_rpmsg\n 0000cc20: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000cc30: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000cc40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000cc40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000cc50: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000cc60: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000cc70: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 0000cc80: 5f41 4443 5f6f 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 _ADC_onChip.TI P\n 0000cc90: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000cca0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000ccb0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3286,15 +3286,15 @@\n 0000cd50: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 0000cd60: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 0000cd70: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 0000cd80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 0000cd90: 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 u_virtqueue.h./h\n 0000cda0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 0000cdb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-0000cdc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+0000cdc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 0000cdd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 0000cde0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 0000cdf0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 435f /am335x/PRU_ADC_\n 0000ce00: 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f onChip.TI PRU C/\n 0000ce10: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000ce20: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 0000ce30: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -3308,15 +3308,15 @@\n 0000ceb0: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 0000cec0: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 0000ced0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0416 0003 0e13 ..9.:.;.........\n 0000cee0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 0070 7275 .9.:.;.I.....pru\n 0000cef0: 5f61 6463 5f66 6972 6d77 6172 652e 6300 _adc_firmware.c.\n 0000cf00: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000cf10: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000cf20: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000cf20: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000cf30: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000cf40: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000cf50: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4144 es/am335x/PRU_AD\n 0000cf60: 435f 6f6e 4368 6970 0054 4920 5052 5520 C_onChip.TI PRU \n 0000cf70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000cf80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 0000cf90: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -3328,15 +3328,15 @@\n 0000cff0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 0000d000: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 0000d010: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 0000d020: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 0000d030: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 0000d040: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d050: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d060: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d060: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d070: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d080: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d090: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 4443 5f6f am335x/PRU_ADC_o\n 0000d0a0: 6e43 6869 7000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nChip.TI PRU C/C\n 0000d0b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000d0c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 0000d0d0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -5653,16 +5653,16 @@\n 00016140: 0600 0000 0129 0000 0600 0000 012a 0000 .....).......*..\n 00016150: 0600 0000 012b 0000 0600 0000 012c 0000 .....+.......,..\n 00016160: 0600 0000 012d 0000 0600 0000 012e 0000 .....-..........\n 00016170: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00016180: 0000 0000 1200 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00016190: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 ................\n 000161a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000161b0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4a4c 4e31 4341 .......TI2JLN1CA\n-000161c0: 4332 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 C2.$C$L1.$C$L2.$\n+000161b0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4934 5a62 6641 7651 .......TI4ZbfAvQ\n+000161c0: 6374 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 ct.$C$L1.$C$L2.$\n 000161d0: 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 4c35 C$L3.$C$L4.$C$L5\n 000161e0: 0024 4324 4c36 0024 4324 4c37 0024 4324 .$C$L6.$C$L7.$C$\n 000161f0: 4c38 0024 4324 4c39 0024 4324 4c31 3000 L8.$C$L9.$C$L10.\n 00016200: 2443 244c 3131 0024 4324 4c31 3200 2443 $C$L11.$C$L12.$C\n 00016210: 244c 3133 0024 4324 4c31 3400 2443 2453 $L13.$C$L14.$C$S\n 00016220: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e74 6578 7400 L1.$C$SL2..text.\n 00016230: 2e63 7265 672e 5052 555f 4346 472e 6e6f .creg.PRU_CFG.no\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/pru_adc_firmware.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/gen/pru_adc_firmware.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: pru_adc_firmware.c\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/am335x/sys_tscAdcSs.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/pru_adc_firmware.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object 72 0 5476 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 72 0 5476 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/348.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 821 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x6c refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 8020 8180 c102 0024 812c 2024 e000 3024 . .....$., $..0$\n 00000120: 8021 00e1 8020 0091 e0e0 0105 8020 0081 .!... ....... ..\n 00000130: 0000 002a 0000 c320 8208 0000 0300 0000 ...*... ........\n 00000140: 0000 0403 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 ....PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00000150: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 _Interrupt.c....\n 00000160: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000170: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000180: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000180: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000190: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000001a0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000001b0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 000001c0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 000001d0: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000001e0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001f0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@\n 00000990: 0007 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0702 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000009a0: 5233 315f 6231 0007 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000009b0: 3200 0702 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 0e01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000009c0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 ..........PRU_AR\n 000009d0: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 000009e0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000009f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000a00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000a00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000a10: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000a20: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000a30: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000a40: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 00000a50: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00000a60: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000a70: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@\n 00000ab0: 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 .........CT_CFG.\n 00000ac0: 1701 f201 4601 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 ....F...CT_CFG..\n 00000ad0: 1101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000ae0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00000af0: 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f pt.c....../home/\n 00000b00: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000b10: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000b20: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000b20: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000b30: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000b40: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00000b50: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 35x/PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00000b60: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00000b70: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000b80: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000b90: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -189,15 +189,15 @@\n 00000bc0: 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e ed.........CT_IN\n 00000bd0: 5443 0018 0189 0301 8602 0000 4354 5f49 TC..........CT_I\n 00000be0: 4e54 4300 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 NTC..:..........\n 00000bf0: 0150 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e .PRU_ARMtoPRU_In\n 00000c00: 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f terrupt.c....../\n 00000c10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000c20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000c30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000c30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000c40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000c50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000c60: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d s/am335x/PRU_ARM\n 00000c70: 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toPRU_Interrupt.\n 00000c80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000c90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000ca0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 .....pru_remotep\n 00000d10: 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c roc_ResourceTabl\n 00000d20: 6500 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 e..............P\n 00000d30: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 00000d40: 7272 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f rrupt.c....../ho\n 00000d50: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000d60: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000d70: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000d70: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000d80: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000d90: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000da0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f am335x/PRU_ARMto\n 00000db0: 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 PRU_Interrupt.TI\n 00000dc0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000dd0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000de0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 rated.........CT\n 00000e20: 5f4c 3300 1701 3401 4803 0000 4354 5f4c _L3...4.H...CT_L\n 00000e30: 3300 000e 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 3..............P\n 00000e40: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 00000e50: 7272 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f rrupt.c....../ho\n 00000e60: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000e70: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000e80: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000e80: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000e90: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ea0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000eb0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f am335x/PRU_ARMto\n 00000ec0: 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 PRU_Interrupt.TI\n 00000ed0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000ee0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000ef0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@\n 00000f20: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 rated.........CT\n 00000f30: 5f44 4452 0017 0135 0148 0300 0043 545f _DDR...5.H...CT_\n 00000f40: 4444 5200 0065 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 DDR..e..........\n 00000f50: 0150 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e .PRU_ARMtoPRU_In\n 00000f60: 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 0000 terrupt.c.......\n 00000f70: 0000 4800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ..H..../home/pek\n 00000f80: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000f90: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000f90: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000fa0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000fb0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000fc0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000fd0: 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e /PRU_ARMtoPRU_In\n 00000fe0: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 00000ff0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001000: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1311,15 +1311,15 @@\n 000051e0: 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 trl.h...........\n 000051f0: 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ................\n 00005200: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 .............o..\n 00005210: 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...f............\n 00005220: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00005230: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00005240: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00005250: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00005250: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00005260: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00005270: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 stdint.h........\n 00005280: 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 6.....-.........\n 00005290: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f ............reso\n 000052a0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 000052b0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 000052c0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n@@ -1366,15 +1366,15 @@\n 00005550: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 0101 ....9.:.;.......\n 00005560: 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 030e ...9.:.;........\n 00005570: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 2e2e ..9.:.;.I.......\n 00005580: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00005590: 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 m335x/pru_cfg.h.\n 000055a0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000055b0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000055c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000055c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000055d0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000055e0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000055f0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4152 es/am335x/PRU_AR\n 00005600: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 00005610: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005620: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005630: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1477,15 +1477,15 @@\n 00005c40: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00005c50: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005c60: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 00005c70: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005c80: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 clude/am335x/pru\n 00005c90: 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _intc.h./home/pe\n 00005ca0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005cb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005cb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005cc0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005cd0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005ce0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00005cf0: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 00005d00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00005d10: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00005d20: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1693,15 +1693,15 @@\n 000069c0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 000069d0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 030e 130b .9.:.;..........\n 000069e0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 9.:.;.I......./.\n 000069f0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 ./../include/am3\n 00006a00: 3335 782f 7072 755f 6374 726c 2e68 002f 35x/pru_ctrl.h./\n 00006a10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00006a20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00006a30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00006a30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00006a40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00006a50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00006a60: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d s/am335x/PRU_ARM\n 00006a70: 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toPRU_Interrupt.\n 00006a80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00006a90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00006aa0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1755,20 +1755,20 @@\n 00006da0: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00006db0: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00006dc0: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 ng double.......\n 00006dd0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 .....%..@.......\n 00006de0: 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f ...9.:.;.I...../\n 00006df0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00006e00: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00006e10: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+00006e10: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 00006e20: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00006e30: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f clude/stdint.h./\n 00006e40: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00006e50: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00006e60: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00006e60: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00006e70: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00006e80: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00006e90: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d s/am335x/PRU_ARM\n 00006ea0: 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toPRU_Interrupt.\n 00006eb0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00006ec0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00006ed0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1778,15 +1778,15 @@\n 00006f10: 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b ......2.8.9.:.;.\n 00006f20: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00006f30: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00006f40: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f ..9.:.;.....reso\n 00006f50: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 00006f60: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00006f70: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00006f80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00006f80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00006f90: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00006fa0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00006fb0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00006fc0: 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 _ARMtoPRU_Interr\n 00006fd0: 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b upt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00006fe0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00006ff0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1798,15 +1798,15 @@\n 00007050: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00007060: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00007070: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00007080: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00007090: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 000070a0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000070b0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000070c0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000070c0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000070d0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000070e0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000070f0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00007100: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00007110: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00007120: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00007130: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -2967,16 +2967,16 @@\n 0000b960: 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000b970: 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000b980: 0114 0000 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000b990: 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000b9a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000b9b0: 0c00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000b9c0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000b9d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 .............TI2\n-0000b9e0: 4d54 7643 3870 7342 0024 4324 4c31 002e MTvC8psB.$C$L1..\n+0000b9d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+0000b9e0: 3272 7a6b 796a 6732 0024 4324 4c31 002e 2rzkyjg2.$C$L1..\n 0000b9f0: 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 text..creg.PRU_C\n 0000ba00: 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e FG.noload.near..\n 0000ba10: 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f creg.PRU_INTC.no\n 0000ba20: 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 7265 736f 7572 load.far..resour\n 0000ba30: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 ce_table:retain.\n 0000ba40: 2e63 7265 672e 4c33 4f43 4d43 2e6e 6f6c .creg.L3OCMC.nol\n 0000ba50: 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e44 oad.near..creg.D\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/349.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000c0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000d0: 0000 0000 8208 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 ................\n 000000e0: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 000000f0: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c....../h\n 00000100: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000110: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000120: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000120: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000130: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000140: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000150: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am335x/PRU_ARMt\n 00000160: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 00000170: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000180: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000190: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -148,15 +148,15 @@\n 00000930: 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0702 907d 5233 315f |R31_b0....}R31_\n 00000940: 6231 0007 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000950: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 0e01 0000 0300 ..R31_b3........\n 00000960: 5400 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 T.....PRU_ARMtoP\n 00000970: 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0020 RU_Interrupt.c. \n 00000980: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000990: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000009a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000009a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000009b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000009c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000009d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 000009e0: 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 U_ARMtoPRU_Inter\n 000009f0: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000a00: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000a10: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@\n 00000a40: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000a50: 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 ..`..CT_CFG.....\n 00000a60: 4601 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 1101 0000 F...CT_CFG......\n 00000a70: 0300 7d00 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 ..}.....PRU_ARMt\n 00000a80: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oPRU_Interrupt.c\n 00000a90: 0065 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .e..../home/peko\n 00000aa0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000ab0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000ab0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000ac0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000ad0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000ae0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000af0: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 00000b00: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 00000b10: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000b20: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@\n 00000b60: 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 .......CT_INTC..\n 00000b70: 0189 0301 8602 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000b80: 003a 0100 0003 00a6 0000 0004 0150 5255 .:...........PRU\n 00000b90: 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 _ARMtoPRU_Interr\n 00000ba0: 7570 742e 6300 ab00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 upt.c....../home\n 00000bb0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000bc0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000bd0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000bd0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000be0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000bf0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000c00: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 335x/PRU_ARMtoPR\n 00000c10: 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 U_Interrupt.TI P\n 00000c20: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000c30: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000c40: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -203,15 +203,15 @@\n 00000ca0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 00000cb0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 000c ResourceTable...\n 00000cc0: 0100 0003 00cf 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f41 ...........PRU_A\n 00000cd0: 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RMtoPRU_Interrup\n 00000ce0: 742e 6300 e500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 t.c....../home/p\n 00000cf0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000d00: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000d10: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000d10: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000d20: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000d30: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00000d40: 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 5x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_\n 00000d50: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00000d60: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000d70: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000d80: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -220,15 +220,15 @@\n 00000db0: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0040 4354 5f4c 3300 d........@CT_L3.\n 00000dc0: 1701 3401 4803 0000 4354 5f4c 3300 000e ..4.H...CT_L3...\n 00000dd0: 0100 0003 00f8 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f41 ...........PRU_A\n 00000de0: 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RMtoPRU_Interrup\n 00000df0: 742e 6300 2101 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 t.c.!..../home/p\n 00000e00: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000e10: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000e20: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000e20: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000e30: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000e40: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00000e50: 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 5x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_\n 00000e60: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00000e70: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000e80: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000e90: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@\n 00000ec0: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0080 4354 5f44 4452 d.........CT_DDR\n 00000ed0: 0017 0135 0148 0300 0043 545f 4444 5200 ...5.H...CT_DDR.\n 00000ee0: 0065 0100 0003 0021 0100 0004 0150 5255 .e.....!.....PRU\n 00000ef0: 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 _ARMtoPRU_Interr\n 00000f00: 7570 742e 6300 5d01 0000 1c00 0000 6400 upt.c.].......d.\n 00000f10: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000f20: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f40: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f50: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f60: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000f70: 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 _ARMtoPRU_Interr\n 00000f80: 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b upt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000f90: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000fa0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1336,15 +1336,15 @@\n 00005370: 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 ort.exit.c.b.exi\n 00005380: 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 t.c.f.TI Library\n 00005390: 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0064 ...loader_exit.d\n 000053a0: 0000 0001 0000 d900 0000 0300 6505 0000 ............e...\n 000053b0: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 000053c0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000053d0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000053e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000053e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000053f0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005400: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005410: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4152 es/am335x/PRU_AR\n 00005420: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 00005430: 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 .TI PRU Linker U\n 00005440: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00005450: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1392,15 +1392,15 @@\n 000056f0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6374 726c /am335x/pru_ctrl\n 00005700: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 00005710: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00005720: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 00005730: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 00005740: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00005750: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00005760: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00005760: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00005770: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00005780: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00005790: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 000057a0: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 000057b0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 000057c0: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 000057d0: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -1539,15 +1539,15 @@\n 00006020: 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 .@..@..@..@..@..\n 00006030: 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a 400c @.............@.\n 00006040: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00006050: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00006060: 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am335x/pru_c\n 00006070: 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f fg.h./home/peko/\n 00006080: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00006090: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00006090: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000060a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000060b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000060c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000060d0: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 000060e0: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 000060f0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00006100: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1635,15 +1635,15 @@\n 00006620: 5348 4946 545f 454e 0050 494e 5f4d 5800 SHIFT_EN.PIN_MX.\n 00006630: 5049 4e5f 4d58 5f62 6974 0050 494e 5f4d PIN_MX_bit.PIN_M\n 00006640: 5558 5f53 454c 0070 7275 4366 6700 002e UX_SEL.pruCfg...\n 00006650: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00006660: 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e am335x/pru_intc.\n 00006670: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00006680: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00006690: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00006690: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000066a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000066b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000066c0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 000066d0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 000066e0: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000066f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00006700: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1842,15 +1842,15 @@\n 00007310: 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 it.NEST_HINT_9.H\n 00007320: 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e5f IER.HIER_bit.EN_\n 00007330: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 00007340: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00007350: 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6374 726c 2e68 m335x/pru_ctrl.h\n 00007360: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007370: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007380: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007380: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007390: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000073a0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000073b0: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 les/am335x/PRU_A\n 000073c0: 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RMtoPRU_Interrup\n 000073d0: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000073e0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000073f0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1900,34 +1900,34 @@\n 000076b0: 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 int.long.unsigne\n 000076c0: 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 d long.long long\n 000076d0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000076e0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000076f0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 .long double../h\n 00007700: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007710: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007720: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00007720: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00007730: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00007740: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 00007750: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007760: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007770: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007770: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007780: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007790: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000077a0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am335x/PRU_ARMt\n 000077b0: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 000077c0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000077d0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000077e0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000077f0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 00007800: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00007810: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00007820: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00007830: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00007840: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00007850: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00007850: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00007860: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00007870: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00007880: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00007890: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 000078a0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 000078b0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000078c0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1936,15 +1936,15 @@\n 000078f0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00007900: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 00007910: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 00007920: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007930: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00007940: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007950: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007960: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007960: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007970: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007980: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007990: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f am335x/PRU_ARMto\n 000079a0: 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 PRU_Interrupt.TI\n 000079b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000079c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000079d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2545,15 +2545,15 @@\n 00009f00: 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e DR.far..debug_in\n 00009f10: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 00009f20: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 00009f30: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 00009f40: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 00009f50: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 00009f60: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00009f70: 7065 7300 5449 324d 5476 4338 7073 4200 pes.TI2MTvC8psB.\n+00009f70: 7065 7300 5449 3532 727a 6b79 6a67 3200 pes.TI52rzkyjg2.\n 00009f80: 2443 244c 3100 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f $C$L1..resource_\n 00009f90: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 00009fa0: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a xt:main.TIe8gLFJ\n 00009fb0: 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 C7w..text:_c_int\n 00009fc0: 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 00_noinit_noargs\n 00009fd0: 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 .TIeklKr8I40.TIe\n 00009fe0: 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 mR3sTEia.TIenzHQ\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.c\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/363.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 821 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x32 refers to abbreviation number 35 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@\n 00000190: 8560 00f3 00ff 1ec9 850b 072f c100 0024 .`........./...$\n 000001a0: 8100 0024 e012 0024 8021 24e1 0000 002a ...$...$.!$....*\n 000001b0: 8562 00f3 e2e2 1801 0000 c320 6c08 0000 .b......... l...\n 000001c0: 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 000001d0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 000001e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000240: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000250: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000260: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000270: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -161,15 +161,15 @@\n 00000a00: 000b 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0c05 0300 .....R31_b3.....\n 00000a10: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c 0134 01a0 ...dmemBuf...4..\n 00000a20: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 0b01 0000 ...dmemBuf......\n 00000a30: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 00000a40: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 00000a50: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000a60: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000a70: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000a70: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000a80: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000a90: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000aa0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000ab0: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000ac0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000ad0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000ae0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 00000b20: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0189 0301 6402 .CT_INTC......d.\n 00000b30: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00000b40: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 .......PRU0_Dire\n 00000b50: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 ct_Connect.c....\n 00000b60: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000b70: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000b80: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000b80: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000b90: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000ba0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000bb0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00000bc0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00000bd0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000be0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000bf0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -196,15 +196,15 @@\n 00000c30: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 0142 pru_intc_map...B\n 00000c40: 010a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000c50: 7000 0042 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 p..B...........P\n 00000c60: 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 RU0_Direct_Conne\n 00000c70: 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ct.c....../home/\n 00000c80: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000c90: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000ca0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000ca0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000cb0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000cc0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00000cd0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 35x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00000ce0: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect0.TI PRU C\n 00000cf0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000d00: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000d10: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@\n 00000d70: 1e00 0000 616d 3333 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 ....am335x_pru_r\n 00000d80: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 00000d90: 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..U......\n 00000da0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU0_Direct\n 00000db0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 _Connect.c......\n 00000dc0: 0000 0098 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00000dd0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000de0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000de0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000df0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000e00: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000e10: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000e20: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00000e30: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 00000e40: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000e50: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1051,15 +1051,15 @@\n 000041a0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 000041b0: 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 ................\n 000041c0: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000041d0: 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 .....o.....f....\n 000041e0: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000041f0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00004200: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00004210: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00004210: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00004220: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00004230: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00004240: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 ........<.....3.\n 00004250: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00004260: 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00004270: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 00004280: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 ........2.....).\n@@ -1117,15 +1117,15 @@\n 000045c0: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 ......9.:.;.....\n 000045d0: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 000045e0: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 000045f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00004600: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 /am335x/pru_intc\n 00004610: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00004620: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004630: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00004630: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00004640: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00004650: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00004660: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00004670: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00004680: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00004690: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000046a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1333,15 +1333,15 @@\n 00005340: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00005350: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 :.;............9\n 00005360: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00005370: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00005380: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00005390: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 000053a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000053b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000053b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000053c0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000053d0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000053e0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000053f0: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00005400: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005410: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005420: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1358,15 +1358,15 @@\n 000054d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000054e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b @..........9.:.;\n 000054f0: 0b00 0004 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005500: 4913 0000 0000 5052 5530 5f44 6972 6563 I.....PRU0_Direc\n 00005510: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d t_Connect.c./hom\n 00005520: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00005530: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00005540: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00005540: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00005550: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00005560: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00005570: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 00005580: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00005590: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000055a0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000055b0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1392,20 +1392,20 @@\n 000056f0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 00005700: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 00005710: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 le.long double..\n 00005720: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00005730: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00005740: 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00005750: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00005760: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00005760: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00005770: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00005780: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00005790: 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.h./home/peko/a\n 000057a0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000057b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000057b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000057c0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000057d0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000057e0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 000057f0: 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 U_Direct_Connect\n 00005800: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00005810: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00005820: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1417,15 +1417,15 @@\n 00005880: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 00005890: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 000058a0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e .....9.:.;......\n 000058b0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 000058c0: 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_types.h./hom\n 000058d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000058e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000058f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000058f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00005900: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00005910: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00005920: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 00005930: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00005940: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005950: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00005960: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1439,15 +1439,15 @@\n 000059e0: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 000059f0: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00005a00: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005a10: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00005a20: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 00005a30: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00005a40: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00005a50: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00005a50: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00005a60: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00005a70: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00005a80: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 /am335x/PRU_Dire\n 00005a90: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00005aa0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00005ab0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00005ac0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2369,16 +2369,16 @@\n 00009400: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 00009410: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00009420: 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 ................\n 00009430: 0600 0000 0113 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00009440: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 ................\n 00009450: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 00009460: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00009470: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4f51 4950 .........TI2OQIP\n-00009480: 554e 5749 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 UNWI.$C$L1..text\n+00009470: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 3469 5478 .........TI54iTx\n+00009480: 706f 4c68 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 poLh.$C$L1..text\n 00009490: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e ..creg.PRU_INTC.\n 000094a0: 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 noload.far..data\n 000094b0: 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 :pru_intc_map..r\n 000094c0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 esource_table:re\n 000094d0: 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 tain..text:main.\n 000094e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 .debug_info..deb\n 000094f0: 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 ug_line..debug_f\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: PRU0_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU0_Direct_Connect.object 152 0 5476 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 152 0 5476 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/366.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 1302 1403 1500 1601 1804 1905 1a06 1b07 ................\n 00000140: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 6c08 0000 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 l...........PRU0\n 00000170: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000180: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000190: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000001b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000001c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000001d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 000001e0: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 000001f0: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000200: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000210: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@\n 000009a0: 315f 6232 000b 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 1_b2.....R31_b3.\n 000009b0: 0c05 0334 0100 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c ...4...dmemBuf..\n 000009c0: 0134 0100 3c00 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 .4..<..dmemBuf..\n 000009d0: 0b01 0000 0300 9100 0000 0401 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 000009e0: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 000009f0: 6300 3900 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.9..../home/pek\n 00000a00: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000a10: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000a10: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000a20: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000a30: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000a40: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000a50: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 00000a60: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000a70: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000a80: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@\n 00000ab0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000ac0: 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0189 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000ad0: 0301 6402 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 ..d...CT_INTC...\n 00000ae0: 0100 0003 00ba 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f ...........PRU0_\n 00000af0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 Direct_Connect.c\n 00000b00: 007f 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000b60: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00000b70: 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000b80: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000b90: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@\n 00000bd0: 4c01 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 L...pru_intc_map\n 00000be0: 000f 0142 010a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...B.....pru_int\n 00000bf0: 635f 6d61 7000 0042 0100 0003 00e3 0000 c_map..B........\n 00000c00: 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 ...PRU0_Direct_C\n 00000c10: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00b5 0000 0002 2f68 onnect.c....../h\n 00000c20: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000c30: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000c40: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000c40: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000c50: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000c60: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000c70: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 /am335x/PRU_Dire\n 00000c80: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00000c90: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000ca0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000cb0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@\n 00000d20: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000d30: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000d40: 0003 000c 0100 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 .........PRU0_Di\n 00000d50: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00eb rect_Connect.c..\n 00000d60: 0000 001c 0000 00b4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d70: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000d80: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000d90: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000d90: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000da0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000db0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000dc0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 00000dd0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00000de0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000df0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000e00: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1085,15 +1085,15 @@\n 000043c0: 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 abort.exit.c.b.e\n 000043d0: 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 xit.c.f.TI Libra\n 000043e0: 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 ry...loader_exit\n 000043f0: 00b4 0000 0001 0000 d600 0000 0300 2f05 ............../.\n 00004400: 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 ....__TI_interna\n 00004410: 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 l./home/peko/aut\n 00004420: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004430: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00004430: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00004440: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00004450: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00004460: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00004470: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00004480: 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e TI PRU Linker Un\n 00004490: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000044a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -1133,15 +1133,15 @@\n 000046c0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 irect_Connect.c.\n 000046d0: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 000046e0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 000046f0: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00004700: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00004710: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00004720: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004730: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00004730: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00004740: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00004750: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00004760: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 00004770: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 00004780: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 00004790: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 000047a0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -1282,15 +1282,15 @@\n 00005010: 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 1101 @..@............\n 00005020: 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b .@...........%..\n 00005030: 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 @......./../../i\n 00005040: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 nclude/am335x/pr\n 00005050: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00005060: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00005070: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00005080: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00005080: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00005090: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000050a0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 000050b0: 3578 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 5x/PRU_Direct_Co\n 000050c0: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 000050d0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000050e0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000050f0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1487,15 +1487,15 @@\n 00005ce0: 3900 4849 4e4c 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 9.HINLR9_bit.NES\n 00005cf0: 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 T_HINT_9.HIER.HI\n 00005d00: 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e5f 4849 4e54 0070 ER_bit.EN_HINT.p\n 00005d10: 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ruIntc..../../..\n 00005d20: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00005d30: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00005d40: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00005d50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00005d50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00005d60: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00005d70: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00005d80: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00005d90: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00005da0: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005db0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005dc0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1507,15 +1507,15 @@\n 00005e20: 7461 626c 6500 7665 7200 6e75 6d00 6677 table.ver.num.fw\n 00005e30: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d00 7479 7065 _rsc_custom.type\n 00005e40: 0075 0072 7363 5f73 697a 6500 7273 6300 .u.rsc_size.rsc.\n 00005e50: 7375 625f 7479 7065 0073 7400 0050 5255 sub_type.st..PRU\n 00005e60: 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 0_Direct_Connect\n 00005e70: 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .c./home/peko/au\n 00005e80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00005e90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00005e90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00005ea0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00005eb0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00005ec0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00005ed0: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00005ee0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005ef0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005f00: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1537,20 +1537,20 @@\n 00006000: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 00006010: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 00006020: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 00006030: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 00006040: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 00006050: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 00006060: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00006070: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00006070: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00006080: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00006090: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 000060a0: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 000060b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000060c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000060c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000060d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000060e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000060f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00006100: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00006110: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 00006120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00006130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1558,15 +1558,15 @@\n 00006150: 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 exas Instruments\n 00006160: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 Incorporated.ui\n 00006170: 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 nt8_t.uint16_t.u\n 00006180: 696e 7433 325f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e int32_t..../../.\n 00006190: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000061a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000061b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000061c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000061c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000061d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000061e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000061f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00006200: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00006210: 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00006220: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00006230: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1577,15 +1577,15 @@\n 00006280: 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 _custom_ints.res\n 00006290: 6572 7665 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f erved.channel_ho\n 000062a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000062b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000062c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 000062d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000062e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000062f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000062f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00006300: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00006310: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006320: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 /am335x/PRU_Dire\n 00006330: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00006340: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00006350: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00006360: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2174,15 +2174,15 @@\n 000087d0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 000087e0: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 000087f0: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00008800: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00008810: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00008820: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00008830: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00008840: 5449 324f 5149 5055 4e57 4900 2443 244c TI2OQIPUNWI.$C$L\n+00008840: 5449 3534 6954 7870 6f4c 6800 2443 244c TI54iTxpoLh.$C$L\n 00008850: 3100 2e64 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 1..data:pru_intc\n 00008860: 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 _map..resource_t\n 00008870: 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 able:retain..tex\n 00008880: 743a 6d61 696e 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 t:main.TIe8gLFJC\n 00008890: 3777 002e 7465 7874 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 7w..text:_c_int0\n 000088a0: 305f 6e6f 696e 6974 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 0_noinit_noargs.\n 000088b0: 5449 656b 6c4b 7238 4934 3000 5449 656d TIeklKr8I40.TIem\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/379.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x24 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x34 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@\n 000000c0: e2e2 1805 ff22 0024 8562 00e3 850b 872e .....\".$.b......\n 000000d0: e000 0024 8560 00e3 0000 002a 8562 00f3 ...$.`.....*.b..\n 000000e0: e2e2 1801 0000 c320 9d06 0000 0300 0000 ....... ........\n 000000f0: 0000 0405 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f ....PRU1_Direct_\n 00000100: 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f Connect.c....../\n 00000110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000160: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am335x/PRU_Dir\n 00000170: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 ect_Connect1.TI \n 00000180: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000190: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000001a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000a 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000770: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0c01 3301 a000 0000 dmemBuf...3.....\n 00000780: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 0000 dmemBuf..4......\n 00000790: 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU1_Direct\n 000007a0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 _Connect.c......\n 000007b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000007e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000007f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000800: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am335x/PRU_Di\n 00000810: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000820: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000830: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000840: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f ...pru_remotepro\n 000008b0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000008c0: 0055 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .U...........PRU\n 000008d0: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 000008e0: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.........(....\n 000008f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000900: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000920: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000930: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000940: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am335x/PRU_Di\n 00000950: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000960: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000970: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000980: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@\n 00000d20: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 onnect.c........\n 00000d30: 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 ................\n 00000d40: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 ................\n 00000d50: 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 o.....f.........\n 00000d60: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d70: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000d80: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000d90: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00000d90: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00000da0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00000db0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 de/stdint.h.....\n 00000dc0: 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ...6.....-......\n 00000dd0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 ...............r\n 00000de0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00000df0: 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 pty.h........<..\n 00000e00: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001030: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00001040: 3b0b 0000 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00001050: 0b49 1300 0000 0050 5255 315f 4469 7265 .I.....PRU1_Dire\n 00001060: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f 686f ct_Connect.c./ho\n 00001070: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001080: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001090: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001090: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010a0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000010b0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000010c0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 am335x/PRU_Direc\n 000010d0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect1.TI PR\n 000010e0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000010f0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001100: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001250: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001260: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001270: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001280: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00001290: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000012a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 000012c0: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 000012d0: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 000012e0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 000012f0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001310: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001320: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001330: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00001340: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00001350: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001360: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001370: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -316,15 +316,15 @@\n 000013b0: 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 2_t......2.8.9.:\n 000013c0: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 000013d0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 000013e0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 .....9.:.;.....r\n 000013f0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001400: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001410: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001430: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001440: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001450: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00001460: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00001470: 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001480: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001490: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -336,15 +336,15 @@\n 000014f0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00001500: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001510: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001520: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00001530: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00001540: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001550: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001570: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001580: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001590: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 000015a0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 Direct_Connect1.\n 000015b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000015c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000015d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@\n 00001f00: 0106 0000 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f10: 0108 0000 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f20: 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f30: 010c 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f70: 0054 4932 5232 574f 6134 6659 002e 7465 .TI2R2WOa4fY..te\n+00001f70: 0054 4935 3677 6a4e 3154 4878 002e 7465 .TI56wjN1THx..te\n 00001f80: 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 xt..resource_tab\n 00001f90: 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a le:retain..text:\n 00001fa0: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 00001fb0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n 00001fc0: 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 bug_frame..debug\n 00001fd0: 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 _abbrev..debug_s\n 00001fe0: 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 tr..debug_arange\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: PRU1_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU1_Direct_Connect.object 40 0 44 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 40 0 44 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/382.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 9d06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0405 ................\n 000000c0: 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e PRU1_Direct_Conn\n 000000d0: 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ect.c....../home\n 000000e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000000f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000100: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000100: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000110: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000120: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000130: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 335x/PRU_Direct_\n 00000140: 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 Connect1.TI PRU \n 00000150: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000160: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000170: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@\n 00000730: 315f 6233 000a 0503 0001 0000 646d 656d 1_b3........dmem\n 00000740: 4275 6600 0c01 3301 d209 0000 646d 656d Buf...3.....dmem\n 00000750: 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 007d 0000 0004 Buf..4.....}....\n 00000760: 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e .PRU1_Direct_Con\n 00000770: 6e65 6374 2e63 0039 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d nect.c.9..../hom\n 00000780: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000790: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000007a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000007a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000007b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000007c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000007d0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 000007e0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 000007f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000800: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000810: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@\n 00000870: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000880: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000890: 0003 00a6 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 .........PRU1_Di\n 000008a0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0073 rect_Connect.c.s\n 000008b0: 0000 001c 0000 0044 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d .......D..../hom\n 000008c0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000008d0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000008e0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000008e0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000008f0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000900: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000910: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 00000920: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00000930: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000940: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000950: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 ort.exit.c.b.exi\n 00001080: 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 t.c.f.TI Library\n 00001090: 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0044 ...loader_exit.D\n 000010a0: 0000 0001 0000 d600 0000 0300 2803 0000 ............(...\n 000010b0: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 000010c0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000010d0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000010f0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001100: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001110: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am335x/PRU_Di\n 00001120: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00001130: 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 PRU Linker Unix\n 00001140: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001150: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@\n 00001260: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 00001270: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .c..............\n 00001280: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000012a0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000012b0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000012c0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 000012e0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 000012f0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00001300: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 00001310: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 00001320: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 00001330: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001340: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -411,15 +411,15 @@\n 000019a0: 8440 0b85 400b 8640 0887 400b 8840 0b8f .@..@..@..@..@..\n 000019b0: 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 1101 @..@............\n 000019c0: 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b .@...........%..\n 000019d0: 400b 0000 0000 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 @.....PRU1_Direc\n 000019e0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d t_Connect.c./hom\n 000019f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001a00: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001a10: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001a10: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001a20: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001a30: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001a40: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m335x/PRU_Direct\n 00001a50: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00001a60: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001a70: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001a80: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -441,34 +441,34 @@\n 00001b80: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00001b90: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00001ba0: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001bb0: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001bc0: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001bd0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001be0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00001c00: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00001c10: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00001c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001c70: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am335x/PRU_D\n 00001c80: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 irect_Connect1.T\n 00001c90: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001ca0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001cb0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001cc0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 00001cd0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00001ce0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001cf0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001d00: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001d10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001d30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001d40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001d50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001d60: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00001d70: 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001d80: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001d90: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 Incorporated.my\n 00001dd0: 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 _resource_table.\n 00001de0: 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f base.offset..../\n 00001df0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001e00: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001e10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001e20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001e30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001e30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001e40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001e50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00001e60: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 35x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00001e70: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect1.TI PRU C\n 00001e80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001e90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00001ea0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1036,15 +1036,15 @@\n 000040b0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 000040c0: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 000040d0: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 000040e0: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 000040f0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004100: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004110: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004120: 5449 3252 3257 4f61 3466 5900 2e72 6573 TI2R2WOa4fY..res\n+00004120: 5449 3536 776a 4e31 5448 7800 2e72 6573 TI56wjN1THx..res\n 00004130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00004140: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00004150: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00004160: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00004170: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00004180: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00004190: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/395.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3606 0000 0300 0000 ........6.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am335x/PRU_Ha\n 00000110: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000120: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000130: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000140: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0_b3....|R31_b0.\n 000006b0: 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 ...}R31_b1....~R\n 000006c0: 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 31_b2.....R31_b3\n 000006d0: 0000 1a01 0000 0300 4000 0000 0401 6d61 ........@.....ma\n 000006e0: 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c. ..../home/\n 000006f0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000700: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000710: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000710: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000720: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000730: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00000740: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 35x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000750: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000760: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000770: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00000780: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 3c09 urceTable...@.<.\n 000007d0: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 000007e0: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 000007f0: 1201 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 696e ......i.....main\n 00000800: 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.Z.......(....\n 00000810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000860: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am335x/PRU_Ha\n 00000870: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000880: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000890: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000008a0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 abort.exit.c.b.e\n 00000ef0: 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 xit.c.f.TI Libra\n 00000f00: 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 ry...loader_exit\n 00000f10: 0028 0000 0001 0000 cb00 0000 0300 9602 .(..............\n 00000f20: 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 ....__TI_interna\n 00000f30: 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 l./home/peko/aut\n 00000f40: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000f60: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000f70: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000f80: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m335x/PRU_Halt.T\n 000018a0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000018b0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000018c0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000018d0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 000018e0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 000018f0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001900: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001910: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001920: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001940: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001950: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001960: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001970: 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 x/PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001980: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001990: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000019a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 000019d0: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 000019e0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 000019f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00001a00: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00001a10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001a20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001a40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001a50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001a60: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c s/am335x/PRU_Hal\n 00001a70: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001a80: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001a90: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00001aa0: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -960,16 +960,16 @@\n 00003bf0: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00003c00: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00003c10: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00003c20: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00003c30: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00003c40: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00003c50: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-00003c60: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3364 ug_pubtypes.TI3d\n-00003c70: 5550 6146 7465 7300 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 UPaFtes..resourc\n+00003c60: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3569 ug_pubtypes.TI5i\n+00003c70: 5264 4b4a 4f30 5a00 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 RdKJO0Z..resourc\n 00003c80: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00003c90: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 00003ca0: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 00003cb0: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00003cc0: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n 00003cd0: 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a IemR3sTEia.TIenz\n 00003ce0: 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a HQ2Yae.TIiBXWmgz\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/396.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset da in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdb refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 123 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3606 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 6...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m335x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000130: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000140: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000150: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000160: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 30_b2....{R30_b3\n 000006c0: 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000006d0: 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000006e0: 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 1a01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000006f0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000700: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000710: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000730: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000740: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000750: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000760: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000770: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000780: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000790: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 Table...@.....pr\n 000007f0: 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 u_remoteproc_Res\n 00000800: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1201 0000 ourceTable......\n 00000810: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000820: 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000830: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000840: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000850: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000850: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000860: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000870: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000880: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m335x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000890: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000008a0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000008b0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000008c0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0000 0502 0000 0000 0501 3205 020e 0501 ..........2.....\n 00000b20: 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 _...............\n 00000b30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b40: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000b50: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b60: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b70: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000b90: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ba0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000bb0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000bc0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000bd0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000be0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000bf0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00000e60: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00000e70: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00000e80: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00000e90: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00000ea0: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000eb0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000ed0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ee0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000ef0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00000f00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f20: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f30: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f40: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000f50: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000f60: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000f70: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000f80: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -253,15 +253,15 @@\n 00000fc0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00000fd0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00000fe0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00000ff0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00001000: 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _empty.h./home/p\n 00001010: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001020: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001030: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001030: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001040: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001050: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00001060: 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5x/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00001070: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001080: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001090: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000010a0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@\n 000010f0: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00001100: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00001110: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00001120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001130: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001140: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001150: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001160: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001160: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001170: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001180: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00001190: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 35x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 000011a0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000011b0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000011c0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000011d0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 0000 0000 5449 3364 5550 6146 7465 7300 ....TI3dUPaFtes.\n+00001990: 0000 0000 5449 3569 5264 4b4a 4f30 5a00 ....TI5iRdKJO0Z.\n 000019a0: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 000019b0: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 000019c0: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 000019d0: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019f0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 00001a00: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_Hardware_UART.object 212 0 101 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 212 0 101 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/412.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 56 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x30 refers to abbreviation number 10 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 61 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 92 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 10 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@\n 00000180: 8e00 0024 1010 0101 e0e0 0101 ef10 ee14 ...$............\n 00000190: ce00 8024 8e08 0024 edee ef4e 8120 3081 ...$...$...N. 0.\n 000001a0: 0000 002a 0000 c320 0407 0000 0300 0000 ...*... ........\n 000001b0: 0000 0402 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 ....PRU_Hardware\n 000001c0: 5f55 4152 542e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f _UART.c....../ho\n 000001d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000001e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000001f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000001f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000220: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 am335x/PRU_Hardw\n 00000230: 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 are_UART.TI PRU \n 00000240: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000250: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000260: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 012f 011e 0000 0068 6f73 7442 7566 6665 ./.....hostBuffe\n 00000890: 7200 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 6665 7200 r........buffer.\n 000008a0: 0901 3201 5e01 0000 6275 6666 6572 0000 ..2.^...buffer..\n 000008b0: 0701 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 000008c0: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 000008d0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000008e0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000008f0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000008f0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000900: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000910: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000920: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00000930: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 00000940: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000950: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000960: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@\n 00000990: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000009a0: 0043 545f 5541 5254 0018 011b 0101 4b01 .CT_UART......K.\n 000009b0: 0000 4354 5f55 4152 5400 0030 0100 0003 ..CT_UART..0....\n 000009c0: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f48 6172 6477 .......PRU_Hardw\n 000009d0: 6172 655f 5541 5254 2e63 0000 0000 0002 are_UART.c......\n 000009e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000009f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000a10: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000a20: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000a30: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am335x/PRU_Ha\n 00000a40: 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 rdware_UART.TI P\n 00000a50: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000a60: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000a70: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 00000ae0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 004e ResourceTable..N\n 00000af0: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f48 ...........PRU_H\n 00000b00: 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 2e63 0000 ardware_UART.c..\n 00000b10: 0000 0000 0000 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000b20: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000b30: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000b40: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000b40: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000b50: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000b60: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000b70: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 m335x/PRU_Hardwa\n 00000b80: 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 re_UART.TI PRU C\n 00000b90: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ba0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000bb0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -436,15 +436,15 @@\n 00001b30: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 00001b40: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 00001b50: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001b60: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00001b70: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001b80: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00001b90: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001ba0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00001ba0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00001bb0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00001bc0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00001bd0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00001be0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00001bf0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00001c00: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00001c10: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -492,15 +492,15 @@\n 00001eb0: 0b00 000a 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00001ec0: 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00001ed0: 000c 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00001ee0: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00001ef0: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f lude/am335x/pru_\n 00001f00: 7561 7274 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b uart.h./home/pek\n 00001f10: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001f20: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001f20: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001f30: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001f40: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001f50: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001f60: 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 /PRU_Hardware_UA\n 00001f70: 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 RT.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001f80: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001f90: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -546,15 +546,15 @@\n 00002210: 4c00 7072 7555 6172 7400 010d 0003 0e32 L.pruUart......2\n 00002220: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00002230: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00002240: 0000 0313 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00002250: 0000 0050 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f ...PRU_Hardware_\n 00002260: 5541 5254 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b UART.c./home/pek\n 00002270: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00002280: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00002280: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00002290: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000022a0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000022b0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 000022c0: 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 /PRU_Hardware_UA\n 000022d0: 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 RT.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000022e0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000022f0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -579,20 +579,20 @@\n 00002420: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 00002430: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 00002440: 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b double..........\n 00002450: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b ..%..@..........\n 00002460: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 9.:.;.I...../hom\n 00002470: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00002480: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00002490: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00002490: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 000024a0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 000024b0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 000024c0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000024d0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000024e0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000024e0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000024f0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00002500: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00002510: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 m335x/PRU_Hardwa\n 00002520: 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 re_UART.TI PRU C\n 00002530: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00002540: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00002550: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -602,15 +602,15 @@\n 00002590: 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b ......2.8.9.:.;.\n 000025a0: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 000025b0: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 000025c0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f ..9.:.;.....reso\n 000025d0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 000025e0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000025f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00002600: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00002600: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00002610: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00002620: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00002630: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00002640: 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 _Hardware_UART.T\n 00002650: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00002660: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00002670: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -622,15 +622,15 @@\n 000026d0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000026e0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000026f0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00002700: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00002710: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00002720: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00002730: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00002740: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00002740: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00002750: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00002760: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00002770: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 am335x/PRU_Hardw\n 00002780: 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 are_UART.TI PRU \n 00002790: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000027a0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000027b0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -996,15 +996,15 @@\n 00003e30: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 00003e40: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 ................\n 00003e50: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 ................\n 00003e60: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003e70: 0000 0000 0a00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003e80: 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003e90: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 ...............T\n-00003ea0: 4932 5551 4d44 5655 666b 0024 4324 4c31 I2UQMDVUfk.$C$L1\n+00003ea0: 4935 6159 7963 6876 6745 0024 4324 4c31 I5aYychvgE.$C$L1\n 00003eb0: 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 .$C$L2.$C$L3.$C$\n 00003ec0: 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 L4..text..creg.P\n 00003ed0: 5255 5f55 4152 542e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e RU_UART.noload.n\n 00003ee0: 6561 7200 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 ear..resource_ta\n 00003ef0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00003f00: 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 :main..debug_inf\n 00003f10: 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 o..debug_line..d\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/413.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ... ............\n 00000140: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 0407 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000170: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 00000180: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000190: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000001a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000001a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000001b0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000001c0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000001d0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000001e0: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 000001f0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000200: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000210: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -133,15 +133,15 @@\n 00000840: 6f73 7442 7566 6665 7200 0805 0311 0100 ostBuffer.......\n 00000850: 0062 7566 6665 7200 0901 3201 5e01 0000 .buffer...2.^...\n 00000860: 6275 6666 6572 0000 0701 0000 0300 7300 buffer........s.\n 00000870: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 ....PRU_Hardware\n 00000880: 5f55 4152 542e 6300 3700 0000 022f 686f _UART.c.7..../ho\n 00000890: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000008a0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000008b0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000008b0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000008c0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000008d0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000008e0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 am335x/PRU_Hardw\n 000008f0: 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 are_UART.TI PRU \n 00000900: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000910: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000920: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@\n 00000940: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00000950: 0001 0205 0300 8002 0043 545f 5541 5254 .........CT_UART\n 00000960: 0018 011b 0101 4b01 0000 4354 5f55 4152 ......K...CT_UAR\n 00000970: 5400 0030 0100 0003 009c 0000 0004 0150 T..0...........P\n 00000980: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 00000990: 2e63 007d 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c.}..../home/pe\n 000009a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000009b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000009b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000009c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000009d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000009e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 000009f0: 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 x/PRU_Hardware_U\n 00000a00: 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ART.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000a10: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000a20: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@\n 00000a80: 001a 0140 014d 1700 0070 7275 5f72 656d ...@.M...pru_rem\n 00000a90: 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 oteproc_Resource\n 00000aa0: 5461 626c 6500 004e 0100 0003 00c5 0000 Table..N........\n 00000ab0: 0004 0150 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f ...PRU_Hardware_\n 00000ac0: 5541 5254 2e63 00b7 0000 001c 0000 00f0 UART.c..........\n 00000ad0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000ae0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000af0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000af0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000b00: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000b10: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000b20: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00000b30: 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 U_Hardware_UART.\n 00000b40: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000b50: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000b60: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 xit.c.b.exit.c.f\n 00001dd0: 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f .TI Library...lo\n 00001de0: 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 f000 0000 0100 ader_exit.......\n 00001df0: 00d4 0000 0003 0022 0400 0004 015f 5f54 .......\".....__T\n 00001e00: 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 I_internal./home\n 00001e10: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001e20: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001e30: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001e30: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001e40: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001e50: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001e60: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 335x/PRU_Hardwar\n 00001e70: 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 e_UART.TI PRU Li\n 00001e80: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00001e90: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00001ea0: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -519,15 +519,15 @@\n 00002060: 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 PRU_Hardware_UAR\n 00002070: 542e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 T.c.............\n 00002080: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00002090: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 000020a0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 000020b0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 000020c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000020d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000020d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000020e0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 000020f0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 00002100: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 dint.h........6.\n 00002110: 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....-...........\n 00002120: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 ..........resour\n 00002130: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00002140: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 ........<.....3.\n@@ -646,15 +646,15 @@\n 00002850: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00002860: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 00002870: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 00002880: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00002890: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 clude/am335x/pru\n 000028a0: 5f75 6172 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _uart.h./home/pe\n 000028b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000028c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000028c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000028d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000028e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000028f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00002900: 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 x/PRU_Hardware_U\n 00002910: 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ART.TI PRU C/C++\n 00002920: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00002930: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -697,15 +697,15 @@\n 00002b80: 0046 5245 4500 7273 7664 3100 5552 5253 .FREE.rsvd1.URRS\n 00002b90: 5400 5554 5253 5400 7273 7664 3135 004d T.UTRST.rsvd15.M\n 00002ba0: 4452 004d 4452 5f62 6974 004f 534d 5f53 DR.MDR_bit.OSM_S\n 00002bb0: 454c 0070 7275 5561 7274 0000 5052 555f EL.pruUart..PRU_\n 00002bc0: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 00002bd0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00002be0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00002bf0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00002bf0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00002c00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00002c10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00002c20: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am335x/PRU_Ha\n 00002c30: 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 rdware_UART.TI P\n 00002c40: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00002c50: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00002c60: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -725,35 +725,35 @@\n 00002d40: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00002d50: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00002d60: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00002d70: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00002d80: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00002d90: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00002da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00002db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00002db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00002dc0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00002dd0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00002de0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00002df0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00002e00: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00002e00: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00002e10: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00002e20: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00002e30: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00002e40: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 Hardware_UART.TI\n 00002e50: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00002e60: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00002e70: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00002e80: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 00002e90: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00002ea0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 rated.uint8_t.ui\n 00002eb0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 nt32_t..resource\n 00002ec0: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f _table_empty.h./\n 00002ed0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00002ee0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00002ef0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00002ef0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00002f00: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00002f10: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00002f20: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 s/am335x/PRU_Har\n 00002f30: 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 dware_UART.TI PR\n 00002f40: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00002f50: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00002f60: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -761,15 +761,15 @@\n 00002f80: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 00002f90: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 00002fa0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 00002fb0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00002fc0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00002fd0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00002fe0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00002ff0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00002ff0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00003000: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00003010: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00003020: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 s/am335x/PRU_Har\n 00003030: 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 dware_UART.TI PR\n 00003040: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00003050: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00003060: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1340,15 +1340,15 @@\n 000053b0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 000053c0: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 000053d0: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 000053e0: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 000053f0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00005400: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00005410: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00005420: 5449 3255 514d 4456 5566 6b00 2443 244c TI2UQMDVUfk.$C$L\n+00005420: 5449 3561 5979 6368 7667 4500 2443 244c TI5aYychvgE.$C$L\n 00005430: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00005440: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00005450: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00005460: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00005470: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00005480: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00005490: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: PRU_Hardware_UART.c\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_uart.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_IEP.object 232 0 6298 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 232 0 6298 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/428.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1e refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xe4 refers to abbreviation number 11 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 821 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x29 refers to abbreviation number 93 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5d refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5d refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@\n 000001e0: 00ff 1fc9 8f21 00f1 feef 07cf 8f20 00f1 .....!....... ..\n 000001f0: efef 001d 8f20 00e1 8e20 40e1 eeff 0024 ..... ... @....$\n 00000200: 8e20 44e1 e080 0024 8021 00e1 0000 002a . D....$.!.....*\n 00000210: 0000 c320 d108 0000 0300 0000 0000 0404 ... ............\n 00000220: 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 022f PRU_IEP.c....../\n 00000230: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000240: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000250: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000250: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000260: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000270: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000280: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am335x/PRU_IEP\n 00000290: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000002a0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000002b0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 000002c0: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -172,30 +172,30 @@\n 00000ab0: 0008 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0802 907c ....{R30_b3....|\n 00000ac0: 5233 315f 6230 0008 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 R31_b0....}R31_b\n 00000ad0: 3100 0802 907e 5233 315f 6232 0008 0290 1....~R31_b2....\n 00000ae0: 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00f0 0000 0003 0000 .R31_b3.........\n 00000af0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0000 .....PRU_IEP.c..\n 00000b00: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000b10: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000b20: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000b20: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000b30: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000b40: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000b50: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00000b60: 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 U_IEP.TI PRU C/C\n 00000b70: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000b80: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000b90: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n 00000ba0: 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 exas Instruments\n 00000bb0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00000bc0: 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 ......CT_CFG....\n 00000bd0: 0128 0100 0043 545f 4346 4700 00f3 0000 .(...CT_CFG.....\n 00000be0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 .........PRU_IEP\n 00000bf0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000c00: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000c10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000c10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000c20: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000c30: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000c40: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000c50: 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 x/PRU_IEP.TI PRU\n 00000c60: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000c70: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000c80: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -203,30 +203,30 @@\n 00000ca0: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000cb0: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 d.........CT_INT\n 00000cc0: 4300 1801 8903 0168 0200 0043 545f 494e C......h...CT_IN\n 00000cd0: 5443 0000 f000 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 TC..............\n 00000ce0: 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 022f PRU_IEP.c....../\n 00000cf0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000d00: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000d10: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000d10: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000d20: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000d30: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000d40: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am335x/PRU_IEP\n 00000d50: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000d60: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000d70: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00000d80: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n 00000d90: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00000da0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 00000db0: 0043 545f 4945 5000 1701 fe01 d102 0000 .CT_IEP.........\n 00000dc0: 4354 5f49 4550 0000 fc00 0000 0300 0000 CT_IEP..........\n 00000dd0: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 ....PRU_IEP.c...\n 00000de0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000df0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000e00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000e00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000e10: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000e20: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000e30: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000e40: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e50: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e60: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000e70: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@\n 00000e90: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000ea0: 0300 0000 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000eb0: 7000 0f01 4201 8e03 0000 7072 755f 696e p...B.....pru_in\n 00000ec0: 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 2a01 0000 0300 0000 tc_map..*.......\n 00000ed0: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 ....PRU_IEP.c...\n 00000ee0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000ef0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f10: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f20: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f30: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000f40: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000f50: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000f60: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000f70: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -254,15 +254,15 @@\n 00000fd0: 0061 6d33 3335 785f 7072 755f 7265 6d6f .am335x_pru_remo\n 00000fe0: 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 teproc_ResourceT\n 00000ff0: 6162 6c65 0000 1601 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 00001000: 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 ..PRU_IEP.c.....\n 00001010: 0000 0000 e800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001020: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001030: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001040: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001040: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001050: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001060: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00001070: 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5x/PRU_IEP.TI PR\n 00001080: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001090: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000010a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n 000010b0: 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 018 Texas Instru\n@@ -1419,15 +1419,15 @@\n 000058a0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 ypes.h..........\n 000058b0: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 000058c0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000058d0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000058e0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000058f0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00005900: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00005910: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00005910: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00005920: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00005930: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00005940: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n 00005950: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f .............../\n 00005960: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00005970: 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 u_types.h.......\n 00005980: 0130 0000 0003 0027 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .0.....'........\n@@ -1474,15 +1474,15 @@\n 00005c10: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00005c20: 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00005c30: 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 00005c40: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f /include/am335x/\n 00005c50: 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f pru_cfg.h./home/\n 00005c60: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00005c70: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00005c80: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00005c80: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00005c90: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00005ca0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00005cb0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 35x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 00005cc0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00005cd0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00005ce0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00005cf0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -1584,15 +1584,15 @@\n 000062f0: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006300: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00006310: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00006320: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006330: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 /am335x/pru_intc\n 00006340: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00006350: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00006360: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00006360: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00006370: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00006380: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00006390: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 000063a0: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 000063b0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000063c0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 000063d0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -1800,15 +1800,15 @@\n 00007070: 0b3b 0b00 0007 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00007080: 3b0b 0000 0816 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00007090: 0b49 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 000070a0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 include/am335x/p\n 000070b0: 7275 5f69 6570 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ru_iep.h./home/p\n 000070c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000070d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000070e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000070e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000070f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00007100: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00007110: 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5x/PRU_IEP.TI PR\n 00007120: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00007130: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00007140: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n 00007150: 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 018 Texas Instru\n@@ -1884,15 +1884,15 @@\n 000075b0: 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000075c0: 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000075d0: 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000075e0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000075f0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00007600: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00007610: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007620: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007620: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007630: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007640: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007650: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am335x/PRU_IEP\n 00007660: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00007670: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00007680: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00007690: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -1921,20 +1921,20 @@\n 00007800: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 00007810: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 00007820: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 00007830: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 00007840: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00007850: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00007860: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00007870: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00007870: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00007880: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00007890: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 000078a0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000078b0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000078c0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000078c0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000078d0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000078e0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000078f0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00007900: 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b IEP.TI PRU C/C++\n 00007910: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00007920: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00007930: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -1945,15 +1945,15 @@\n 00007980: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00007990: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 000079a0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000079b0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000079c0: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 000079d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000079e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000079f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000079f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007a00: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007a10: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007a20: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 /am335x/PRU_IEP.\n 00007a30: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00007a40: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00007a50: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00007a60: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -1966,15 +1966,15 @@\n 00007ad0: 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 annel......2.8.9\n 00007ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00007af0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00007b00: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00007b10: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 652e .resource_table.\n 00007b20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00007b30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00007b40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00007b40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00007b50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00007b60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00007b70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00007b80: 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b IEP.TI PRU C/C++\n 00007b90: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00007ba0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00007bb0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -3239,16 +3239,16 @@\n 0000ca60: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 ................\n 0000ca70: 0600 0000 0114 0000 0600 0000 0115 0000 ................\n 0000ca80: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000ca90: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000caa0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0f00 0000 ................\n 0000cab0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cac0: 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000cad0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3257 ............TI2W\n-0000cae0: 6e67 7141 4339 7300 2443 244c 3100 2e74 ngqAC9s.$C$L1..t\n+0000cad0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3564 ............TI5d\n+0000cae0: 3779 4253 6358 5200 2443 244c 3100 2e74 7yBScXR.$C$L1..t\n 0000caf0: 6578 7400 2e63 7265 672e 5052 555f 4346 ext..creg.PRU_CF\n 0000cb00: 472e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e 6561 7200 2e63 G.noload.near..c\n 0000cb10: 7265 672e 5052 555f 494e 5443 2e6e 6f6c reg.PRU_INTC.nol\n 0000cb20: 6f61 642e 6661 7200 2e63 7265 672e 5052 oad.far..creg.PR\n 0000cb30: 555f 4945 502e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 U_IEP.noload.far\n 0000cb40: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n 0000cb50: 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 map..resource_ta\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/429.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n 00000160: 0100 0000 1400 0000 0000 ff01 ffff ffff ................\n 00000170: ffff ffff 0100 0000 3401 0000 0701 0000 ........4.......\n 00000180: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000190: 0000 0000 0000 0000 d108 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000001a0: 0000 0404 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 ....PRU_IEP.c...\n 000001b0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000001d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000001d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000001e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000001f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000200: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000210: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000220: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000230: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000240: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@\n 00000a30: 305f 6232 0008 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 00000a40: 0802 907c 5233 315f 6230 0008 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 00000a50: 3331 5f62 3100 0802 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 00000a60: 0008 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00f0 0000 .....R31_b3.....\n 00000a70: 0003 005d 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 ...].....PRU_IEP\n 00000a80: 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c. ..../home/pe\n 00000a90: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000aa0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000aa0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000ab0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000ac0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000ad0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000ae0: 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 x/PRU_IEP.TI PRU\n 00000af0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000b00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000b10: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -180,45 +180,45 @@\n 00000b30: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000b40: 6400 0102 0503 0060 0200 4354 5f43 4647 d......`..CT_CFG\n 00000b50: 0017 01f2 0128 0100 0043 545f 4346 4700 .....(...CT_CFG.\n 00000b60: 00f3 0000 0003 0086 0000 0004 0150 5255 .............PRU\n 00000b70: 5f49 4550 2e63 0065 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d _IEP.c.e..../hom\n 00000b80: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000b90: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000ba0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000ba0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000bb0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000bc0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000bd0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 m335x/PRU_IEP.TI\n 00000be0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000bf0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000c00: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000c10: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 00000c20: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00000c30: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 rated.........CT\n 00000c40: 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 8903 0168 0200 0043 _INTC......h...C\n 00000c50: 545f 494e 5443 0000 f000 0000 0300 af00 T_INTC..........\n 00000c60: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 ab00 ....PRU_IEP.c...\n 00000c70: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000c80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000c90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000c90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000ca0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000cb0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000cc0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000cd0: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000ce0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000cf0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000d00: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n 00000d10: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000d20: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000d30: 0300 e002 0043 545f 4945 5000 1701 fe01 .....CT_IEP.....\n 00000d40: d102 0000 4354 5f49 4550 0000 fc00 0000 ....CT_IEP......\n 00000d50: 0300 d800 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e ........PRU_IEP.\n 00000d60: 6300 f000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000d70: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000d80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000d80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000d90: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000da0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000db0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000dc0: 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 /PRU_IEP.TI PRU \n 00000dd0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000de0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000df0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00000e20: 0001 0205 0334 0100 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 .....4...pru_int\n 00000e30: 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 4201 8e03 0000 7072 c_map...B.....pr\n 00000e40: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 2a01 0000 u_intc_map..*...\n 00000e50: 0300 0101 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e ........PRU_IEP.\n 00000e60: 6300 2401 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.$..../home/pek\n 00000e70: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000e80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000e80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e90: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ea0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000eb0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000ec0: 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 /PRU_IEP.TI PRU \n 00000ed0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000ee0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000ef0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 0187 5300 0061 6d33 3335 785f 7072 755f ..S..am335x_pru_\n 00000f60: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000f70: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1601 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000f80: 2a01 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 *.....PRU_IEP.c.\n 00000f90: 5801 0000 1c00 0000 0401 0000 022f 686f X............/ho\n 00000fa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fb0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fc0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fc0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fd0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000fe0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000ff0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 am335x/PRU_IEP.T\n 00001000: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001010: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001020: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001030: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -1438,15 +1438,15 @@\n 000059d0: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 000059e0: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 000059f0: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 00005a00: 725f 6578 6974 0004 0100 0001 0000 ca00 r_exit..........\n 00005a10: 0000 0300 1506 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 00005a20: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 00005a30: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005a40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005a40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005a50: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005a60: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005a70: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00005a80: 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 x/PRU_IEP.TI PRU\n 00005a90: 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e Linker Unix v2.\n 00005aa0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00005ab0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -1498,15 +1498,15 @@\n 00005d90: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 /rsc_types.h....\n 00005da0: 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00005db0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00005dc0: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00005dd0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00005de0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00005df0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00005e00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00005e00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00005e10: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00005e20: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00005e30: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n 00005e40: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00005e50: 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00005e60: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00005e70: 0000 0000 0001 0130 0000 0003 0027 0000 .......0.....'..\n@@ -1656,15 +1656,15 @@\n 00006770: 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 ..@..@..@.......\n 00006780: 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 ......@.........\n 00006790: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 000067a0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 /../include/am33\n 000067b0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 5x/pru_cfg.h./ho\n 000067c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000067d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000067e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000067e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000067f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006800: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006810: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 am335x/PRU_IEP.T\n 00006820: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006830: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006840: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00006850: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@\n 00006d60: 4e00 5049 4e5f 4d58 0050 494e 5f4d 585f N.PIN_MX.PIN_MX_\n 00006d70: 6269 7400 5049 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 bit.PIN_MUX_SEL.\n 00006d80: 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e pruCfg..../../..\n 00006d90: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f /include/am335x/\n 00006da0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 pru_intc.h./home\n 00006db0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006dc0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006dd0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006dd0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006de0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00006df0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00006e00: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 335x/PRU_IEP.TI \n 00006e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00006e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00006e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00006e40: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -1957,15 +1957,15 @@\n 00007a40: 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 T_HINT_9.HIER.HI\n 00007a50: 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e5f 4849 4e54 0070 ER_bit.EN_HINT.p\n 00007a60: 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ruIntc..../../..\n 00007a70: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f /include/am335x/\n 00007a80: 7072 755f 6965 702e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f pru_iep.h./home/\n 00007a90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00007aa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00007ab0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00007ab0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00007ac0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00007ad0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00007ae0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 35x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 00007af0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00007b00: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00007b10: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00007b20: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -2031,15 +2031,15 @@\n 00007ee0: 4f55 545f 5550 4441 5445 004f 5554 5641 OUT_UPDATE.OUTVA\n 00007ef0: 4c49 445f 4f56 525f 454e 0052 4553 4552 LID_OVR_EN.RESER\n 00007f00: 5645 4432 0070 7275 4965 7000 002e 2e2f VED2.pruIep..../\n 00007f10: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00007f20: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00007f30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00007f40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00007f50: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00007f50: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00007f60: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00007f70: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00007f80: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 35x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 00007f90: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00007fa0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00007fb0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00007fc0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -2064,35 +2064,35 @@\n 000080f0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00008100: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00008110: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00008120: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00008130: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00008140: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008150: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008160: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00008160: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00008170: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00008180: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00008190: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000081a0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000081b0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000081b0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000081c0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000081d0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 000081e0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 35x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 000081f0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00008200: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00008210: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00008220: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n 00008230: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00008240: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 ted.uint8_t.uint\n 00008250: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 002e 16_t.uint32_t...\n 00008260: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00008270: 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_types.h./hom\n 00008280: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00008290: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000082a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000082a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000082b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000082c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000082d0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 m335x/PRU_IEP.TI\n 000082e0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000082f0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00008300: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00008310: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -2101,15 +2101,15 @@\n 00008340: 0063 6800 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f .ch.fw_rsc_custo\n 00008350: 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 m_ints.reserved.\n 00008360: 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d channel_host.num\n 00008370: 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e _evts.event_chan\n 00008380: 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 nel..resource_ta\n 00008390: 626c 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ble.h./home/peko\n 000083a0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000083b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000083b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000083c0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000083d0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000083e0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000083f0: 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 PRU_IEP.TI PRU C\n 00008400: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008410: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00008420: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -2716,16 +2716,16 @@\n 0000a9b0: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 0000a9c0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0000a9d0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0000a9e0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0000a9f0: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0000aa00: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0000aa10: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0000aa20: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3257 ug_pubtypes.TI2W\n-0000aa30: 6e67 7141 4339 7300 2443 244c 3100 2e64 ngqAC9s.$C$L1..d\n+0000aa20: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3564 ug_pubtypes.TI5d\n+0000aa30: 3779 4253 6358 5200 2443 244c 3100 2e64 7yBScXR.$C$L1..d\n 0000aa40: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0000aa50: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0000aa60: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0000aa70: 696e 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e in.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n 0000aa80: 7465 7874 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 305f 6e6f text:_c_int00_no\n 0000aa90: 696e 6974 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 5449 656b init_noargs.TIek\n 0000aaa0: 6c4b 7238 4934 3000 5449 656d 5233 7354 lKr8I40.TIemR3sT\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: PRU_IEP.c\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_iep.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: resource_table.h\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/444.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 11 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 8106 0000 ...*....... ....\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f ........PRU_MAC_\n 00000150: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000001c0: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 000001d0: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 000001e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000001f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@\n 000007a0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 000007b0: 6275 6600 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 buf...5.....buf.\n 000007c0: 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .:...........PRU\n 000007d0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000007e0: 6375 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 cum.c....../home\n 000007f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000800: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000810: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000810: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000820: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000830: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000840: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 335x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 00000850: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 00000860: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000870: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000880: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@\n 000008e0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 000008f0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 ResourceTable...\n 00000900: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d ...........PRU_M\n 00000910: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000920: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 7c00 0000 m.c.........|...\n 00000930: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000940: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000960: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000970: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000980: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am335x/PRU_M\n 00000990: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 000009a0: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000009b0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000009c0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000d90: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 m.c.............\n 00000da0: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 00000dc0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 00000dd0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 00000de0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e00: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 00000e10: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 00000e20: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 dint.h........6.\n 00000e30: 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....-...........\n 00000e40: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 ..........resour\n 00000e50: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 ........<.....3.\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00001040: 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00001050: 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00001060: 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 ...PRU_MAC_Multi\n 00001070: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 6f6d ply_Accum.c./hom\n 00001080: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001090: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000010a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000010a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000010b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000010c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000010d0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m335x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 000010e0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 000010f0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001100: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001110: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001250: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001260: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00001270: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00001280: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00001290: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012a0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000012b0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000012b0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000012c0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000012d0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 000012e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001300: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001300: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001310: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001320: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001330: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am335x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001340: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001350: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001360: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001370: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -318,15 +318,15 @@\n 000013d0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 000013e0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000013f0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001400: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00001410: 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d ble_empty.h./hom\n 00001420: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001430: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001440: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001440: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001450: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001460: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001470: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m335x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001480: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001490: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000014a0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000014b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -338,15 +338,15 @@\n 00001510: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001520: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001530: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 00001540: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 00001550: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 00001560: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001570: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001580: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001580: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001590: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000015a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000015b0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 335x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000015c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000015d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000015e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000015f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -501,16 +501,16 @@\n 00001f40: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 00001f70: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00001f80: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f90: 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001fa0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 .............TI3\n-00001fc0: 3166 3673 3876 7350 0024 4324 4c31 0024 1f6s8vsP.$C$L1.$\n+00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+00001fc0: 654f 4d64 4b4e 7936 0024 4324 4c31 0024 eOMdKNy6.$C$L1.$\n 00001fd0: 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 C$L2.$C$L3.$C$L4\n 00001fe0: 002e 7465 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 ..text..resource\n 00001ff0: 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 _table:retain..t\n 00002000: 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f ext:main..debug_\n 00002010: 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 info..debug_line\n 00002020: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 ..debug_frame..d\n 00002030: 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 ebug_abbrev..deb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/445.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000100: 0000 0000 0000 0000 8106 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 00000110: 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 ....PRU_MAC_Mult\n 00000120: 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 0000 0000 iply_Accum.c....\n 00000130: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000140: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000160: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000170: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000180: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00000190: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 000001a0: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000001b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000770: 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 6275 6600 1_b3........buf.\n 00000780: 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 003a 0100 ..5.....buf..:..\n 00000790: 0003 006a 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 ...j.....PRU_MAC\n 000007a0: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e _Multiply_Accum.\n 000007b0: 6300 3c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.<..../home/pek\n 000007c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000007e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000007f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000800: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000810: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 00000820: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 00000830: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000840: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f _remoteproc_Reso\n 000008c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 000008d0: 0093 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d .......PRU_MAC_M\n 000008e0: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 ultiply_Accum.c.\n 000008f0: 7600 0000 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f v............/ho\n 00000900: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000910: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000920: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000920: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000930: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000940: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000950: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am335x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00000960: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00000970: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000980: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000990: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@\n 000010c0: 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 bort.exit.c.b.ex\n 000010d0: 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 it.c.f.TI Librar\n 000010e0: 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 y...loader_exit.\n 000010f0: 9800 0000 0100 00d9 0000 0003 0015 0300 ................\n 00001100: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00001110: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001120: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001140: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001150: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001160: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am335x/PRU_M\n 00001170: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001180: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 m.TI PRU Linker \n 00001190: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000011a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 000012e0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 000012f0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001300: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001310: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001320: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00001330: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00001350: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00001360: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00001370: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00001380: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001390: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 000013a0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 000013b0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -412,15 +412,15 @@\n 000019b0: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 000019c0: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 000019d0: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 000019e0: 0b00 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c .....PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000019f0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 tiply_Accum.c./h\n 00001a00: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001a10: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001a20: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001a20: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001a30: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001a40: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001a50: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am335x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001a60: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -441,20 +441,20 @@\n 00001b80: 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 nt.long.unsigned\n 00001b90: 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 long.long long.\n 00001ba0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00001bb0: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00001bc0: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f long double../ho\n 00001bd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001be0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001bf0: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00001bf0: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00001c00: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00001c10: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00001c20: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c30: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001c40: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001c40: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001c50: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001c60: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001c70: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am335x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00001c80: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00001c90: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001ca0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001cb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -462,15 +462,15 @@\n 00001cd0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00001ce0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 rated.uint8_t.ui\n 00001cf0: 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt16_t.uint32_t.\n 00001d00: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 uint64_t..resour\n 00001d10: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00001d20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001d50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001d60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001d70: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am335x/PRU_M\n 00001d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001d90: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001da0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001db0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -478,15 +478,15 @@\n 00001dd0: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 00001de0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 orporated.my_res\n 00001df0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 ource_table.base\n 00001e00: 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .offset..../../.\n 00001e10: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 ./include/rsc_ty\n 00001e20: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 00001e30: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001e50: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001e60: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001e70: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00001e80: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001e90: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001ea0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001eb0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1044,15 +1044,15 @@\n 00004130: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004140: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004150: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004160: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004170: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004180: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004190: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-000041a0: 5449 3331 6636 7338 7673 5000 2443 244c TI31f6s8vsP.$C$L\n+000041a0: 5449 3565 4f4d 644b 4e79 3600 2443 244c TI5eOMdKNy6.$C$L\n 000041b0: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 000041c0: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 000041d0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041e0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041f0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00004200: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00004210: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.c\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object 164 0 5472 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 164 0 5472 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/460.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 821 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x6c refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@\n 00000170: c002 0024 802c 2024 8e20 00f1 e1ee e110 ...$., $. ......\n 00000180: 8120 00e1 e00b 0024 8020 0481 0000 002a . .....$. .....*\n 00000190: 0000 c320 8208 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 ... ............\n 000001a0: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 000001b0: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c....../h\n 000001c0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000001d0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000001e0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000001e0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000001f0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000200: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000210: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am335x/PRU_PRUt\n 00000220: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00000230: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000240: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000250: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -160,15 +160,15 @@\n 000009f0: 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0702 907d 5233 315f |R31_b0....}R31_\n 00000a00: 6231 0007 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000a10: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 0e01 0000 0300 ..R31_b3........\n 00000a20: 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 ......PRU_PRUtoA\n 00000a30: 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 RM_Interrupt.c..\n 00000a40: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000a50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000a60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000a60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000a70: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000a80: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000a90: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00000aa0: 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 U_PRUtoARM_Inter\n 00000ab0: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000ac0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ad0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -177,15 +177,15 @@\n 00000b00: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000b10: 0300 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 .....CT_CFG.....\n 00000b20: 4601 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 1101 0000 F...CT_CFG......\n 00000b30: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 ........PRU_PRUt\n 00000b40: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oARM_Interrupt.c\n 00000b50: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000b60: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000b70: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000b70: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000b80: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000b90: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000ba0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000bb0: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 00000bc0: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 00000bd0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000be0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -195,15 +195,15 @@\n 00000c20: 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 .......CT_INTC..\n 00000c30: 0189 0301 8602 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000c40: 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .:...........PRU\n 00000c50: 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 _PRUtoARM_Interr\n 00000c60: 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 upt.c....../home\n 00000c70: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000c80: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000c90: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000c90: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000ca0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000cb0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000cc0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 335x/PRU_PRUtoAR\n 00000cd0: 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 M_Interrupt.TI P\n 00000ce0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000cf0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000d00: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -215,15 +215,15 @@\n 00000d60: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 00000d70: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 000e ResourceTable...\n 00000d80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f50 ...........PRU_P\n 00000d90: 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RUtoARM_Interrup\n 00000da0: 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 t.c....../home/p\n 00000db0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000dc0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000dd0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000dd0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000de0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000df0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00000e00: 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 5x/PRU_PRUtoARM_\n 00000e10: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00000e20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000e30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000e40: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -232,15 +232,15 @@\n 00000e70: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f44 4452 d.........CT_DDR\n 00000e80: 0017 0133 0148 0300 0043 545f 4444 5200 ...3.H...CT_DDR.\n 00000e90: 0052 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .R...........PRU\n 00000ea0: 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 _PRUtoARM_Interr\n 00000eb0: 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 a400 upt.c...........\n 00000ec0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000ed0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ee0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000ee0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000ef0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f00: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f10: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000f20: 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 _PRUtoARM_Interr\n 00000f30: 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b upt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000f40: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000f50: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1295,15 +1295,15 @@\n 000050e0: 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c _ctrl.h.........\n 000050f0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 00005100: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 00005110: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 00005120: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00005130: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005140: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005150: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00005150: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00005160: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00005170: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00005180: 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff ..6.....-.......\n 00005190: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 ..............re\n 000051a0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 000051b0: 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 ty.h........<...\n 000051c0: 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..3.............\n@@ -1347,15 +1347,15 @@\n 00005420: 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0006 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00005430: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0716 0003 0e13 ..9.:.;.........\n 00005440: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 002e 2e2f .9.:.;.I......./\n 00005450: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d ../../include/am\n 00005460: 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 335x/pru_cfg.h./\n 00005470: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00005480: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00005490: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00005490: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000054a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000054b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000054c0: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 s/am335x/PRU_PRU\n 000054d0: 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toARM_Interrupt.\n 000054e0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000054f0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00005500: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1458,15 +1458,15 @@\n 00005b10: 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00005b20: 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00005b30: 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00005b40: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00005b50: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f lude/am335x/pru_\n 00005b60: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 00005b70: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00005b80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00005b80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00005b90: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00005ba0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00005bb0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00005bc0: 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e /PRU_PRUtoARM_In\n 00005bd0: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 00005be0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00005bf0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1674,15 +1674,15 @@\n 00006890: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 000068a0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 000068b0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 000068c0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 /../include/am33\n 000068d0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_ctrl.h./h\n 000068e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000068f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00006900: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00006900: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00006910: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00006920: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006930: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am335x/PRU_PRUt\n 00006940: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00006950: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006960: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006970: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1736,20 +1736,20 @@\n 00006c70: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00006c80: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00006c90: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00006ca0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00006cb0: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00006cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00006cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00006ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00006ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00006cf0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00006d00: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 00006d10: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00006d20: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00006d30: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00006d30: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00006d40: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00006d50: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006d60: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am335x/PRU_PRUt\n 00006d70: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00006d80: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006d90: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006da0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1759,15 +1759,15 @@\n 00006de0: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00006df0: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00006e00: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00006e10: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00006e20: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e rce_table_empty.\n 00006e30: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00006e40: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00006e50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00006e50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00006e60: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006e70: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006e80: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00006e90: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00006ea0: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00006eb0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00006ec0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1779,15 +1779,15 @@\n 00006f20: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00006f30: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00006f40: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00006f50: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00006f60: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00006f70: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00006f80: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00006f90: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00006f90: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00006fa0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00006fb0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00006fc0: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 les/am335x/PRU_P\n 00006fd0: 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RUtoARM_Interrup\n 00006fe0: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00006ff0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00007000: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -2934,16 +2934,16 @@\n 0000b750: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 0000b760: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 ................\n 0000b770: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 ................\n 0000b780: 0600 0000 0114 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000b790: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 ................\n 0000b7a0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 0000b7b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000b7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 336e 5167 .........TI33nQg\n-0000b7d0: 6941 3759 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 iA7Y..text..creg\n+0000b7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 6645 6b6e .........TI5fEkn\n+0000b7d0: 4a42 4d67 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 JBMg..text..creg\n 0000b7e0: 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e .PRU_CFG.noload.\n 0000b7f0: 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 near..creg.PRU_I\n 0000b800: 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e NTC.noload.far..\n 0000b810: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 0000b820: 6574 6169 6e00 2e63 7265 672e 4444 522e etain..creg.DDR.\n 0000b830: 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e 6561 7200 2e74 6578 noload.near..tex\n 0000b840: 743a 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e t:main..debug_in\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/461.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000120: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000130: 8208 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000140: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00000150: 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f pt.c....../home/\n 00000160: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000170: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000180: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000180: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000190: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000001a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 000001b0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 35x/PRU_PRUtoARM\n 000001c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 000001d0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000001e0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000001f0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@\n 00000990: 5f62 3000 0702 907d 5233 315f 6231 0007 _b0....}R31_b1..\n 000009a0: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 000009b0: 315f 6233 0000 0e01 0000 0300 5400 0000 1_b3........T...\n 000009c0: 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 ..PRU_PRUtoARM_I\n 000009d0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0020 0000 0002 nterrupt.c. ....\n 000009e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000009f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000a10: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000a20: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000a30: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 es/am335x/PRU_PR\n 00000a40: 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 UtoARM_Interrupt\n 00000a50: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000a60: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000a70: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@\n 00000aa0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 6002 rporated......`.\n 00000ab0: 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 4601 0000 .CT_CFG.....F...\n 00000ac0: 4354 5f43 4647 0000 1101 0000 0300 7d00 CT_CFG........}.\n 00000ad0: 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d ....PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00000ae0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0065 0000 _Interrupt.c.e..\n 00000af0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000b00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000b10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000b10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000b20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000b30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000b40: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00000b50: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00000b60: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000b70: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000b80: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -188,15 +188,15 @@\n 00000bb0: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000bc0: 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0189 0301 ...CT_INTC......\n 00000bd0: 8602 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 003a 0100 ....CT_INTC..:..\n 00000be0: 0003 00a6 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f50 5255 .........PRU_PRU\n 00000bf0: 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e toARM_Interrupt.\n 00000c00: 6300 ab00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000c10: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000c20: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000c20: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000c30: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000c40: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000c50: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000c60: 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e /PRU_PRUtoARM_In\n 00000c70: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 00000c80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000c90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@\n 00000cf0: 6162 6c65 001a 0140 016b 4c00 0070 7275 able...@.kL..pru\n 00000d00: 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f _remoteproc_Reso\n 00000d10: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 000e 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 00000d20: 00cf 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f50 5255 746f .......PRU_PRUto\n 00000d30: 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 ARM_Interrupt.c.\n 00000d40: e500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000d50: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000d60: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000d60: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000d70: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000d80: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000d90: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00000da0: 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 RU_PRUtoARM_Inte\n 00000db0: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000dc0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000dd0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 0503 0000 0080 4354 5f44 4452 0017 0133 ......CT_DDR...3\n 00000e20: 0148 0300 0043 545f 4444 5200 0052 0100 .H...CT_DDR..R..\n 00000e30: 0003 00f8 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f50 5255 .........PRU_PRU\n 00000e40: 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e toARM_Interrupt.\n 00000e50: 6300 2101 0000 1c00 0000 c000 0000 022f c.!............/\n 00000e60: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000e70: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000e80: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000e80: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000e90: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ea0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000eb0: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 s/am335x/PRU_PRU\n 00000ec0: 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toARM_Interrupt.\n 00000ed0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000ee0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000ef0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1324,15 +1324,15 @@\n 000052b0: 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 t.c.b.exit.c.f.T\n 000052c0: 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 I Library...load\n 000052d0: 6572 5f65 7869 7400 c000 0000 0100 00d9 er_exit.........\n 000052e0: 0000 0003 002e 0500 0004 015f 5f54 495f ...........__TI_\n 000052f0: 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 internal./home/p\n 00005300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00005310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00005320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00005320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00005330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00005340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00005350: 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 5x/PRU_PRUtoARM_\n 00005360: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00005370: 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e Linker Unix v2.\n 00005380: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00005390: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -1376,15 +1376,15 @@\n 000055f0: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6374 de/am335x/pru_ct\n 00005600: 726c 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 rl.h............\n 00005610: 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ................\n 00005620: 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 ............o...\n 00005630: 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..f.............\n 00005640: 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00005650: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005660: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005660: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005670: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00005680: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00005690: 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 tdint.h........6\n 000056a0: 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....-..........\n 000056b0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 ...........resou\n 000056c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e rce_table_empty.\n 000056d0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n@@ -1520,15 +1520,15 @@\n 00005ef0: 400b 8640 0887 400b 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00005f00: 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 .............@..\n 00005f10: 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00005f20: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00005f30: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 de/am335x/pru_cf\n 00005f40: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 00005f50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00005f60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00005f60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00005f70: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00005f80: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00005f90: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00005fa0: 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 U_PRUtoARM_Inter\n 00005fb0: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00005fc0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00005fd0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1616,15 +1616,15 @@\n 000064f0: 4849 4654 5f45 4e00 5049 4e5f 4d58 0050 HIFT_EN.PIN_MX.P\n 00006500: 494e 5f4d 585f 6269 7400 5049 4e5f 4d55 IN_MX_bit.PIN_MU\n 00006510: 585f 5345 4c00 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e X_SEL.pruCfg....\n 00006520: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00006530: 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 m335x/pru_intc.h\n 00006540: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00006550: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00006560: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00006560: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00006570: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00006580: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00006590: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 les/am335x/PRU_P\n 000065a0: 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RUtoARM_Interrup\n 000065b0: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000065c0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000065d0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1823,15 +1823,15 @@\n 000071e0: 7400 4e45 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 t.NEST_HINT_9.HI\n 000071f0: 4552 0048 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 5f48 ER.HIER_bit.EN_H\n 00007200: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 00007210: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d ../../include/am\n 00007220: 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 335x/pru_ctrl.h.\n 00007230: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00007240: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00007250: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00007250: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00007260: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00007270: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00007280: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 es/am335x/PRU_PR\n 00007290: 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 UtoARM_Interrupt\n 000072a0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000072b0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000072c0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1881,34 +1881,34 @@\n 00007580: 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 nt.long.unsigned\n 00007590: 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 long.long long.\n 000075a0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 000075b0: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 000075c0: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f long double../ho\n 000075d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000075e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000075f0: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+000075f0: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00007600: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00007610: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00007620: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007630: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007640: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007640: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007650: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007660: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007670: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f am335x/PRU_PRUto\n 00007680: 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 ARM_Interrupt.TI\n 00007690: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000076a0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000076b0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000076c0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000076d0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000076e0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 000076f0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00007700: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00007710: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007720: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007720: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007730: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00007740: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00007750: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00007760: 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e /PRU_PRUtoARM_In\n 00007770: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 00007780: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00007790: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1917,15 +1917,15 @@\n 000077c0: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 000077d0: 6d79 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c my_resource_tabl\n 000077e0: 6500 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e e.base.offset...\n 000077f0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00007800: 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d rsc_types.h./hom\n 00007810: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00007820: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00007830: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00007830: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00007840: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00007850: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00007860: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 m335x/PRU_PRUtoA\n 00007870: 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 RM_Interrupt.TI \n 00007880: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00007890: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000078a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -2517,16 +2517,16 @@\n 00009d40: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00009d50: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00009d60: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00009d70: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00009d80: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00009d90: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00009da0: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00009db0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3333 6e51 6769 ubtypes.TI33nQgi\n-00009dc0: 4137 5900 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 A7Y..resource_ta\n+00009db0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3566 456b 6e4a ubtypes.TI5fEknJ\n+00009dc0: 424d 6700 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 BMg..resource_ta\n 00009dd0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00009de0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00009df0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00009e00: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00009e10: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n 00009e20: 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 3sTEia.TIenzHQ2Y\n 00009e30: 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a 7537 006c ae.TIiBXWmgzu7.l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.c\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/475.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3330 0000 0000 1002 1100 0100 0300 l 30............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 ff09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m335x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00000650: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000660: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000670: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -250,15 +250,15 @@\n 00000f90: 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 00000fa0: 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 R31_b3........pa\n 00000fb0: 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 b203 0000 7061 yload...E.....pa\n 00000fc0: 796c 6f61 6400 00ff 0000 0003 00ba 0000 yload...........\n 00000fd0: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 022f ...main.c.J..../\n 00000fe0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000ff0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001000: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001000: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001010: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001020: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001030: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 00001040: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001050: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001060: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001070: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 000010a0: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 000010b0: 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 4b02 `..CT_CFG.....K.\n 000010c0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0201 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 000010d0: e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 008f 0000 ......main.c....\n 000010e0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000010f0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001110: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001120: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001130: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00001140: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001150: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001160: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001170: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 exas Instruments\n 000011a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000011b0: 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 ......CT_INTC...\n 000011c0: 8903 018b 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 .......CT_INTC..\n 000011d0: 0b01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 000011e0: 2e63 00d5 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001220: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001230: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001240: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001250: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001260: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001270: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000012b0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f ted.........pru_\n 000012c0: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0167 0400 intc_map...<.g..\n 000012d0: 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000d .pru_intc_map...\n 000012e0: 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e .....5.....main.\n 000012f0: 6300 0b01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00001300: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001320: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001330: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001340: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001350: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00001360: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00001370: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001380: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 6564 0001 0205 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 ed.........resou\n 000013d0: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a 0150 0165 4c00 rceTable...P.eL.\n 000013e0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 .resourceTable..\n 000013f0: c001 0000 0300 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e ......^.....main\n 00001400: 2e63 0041 0100 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 .c.A............\n 00001410: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001420: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001430: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001430: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001440: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001450: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001460: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2025,15 +2025,15 @@\n 00007e80: 021c 012d e04a 0000 02e4 2400 0002 1c01 ...-.J....$.....\n 00007e90: 2fee 4a00 0002 ed24 0000 0220 0133 0a4b /.J....$... .3.K\n 00007ea0: 0000 02f6 2400 0002 1a01 53ee 4a00 0000 ....$.....S.J...\n 00007eb0: dc00 0000 0300 e60c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 ............__TI\n 00007ec0: 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f _internal./home/\n 00007ed0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00007ee0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00007ef0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00007ef0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00007f00: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00007f10: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00007f20: 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 35x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00007f30: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00007f40: 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 PRU Linker Unix\n 00007f50: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00007f60: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -2079,15 +2079,15 @@\n 000081e0: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 c_types.h.......\n 000081f0: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 00008200: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00008210: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00008220: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00008230: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008240: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008250: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00008250: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00008260: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00008270: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00008280: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n 00008290: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000082a0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 000082b0: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 /pru_types.h....\n 000082c0: 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 ....2.....).....\n@@ -2626,15 +2626,15 @@\n 0000a410: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 0000a420: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 0000a430: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 0000a440: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 0000a450: 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am335x/pru_c\n 0000a460: 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f fg.h./home/peko/\n 0000a470: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a480: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a480: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a490: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a4a0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a4b0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 0000a4c0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000a4d0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 0000a4e0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000a4f0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2722,15 +2722,15 @@\n 0000aa10: 4652 5f53 4849 4654 5f45 4e00 5049 4e5f FR_SHIFT_EN.PIN_\n 0000aa20: 4d58 0050 494e 5f4d 585f 6269 7400 5049 MX.PIN_MX_bit.PI\n 0000aa30: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 7072 7543 6667 N_MUX_SEL.pruCfg\n 0000aa40: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000aa50: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 696e de/am335x/pru_in\n 0000aa60: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aa70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000aa80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000aa80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000aa90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000aaa0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000aab0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 0000aac0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000aad0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 0000aae0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000aaf0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2929,15 +2929,15 @@\n 0000b700: 4e4c 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 NLR9_bit.NEST_HI\n 0000b710: 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 NT_9.HIER.HIER_b\n 0000b720: 6974 0045 4e5f 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e it.EN_HINT.pruIn\n 0000b730: 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 tc..../../../inc\n 0000b740: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000b750: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000b760: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000b770: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000b770: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000b780: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000b790: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000b7a0: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am335x/PRU_R\n 0000b7b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000b7c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000b7d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000b7e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2970,20 +2970,20 @@\n 0000b990: 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 d int.long.unsig\n 0000b9a0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f ned long.long lo\n 0000b9b0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 0000b9c0: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 0000b9d0: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 le.long double..\n 0000b9e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000b9f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000ba00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+0000ba00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 0000ba10: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 0000ba20: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 0000ba30: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000ba40: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000ba50: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000ba50: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000ba60: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000ba70: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000ba80: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 0000ba90: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000baa0: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 0000bab0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 0000bac0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2993,15 +2993,15 @@\n 0000bb00: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 0000bb10: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 0000bb20: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 0000bb30: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000bb40: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 0000bb50: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000bb60: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000bb70: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000bb70: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000bb80: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000bb90: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000bba0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000bbb0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 0000bbc0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bbd0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bbe0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3012,15 +3012,15 @@\n 0000bc30: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 0000bc40: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 0000bc50: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 0000bc60: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 0000bc70: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 0000bc80: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bc90: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bca0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bca0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bcb0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bcc0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bcd0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bce0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 0000bcf0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000bd00: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000bd10: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -3031,15 +3031,15 @@\n 0000bd60: 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 fset.rpmsg_vdev.\n 0000bd70: 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d rpmsg_vring0.rpm\n 0000bd80: 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e sg_vring1.pru_in\n 0000bd90: 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ts..../../../inc\n 0000bda0: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 lude/pru_rpmsg.h\n 0000bdb0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000bdc0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000bdd0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000bdd0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000bde0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000bdf0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000be00: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am335x/PRU_R\n 0000be10: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000be20: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000be30: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000be40: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -3052,15 +3052,15 @@\n 0000beb0: 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 .pru_rpmsg_trans\n 0000bec0: 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 port.virtqueue0.\n 0000bed0: 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e virtqueue1..../.\n 0000bee0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000bef0: 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f _virtqueue.h./ho\n 0000bf00: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000bf10: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000bf20: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000bf20: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000bf30: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000bf40: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000bf50: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000bf60: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 0000bf70: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bf80: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bf90: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3071,15 +3071,15 @@\n 0000bfe0: 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f _event.from_arm_\n 0000bff0: 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c event.last_avail\n 0000c000: 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e _idx.vring..../.\n 0000c010: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000c020: 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f _virtio_ring.h./\n 0000c030: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 0000c040: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-0000c050: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+0000c050: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 0000c060: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 0000c070: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 0000c080: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 0000c090: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000c0a0: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 0000c0b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 0000c0c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4049,16 +4049,16 @@\n 0000fd00: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fd10: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fd20: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fd30: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fd40: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fd50: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fd60: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fd70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3335 7834 5874 ubtypes.TI35x4Xt\n-0000fd80: 5068 3800 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 Ph8.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fd70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3567 4e41 5169 ubtypes.TI5gNAQi\n+0000fd80: 5a71 7700 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 Zqw.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fd90: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fda0: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fdb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fdc0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fdd0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000fde0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fdf0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/476.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 69 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 18 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 u.Channel 30....\n 00000290: ff09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00000320: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000330: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@\n 00000c60: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00000c70: 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 b3........payloa\n 00000c80: 6400 0901 4501 b203 0000 7061 796c 6f61 d...E.....payloa\n 00000c90: 6400 00ff 0000 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d d..............m\n 00000ca0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000cb0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000cc0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000cd0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000cd0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000ce0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000cf0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000d00: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00000d10: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000d20: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000d30: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000d40: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -215,15 +215,15 @@\n 00000d60: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00000d70: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 orated.........C\n 00000d80: 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 4b02 0000 4354 T_CFG.....K...CT\n 00000d90: 5f43 4647 0000 0201 0000 0300 0000 0000 _CFG............\n 00000da0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00000db0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000dc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000dd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000dd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000de0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000df0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000e00: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 00000e10: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000e20: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000e30: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000e40: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -231,15 +231,15 @@\n 00000e60: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 00000e70: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000e80: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 8903 018b ..CT_INTC.......\n 00000e90: 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 0b01 0000 ...CT_INTC......\n 00000ea0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000eb0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000ec0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000ed0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000ed0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000ee0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000ef0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000f00: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00000f10: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000f20: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00000f30: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000f40: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@\n 00000f70: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000f80: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 ........pru_intc\n 00000f90: 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0167 0400 0070 7275 _map...<.g...pru\n 00000fa0: 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000d 0100 0003 _intc_map.......\n 00000fb0: 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 .......main.c...\n 00000fc0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000fd0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000fe0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000fe0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000ff0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001000: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001010: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00001020: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00001030: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00001040: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001050: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0205 0300 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .......resourceT\n 000010a0: 6162 6c65 001a 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 able...P.....res\n 000010b0: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c001 0000 ourceTable......\n 000010c0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000010d0: 0000 0000 0000 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 000010e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000010f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001100: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001100: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001110: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001120: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001130: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m335x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001140: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001150: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001160: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001170: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1352,15 +1352,15 @@\n 00005470: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00005480: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00005490: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 000054a0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 000054b0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 000054c0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000054d0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000054e0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000054e0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000054f0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00005500: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00005510: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 00005520: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 00005530: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 00005540: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 00005550: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -1426,15 +1426,15 @@\n 00005910: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 0101 ....9.:.;.......\n 00005920: 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 030e ...9.:.;........\n 00005930: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 2e2e ..9.:.;.I.......\n 00005940: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00005950: 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 m335x/pru_cfg.h.\n 00005960: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00005970: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00005980: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00005980: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005990: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000059a0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000059b0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 000059c0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000059d0: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 000059e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000059f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1538,15 +1538,15 @@\n 00006010: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006020: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00006030: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 00006040: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f /include/am335x/\n 00006050: 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 pru_intc.h./home\n 00006060: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006070: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006080: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006080: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006090: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000060a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000060b0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000060c0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 000060d0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000060e0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000060f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1755,15 +1755,15 @@\n 00006da0: 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006db0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 .......9.:.;....\n 00006dc0: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006dd0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006de0: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00006df0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006e00: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006e10: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006e10: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006e20: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006e30: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006e40: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00006e50: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00006e60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006e70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006e80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1800,20 +1800,20 @@\n 00007070: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00007080: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00007090: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 ng double.......\n 000070a0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 .....%..@.......\n 000070b0: 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f ...9.:.;.I...../\n 000070c0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000070d0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000070e0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000070e0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 000070f0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00007100: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f clude/stdint.h./\n 00007110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00007120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007160: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 00007170: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00007180: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00007190: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000071a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1826,15 +1826,15 @@\n 00007210: 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 ...2.8.9.:.;.I..\n 00007220: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00007230: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00007240: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00007250: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 00007260: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 00007270: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00007280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00007280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00007290: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000072a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000072b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000072c0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000072d0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 000072e0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000072f0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1849,15 +1849,15 @@\n 00007380: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00007390: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 000073a0: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 000073b0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 000073c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 000073d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000073e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000073f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000073f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007400: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007410: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007420: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 00007430: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00007440: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00007450: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00007460: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1874,15 +1874,15 @@\n 00007510: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 ........%..@....\n 00007520: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00007530: 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .(.....9.:.;....\n 00007540: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007550: 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 e/pru_rpmsg.h./h\n 00007560: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007570: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007580: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007580: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007590: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000075a0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000075b0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 000075c0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000075d0: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000075e0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000075f0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1898,15 +1898,15 @@\n 00007690: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000076a0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000076b0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000076c0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000076d0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 ude/pru_virtqueu\n 000076e0: 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 e.h./home/peko/a\n 000076f0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00007700: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00007700: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00007710: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00007720: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00007730: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00007740: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00007750: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00007760: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00007770: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1921,15 +1921,15 @@\n 00007800: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00007810: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00007820: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00007830: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00007840: 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 u_virtio_ring.h.\n 00007850: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00007860: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00007870: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00007870: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00007880: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00007890: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000078a0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 000078b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000078c0: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 000078d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000078e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3180,15 +3180,15 @@\n 0000c6b0: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0000c6c0: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 011c 0000 ................\n 0000c6d0: 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 011e 0000 ................\n 0000c6e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c6f0: 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c700: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c710: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c720: 0000 0000 0054 4933 3578 3458 7450 6838 .....TI35x4XtPh8\n+0000c720: 0000 0000 0054 4935 674e 4151 695a 7177 .....TI5gNAQiZqw\n 0000c730: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 0000c740: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 L3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.\n 0000c750: 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 $C$SL2..text..cr\n 0000c760: 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 eg.PRU_CFG.noloa\n 0000c770: 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 d.near..creg.PRU\n 0000c780: 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 _INTC.noload.far\n 0000c790: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/491.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3331 0000 0000 1203 1301 0100 0300 l 31............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 ff09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m335x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00000650: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000660: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000670: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -250,15 +250,15 @@\n 00000f90: 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 00000fa0: 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 R31_b3........pa\n 00000fb0: 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 b203 0000 7061 yload...E.....pa\n 00000fc0: 796c 6f61 6400 00ff 0000 0003 00ba 0000 yload...........\n 00000fd0: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 022f ...main.c.J..../\n 00000fe0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000ff0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001000: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001000: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001010: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001020: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001030: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 00001040: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001050: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001060: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001070: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 000010a0: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 000010b0: 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 4b02 `..CT_CFG.....K.\n 000010c0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0201 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 000010d0: e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 008f 0000 ......main.c....\n 000010e0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000010f0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001110: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001120: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001130: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 00001140: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001150: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001160: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001170: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 exas Instruments\n 000011a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000011b0: 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 ......CT_INTC...\n 000011c0: 8903 018b 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 .......CT_INTC..\n 000011d0: 0b01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 000011e0: 2e63 00d5 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001220: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001230: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00001240: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001250: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001260: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001270: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000012b0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f ted.........pru_\n 000012c0: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0167 0400 intc_map...<.g..\n 000012d0: 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000d .pru_intc_map...\n 000012e0: 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e .....5.....main.\n 000012f0: 6300 0b01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00001300: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001320: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001330: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001340: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001350: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00001360: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00001370: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001380: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 6564 0001 0205 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 ed.........resou\n 000013d0: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a 0150 0165 4c00 rceTable...P.eL.\n 000013e0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 .resourceTable..\n 000013f0: c001 0000 0300 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e ......^.....main\n 00001400: 2e63 0041 0100 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 .c.A............\n 00001410: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001420: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001430: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001430: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001440: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001450: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001460: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2025,15 +2025,15 @@\n 00007e80: 021c 012d e04a 0000 02e4 2400 0002 1c01 ...-.J....$.....\n 00007e90: 2fee 4a00 0002 ed24 0000 0220 0133 0a4b /.J....$... .3.K\n 00007ea0: 0000 02f6 2400 0002 1a01 53ee 4a00 0000 ....$.....S.J...\n 00007eb0: dc00 0000 0300 e60c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 ............__TI\n 00007ec0: 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f _internal./home/\n 00007ed0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00007ee0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00007ef0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00007ef0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00007f00: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00007f10: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00007f20: 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 35x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00007f30: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00007f40: 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 PRU Linker Unix\n 00007f50: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00007f60: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -2079,15 +2079,15 @@\n 000081e0: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 c_types.h.......\n 000081f0: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 00008200: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00008210: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00008220: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00008230: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008240: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008250: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00008250: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00008260: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00008270: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00008280: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n 00008290: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000082a0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 000082b0: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 /pru_types.h....\n 000082c0: 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 ....2.....).....\n@@ -2626,15 +2626,15 @@\n 0000a410: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 0000a420: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 0000a430: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 0000a440: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 0000a450: 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am335x/pru_c\n 0000a460: 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f fg.h./home/peko/\n 0000a470: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a480: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a480: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a490: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a4a0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a4b0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 0000a4c0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000a4d0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 0000a4e0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000a4f0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2722,15 +2722,15 @@\n 0000aa10: 4652 5f53 4849 4654 5f45 4e00 5049 4e5f FR_SHIFT_EN.PIN_\n 0000aa20: 4d58 0050 494e 5f4d 585f 6269 7400 5049 MX.PIN_MX_bit.PI\n 0000aa30: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 7072 7543 6667 N_MUX_SEL.pruCfg\n 0000aa40: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000aa50: 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 696e de/am335x/pru_in\n 0000aa60: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aa70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000aa80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000aa80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000aa90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000aaa0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000aab0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 0000aac0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000aad0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 0000aae0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000aaf0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2929,15 +2929,15 @@\n 0000b700: 4e4c 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 NLR9_bit.NEST_HI\n 0000b710: 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 NT_9.HIER.HIER_b\n 0000b720: 6974 0045 4e5f 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e it.EN_HINT.pruIn\n 0000b730: 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 tc..../../../inc\n 0000b740: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000b750: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000b760: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000b770: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000b770: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000b780: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000b790: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000b7a0: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am335x/PRU_R\n 0000b7b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000b7c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000b7d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000b7e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2970,20 +2970,20 @@\n 0000b990: 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 d int.long.unsig\n 0000b9a0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f ned long.long lo\n 0000b9b0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 0000b9c0: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 0000b9d0: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 le.long double..\n 0000b9e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000b9f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000ba00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+0000ba00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 0000ba10: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 0000ba20: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 0000ba30: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000ba40: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000ba50: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000ba50: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000ba60: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000ba70: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000ba80: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 0000ba90: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000baa0: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 0000bab0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 0000bac0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2993,15 +2993,15 @@\n 0000bb00: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 0000bb10: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 0000bb20: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 0000bb30: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000bb40: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 0000bb50: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000bb60: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000bb70: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000bb70: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000bb80: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000bb90: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000bba0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000bbb0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 0000bbc0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bbd0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bbe0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3012,15 +3012,15 @@\n 0000bc30: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 0000bc40: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 0000bc50: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 0000bc60: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 0000bc70: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 0000bc80: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bc90: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bca0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bca0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bcb0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bcc0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bcd0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bce0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 0000bcf0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000bd00: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000bd10: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -3031,15 +3031,15 @@\n 0000bd60: 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 fset.rpmsg_vdev.\n 0000bd70: 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d rpmsg_vring0.rpm\n 0000bd80: 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e sg_vring1.pru_in\n 0000bd90: 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ts..../../../inc\n 0000bda0: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 lude/pru_rpmsg.h\n 0000bdb0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000bdc0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000bdd0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000bdd0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000bde0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000bdf0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000be00: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am335x/PRU_R\n 0000be10: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000be20: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000be30: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000be40: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -3052,15 +3052,15 @@\n 0000beb0: 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 .pru_rpmsg_trans\n 0000bec0: 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 port.virtqueue0.\n 0000bed0: 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e virtqueue1..../.\n 0000bee0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000bef0: 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f _virtqueue.h./ho\n 0000bf00: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000bf10: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000bf20: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000bf20: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000bf30: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000bf40: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000bf50: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000bf60: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 0000bf70: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bf80: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bf90: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3071,15 +3071,15 @@\n 0000bfe0: 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f _event.from_arm_\n 0000bff0: 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c event.last_avail\n 0000c000: 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e _idx.vring..../.\n 0000c010: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000c020: 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f _virtio_ring.h./\n 0000c030: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 0000c040: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-0000c050: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+0000c050: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 0000c060: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 0000c070: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 0000c080: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 0000c090: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000c0a0: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 0000c0b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 0000c0c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4049,16 +4049,16 @@\n 0000fd00: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fd10: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fd20: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fd30: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fd40: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fd50: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fd60: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fd70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3362 6d48 7772 ubtypes.TI3bmHwr\n-0000fd80: 4675 6900 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 Fui.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fd70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3568 5438 6a6e ubtypes.TI5hT8jn\n+0000fd80: 3065 4f00 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 0eO.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fd90: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fda0: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fdb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fdc0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fdd0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000fde0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fdf0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/492.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 69 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 18 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 u.Channel 31....\n 00000290: ff09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00000320: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000330: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@\n 00000c60: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00000c70: 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 b3........payloa\n 00000c80: 6400 0901 4501 b203 0000 7061 796c 6f61 d...E.....payloa\n 00000c90: 6400 00ff 0000 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d d..............m\n 00000ca0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000cb0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000cc0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000cd0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000cd0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000ce0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000cf0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000d00: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00000d10: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000d20: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000d30: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000d40: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -215,15 +215,15 @@\n 00000d60: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00000d70: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 orated.........C\n 00000d80: 545f 4346 4700 1701 f201 4b02 0000 4354 T_CFG.....K...CT\n 00000d90: 5f43 4647 0000 0201 0000 0300 0000 0000 _CFG............\n 00000da0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00000db0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000dc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000dd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000dd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000de0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000df0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000e00: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 00000e10: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000e20: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000e30: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000e40: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -231,15 +231,15 @@\n 00000e60: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 00000e70: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000e80: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 8903 018b ..CT_INTC.......\n 00000e90: 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 0b01 0000 ...CT_INTC......\n 00000ea0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000eb0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000ec0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000ed0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000ed0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000ee0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000ef0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000f00: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00000f10: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000f20: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00000f30: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000f40: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@\n 00000f70: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000f80: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 ........pru_intc\n 00000f90: 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0167 0400 0070 7275 _map...<.g...pru\n 00000fa0: 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000d 0100 0003 _intc_map.......\n 00000fb0: 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 .......main.c...\n 00000fc0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000fd0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000fe0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000fe0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000ff0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001000: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001010: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00001020: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00001030: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00001040: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001050: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0205 0300 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .......resourceT\n 000010a0: 6162 6c65 001a 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 able...P.....res\n 000010b0: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c001 0000 ourceTable......\n 000010c0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000010d0: 0000 0000 0000 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 000010e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000010f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001100: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001100: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001110: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001120: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001130: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m335x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001140: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001150: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001160: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001170: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1352,15 +1352,15 @@\n 00005470: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00005480: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00005490: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 000054a0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 000054b0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 000054c0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000054d0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000054e0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000054e0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000054f0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00005500: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00005510: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 00005520: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 00005530: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 00005540: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 00005550: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -1426,15 +1426,15 @@\n 00005910: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 0101 ....9.:.;.......\n 00005920: 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 030e ...9.:.;........\n 00005930: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 2e2e ..9.:.;.I.......\n 00005940: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00005950: 6d33 3335 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 m335x/pru_cfg.h.\n 00005960: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00005970: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00005980: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00005980: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005990: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000059a0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000059b0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 000059c0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000059d0: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 000059e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000059f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1538,15 +1538,15 @@\n 00006010: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006020: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00006030: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 00006040: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d33 3335 782f /include/am335x/\n 00006050: 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 pru_intc.h./home\n 00006060: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006070: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006080: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006080: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006090: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000060a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000060b0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 335x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000060c0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 000060d0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000060e0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000060f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1755,15 +1755,15 @@\n 00006da0: 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006db0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 .......9.:.;....\n 00006dc0: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006dd0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006de0: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00006df0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006e00: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006e10: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006e10: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006e20: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006e30: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006e40: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am335x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00006e50: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00006e60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006e70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006e80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1800,20 +1800,20 @@\n 00007070: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00007080: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00007090: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 ng double.......\n 000070a0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 .....%..@.......\n 000070b0: 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f ...9.:.;.I...../\n 000070c0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000070d0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000070e0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000070e0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 000070f0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00007100: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f clude/stdint.h./\n 00007110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00007120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007160: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am335x/PRU_RPM\n 00007170: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00007180: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00007190: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000071a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1826,15 +1826,15 @@\n 00007210: 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 ...2.8.9.:.;.I..\n 00007220: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00007230: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00007240: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00007250: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 00007260: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 00007270: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00007280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00007280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00007290: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000072a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000072b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000072c0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000072d0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 000072e0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000072f0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1849,15 +1849,15 @@\n 00007380: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00007390: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 000073a0: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 000073b0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 000073c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 000073d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000073e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000073f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000073f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007400: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007410: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007420: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 00007430: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00007440: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00007450: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00007460: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1874,15 +1874,15 @@\n 00007510: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 ........%..@....\n 00007520: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00007530: 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .(.....9.:.;....\n 00007540: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007550: 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 e/pru_rpmsg.h./h\n 00007560: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007570: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007580: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007580: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007590: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000075a0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000075b0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am335x/PRU_RPMs\n 000075c0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000075d0: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000075e0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000075f0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1898,15 +1898,15 @@\n 00007690: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000076a0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000076b0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000076c0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000076d0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 ude/pru_virtqueu\n 000076e0: 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 e.h./home/peko/a\n 000076f0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00007700: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00007700: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00007710: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00007720: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00007730: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00007740: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00007750: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00007760: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00007770: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1921,15 +1921,15 @@\n 00007800: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00007810: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00007820: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00007830: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00007840: 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 u_virtio_ring.h.\n 00007850: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00007860: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00007870: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00007870: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00007880: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00007890: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000078a0: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am335x/PRU_RP\n 000078b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000078c0: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 000078d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000078e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3180,15 +3180,15 @@\n 0000c6b0: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0000c6c0: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 011c 0000 ................\n 0000c6d0: 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 011e 0000 ................\n 0000c6e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c6f0: 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c700: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c710: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c720: 0000 0000 0054 4933 626d 4877 7246 7569 .....TI3bmHwrFui\n+0000c720: 0000 0000 0054 4935 6854 386a 6e30 654f .....TI5hT8jn0eO\n 0000c730: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 0000c740: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 L3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.\n 0000c750: 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 $C$SL2..text..cr\n 0000c760: 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 eg.PRU_CFG.noloa\n 0000c770: 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 d.near..creg.PRU\n 0000c780: 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 _INTC.noload.far\n 0000c790: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_access_const_table.object 168 0 101 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 168 0 101 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/508.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 13 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 48 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n 00000160: 8020 0091 0000 0021 8020 0091 e0e0 0101 . .....!. ......\n 00000170: 8020 0081 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e 0000 c320 . .....*....... \n 00000180: e106 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000190: 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 access_const_tab\n 000001a0: 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f le.c....../home/\n 000001b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000001c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000001d0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000001d0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000001e0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000001f0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00000200: 3335 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 35x/PRU_access_c\n 00000210: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 onst_table.TI PR\n 00000220: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000230: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000240: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -133,15 +133,15 @@\n 00000840: 6230 0006 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0602 b0....}R31_b1...\n 00000850: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0006 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 00000860: 5f62 3300 000e 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 _b3.............\n 00000870: 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 .PRU_access_cons\n 00000880: 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 0000 0000 022f t_table.c....../\n 00000890: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000008a0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000008b0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+000008b0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000008c0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000008d0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000008e0: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 s/am335x/PRU_acc\n 000008f0: 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 ess_const_table.\n 00000900: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000910: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000920: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@\n 00000950: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000960: 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 0146 0100 0043 CT_CFG.....F...C\n 00000970: 545f 4346 4700 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 T_CFG..:........\n 00000980: 0004 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f ...PRU_access_co\n 00000990: 6e73 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 0000 0000 nst_table.c.....\n 000009a0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000009b0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000009c0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000009c0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000009d0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000009e0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000009f0: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 les/am335x/PRU_a\n 00000a00: 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c ccess_const_tabl\n 00000a10: 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 e.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000a20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000a30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@\n 00000a90: 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 .@.....pru_remot\n 00000aa0: 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 eproc_ResourceTa\n 00000ab0: 626c 6500 0014 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 00000ac0: 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 .PRU_access_cons\n 00000ad0: 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 0000 0000 022f t_table.c....../\n 00000ae0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000af0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000b00: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000b00: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000b10: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000b20: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000b30: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 s/am335x/PRU_acc\n 00000b40: 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 ess_const_table.\n 00000b50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000b60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000b70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@\n 00000ba0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000bb0: 4354 5f4d 4353 5049 3000 1601 2801 7801 CT_MCSPI0...(.x.\n 00000bc0: 0000 4354 5f4d 4353 5049 3000 0072 0100 ..CT_MCSPI0..r..\n 00000bd0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f61 6363 .........PRU_acc\n 00000be0: 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 652e ess_const_table.\n 00000bf0: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000c00: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000c10: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000c10: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000c20: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000c30: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000c40: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000c50: 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 /PRU_access_cons\n 00000c60: 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 t_table.TI PRU C\n 00000c70: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000c80: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@\n 00000d20: 6172 6564 5f66 7265 715f 3300 1c01 3501 ared_freq_3...5.\n 00000d30: a701 0000 7368 6172 6564 5f66 7265 715f ....shared_freq_\n 00000d40: 3300 006c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 3..l...........P\n 00000d50: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 00000d60: 7461 626c 652e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 table.c.........\n 00000d70: a800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000d80: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000d90: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000d90: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000da0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000db0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000dc0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00000dd0: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 00000de0: 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 table.TI PRU C/C\n 00000df0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000e00: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -556,15 +556,15 @@\n 000022b0: 7072 755f 6374 726c 2e68 0000 0000 0000 pru_ctrl.h......\n 000022c0: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 000022d0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 000022e0: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000022f0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00002300: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00002310: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00002320: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00002320: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00002330: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00002340: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00002350: 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 .....6.....-....\n 00002360: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00002370: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00002380: 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c empty.h........<\n 00002390: 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....3..........\n@@ -608,15 +608,15 @@\n 000025f0: 0000 0513 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00002600: 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00002610: 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00002620: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00002630: 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am335x/pru_c\n 00002640: 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f fg.h./home/peko/\n 00002650: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00002660: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00002660: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00002670: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00002680: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00002690: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000026a0: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 000026b0: 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 table.TI PRU C/C\n 000026c0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000026d0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -713,15 +713,15 @@\n 00002c80: 0b3b 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00002c90: 3b0b 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00002ca0: 0b49 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 00002cb0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 include/am335x/p\n 00002cc0: 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_ctrl.h./home/\n 00002cd0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00002ce0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00002cf0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00002cf0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00002d00: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00002d10: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00002d20: 3335 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 35x/PRU_access_c\n 00002d30: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 onst_table.TI PR\n 00002d40: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00002d50: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00002d60: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -775,20 +775,20 @@\n 00003060: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00003070: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00003080: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00003090: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 000030a0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 000030b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000030c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000030d0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000030d0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000030e0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000030f0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00003100: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00003110: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00003120: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00003120: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00003130: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00003140: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00003150: 3335 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 35x/PRU_access_c\n 00003160: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 onst_table.TI PR\n 00003170: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00003180: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00003190: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -798,15 +798,15 @@\n 000031d0: 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 2_t......2.8.9.:\n 000031e0: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 000031f0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 00003200: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 .....9.:.;.....r\n 00003210: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00003220: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00003230: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00003240: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00003240: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00003250: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00003260: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00003270: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00003280: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 00003290: 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _table.TI PRU C/\n 000032a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000032b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -818,15 +818,15 @@\n 00003310: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 00003320: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00003330: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00003340: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00003350: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00003360: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00003370: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00003380: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00003380: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00003390: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000033a0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000033b0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000033c0: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 000033d0: 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 table.TI PRU C/C\n 000033e0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000033f0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1289,16 +1289,16 @@\n 00005080: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00005090: 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 ................\n 000050a0: 0600 0000 0113 0000 0600 0000 0114 0000 ................\n 000050b0: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000050c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a00 0000 ................\n 000050d0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 ................\n 000050e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000050f0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 494d 6e33 7876 .......TI2IMn3xv\n-00005100: 5851 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 002e XQ.$C$L1.$C$L2..\n+000050f0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4934 5962 486b 7761 .......TI4YbHkwa\n+00005100: 4c6b 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 002e Lk.$C$L1.$C$L2..\n 00005110: 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 text..creg.PRU_C\n 00005120: 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e FG.noload.near..\n 00005130: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00005140: 6574 6169 6e00 2e63 7265 672e 4d43 5350 etain..creg.MCSP\n 00005150: 4930 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e I0.noload.near..\n 00005160: 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f53 4841 5245 444d creg.PRU_SHAREDM\n 00005170: 454d 2e6e 6561 7200 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 EM.near..text:ma\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/509.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 00000120: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 00000130: 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 e106 0000 ................\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0402 5052 555f 6163 6365 ........PRU_acce\n 00000150: 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 ss_const_table.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 000001c0: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 000001d0: 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _table.TI PRU C/\n 000001e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000001f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -129,15 +129,15 @@\n 00000800: 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0602 907e 5233 ..}R31_b1....~R3\n 00000810: 315f 6232 0006 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 1_b2.....R31_b3.\n 00000820: 000e 0100 0003 0047 0000 0004 0150 5255 .......G.....PRU\n 00000830: 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 _access_const_ta\n 00000840: 626c 652e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ble.c. ..../home\n 00000850: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000860: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000870: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000870: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000880: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000890: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000008a0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 335x/PRU_access_\n 000008b0: 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 const_table.TI P\n 000008c0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008d0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008e0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@\n 00000910: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0060 0200 4354 5f43 ted......`..CT_C\n 00000920: 4647 0017 01f2 0146 0100 0043 545f 4346 FG.....F...CT_CF\n 00000930: 4700 003a 0100 0003 0070 0000 0004 0150 G..:.....p.....P\n 00000940: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 00000950: 7461 626c 652e 6300 6500 0000 022f 686f table.c.e..../ho\n 00000960: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000970: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000980: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000980: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000990: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000009a0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000009b0: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 am335x/PRU_acces\n 000009c0: 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 s_const_table.TI\n 000009d0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000009e0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000009f0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -166,15 +166,15 @@\n 00000a50: 1e00 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f ...pru_remotepro\n 00000a60: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 00000a70: 0014 0100 0003 0099 0000 0004 0150 5255 .............PRU\n 00000a80: 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 _access_const_ta\n 00000a90: 626c 652e 6300 9f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ble.c....../home\n 00000aa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000ab0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000ac0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000ac0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000ad0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000ae0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000af0: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 335x/PRU_access_\n 00000b00: 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 const_table.TI P\n 00000b10: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000b20: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000b30: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@\n 00000b60: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0348 4354 5f4d ted........HCT_M\n 00000b70: 4353 5049 3000 1601 2801 7801 0000 4354 CSPI0...(.x...CT\n 00000b80: 5f4d 4353 5049 3000 0072 0100 0003 00c2 _MCSPI0..r......\n 00000b90: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f .....PRU_access_\n 00000ba0: 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 db00 const_table.c...\n 00000bb0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000bc0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000bd0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000bd0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000be0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000bf0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000c00: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000c10: 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 _access_const_ta\n 00000c20: 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ble.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000c30: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000c40: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -207,15 +207,15 @@\n 00000ce0: 5f66 7265 715f 3300 1c01 3501 a701 0000 _freq_3...5.....\n 00000cf0: 7368 6172 6564 5f66 7265 715f 3300 006c shared_freq_3..l\n 00000d00: 0100 0003 00eb 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f61 ...........PRU_a\n 00000d10: 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c ccess_const_tabl\n 00000d20: 652e 6300 1701 0000 1c00 0000 c400 0000 e.c.............\n 00000d30: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000d40: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000d50: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000d50: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000d60: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000d70: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000d80: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 les/am335x/PRU_a\n 00000d90: 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c ccess_const_tabl\n 00000da0: 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 e.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000db0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000dc0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -591,15 +591,15 @@\n 000024e0: 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 b.abort.exit.c.b\n 000024f0: 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 .exit.c.f.TI Lib\n 00002500: 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 rary...loader_ex\n 00002510: 6974 00c4 0000 0001 0000 d900 0000 0300 it..............\n 00002520: 3604 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6.....__TI_inter\n 00002530: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 00002540: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00002550: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00002550: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00002560: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00002570: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00002580: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00002590: 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 U_access_const_t\n 000025a0: 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b able.TI PRU Link\n 000025b0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000025c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -640,15 +640,15 @@\n 000027f0: 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c _ctrl.h.........\n 00002800: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 00002810: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 00002820: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 00002830: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00002840: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00002850: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00002860: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00002860: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00002870: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00002880: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00002890: 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff ..6.....-.......\n 000028a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 ..............re\n 000028b0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 000028c0: 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 ty.h........<...\n 000028d0: 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..3.............\n@@ -768,15 +768,15 @@\n 00002ff0: 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 .@..@..@..@.....\n 00003000: 8101 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 ........@.......\n 00003010: 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ....%..@......./\n 00003020: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d ../../include/am\n 00003030: 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 335x/pru_cfg.h./\n 00003040: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00003050: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00003060: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00003060: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00003070: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00003080: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00003090: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 s/am335x/PRU_acc\n 000030a0: 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 ess_const_table.\n 000030b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000030c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000030d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -864,15 +864,15 @@\n 000035f0: 454e 0050 494e 5f4d 5800 5049 4e5f 4d58 EN.PIN_MX.PIN_MX\n 00003600: 5f62 6974 0050 494e 5f4d 5558 5f53 454c _bit.PIN_MUX_SEL\n 00003610: 0070 7275 4366 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .pruCfg..../../.\n 00003620: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 ./include/am335x\n 00003630: 2f70 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 2f68 6f6d /pru_ctrl.h./hom\n 00003640: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00003650: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00003660: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00003660: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00003670: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00003680: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00003690: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 m335x/PRU_access\n 000036a0: 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 _const_table.TI \n 000036b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000036c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000036d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -922,35 +922,35 @@\n 00003990: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 000039a0: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 000039b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 000039c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 000039d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 000039e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000039f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00003a00: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00003a00: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00003a10: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00003a20: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 00003a30: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00003a40: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00003a50: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00003a50: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00003a60: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00003a70: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00003a80: 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 5x/PRU_access_co\n 00003a90: 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 nst_table.TI PRU\n 00003aa0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00003ab0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00003ac0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 00003ad0: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n 00003ae0: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00003af0: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 d.uint8_t.uint32\n 00003b00: 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 _t..resource_tab\n 00003b10: 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 le_empty.h./home\n 00003b20: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00003b30: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00003b40: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00003b40: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00003b50: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00003b60: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00003b70: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 335x/PRU_access_\n 00003b80: 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 const_table.TI P\n 00003b90: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00003ba0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00003bb0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -958,15 +958,15 @@\n 00003bd0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00003be0: 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f ted.my_resource_\n 00003bf0: 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 table.base.offse\n 00003c00: 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c t..../../../incl\n 00003c10: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00003c20: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00003c30: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00003c40: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00003c40: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00003c50: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00003c60: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00003c70: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6163 es/am335x/PRU_ac\n 00003c80: 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 cess_const_table\n 00003c90: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00003ca0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00003cb0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1555,16 +1555,16 @@\n 00006120: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00006130: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00006140: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00006150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00006160: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00006170: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00006180: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00006190: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3249 4d6e 3378 ubtypes.TI2IMn3x\n-000061a0: 7658 5100 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 vXQ.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+00006190: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3459 6248 6b77 ubtypes.TI4YbHkw\n+000061a0: 614c 6b00 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 aLk.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 000061b0: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 000061c0: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n 000061d0: 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 n.TIe8gLFJC7w..t\n 000061e0: 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 ext:_c_int00_noi\n 000061f0: 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c nit_noargs.TIekl\n 00006200: 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 Kr8I40.TIemR3sTE\n 00006210: 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 ia.TIenzHQ2Yae.T\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: PRU_access_const_table.c\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_edmaConfig.object 360 0 88 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 360 0 88 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/524.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 13 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 58 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 7 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@\n 00000210: 8022 0ce1 c000 4924 8040 4124 8ee2 00f3 .\"....I$.@A$....\n 00000220: 8ee0 00e3 e000 0424 8036 00e1 8021 00f1 .......$.6...!..\n 00000230: ffe0 0acf 0000 002a e2e2 2001 0000 c320 .......*.. .... \n 00000240: 9106 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000250: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 edmaConfig.c....\n 00000260: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000270: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000280: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000280: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000290: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000002a0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000002b0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f ples/am335x/PRU_\n 000002c0: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 edmaConfig.TI PR\n 000002d0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000002e0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000002f0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0602 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000008b0: 6230 0006 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0602 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000008c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0006 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000008d0: 5f62 3300 00fe 0000 0003 0000 0000 0004 _b3.............\n 000008e0: 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e .PRU_edmaConfig.\n 000008f0: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000900: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000910: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000910: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000920: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000930: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000940: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000950: 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 /PRU_edmaConfig.\n 00000960: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000970: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000980: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@\n 000009b0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 000009c0: 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 0136 0100 0043 CT_CFG.....6...C\n 000009d0: 545f 4346 4700 002a 0100 0003 0000 0000 T_CFG..*........\n 000009e0: 0004 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 ...PRU_edmaConfi\n 000009f0: 672e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 g.c....../home/p\n 00000a00: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000a10: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000a20: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000a20: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000a30: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000a40: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00000a50: 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 5x/PRU_edmaConfi\n 00000a60: 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 g.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000a70: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000a80: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000a90: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a _ResourceTable..\n 00000ae0: 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 .@.....pru_remot\n 00000af0: 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 eproc_ResourceTa\n 00000b00: 626c 6500 00f8 0000 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 00000b10: 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e .PRU_edmaConfig.\n 00000b20: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000b30: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000b40: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000b40: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000b50: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000b60: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000b70: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00000b80: 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 /PRU_edmaConfig.\n 00000b90: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000ba0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000bb0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -191,15 +191,15 @@\n 00000be0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000bf0: 6275 6600 0c01 7401 6400 0000 6275 6600 buf...t.d...buf.\n 00000c00: 0049 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .I...........PRU\n 00000c10: 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 0000 _edmaConfig.c...\n 00000c20: 0000 0000 0000 6801 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ......h..../home\n 00000c30: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000c40: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000c50: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000c50: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000c60: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000c70: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000c80: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 335x/PRU_edmaCon\n 00000c90: 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b fig.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000ca0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000cb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000cc0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -501,15 +501,15 @@\n 00001f40: 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 0000 0000 dmaConfig.c.....\n 00001f50: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 00001f60: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 00001f70: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 00001f80: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 00001f90: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001fa0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001fb0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+00001fb0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 00001fc0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00001fd0: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 00001fe0: 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 ......6.....-...\n 00001ff0: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00002000: 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00002010: 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 _empty.h........\n 00002020: 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 <.....3.........\n@@ -551,15 +551,15 @@\n 00002260: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00002270: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00002280: 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .;.I......./../.\n 00002290: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 ./include/am335x\n 000022a0: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 000022b0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000022c0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000022d0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000022d0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000022e0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000022f0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00002300: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 335x/PRU_edmaCon\n 00002310: 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b fig.TI PRU C/C++\n 00002320: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00002330: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00002340: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -652,15 +652,15 @@\n 000028b0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1381 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000028c0: 0000 0411 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000028d0: 400b 0000 0513 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b @..........9.:.;\n 000028e0: 0b00 0006 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000028f0: 4913 0000 0000 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f I.....PRU_edmaCo\n 00002900: 6e66 6967 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b nfig.c./home/pek\n 00002910: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00002920: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00002920: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00002930: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00002940: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00002950: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00002960: 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 /PRU_edmaConfig.\n 00002970: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00002980: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00002990: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -702,20 +702,20 @@\n 00002bd0: 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c long.unsigned l\n 00002be0: 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 ong long.float.d\n 00002bf0: 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c ouble.long doubl\n 00002c00: 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b e............%..\n 00002c10: 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b @..........9.:.;\n 00002c20: 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b .I...../home/pek\n 00002c30: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00002c40: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00002c40: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00002c50: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 00002c60: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 00002c70: 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b dint.h./home/pek\n 00002c80: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00002c90: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00002c90: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00002ca0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00002cb0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00002cc0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00002cd0: 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 /PRU_edmaConfig.\n 00002ce0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00002cf0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00002d00: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -726,15 +726,15 @@\n 00002d50: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00002d60: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00002d70: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00002d80: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00002d90: 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d ble_empty.h./hom\n 00002da0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00002db0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00002dc0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00002dc0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00002dd0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00002de0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00002df0: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f m335x/PRU_edmaCo\n 00002e00: 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b nfig.TI PRU C/C+\n 00002e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00002e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00002e30: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -745,15 +745,15 @@\n 00002e80: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00002e90: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00002ea0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00002eb0: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 00002ec0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00002ed0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00002ee0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00002ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00002ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00002f00: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00002f10: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00002f20: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00002f30: 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 _edmaConfig.TI P\n 00002f40: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00002f50: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00002f60: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1166,15 +1166,15 @@\n 000048d0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 000048e0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 ................\n 000048f0: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00004900: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0b00 0000 ................\n 00004910: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0401 0000 ................\n 00004920: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00004930: 000b 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00004940: 0001 0054 4932 5368 6777 7865 6238 0024 ...TI2Shgwxeb8.$\n+00004940: 0001 0054 4935 3836 6d4d 7730 4a77 0024 ...TI586mMw0Jw.$\n 00004950: 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 C$L1..text..creg\n 00004960: 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e .PRU_CFG.noload.\n 00004970: 6e65 6172 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 near..resource_t\n 00004980: 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e54 492e able:retain..TI.\n 00004990: 626f 756e 643a 6275 6600 2e74 6578 743a bound:buf..text:\n 000049a0: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 000049b0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/525.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@\n 000001c0: 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 ....... ........\n 000001d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000001e0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000001f0: 0000 0000 9106 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ................\n 00000200: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 PRU_edmaConfig.c\n 00000210: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000220: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000230: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000230: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000240: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000250: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000260: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000270: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 PRU_edmaConfig.T\n 00000280: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000290: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000002a0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -135,15 +135,15 @@\n 00000860: 5233 315f 6230 0006 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 R31_b0....}R31_b\n 00000870: 3100 0602 907e 5233 315f 6232 0006 0290 1....~R31_b2....\n 00000880: 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00fe 0000 0003 0047 .R31_b3........G\n 00000890: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e .....PRU_edmaCon\n 000008a0: 6669 672e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 fig.c. ..../home\n 000008b0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000008c0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000008d0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000008d0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000008e0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000008f0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000900: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 335x/PRU_edmaCon\n 00000910: 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b fig.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000920: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000930: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000940: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -151,15 +151,15 @@\n 00000960: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 00000970: 0060 0200 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 0136 .`..CT_CFG.....6\n 00000980: 0100 0043 545f 4346 4700 002a 0100 0003 ...CT_CFG..*....\n 00000990: 0070 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 .p.....PRU_edmaC\n 000009a0: 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 6500 0000 022f 686f onfig.c.e..../ho\n 000009b0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000009c0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000009d0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000009d0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000009e0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000009f0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000a00: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am335x/PRU_edmaC\n 00000a10: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 00000a20: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000a30: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000a40: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@\n 00000a90: 6c65 001a 0140 01ba 1900 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.....pru_r\n 00000aa0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 00000ab0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 0049 0100 0003 0099 ceTable..I......\n 00000ac0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e .....PRU_edmaCon\n 00000ad0: 6669 672e 6300 9f00 0000 1c00 0000 8401 fig.c...........\n 00000ae0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000af0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000b00: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000b10: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000b20: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000b30: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 mples/am335x/PRU\n 00000b40: 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 _edmaConfig.TI P\n 00000b50: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000b60: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000b70: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -525,15 +525,15 @@\n 000020c0: 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 exit.c.b.exit.c.\n 000020d0: 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c f.TI Library...l\n 000020e0: 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0084 0100 0001 oader_exit......\n 000020f0: 0000 d100 0000 0300 d303 0000 0401 5f5f ..............__\n 00002100: 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d TI_internal./hom\n 00002110: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00002120: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00002130: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00002130: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00002140: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00002150: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00002160: 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f m335x/PRU_edmaCo\n 00002170: 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b nfig.TI PRU Link\n 00002180: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00002190: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000021a0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -565,15 +565,15 @@\n 00002340: 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 Config.c........\n 00002350: 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 ................\n 00002360: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 ................\n 00002370: 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 o.....f.........\n 00002380: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00002390: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000023a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000023b0: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+000023b0: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 000023c0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 000023d0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 de/stdint.h.....\n 000023e0: 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ...6.....-......\n 000023f0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 ...............r\n 00002400: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00002410: 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 pty.h........<..\n 00002420: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n@@ -687,15 +687,15 @@\n 00002ae0: 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 ..@..@..@.......\n 00002af0: 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 ......@.........\n 00002b00: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 00002b10: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3333 /../include/am33\n 00002b20: 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 5x/pru_cfg.h./ho\n 00002b30: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00002b40: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00002b50: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00002b50: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00002b60: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00002b70: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00002b80: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am335x/PRU_edmaC\n 00002b90: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 00002ba0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00002bb0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00002bc0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -781,15 +781,15 @@\n 000030c0: 315f 5041 445f 4850 5f45 4e00 5846 525f 1_PAD_HP_EN.XFR_\n 000030d0: 5348 4946 545f 454e 0050 494e 5f4d 5800 SHIFT_EN.PIN_MX.\n 000030e0: 5049 4e5f 4d58 5f62 6974 0050 494e 5f4d PIN_MX_bit.PIN_M\n 000030f0: 5558 5f53 454c 0070 7275 4366 6700 0050 UX_SEL.pruCfg..P\n 00003100: 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 RU_edmaConfig.c.\n 00003110: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00003120: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00003130: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00003130: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00003140: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00003150: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00003160: 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6564 es/am335x/PRU_ed\n 00003170: 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 maConfig.TI PRU \n 00003180: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00003190: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000031a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -827,34 +827,34 @@\n 000033a0: 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 nt.long.unsigned\n 000033b0: 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 long.long long.\n 000033c0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 000033d0: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 000033e0: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f long double../ho\n 000033f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00003400: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00003410: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00003410: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00003420: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00003430: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00003440: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00003450: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00003460: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00003460: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00003470: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00003480: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00003490: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am335x/PRU_edmaC\n 000034a0: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 000034b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000034c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 000034d0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n 000034e0: 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 exas Instruments\n 000034f0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 Incorporated.ui\n 00003500: 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt16_t.uint32_t.\n 00003510: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00003520: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00003530: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00003540: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00003540: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00003550: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00003560: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00003570: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 0/examples/am335\n 00003580: 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 x/PRU_edmaConfig\n 00003590: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000035a0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000035b0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -862,15 +862,15 @@\n 000035d0: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000035e0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f rporated.my_reso\n 000035f0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 urce_table.base.\n 00003600: 6f66 6673 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e offset..../../..\n 00003610: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00003620: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00003630: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00003640: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00003640: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00003650: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00003660: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00003670: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00003680: 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 RU_edmaConfig.TI\n 00003690: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000036a0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000036b0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1443,15 +1443,15 @@\n 00005a20: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00005a30: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00005a40: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00005a50: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00005a60: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00005a70: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00005a80: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00005a90: 5449 3253 6867 7778 6562 3800 2443 244c TI2Shgwxeb8.$C$L\n+00005a90: 5449 3538 366d 4d77 304a 7700 2443 244c TI586mMw0Jw.$C$L\n 00005aa0: 3100 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 1..resource_tabl\n 00005ab0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 00005ac0: 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 ain.TIe8gLFJC7w.\n 00005ad0: 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e .text:_c_int00_n\n 00005ae0: 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 oinit_noargs.TIe\n 00005af0: 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 klKr8I40.TIemR3s\n 00005b00: 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 TEia.TIenzHQ2Yae\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: PRU_edmaConfig.c\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_gpioToggle.object 56 0 88 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 56 0 88 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/540.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 58 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: c0ff ff24 80ff ff24 8022 00e1 8122 00f1 ...$...$.\"...\"..\n 000000e0: fefe e114 c0fa 0224 807f f024 e0e0 0105 .......$...$....\n 000000f0: ffe0 006f 0000 0021 ab06 0000 0300 0000 ...o...!........\n 00000100: 0000 0403 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 ....PRU_gpioTogg\n 00000110: 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f le.c....../home/\n 00000120: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000130: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000140: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000140: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000150: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000160: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 00000170: 3335 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 35x/PRU_gpioTogg\n 00000180: 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 le.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000190: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000001b0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -121,15 +121,15 @@\n 00000780: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000790: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000007a0: 3331 5f62 3300 00fe 0000 0003 0000 0000 31_b3...........\n 000007b0: 0004 0150 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c ...PRU_gpioToggl\n 000007c0: 652e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 e.c....../home/p\n 000007d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000007e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000007f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000007f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000800: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000810: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 .0/examples/am33\n 00000820: 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 5x/PRU_gpioToggl\n 00000830: 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 e.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000840: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000850: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000860: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000890: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 0150 0100 ..CT_CFG.....P..\n 000008a0: 0043 545f 4346 4700 002a 0100 0003 0000 .CT_CFG..*......\n 000008b0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 .....PRU_gpioTog\n 000008c0: 676c 652e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 gle.c....../home\n 000008d0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000008e0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000008f0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000008f0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000900: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000910: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000920: 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 335x/PRU_gpioTog\n 00000930: 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b gle.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000940: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000950: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000960: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@\n 000009b0: 001a 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d ...@.....pru_rem\n 000009c0: 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 oteproc_Resource\n 000009d0: 5461 626c 6500 003e 0100 0003 0000 0000 Table..>........\n 000009e0: 0004 0150 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c ...PRU_gpioToggl\n 000009f0: 652e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 3800 0000 e.c.........8...\n 00000a00: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000a10: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000a20: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000a20: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000a30: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000a40: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000a50: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 les/am335x/PRU_g\n 00000a60: 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 pioToggle.TI PRU\n 00000a70: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000a80: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000a90: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -399,15 +399,15 @@\n 000018e0: 6366 672e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 cfg.h...........\n 000018f0: 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ................\n 00001900: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 .............o..\n 00001910: 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...f............\n 00001920: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001930: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001940: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001950: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00001950: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00001960: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00001970: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 stdint.h........\n 00001980: 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 6.....-.........\n 00001990: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f ............reso\n 000019a0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 000019b0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 000019c0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n@@ -445,15 +445,15 @@\n 00001bc0: 0000 0513 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00001bd0: 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00001be0: 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00001bf0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00001c00: 7564 652f 616d 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am335x/pru_c\n 00001c10: 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f fg.h./home/peko/\n 00001c20: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001c30: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001c30: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001c40: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001c50: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001c60: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00001c70: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 RU_gpioToggle.TI\n 00001c80: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001c90: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001ca0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -558,20 +558,20 @@\n 000022d0: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 000022e0: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 000022f0: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00002300: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00002310: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00002320: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00002330: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00002340: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00002340: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00002350: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00002360: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 00002370: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00002380: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00002390: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00002390: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000023a0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000023b0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000023c0: 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f /am335x/PRU_gpio\n 000023d0: 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f Toggle.TI PRU C/\n 000023e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000023f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00002400: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -581,15 +581,15 @@\n 00002440: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00002450: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00002460: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00002470: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00002480: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f e_empty.h./home/\n 00002490: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000024a0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000024b0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000024b0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000024c0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000024d0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 9.0/examples/am3\n 000024e0: 3335 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 35x/PRU_gpioTogg\n 000024f0: 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 le.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00002500: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00002510: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00002520: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -600,15 +600,15 @@\n 00002570: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00002580: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00002590: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000025a0: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 000025b0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 000025c0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000025d0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000025e0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000025e0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000025f0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00002600: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00002610: 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 les/am335x/PRU_g\n 00002620: 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 pioToggle.TI PRU\n 00002630: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00002640: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00002650: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -940,16 +940,16 @@\n 00003ab0: 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 ................\n 00003ac0: 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 ................\n 00003ad0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00003ae0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003af0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0900 0000 ................\n 00003b00: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 ................\n 00003b10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00003b20: 0000 0000 0000 5449 3254 6249 3851 7233 ......TI2TbI8Qr3\n-00003b30: 6100 2443 244c 3100 2431 5f24 3300 2e74 a.$C$L1.$1_$3..t\n+00003b20: 0000 0000 0000 5449 3538 7967 4476 6f56 ......TI58ygDvoV\n+00003b30: 7500 2443 244c 3100 2431 5f24 3300 2e74 u.$C$L1.$1_$3..t\n 00003b40: 6578 7400 2e63 7265 672e 5052 555f 4346 ext..creg.PRU_CF\n 00003b50: 472e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e 6561 7200 2e72 G.noload.near..r\n 00003b60: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 esource_table:re\n 00003b70: 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 tain..text:main.\n 00003b80: 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 .debug_info..deb\n 00003b90: 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 ug_line..debug_f\n 00003ba0: 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6162 6272 rame..debug_abbr\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/541.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 ....... ........\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000b0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000c0: 0000 0000 ab06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 ................\n 000000d0: 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 2e63 PRU_gpioToggle.c\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000000f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f examples/am335x/\n 00000140: 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 PRU_gpioToggle.T\n 00000150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 00000740: 3330 5f62 3300 0702 907c 5233 315f 6230 30_b3....|R31_b0\n 00000750: 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0702 907e ....}R31_b1....~\n 00000760: 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000770: 3300 00fe 0000 0003 0050 0000 0004 0150 3........P.....P\n 00000780: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 652e 6300 RU_gpioToggle.c.\n 00000790: 2000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ..../home/peko/\n 000007a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000007b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000007b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000007c0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000007d0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000007e0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 000007f0: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 RU_gpioToggle.TI\n 00000800: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000810: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000820: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -133,15 +133,15 @@\n 00000840: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00000850: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0060 0200 4354 rated......`..CT\n 00000860: 5f43 4647 0017 01f2 0150 0100 0043 545f _CFG.....P...CT_\n 00000870: 4346 4700 002a 0100 0003 0079 0000 0004 CFG..*.....y....\n 00000880: 0150 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 652e .PRU_gpioToggle.\n 00000890: 6300 6500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.e..../home/pek\n 000008a0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000008b0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000008b0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000008c0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000008d0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000008e0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 000008f0: 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 /PRU_gpioToggle.\n 00000900: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000910: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000920: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@\n 00000980: 0125 1600 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 .%...pru_remotep\n 00000990: 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c roc_ResourceTabl\n 000009a0: 6500 003e 0100 0003 00a2 0000 0004 0150 e..>...........P\n 000009b0: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 652e 6300 RU_gpioToggle.c.\n 000009c0: 9f00 0000 1c00 0000 5400 0000 022f 686f ........T..../ho\n 000009d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000009e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000009f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000009f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000a00: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000a10: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000a20: 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 am335x/PRU_gpioT\n 00000a30: 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 oggle.TI PRU C/C\n 00000a40: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000a50: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000a60: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -448,15 +448,15 @@\n 00001bf0: 0006 0162 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e ...b.abort.exit.\n 00001c00: 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 c.b.exit.c.f.TI \n 00001c10: 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 Library...loader\n 00001c20: 5f65 7869 7400 5400 0000 0100 00d1 0000 _exit.T.........\n 00001c30: 0003 0057 0300 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e ...W.....__TI_in\n 00001c40: 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ternal./home/pek\n 00001c50: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001c60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001c60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001c70: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001c80: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001c90: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00001ca0: 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 /PRU_gpioToggle.\n 00001cb0: 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e TI PRU Linker Un\n 00001cc0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00001cd0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -483,15 +483,15 @@\n 00001e20: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 0000 0000 0000 /pru_cfg.h......\n 00001e30: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00001e40: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001e50: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00001e60: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00001e70: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001e80: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001e90: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00001e90: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00001ea0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00001eb0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00001ec0: 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 .....6.....-....\n 00001ed0: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00001ee0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001ef0: 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c empty.h........<\n 00001f00: 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....3..........\n@@ -597,15 +597,15 @@\n 00002540: 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 .@..@..@..@.....\n 00002550: 8101 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 ........@.......\n 00002560: 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ....%..@......./\n 00002570: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d ../../include/am\n 00002580: 3333 3578 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 335x/pru_cfg.h./\n 00002590: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000025a0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000025b0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+000025b0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000025c0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000025d0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000025e0: 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 s/am335x/PRU_gpi\n 000025f0: 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 oToggle.TI PRU C\n 00002600: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00002610: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00002620: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -705,34 +705,34 @@\n 00002c00: 7369 676e 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 signed int.long.\n 00002c10: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f unsigned long.lo\n 00002c20: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 ng long.unsigned\n 00002c30: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00002c40: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00002c50: 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ble../home/peko/\n 00002c60: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00002c70: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00002c70: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00002c80: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00002c90: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 00002ca0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 00002cb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00002cc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00002cc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00002cd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00002ce0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00002cf0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 2f50 xamples/am335x/P\n 00002d00: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 RU_gpioToggle.TI\n 00002d10: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00002d20: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00002d30: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00002d40: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 00002d50: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00002d60: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00002d70: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00002d80: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00002d90: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00002da0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00002da0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00002db0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00002dc0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00002dd0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3333 3578 /examples/am335x\n 00002de0: 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 /PRU_gpioToggle.\n 00002df0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00002e00: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00002e10: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -740,15 +740,15 @@\n 00002e30: 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 nstruments Incor\n 00002e40: 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 6f75 porated.my_resou\n 00002e50: 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 006f rce_table.base.o\n 00002e60: 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ffset..../../../\n 00002e70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00002e80: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00002e90: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00002ea0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00002ea0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00002eb0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00002ec0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00002ed0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d33 3335 782f 5052 amples/am335x/PR\n 00002ee0: 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 U_gpioToggle.TI \n 00002ef0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00002f00: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00002f10: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -1306,15 +1306,15 @@\n 00005190: 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e DR.far..debug_in\n 000051a0: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 000051b0: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 000051c0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 000051d0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 000051e0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 000051f0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00005200: 7065 7300 5449 3254 6249 3851 7233 6100 pes.TI2TbI8Qr3a.\n+00005200: 7065 7300 5449 3538 7967 4476 6f56 7500 pes.TI58ygDvoVu.\n 00005210: 2443 244c 3100 2431 5f24 3300 2e72 6573 $C$L1.$1_$3..res\n 00005220: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00005230: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00005240: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00005250: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00005260: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00005270: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am335x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: PRU_gpioToggle.c\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/am335x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object 72 0 5692 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 72 0 5692 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/559.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 85 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 13 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 8020 8180 c102 0024 812c 2024 e000 3024 . .....$., $..0$\n 00000120: 8021 00e1 8020 0091 e0e0 0105 8020 0081 .!... ....... ..\n 00000130: 0000 002a 0000 c320 2c09 0000 0300 0000 ...*... ,.......\n 00000140: 0000 0404 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 ....PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00000150: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 _Interrupt.c....\n 00000160: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000170: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000180: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000180: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000190: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000001a0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000001b0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000001c0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 000001d0: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000001e0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001f0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@\n 00000a40: 3331 5f62 3000 0902 907d 5233 315f 6231 31_b0....}R31_b1\n 00000a50: 0009 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0902 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 00000a60: 5233 315f 6233 0000 0f01 0000 0300 0000 R31_b3..........\n 00000a70: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 ....PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00000a80: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 _Interrupt.c....\n 00000a90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000aa0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000ab0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000ab0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000ac0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000ad0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000ae0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000af0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00000b00: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000b10: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000b20: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -182,15 +182,15 @@\n 00000b50: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000b60: 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d0 ...CT_CFG.......\n 00000b70: 0100 0043 545f 4346 4700 0011 0100 0003 ...CT_CFG.......\n 00000b80: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f41 524d 746f .......PRU_ARMto\n 00000b90: 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 PRU_Interrupt.c.\n 00000ba0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000bb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000bc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000bc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000bd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000be0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000bf0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00000c00: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 00000c10: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000c20: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000c30: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -200,15 +200,15 @@\n 00000c70: 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 ......CT_INTC...\n 00000c80: 3c03 0110 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 <......CT_INTC..\n 00000c90: 3a01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f :...........PRU_\n 00000ca0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00000cb0: 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f pt.c....../home/\n 00000cc0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000cd0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000ce0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000ce0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000cf0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000d00: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000d10: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 37x/PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00000d20: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00000d30: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000d40: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000d50: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -219,15 +219,15 @@\n 00000da0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 ceTable...@.....\n 00000db0: 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 pru_remoteproc_R\n 00000dc0: 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 0c01 esourceTable....\n 00000dd0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 ..........PRU_AR\n 00000de0: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 00000df0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000e00: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000e10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000e10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000e20: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000e30: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000e40: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000e50: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 00000e60: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00000e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -236,15 +236,15 @@\n 00000eb0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00000ec0: 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4c33 0017 .........CT_L3..\n 00000ed0: 012c 01f2 0300 0043 545f 4c33 0000 0e01 .,.....CT_L3....\n 00000ee0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 ..........PRU_AR\n 00000ef0: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 00000f00: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000f10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000f20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000f20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000f30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000f40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000f50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000f60: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 00000f70: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00000f80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000f90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -254,15 +254,15 @@\n 00000fd0: 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4444 5200 .........CT_DDR.\n 00000fe0: 1701 2d01 f203 0000 4354 5f44 4452 0000 ..-.....CT_DDR..\n 00000ff0: 6501 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f e...........PRU_\n 00001000: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00001010: 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 0048 0000 pt.c.........H..\n 00001020: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00001030: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001040: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001040: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001050: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001060: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001070: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00001080: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00001090: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000010a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000010b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1582,15 +1582,15 @@\n 000062d0: 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c _ctrl.h.........\n 000062e0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 000062f0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 00006300: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 00006310: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00006320: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006330: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006340: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00006340: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00006350: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00006360: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00006370: 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff ..6.....-.......\n 00006380: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 ..............re\n 00006390: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 000063a0: 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 ty.h........<...\n 000063b0: 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..3.............\n@@ -1646,15 +1646,15 @@\n 000066d0: 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 000066e0: 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 000066f0: 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 00006700: 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 include/am437x/p\n 00006710: 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ru_cfg.h./home/p\n 00006720: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00006730: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00006740: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00006740: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00006750: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00006760: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00006770: 3778 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 7x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_\n 00006780: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00006790: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000067a0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000067b0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1845,15 +1845,15 @@\n 00007340: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00007350: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007360: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 00007370: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00007380: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 clude/am437x/pru\n 00007390: 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _intc.h./home/pe\n 000073a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000073b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000073b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000073c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000073d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000073e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000073f0: 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_I\n 00007400: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00007410: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00007420: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2065,15 +2065,15 @@\n 00008100: 0005 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00008110: 0617 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 .......9.:.;....\n 00008120: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00008130: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00008140: 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 6374 de/am437x/pru_ct\n 00008150: 726c 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f rl.h./home/peko/\n 00008160: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008170: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00008170: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00008180: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00008190: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000081a0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000081b0: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 000081c0: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 000081d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000081e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2129,20 +2129,20 @@\n 00008500: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00008510: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00008520: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00008530: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00008540: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00008550: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008560: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008570: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00008570: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00008580: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00008590: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000085a0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000085b0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000085c0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000085c0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000085d0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000085e0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 000085f0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 37x/PRU_ARMtoPRU\n 00008600: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00008610: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00008620: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00008630: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -2152,15 +2152,15 @@\n 00008670: 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 2_t......2.8.9.:\n 00008680: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 00008690: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 000086a0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 .....9.:.;.....r\n 000086b0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 000086c0: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 000086d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000086e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000086e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000086f0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00008700: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00008710: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00008720: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 00008730: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 00008740: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00008750: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -2172,15 +2172,15 @@\n 000087b0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000087c0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 000087d0: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 000087e0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 000087f0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00008800: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00008810: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008820: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00008820: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00008830: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00008840: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00008850: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00008860: 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 RU_ARMtoPRU_Inte\n 00008870: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 00008880: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00008890: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3596,15 +3596,15 @@\n 0000e0b0: 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000e0c0: 0113 0000 0600 0000 0114 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000e0d0: 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000e0e0: 0117 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000e0f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000e100: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000e110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000e120: 0000 0000 0054 4932 4a58 5231 6e63 5431 .....TI2JXR1ncT1\n+0000e120: 0000 0000 0054 4934 5a6c 6630 6f48 6d78 .....TI4Zlf0oHmx\n 0000e130: 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 .$C$L1..text..cr\n 0000e140: 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 eg.PRU_CFG.noloa\n 0000e150: 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 d.near..creg.PRU\n 0000e160: 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 _INTC.noload.far\n 0000e170: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0000e180: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e63 7265 672e 4c33 :retain..creg.L3\n 0000e190: 4f43 4d43 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 OCMC.noload.near\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/560.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000c0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000d0: 0000 0000 2c09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0404 ....,...........\n 000000e0: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 000000f0: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c....../h\n 00000100: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000110: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000120: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000120: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000130: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000140: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000150: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am437x/PRU_ARMt\n 00000160: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 00000170: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000180: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000190: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@\n 000009e0: 3000 0902 907d 5233 315f 6231 0009 0290 0....}R31_b1....\n 000009f0: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0902 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00000a00: 6233 0000 0f01 0000 0300 6800 0000 0401 b3........h.....\n 00000a10: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 00000a20: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c. ..../h\n 00000a30: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000a40: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000a50: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000a50: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000a60: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000a70: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000a80: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am437x/PRU_ARMt\n 00000a90: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 00000aa0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000ab0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000ac0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@\n 00000af0: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 6002 0043 orated......`..C\n 00000b00: 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d0 0100 0043 T_CFG..........C\n 00000b10: 545f 4346 4700 0011 0100 0003 0091 0000 T_CFG...........\n 00000b20: 0004 0150 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f ...PRU_ARMtoPRU_\n 00000b30: 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 6500 0000 Interrupt.c.e...\n 00000b40: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000b50: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000b60: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000b60: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000b70: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000b80: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000b90: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f41 les/am437x/PRU_A\n 00000ba0: 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RMtoPRU_Interrup\n 00000bb0: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000bc0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000bd0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@\n 00000c00: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000c10: 0200 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 3c03 0110 ..CT_INTC...<...\n 00000c20: 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 3a01 0000 ...CT_INTC..:...\n 00000c30: 0300 ba00 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 ........PRU_ARMt\n 00000c40: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oPRU_Interrupt.c\n 00000c50: 00ab 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000c60: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000c70: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000c70: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000c80: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000c90: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000ca0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000cb0: 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 PRU_ARMtoPRU_Int\n 00000cc0: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 00000cd0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000ce0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 805e 0000 7072 755f ble...@..^..pru_\n 00000d50: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000d60: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 0c01 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000d70: e300 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 ......PRU_ARMtoP\n 00000d80: 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 00e5 RU_Interrupt.c..\n 00000d90: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000da0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000dc0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000dd0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000de0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000df0: 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 U_ARMtoPRU_Inter\n 00000e00: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 4043 545f 4c33 0017 012c 01f2 ....@CT_L3...,..\n 00000e70: 0300 0043 545f 4c33 0000 0e01 0000 0300 ...CT_L3........\n 00000e80: 0c01 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 ......PRU_ARMtoP\n 00000e90: 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0021 RU_Interrupt.c.!\n 00000ea0: 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000eb0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000ed0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000ee0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000ef0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000f00: 555f 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 U_ARMtoPRU_Inter\n 00000f10: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000f20: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000f30: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@\n 00000f70: 0300 0000 8043 545f 4444 5200 1701 2d01 .....CT_DDR...-.\n 00000f80: f203 0000 4354 5f44 4452 0000 6501 0000 ....CT_DDR..e...\n 00000f90: 0300 3501 0000 0401 5052 555f 4152 4d74 ..5.....PRU_ARMt\n 00000fa0: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oPRU_Interrupt.c\n 00000fb0: 005d 0100 001c 0000 0064 0000 0002 2f68 .].......d..../h\n 00000fc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000fd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000fe0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000fe0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000ff0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001000: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001010: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am437x/PRU_ARMt\n 00001020: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 00001030: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001040: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001050: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1607,15 +1607,15 @@\n 00006460: 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 abort.exit.c.b.e\n 00006470: 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 xit.c.f.TI Libra\n 00006480: 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 ry...loader_exit\n 00006490: 0064 0000 0001 0000 d900 0000 0300 ec05 .d..............\n 000064a0: 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 ....__TI_interna\n 000064b0: 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 l./home/peko/aut\n 000064c0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000064d0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000064d0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000064e0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000064f0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006500: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00006510: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00006520: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 pt.TI PRU Linker\n 00006530: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00006540: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1663,15 +1663,15 @@\n 000067e0: 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 6374 de/am437x/pru_ct\n 000067f0: 726c 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 rl.h............\n 00006800: 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ................\n 00006810: 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 ............o...\n 00006820: 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..f.............\n 00006830: 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00006840: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00006850: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00006850: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00006860: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00006870: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00006880: 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 tdint.h........6\n 00006890: 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....-..........\n 000068a0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 ...........resou\n 000068b0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e rce_table_empty.\n 000068c0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n@@ -1819,15 +1819,15 @@\n 000071a0: 400b 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 @..@..@..@......\n 000071b0: 0100 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 .......@........\n 000071c0: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 000071d0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 000071e0: 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 37x/pru_cfg.h./h\n 000071f0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007200: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007210: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007210: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007220: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007230: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007240: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 4d74 /am437x/PRU_ARMt\n 00007250: 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oPRU_Interrupt.T\n 00007260: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00007270: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00007280: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -2003,15 +2003,15 @@\n 00007d20: 5f43 4c4b 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 4647 _CLK.ED_PRU1_CFG\n 00007d30: 315f 3200 4544 5f50 5255 315f 4346 4731 1_2.ED_PRU1_CFG1\n 00007d40: 5f32 5f62 6974 0070 7275 4366 6700 002e _2_bit.pruCfg...\n 00007d50: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00007d60: 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e am437x/pru_intc.\n 00007d70: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00007d80: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00007d90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00007d90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00007da0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00007db0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00007dc0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00007dd0: 4152 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 ARMtoPRU_Interru\n 00007de0: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00007df0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00007e00: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -2214,15 +2214,15 @@\n 00008a50: 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 _bit.NEST_HINT_9\n 00008a60: 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 .HIER.HIER_bit.E\n 00008a70: 4e41 424c 455f 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e NABLE_HINT.pruIn\n 00008a80: 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 tc..../../../inc\n 00008a90: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 00008aa0: 6374 726c 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ctrl.h./home/pek\n 00008ab0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00008ac0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00008ac0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00008ad0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00008ae0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00008af0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00008b00: 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 496e /PRU_ARMtoPRU_In\n 00008b10: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 00008b20: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008b30: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2274,35 +2274,35 @@\n 00008e10: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00008e20: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 00008e30: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 00008e40: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 00008e50: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 00008e60: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008e70: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008e80: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00008e80: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00008e90: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00008ea0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 00008eb0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008ec0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008ed0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00008ed0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00008ee0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00008ef0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00008f00: 3778 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 555f 7x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_\n 00008f10: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 00008f20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00008f30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00008f40: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 00008f50: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n 00008f60: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00008f70: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 d.uint8_t.uint32\n 00008f80: 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 _t..resource_tab\n 00008f90: 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 le_empty.h./home\n 00008fa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00008fb0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00008fc0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00008fc0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00008fd0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00008fe0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00008ff0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f41 524d 746f 5052 437x/PRU_ARMtoPR\n 00009000: 555f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 U_Interrupt.TI P\n 00009010: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00009020: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00009030: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2310,15 +2310,15 @@\n 00009050: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00009060: 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f ted.my_resource_\n 00009070: 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 table.base.offse\n 00009080: 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c t..../../../incl\n 00009090: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 000090a0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000090b0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000090c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000090c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000090d0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000090e0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000090f0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4152 es/am437x/PRU_AR\n 00009100: 4d74 6f50 5255 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 MtoPRU_Interrupt\n 00009110: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00009120: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00009130: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -2920,15 +2920,15 @@\n 0000b670: 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e DR.far..debug_in\n 0000b680: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 0000b690: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 0000b6a0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 0000b6b0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 0000b6c0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 0000b6d0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-0000b6e0: 7065 7300 5449 324a 5852 316e 6354 3100 pes.TI2JXR1ncT1.\n+0000b6e0: 7065 7300 5449 345a 6c66 306f 486d 7800 pes.TI4Zlf0oHmx.\n 0000b6f0: 2443 244c 3100 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f $C$L1..resource_\n 0000b700: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 0000b710: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a xt:main.TIe8gLFJ\n 0000b720: 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 C7w..text:_c_int\n 0000b730: 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 00_noinit_noargs\n 0000b740: 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 .TIeklKr8I40.TIe\n 0000b750: 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 mR3sTEia.TIenzHQ\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt/gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.c\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_ARMtoPRU_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/574.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x59 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@\n 00000190: 8560 00f3 00ff 1ec9 850b 072f c100 0024 .`........./...$\n 000001a0: 8100 0024 e012 0024 8021 24e1 0000 002a ...$...$.!$....*\n 000001b0: 8562 00f3 e2e2 1801 0000 c320 8c08 0000 .b......... ....\n 000001c0: 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 000001d0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 000001e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00000240: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000250: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000260: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000270: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@\n 00000a20: 000c 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0d05 0300 .....R31_b3.....\n 00000a30: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c 0134 01a0 ...dmemBuf...4..\n 00000a40: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 0b01 0000 ...dmemBuf......\n 00000a50: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 00000a60: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 00000a70: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000a80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000a90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000a90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000aa0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000ab0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000ac0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00000ad0: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000ae0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000af0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000b00: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@\n 00000b30: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 00000b40: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 013c 0301 6402 .CT_INTC...<..d.\n 00000b50: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00000b60: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 .......PRU0_Dire\n 00000b70: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 ct_Connect.c....\n 00000b80: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000b90: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000ba0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000ba0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000bb0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000bc0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000bd0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000be0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00000bf0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000c00: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000c10: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -198,15 +198,15 @@\n 00000c50: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 0142 pru_intc_map...B\n 00000c60: 012a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .*...pru_intc_ma\n 00000c70: 7000 0042 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 p..B...........P\n 00000c80: 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 RU0_Direct_Conne\n 00000c90: 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ct.c....../home/\n 00000ca0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000cb0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000cc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000cc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000cd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000ce0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000cf0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 37x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00000d00: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect0.TI PRU C\n 00000d10: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000d20: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000d30: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -218,15 +218,15 @@\n 00000d90: 1e00 0000 616d 3333 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 ....am335x_pru_r\n 00000da0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 00000db0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..U......\n 00000dc0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU0_Direct\n 00000dd0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 _Connect.c......\n 00000de0: 0000 0098 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00000df0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000e00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000e00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000e10: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000e20: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000e30: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000e40: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00000e50: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 00000e60: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000e70: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1052,15 +1052,15 @@\n 000041b0: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 ct_Connect.c....\n 000041c0: 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 000041d0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000041e0: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 000041f0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00004200: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00004210: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00004220: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00004220: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00004230: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00004240: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00004250: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n 00004260: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00004270: 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00004280: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00004290: 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 .......2.....)..\n@@ -1119,15 +1119,15 @@\n 000045e0: 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 000045f0: 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00004600: 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 I......./../../i\n 00004610: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 nclude/am437x/pr\n 00004620: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00004630: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00004640: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00004650: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00004650: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00004660: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00004670: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00004680: 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 7x/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00004690: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 000046a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000046b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000046c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1339,15 +1339,15 @@\n 000053a0: 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 000053b0: 0000 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 000053c0: 0b00 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 000053d0: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 000053e0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 000053f0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005400: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005410: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005410: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005420: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005430: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005440: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am437x/PRU_D\n 00005450: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 00005460: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00005470: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00005480: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1363,15 +1363,15 @@\n 00005520: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00005530: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00005540: 0313 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 .......9.:.;....\n 00005550: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00005560: 0000 5052 5530 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f ..PRU0_Direct_Co\n 00005570: 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nnect.c./home/pe\n 00005580: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005590: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005590: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000055a0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000055b0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000055c0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000055d0: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 000055e0: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 000055f0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00005600: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1398,20 +1398,20 @@\n 00005750: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00005760: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00005770: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00005780: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00005790: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 000057a0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000057b0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000057c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+000057c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 000057d0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 000057e0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 000057f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00005800: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00005810: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00005810: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005820: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005830: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005840: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am437x/PRU_Di\n 00005850: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 rect_Connect0.TI\n 00005860: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00005870: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00005880: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1422,15 +1422,15 @@\n 000058d0: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 000058e0: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 000058f0: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005900: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00005910: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 00005920: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 00005930: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005940: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005940: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005950: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005960: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005970: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00005980: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00005990: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 000059a0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000059b0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1445,15 +1445,15 @@\n 00005a40: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00005a50: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 00005a60: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 00005a70: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00005a80: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00005a90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00005aa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00005ab0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00005ab0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00005ac0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00005ad0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00005ae0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 37x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00005af0: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect0.TI PRU C\n 00005b00: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00005b10: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00005b20: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -2376,15 +2376,15 @@\n 00009470: 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00009480: 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00009490: 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 000094a0: 0113 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000094b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 000094c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 000094d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000094e0: 0000 0000 0054 4932 4c7a 5239 4973 6a6f .....TI2LzR9Isjo\n+000094e0: 0000 0000 0054 4935 3130 7847 7067 694d .....TI510xGpgiM\n 000094f0: 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 .$C$L1..text..cr\n 00009500: 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f eg.PRU_INTC.nolo\n 00009510: 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 ad.far..data:pru\n 00009520: 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 _intc_map..resou\n 00009530: 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e rce_table:retain\n 00009540: 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 ..text:main..deb\n 00009550: 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c ug_info..debug_l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: PRU0_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU0_Direct_Connect.object 152 0 5476 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 152 0 5476 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/577.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 1302 1403 1500 1601 1804 1905 1a06 1b07 ................\n 00000140: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 8c08 0000 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 00000170: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000180: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000190: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000001b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000001c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000001d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 000001e0: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 000001f0: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000200: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000210: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@\n 000009c0: 315f 6232 000c 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 1_b2.....R31_b3.\n 000009d0: 0d05 0334 0100 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c ...4...dmemBuf..\n 000009e0: 0134 010f 3c00 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 .4..<..dmemBuf..\n 000009f0: 0b01 0000 0300 9800 0000 0401 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 00000a00: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000a10: 6300 3900 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.9..../home/pek\n 00000a20: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000a30: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000a30: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000a40: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000a50: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000a60: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000a70: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 00000a80: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000a90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000aa0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000ae0: 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 013c .....CT_INTC...<\n 00000af0: 0301 6402 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 ..d...CT_INTC...\n 00000b00: 0100 0003 00c1 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f ...........PRU0_\n 00000b10: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 Direct_Connect.c\n 00000b20: 007f 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000b30: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000b40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000b40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000b50: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000b60: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000b70: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000b80: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00000b90: 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000ba0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000bb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -192,15 +192,15 @@\n 00000bf0: 4c01 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 L...pru_intc_map\n 00000c00: 000f 0142 012a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...B.*...pru_int\n 00000c10: 635f 6d61 7000 0042 0100 0003 00ea 0000 c_map..B........\n 00000c20: 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 ...PRU0_Direct_C\n 00000c30: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00b5 0000 0002 2f68 onnect.c....../h\n 00000c40: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000c50: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000c60: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000c60: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000c70: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000c80: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000c90: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 /am437x/PRU_Dire\n 00000ca0: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00000cb0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000cc0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000cd0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000d50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000d60: 0003 0013 0100 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 .........PRU0_Di\n 00000d70: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00eb rect_Connect.c..\n 00000d80: 0000 001c 0000 00b4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000de0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m437x/PRU_Direct\n 00000df0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00000e00: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000e10: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000e20: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1086,15 +1086,15 @@\n 000043d0: 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 bort.exit.c.b.ex\n 000043e0: 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 it.c.f.TI Librar\n 000043f0: 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 y...loader_exit.\n 00004400: b400 0000 0100 00d6 0000 0003 0036 0500 .............6..\n 00004410: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00004420: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00004430: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00004440: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00004440: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00004450: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00004460: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00004470: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am437x/PRU_D\n 00004480: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 00004490: 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 I PRU Linker Uni\n 000044a0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 000044b0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1134,15 +1134,15 @@\n 000046d0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 rect_Connect.c..\n 000046e0: 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 ................\n 000046f0: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00004700: 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 ......o.....f...\n 00004710: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00004720: 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00004730: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004740: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00004740: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00004750: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00004760: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00004770: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n 00004780: 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 ................\n 00004790: 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 000047a0: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e clude/pru_types.\n 000047b0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 h........2.....)\n@@ -1283,15 +1283,15 @@\n 00005020: 400b 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 @..@..@..@......\n 00005030: 0100 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 .......@........\n 00005040: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00005050: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 00005060: 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 37x/pru_intc.h./\n 00005070: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00005080: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00005090: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00005090: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000050a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000050b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000050c0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am437x/PRU_Dir\n 000050d0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 ect_Connect0.TI \n 000050e0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000050f0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00005100: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -1493,15 +1493,15 @@\n 00005d40: 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 _bit.NEST_HINT_9\n 00005d50: 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 .HIER.HIER_bit.E\n 00005d60: 4e41 424c 455f 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e NABLE_HINT.pruIn\n 00005d70: 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 tc..../../../inc\n 00005d80: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00005d90: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005da0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005db0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005db0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005dc0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005dd0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005de0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am437x/PRU_D\n 00005df0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 00005e00: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00005e10: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00005e20: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1513,15 +1513,15 @@\n 00005e80: 6500 7665 7200 6e75 6d00 6677 5f72 7363 e.ver.num.fw_rsc\n 00005e90: 5f63 7573 746f 6d00 7479 7065 0075 0072 _custom.type.u.r\n 00005ea0: 7363 5f73 697a 6500 7273 6300 7375 625f sc_size.rsc.sub_\n 00005eb0: 7479 7065 0073 7400 0050 5255 305f 4469 type.st..PRU0_Di\n 00005ec0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f rect_Connect.c./\n 00005ed0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00005ee0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00005ef0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00005ef0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00005f00: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00005f10: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00005f20: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am437x/PRU_Dir\n 00005f30: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 ect_Connect0.TI \n 00005f40: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00005f50: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00005f60: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -1543,20 +1543,20 @@\n 00006060: 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 igned int.long.u\n 00006070: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e nsigned long.lon\n 00006080: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00006090: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 000060a0: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 000060b0: 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 le../home/peko/a\n 000060c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000060d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000060d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000060e0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 000060f0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00006100: 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.h./home/peko/a\n 00006110: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00006120: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00006120: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00006130: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00006140: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00006150: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00006160: 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 U_Direct_Connect\n 00006170: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00006180: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00006190: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1564,15 +1564,15 @@\n 000061b0: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 000061c0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f orporated.uint8_\n 000061d0: 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 t.uint16_t.uint3\n 000061e0: 325f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 2_t..../../../in\n 000061f0: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e clude/pru_types.\n 00006200: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00006210: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00006220: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00006220: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00006230: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006240: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006250: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00006260: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00006270: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00006280: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00006290: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1583,15 +1583,15 @@\n 000062e0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 000062f0: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 00006300: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 00006310: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 00006320: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00006330: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00006340: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00006350: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00006350: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00006360: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00006370: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00006380: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 37x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00006390: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect0.TI PRU C\n 000063a0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000063b0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 000063c0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -2179,16 +2179,16 @@\n 00008820: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00008830: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00008840: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00008850: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00008860: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00008870: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00008880: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-00008890: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324c ug_pubtypes.TI2L\n-000088a0: 7a52 3949 736a 6f00 2443 244c 3100 2e64 zR9Isjo.$C$L1..d\n+00008890: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3531 ug_pubtypes.TI51\n+000088a0: 3078 4770 6769 4d00 2443 244c 3100 2e64 0xGpgiM.$C$L1..d\n 000088b0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 000088c0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 000088d0: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 000088e0: 696e 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e in.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n 000088f0: 7465 7874 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 305f 6e6f text:_c_int00_no\n 00008900: 696e 6974 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 5449 656b init_noargs.TIek\n 00008910: 6c4b 7238 4934 3000 5449 656d 5233 7354 lKr8I40.TIemR3sT\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/590.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x24 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x34 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@\n 000000c0: e2e2 1805 ff22 0024 8562 00e3 850b 872e .....\".$.b......\n 000000d0: e000 0024 8560 00e3 0000 002a 8562 00f3 ...$.`.....*.b..\n 000000e0: e2e2 1801 0000 c320 9d06 0000 0300 0000 ....... ........\n 000000f0: 0000 0405 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f ....PRU1_Direct_\n 00000100: 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f Connect.c....../\n 00000110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000160: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am437x/PRU_Dir\n 00000170: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 ect_Connect1.TI \n 00000180: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000190: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000001a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000a 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000770: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0c01 3301 a000 0000 dmemBuf...3.....\n 00000780: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 0000 dmemBuf..4......\n 00000790: 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU1_Direct\n 000007a0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 _Connect.c......\n 000007b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000007e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000007f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000800: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am437x/PRU_Di\n 00000810: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000820: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000830: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000840: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f ...pru_remotepro\n 000008b0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000008c0: 0055 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .U...........PRU\n 000008d0: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 000008e0: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.........(....\n 000008f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000900: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000920: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000930: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000940: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am437x/PRU_Di\n 00000950: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000960: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000970: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000980: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@\n 00000d20: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 onnect.c........\n 00000d30: 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 ................\n 00000d40: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 ................\n 00000d50: 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 o.....f.........\n 00000d60: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d70: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000d80: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000d90: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00000d90: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00000da0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00000db0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 de/stdint.h.....\n 00000dc0: 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ...6.....-......\n 00000dd0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 ...............r\n 00000de0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00000df0: 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 pty.h........<..\n 00000e00: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001030: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00001040: 3b0b 0000 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00001050: 0b49 1300 0000 0050 5255 315f 4469 7265 .I.....PRU1_Dire\n 00001060: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f 686f ct_Connect.c./ho\n 00001070: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001080: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001090: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001090: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010a0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000010b0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000010c0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 am437x/PRU_Direc\n 000010d0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect1.TI PR\n 000010e0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000010f0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001100: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001250: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001260: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001270: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001280: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00001290: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000012a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 000012c0: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 000012d0: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 000012e0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 000012f0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001310: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001320: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001330: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00001340: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00001350: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001360: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001370: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -316,15 +316,15 @@\n 000013b0: 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 2_t......2.8.9.:\n 000013c0: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 000013d0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 000013e0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 .....9.:.;.....r\n 000013f0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001400: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001410: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001430: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001440: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001450: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00001460: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00001470: 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001480: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001490: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -336,15 +336,15 @@\n 000014f0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00001500: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001510: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001520: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00001530: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00001540: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001550: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001570: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001580: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001590: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000015a0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 Direct_Connect1.\n 000015b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000015c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000015d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@\n 00001f00: 0106 0000 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f10: 0108 0000 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f20: 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f30: 010c 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f70: 0054 4932 4e6a 6673 7958 4c44 002e 7465 .TI2NjfsyXLD..te\n+00001f70: 0054 4935 3245 6642 5747 6c31 002e 7465 .TI52EfBWGl1..te\n 00001f80: 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 xt..resource_tab\n 00001f90: 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a le:retain..text:\n 00001fa0: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 00001fb0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n 00001fc0: 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 bug_frame..debug\n 00001fd0: 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 _abbrev..debug_s\n 00001fe0: 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 tr..debug_arange\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: PRU1_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU1_Direct_Connect.object 40 0 44 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 40 0 44 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/593.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 9d06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0405 ................\n 000000c0: 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e PRU1_Direct_Conn\n 000000d0: 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ect.c....../home\n 000000e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000000f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000100: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000100: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000110: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000120: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000130: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 437x/PRU_Direct_\n 00000140: 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 Connect1.TI PRU \n 00000150: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000160: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000170: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@\n 00000730: 315f 6233 000a 0503 0001 0000 646d 656d 1_b3........dmem\n 00000740: 4275 6600 0c01 3301 d209 0000 646d 656d Buf...3.....dmem\n 00000750: 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 007d 0000 0004 Buf..4.....}....\n 00000760: 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e .PRU1_Direct_Con\n 00000770: 6e65 6374 2e63 0039 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d nect.c.9..../hom\n 00000780: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000790: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000007a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000007a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000007b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000007c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000007d0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m437x/PRU_Direct\n 000007e0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 000007f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000800: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000810: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@\n 00000870: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000880: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000890: 0003 00a6 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 .........PRU1_Di\n 000008a0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0073 rect_Connect.c.s\n 000008b0: 0000 001c 0000 0044 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d .......D..../hom\n 000008c0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000008d0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000008e0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000008e0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000008f0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000900: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000910: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m437x/PRU_Direct\n 00000920: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00000930: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000940: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000950: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 ort.exit.c.b.exi\n 00001080: 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 t.c.f.TI Library\n 00001090: 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0044 ...loader_exit.D\n 000010a0: 0000 0001 0000 d600 0000 0300 2803 0000 ............(...\n 000010b0: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 000010c0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000010d0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000010f0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001100: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001110: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am437x/PRU_Di\n 00001120: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00001130: 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 PRU Linker Unix\n 00001140: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001150: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@\n 00001260: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 00001270: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .c..............\n 00001280: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000012a0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000012b0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000012c0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 000012e0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 000012f0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00001300: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 00001310: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 00001320: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 00001330: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001340: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -411,15 +411,15 @@\n 000019a0: 8440 0b85 400b 8640 0887 400b 8840 0b8f .@..@..@..@..@..\n 000019b0: 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 1101 @..@............\n 000019c0: 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b .@...........%..\n 000019d0: 400b 0000 0000 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 @.....PRU1_Direc\n 000019e0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d t_Connect.c./hom\n 000019f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001a00: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001a10: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001a10: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001a20: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001a30: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001a40: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m437x/PRU_Direct\n 00001a50: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00001a60: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001a70: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001a80: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -441,34 +441,34 @@\n 00001b80: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00001b90: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00001ba0: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001bb0: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001bc0: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001bd0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001be0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00001c00: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00001c10: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00001c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001c70: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am437x/PRU_D\n 00001c80: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 irect_Connect1.T\n 00001c90: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001ca0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001cb0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001cc0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 00001cd0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00001ce0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001cf0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001d00: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001d10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001d30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001d40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001d50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00001d60: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00001d70: 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001d80: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001d90: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 Incorporated.my\n 00001dd0: 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 _resource_table.\n 00001de0: 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f base.offset..../\n 00001df0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001e00: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001e10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001e20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001e30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001e30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001e40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001e50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00001e60: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 37x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00001e70: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect1.TI PRU C\n 00001e80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001e90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00001ea0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1036,15 +1036,15 @@\n 000040b0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 000040c0: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 000040d0: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 000040e0: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 000040f0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004100: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004110: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004120: 5449 324e 6a66 7379 584c 4400 2e72 6573 TI2NjfsyXLD..res\n+00004120: 5449 3532 4566 4257 476c 3100 2e72 6573 TI52EfBWGl1..res\n 00004130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00004140: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00004150: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00004160: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00004170: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00004180: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00004190: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/606.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3606 0000 0300 0000 ........6.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am437x/PRU_Ha\n 00000110: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000120: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000130: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000140: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0_b3....|R31_b0.\n 000006b0: 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 ...}R31_b1....~R\n 000006c0: 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 31_b2.....R31_b3\n 000006d0: 0000 1a01 0000 0300 4000 0000 0401 6d61 ........@.....ma\n 000006e0: 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c. ..../home/\n 000006f0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000700: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000710: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000710: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000720: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000730: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000740: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 37x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000750: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000760: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000770: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00000780: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 3c09 urceTable...@.<.\n 000007d0: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 000007e0: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 000007f0: 1201 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 696e ......i.....main\n 00000800: 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.Z.......(....\n 00000810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000860: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am437x/PRU_Ha\n 00000870: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000880: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000890: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000008a0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 abort.exit.c.b.e\n 00000ef0: 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 xit.c.f.TI Libra\n 00000f00: 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 ry...loader_exit\n 00000f10: 0028 0000 0001 0000 cb00 0000 0300 9602 .(..............\n 00000f20: 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 ....__TI_interna\n 00000f30: 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 l./home/peko/aut\n 00000f40: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000f60: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000f70: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000f80: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m437x/PRU_Halt.T\n 000018a0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000018b0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000018c0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000018d0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 000018e0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 000018f0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001900: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001910: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001920: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001940: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001950: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001960: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00001970: 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 x/PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001980: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001990: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000019a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 000019d0: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 000019e0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 000019f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00001a00: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00001a10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001a20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001a40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001a50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001a60: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 616c s/am437x/PRU_Hal\n 00001a70: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001a80: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001a90: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00001aa0: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -960,16 +960,16 @@\n 00003bf0: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00003c00: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00003c10: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00003c20: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00003c30: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00003c40: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00003c50: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-00003c60: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3337 ug_pubtypes.TI37\n-00003c70: 4476 3131 4d30 3600 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 Dv11M06..resourc\n+00003c60: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356b ug_pubtypes.TI5k\n+00003c70: 4568 5842 4c35 6f00 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 EhXBL5o..resourc\n 00003c80: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00003c90: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 00003ca0: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 00003cb0: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00003cc0: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n 00003cd0: 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a IemR3sTEia.TIenz\n 00003ce0: 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a HQ2Yae.TIiBXWmgz\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/607.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset da in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdb refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 123 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3606 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 6...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m437x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000130: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000140: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000150: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000160: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 30_b2....{R30_b3\n 000006c0: 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000006d0: 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000006e0: 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 1a01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000006f0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000700: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000710: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000730: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000740: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000750: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000760: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000770: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000780: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000790: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 Table...@.....pr\n 000007f0: 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 u_remoteproc_Res\n 00000800: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1201 0000 ourceTable......\n 00000810: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000820: 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000830: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000840: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000850: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000850: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000860: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000870: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000880: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m437x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000890: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000008a0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000008b0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000008c0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0000 0502 0000 0000 0501 3205 020e 0501 ..........2.....\n 00000b20: 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 _...............\n 00000b30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b40: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000b50: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b60: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b70: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000b90: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ba0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000bb0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000bc0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000bd0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000be0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000bf0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00000e60: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00000e70: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00000e80: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00000e90: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00000ea0: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000eb0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000ed0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ee0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000ef0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00000f00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f20: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f30: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f40: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00000f50: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000f60: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000f70: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000f80: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -253,15 +253,15 @@\n 00000fc0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00000fd0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00000fe0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00000ff0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00001000: 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _empty.h./home/p\n 00001010: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001020: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001030: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001030: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001040: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001050: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00001060: 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 7x/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00001070: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001080: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001090: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000010a0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@\n 000010f0: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00001100: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00001110: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00001120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001130: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001140: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001150: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001160: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001160: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001170: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001180: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00001190: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 37x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 000011a0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000011b0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000011c0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000011d0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 0000 0000 5449 3337 4476 3131 4d30 3600 ....TI37Dv11M06.\n+00001990: 0000 0000 5449 356b 4568 5842 4c35 6f00 ....TI5kEhXBL5o.\n 000019a0: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 000019b0: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 000019c0: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 000019d0: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019f0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 00001a00: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_Hardware_UART.object 212 0 101 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 212 0 101 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/623.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 56 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x30 refers to abbreviation number 10 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 61 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 92 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 10 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@\n 00000180: 8e00 0024 1010 0101 e0e0 0101 ef10 ee14 ...$............\n 00000190: ce00 8024 8e08 0024 edee ef4e 8120 3081 ...$...$...N. 0.\n 000001a0: 0000 002a 0000 c320 0407 0000 0300 0000 ...*... ........\n 000001b0: 0000 0402 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 ....PRU_Hardware\n 000001c0: 5f55 4152 542e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f _UART.c....../ho\n 000001d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000001e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000001f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000001f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000220: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 am437x/PRU_Hardw\n 00000230: 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 are_UART.TI PRU \n 00000240: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000250: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000260: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 012f 011e 0000 0068 6f73 7442 7566 6665 ./.....hostBuffe\n 00000890: 7200 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 6665 7200 r........buffer.\n 000008a0: 0901 3201 5e01 0000 6275 6666 6572 0000 ..2.^...buffer..\n 000008b0: 0701 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 000008c0: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 000008d0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000008e0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000008f0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000008f0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000900: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000910: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000920: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00000930: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 00000940: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000950: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000960: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@\n 00000990: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000009a0: 0043 545f 5541 5254 0018 011b 0101 4b01 .CT_UART......K.\n 000009b0: 0000 4354 5f55 4152 5400 0030 0100 0003 ..CT_UART..0....\n 000009c0: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f48 6172 6477 .......PRU_Hardw\n 000009d0: 6172 655f 5541 5254 2e63 0000 0000 0002 are_UART.c......\n 000009e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000009f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000a10: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000a20: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000a30: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am437x/PRU_Ha\n 00000a40: 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 rdware_UART.TI P\n 00000a50: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000a60: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000a70: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 00000ae0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 004e ResourceTable..N\n 00000af0: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f48 ...........PRU_H\n 00000b00: 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 2e63 0000 ardware_UART.c..\n 00000b10: 0000 0000 0000 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000b20: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000b30: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000b40: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000b40: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000b50: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000b60: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000b70: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 m437x/PRU_Hardwa\n 00000b80: 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 re_UART.TI PRU C\n 00000b90: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ba0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000bb0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -436,15 +436,15 @@\n 00001b30: 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e U_Hardware_UART.\n 00001b40: 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 c...............\n 00001b50: 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 ................\n 00001b60: 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 .........o.....f\n 00001b70: 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 ................\n 00001b80: 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00001b90: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001ba0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00001ba0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00001bb0: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00001bc0: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 00001bd0: 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 nt.h........6...\n 00001be0: 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..-.............\n 00001bf0: 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001c00: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 _table_empty.h..\n 00001c10: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n@@ -493,15 +493,15 @@\n 00001ec0: 3b05 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00001ed0: 0b00 000c 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00001ee0: 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 I......./../../i\n 00001ef0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 nclude/am437x/pr\n 00001f00: 755f 7561 7274 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_uart.h./home/p\n 00001f10: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001f20: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001f30: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001f30: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001f40: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001f50: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00001f60: 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 7x/PRU_Hardware_\n 00001f70: 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b UART.TI PRU C/C+\n 00001f80: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001f90: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00001fa0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -547,15 +547,15 @@\n 00002220: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00002230: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 00002240: 400b 0000 0313 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b @..........9.:.;\n 00002250: 0b00 0000 0050 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 .....PRU_Hardwar\n 00002260: 655f 5541 5254 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 e_UART.c./home/p\n 00002270: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00002280: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00002290: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00002290: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000022a0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000022b0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 000022c0: 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 7x/PRU_Hardware_\n 000022d0: 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b UART.TI PRU C/C+\n 000022e0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000022f0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00002300: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -579,20 +579,20 @@\n 00002420: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00002430: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00002440: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00002450: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00002460: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00002470: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00002480: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00002490: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00002490: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000024a0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000024b0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 000024c0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000024d0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000024e0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000024e0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000024f0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00002500: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00002510: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 /am437x/PRU_Hard\n 00002520: 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 ware_UART.TI PRU\n 00002530: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00002540: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00002550: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -602,15 +602,15 @@\n 00002590: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 000025a0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 000025b0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 000025c0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 000025d0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 000025e0: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 000025f0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00002600: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00002600: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00002610: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00002620: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00002630: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00002640: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 00002650: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00002660: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00002670: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -622,15 +622,15 @@\n 000026d0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 000026e0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 000026f0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00002700: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00002710: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00002720: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00002730: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00002740: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00002740: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00002750: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00002760: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00002770: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 s/am437x/PRU_Har\n 00002780: 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 dware_UART.TI PR\n 00002790: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000027a0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000027b0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -996,15 +996,15 @@\n 00003e30: 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00003e40: 010e 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00003e50: 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00003e60: 0113 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003e70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a00 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00003e80: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00003e90: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00003ea0: 0000 0054 4932 5245 4542 6a33 5430 0024 ...TI2REEBj3T0.$\n+00003ea0: 0000 0054 4935 3654 4772 7a7a 3270 0024 ...TI56TGrzz2p.$\n 00003eb0: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 00003ec0: 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 .$C$L4..text..cr\n 00003ed0: 6567 2e50 5255 5f55 4152 542e 6e6f 6c6f eg.PRU_UART.nolo\n 00003ee0: 6164 2e6e 6561 7200 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ad.near..resourc\n 00003ef0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00003f00: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 text:main..debug\n 00003f10: 5f69 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e _info..debug_lin\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/624.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ... ............\n 00000140: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 0407 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000170: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e 6300 Hardware_UART.c.\n 00000180: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000190: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000001a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000001a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000001b0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000001c0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000001d0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000001e0: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 000001f0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000200: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000210: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -133,15 +133,15 @@\n 00000840: 6f73 7442 7566 6665 7200 0805 0311 0100 ostBuffer.......\n 00000850: 0062 7566 6665 7200 0901 3201 5e01 0000 .buffer...2.^...\n 00000860: 6275 6666 6572 0000 0701 0000 0300 7300 buffer........s.\n 00000870: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 ....PRU_Hardware\n 00000880: 5f55 4152 542e 6300 3700 0000 022f 686f _UART.c.7..../ho\n 00000890: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000008a0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000008b0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000008b0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000008c0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000008d0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000008e0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 am437x/PRU_Hardw\n 000008f0: 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 are_UART.TI PRU \n 00000900: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000910: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000920: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@\n 00000940: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00000950: 0001 0205 0300 8002 0043 545f 5541 5254 .........CT_UART\n 00000960: 0018 011b 0101 4b01 0000 4354 5f55 4152 ......K...CT_UAR\n 00000970: 5400 0030 0100 0003 009c 0000 0004 0150 T..0...........P\n 00000980: 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 RU_Hardware_UART\n 00000990: 2e63 007d 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c.}..../home/pe\n 000009a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000009b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000009b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000009c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000009d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000009e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000009f0: 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 x/PRU_Hardware_U\n 00000a00: 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ART.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000a10: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000a20: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@\n 00000a80: 001a 0140 014d 1700 0070 7275 5f72 656d ...@.M...pru_rem\n 00000a90: 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 oteproc_Resource\n 00000aa0: 5461 626c 6500 004e 0100 0003 00c5 0000 Table..N........\n 00000ab0: 0004 0150 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 655f ...PRU_Hardware_\n 00000ac0: 5541 5254 2e63 00b7 0000 001c 0000 00f0 UART.c..........\n 00000ad0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000ae0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000af0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000af0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000b00: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000b10: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000b20: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000b30: 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 U_Hardware_UART.\n 00000b40: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000b50: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000b60: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 xit.c.b.exit.c.f\n 00001dd0: 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f .TI Library...lo\n 00001de0: 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 f000 0000 0100 ader_exit.......\n 00001df0: 00d4 0000 0003 0022 0400 0004 015f 5f54 .......\".....__T\n 00001e00: 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 I_internal./home\n 00001e10: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001e20: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001e30: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001e30: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001e40: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001e50: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001e60: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 6172 6477 6172 437x/PRU_Hardwar\n 00001e70: 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 e_UART.TI PRU Li\n 00001e80: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00001e90: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00001ea0: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -520,15 +520,15 @@\n 00002070: 4152 542e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 ART.c...........\n 00002080: 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ................\n 00002090: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 .............o..\n 000020a0: 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...f............\n 000020b0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000020c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000020d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000020e0: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+000020e0: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000020f0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00002100: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 stdint.h........\n 00002110: 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 6.....-.........\n 00002120: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f ............reso\n 00002130: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 00002140: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 00002150: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n@@ -647,15 +647,15 @@\n 00002860: 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 .@..@...........\n 00002870: 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 ..@...........%.\n 00002880: 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .@......./../../\n 00002890: 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 include/am437x/p\n 000028a0: 7275 5f75 6172 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_uart.h./home/\n 000028b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000028c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000028d0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000028d0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000028e0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000028f0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00002900: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 37x/PRU_Hardware\n 00002910: 5f55 4152 5400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _UART.TI PRU C/C\n 00002920: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00002930: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00002940: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -697,15 +697,15 @@\n 00002b80: 6974 0046 5245 4500 7273 7664 3100 5552 it.FREE.rsvd1.UR\n 00002b90: 5253 5400 5554 5253 5400 7273 7664 3135 RST.UTRST.rsvd15\n 00002ba0: 004d 4452 004d 4452 5f62 6974 004f 534d .MDR.MDR_bit.OSM\n 00002bb0: 5f53 454c 0070 7275 5561 7274 0000 5052 _SEL.pruUart..PR\n 00002bc0: 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 542e U_Hardware_UART.\n 00002bd0: 6300 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 c./home/peko/aut\n 00002be0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00002bf0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00002bf0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00002c00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00002c10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00002c20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00002c30: 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 5449 Hardware_UART.TI\n 00002c40: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00002c50: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00002c60: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -725,35 +725,35 @@\n 00002d40: 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 igned int.long.u\n 00002d50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e nsigned long.lon\n 00002d60: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00002d70: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 00002d80: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 00002d90: 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 le../home/peko/a\n 00002da0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00002db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00002db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00002dc0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00002dd0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00002de0: 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.h./home/peko/a\n 00002df0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00002e00: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00002e00: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00002e10: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00002e20: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00002e30: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00002e40: 555f 4861 7264 7761 7265 5f55 4152 5400 U_Hardware_UART.\n 00002e50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00002e60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00002e70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00002e80: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n 00002e90: 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 nstruments Incor\n 00002ea0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 porated.uint8_t.\n 00002eb0: 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 uint32_t..resour\n 00002ec0: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00002ed0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00002ee0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00002ef0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00002ef0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00002f00: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00002f10: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00002f20: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 les/am437x/PRU_H\n 00002f30: 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 ardware_UART.TI \n 00002f40: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00002f50: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00002f60: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -761,15 +761,15 @@\n 00002f80: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00002f90: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00002fa0: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00002fb0: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00002fc0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00002fd0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00002fe0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00002ff0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00002ff0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00003000: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00003010: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00003020: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f48 les/am437x/PRU_H\n 00003030: 6172 6477 6172 655f 5541 5254 0054 4920 ardware_UART.TI \n 00003040: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00003050: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00003060: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -1340,15 +1340,15 @@\n 000053b0: 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e DR.far..debug_in\n 000053c0: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 000053d0: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 000053e0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 000053f0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 00005400: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 00005410: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00005420: 7065 7300 5449 3252 4545 426a 3354 3000 pes.TI2REEBj3T0.\n+00005420: 7065 7300 5449 3536 5447 727a 7a32 7000 pes.TI56TGrzz2p.\n 00005430: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 00005440: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 3.$C$L4..resourc\n 00005450: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00005460: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 00005470: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 00005480: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00005490: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_Hardware_UART/gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: PRU_Hardware_UART.c\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_uart.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_Hardware_UART.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_IEP.object 232 0 6514 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 232 0 6514 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/639.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x25 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1e refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 364 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x90 refers to abbreviation number 35 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@\n 000001e0: 00ff 1fc9 8f21 00f1 feef 07cf 8f20 00f1 .....!....... ..\n 000001f0: efef 001d 8f20 00e1 8e20 40e1 eeff 0024 ..... ... @....$\n 00000200: 8e20 44e1 e080 0024 8021 00e1 0000 002a . D....$.!.....*\n 00000210: 0000 c320 bc09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0405 ... ............\n 00000220: 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 022f PRU_IEP.c....../\n 00000230: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000240: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000250: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000250: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000260: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000270: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000280: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am437x/PRU_IEP\n 00000290: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000002a0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000002b0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 000002c0: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -187,30 +187,30 @@\n 00000ba0: 5233 305f 6233 000a 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 R30_b3....|R31_b\n 00000bb0: 3000 0a02 907d 5233 315f 6231 000a 0290 0....}R31_b1....\n 00000bc0: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0a02 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00000bd0: 6233 0000 f100 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 b3..............\n 00000be0: 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 022f PRU_IEP.c....../\n 00000bf0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000c00: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000c10: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000c10: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000c20: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000c30: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000c40: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am437x/PRU_IEP\n 00000c50: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000c60: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000c70: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00000c80: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n 00000c90: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00000ca0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 00000cb0: 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01b2 0100 .CT_CFG.........\n 00000cc0: 0043 545f 4346 4700 00f3 0000 0003 0000 .CT_CFG.........\n 00000cd0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0000 .....PRU_IEP.c..\n 00000ce0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000cf0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000d00: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000d00: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000d10: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000d20: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000d30: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000d40: 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 U_IEP.TI PRU C/C\n 00000d50: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000d60: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000d70: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -218,30 +218,30 @@\n 00000d90: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00000da0: 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 ......CT_INTC...\n 00000db0: 3c03 01f2 0200 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 <......CT_INTC..\n 00000dc0: f100 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000dd0: 4945 502e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 IEP.c....../home\n 00000de0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000df0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000e00: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000e00: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000e10: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000e20: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000e30: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 437x/PRU_IEP.TI \n 00000e40: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e50: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e60: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00000e70: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n 00000e80: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e90: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000ea0: 4945 5000 1701 5401 018d 0300 0043 545f IEP...T......CT_\n 00000eb0: 4945 5000 00fc 0000 0003 0000 0000 0004 IEP.............\n 00000ec0: 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0000 0000 0002 .PRU_IEP.c......\n 00000ed0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000ee0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ef0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000ef0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f20: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 es/am437x/PRU_IE\n 00000f30: 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 P.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f40: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f50: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f60: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@\n 00000f80: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f90: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000fa0: 0142 0179 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .B.y...pru_intc_\n 00000fb0: 6d61 7000 002a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map..*..........\n 00000fc0: 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0000 0000 0002 .PRU_IEP.c......\n 00000fd0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000fe0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ff0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000ff0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001000: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001010: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001020: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 es/am437x/PRU_IE\n 00001030: 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 P.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001040: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001050: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00001060: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 616d Table...P.....am\n 000010c0: 3333 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 335x_pru_remotep\n 000010d0: 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c roc_ResourceTabl\n 000010e0: 6500 0016 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 e..............P\n 000010f0: 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 RU_IEP.c........\n 00001100: 00e8 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 PRU_IEP.TI PRU C\n 00001170: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001180: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00001190: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1772,15 +1772,15 @@\n 00006eb0: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 /rsc_types.h....\n 00006ec0: 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00006ed0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00006ee0: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00006ef0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00006f00: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00006f10: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00006f20: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00006f20: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00006f30: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00006f40: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00006f50: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n 00006f60: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00006f70: 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00006f80: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00006f90: 0000 0000 0001 0130 0000 0003 0027 0000 .......0.....'..\n@@ -1835,15 +1835,15 @@\n 000072a0: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 000072b0: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000072c0: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 000072d0: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 000072e0: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 clude/am437x/pru\n 000072f0: 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b _cfg.h./home/pek\n 00007300: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007310: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007320: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00007330: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00007340: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00007350: 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 /PRU_IEP.TI PRU \n 00007360: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00007370: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00007380: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -2034,15 +2034,15 @@\n 00007f10: 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00007f20: 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00007f30: 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00007f40: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007f50: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 00007f60: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 00007f70: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007f80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007f80: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007f90: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00007fa0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00007fb0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00007fc0: 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 /PRU_IEP.TI PRU \n 00007fd0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00007fe0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00007ff0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -2260,15 +2260,15 @@\n 00008d30: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00008d40: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00008d50: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 00008d60: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00008d70: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 clude/am437x/pru\n 00008d80: 5f69 6570 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b _iep.h./home/pek\n 00008d90: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00008da0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00008da0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00008db0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00008dc0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00008dd0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00008de0: 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 /PRU_IEP.TI PRU \n 00008df0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00008e00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00008e10: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -2377,15 +2377,15 @@\n 00009480: 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00009490: 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000094a0: 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000094b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000094c0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 000094d0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000094e0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000094f0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+000094f0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00009500: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00009510: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00009520: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am437x/PRU_IEP\n 00009530: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00009540: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00009550: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00009560: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -2414,20 +2414,20 @@\n 000096d0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000096e0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000096f0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 00009700: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 00009710: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00009720: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00009730: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00009740: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00009740: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00009750: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00009760: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00009770: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00009780: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00009790: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00009790: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000097a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000097b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000097c0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000097d0: 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b IEP.TI PRU C/C++\n 000097e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000097f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00009800: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -2438,15 +2438,15 @@\n 00009850: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00009860: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00009870: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00009880: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00009890: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 000098a0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000098b0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000098c0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000098c0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000098d0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000098e0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000098f0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 /am437x/PRU_IEP.\n 00009900: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00009910: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00009920: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00009930: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -2459,15 +2459,15 @@\n 000099a0: 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 annel......2.8.9\n 000099b0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 000099c0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 000099d0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000099e0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 652e .resource_table.\n 000099f0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00009a00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00009a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00009a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00009a20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00009a30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00009a40: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00009a50: 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b IEP.TI PRU C/C++\n 00009a60: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00009a70: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00009a80: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -4057,16 +4057,16 @@\n 0000fd80: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 ................\n 0000fd90: 0600 0000 0114 0000 0600 0000 0115 0000 ................\n 0000fda0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000fdb0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fdc0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0f00 0000 ................\n 0000fdd0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fde0: 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000fdf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3255 ............TI2U\n-0000fe00: 6557 4b59 6353 6700 2443 244c 3100 2e74 eWKYcSg.$C$L1..t\n+0000fdf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3539 ............TI59\n+0000fe00: 6341 3772 7058 7800 2443 244c 3100 2e74 cA7rpXx.$C$L1..t\n 0000fe10: 6578 7400 2e63 7265 672e 5052 555f 4346 ext..creg.PRU_CF\n 0000fe20: 472e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e 6561 7200 2e63 G.noload.near..c\n 0000fe30: 7265 672e 5052 555f 494e 5443 2e6e 6f6c reg.PRU_INTC.nol\n 0000fe40: 6f61 642e 6661 7200 2e63 7265 672e 5052 oad.far..creg.PR\n 0000fe50: 555f 4945 502e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 U_IEP.noload.far\n 0000fe60: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n 0000fe70: 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 map..resource_ta\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/640.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n 00000160: 0100 0000 1400 0000 0000 ff01 ffff ffff ................\n 00000170: ffff ffff 0100 0000 3401 0000 0701 0000 ........4.......\n 00000180: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000190: 0000 0000 0000 0000 bc09 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000001a0: 0000 0405 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 0000 ....PRU_IEP.c...\n 000001b0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000001d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000001d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000001e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000001f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000200: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00000210: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000220: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000230: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000240: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -179,30 +179,30 @@\n 00000b20: 0a02 907b 5233 305f 6233 000a 0290 7c52 ...{R30_b3....|R\n 00000b30: 3331 5f62 3000 0a02 907d 5233 315f 6231 31_b0....}R31_b1\n 00000b40: 000a 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0a02 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 00000b50: 5233 315f 6233 0000 f100 0000 0300 7100 R31_b3........q.\n 00000b60: 0000 0401 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 2000 ....PRU_IEP.c. .\n 00000b70: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000b90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000ba0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000bb0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000bc0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00000bd0: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000be0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000bf0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000c00: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n 00000c10: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000c20: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000c30: 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 ..`..CT_CFG.....\n 00000c40: 01b2 0100 0043 545f 4346 4700 00f3 0000 .....CT_CFG.....\n 00000c50: 0003 009a 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 .........PRU_IEP\n 00000c60: 2e63 0065 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c.e..../home/pe\n 00000c70: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000c80: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000c80: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000c90: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000ca0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000cb0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000cc0: 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 x/PRU_IEP.TI PRU\n 00000cd0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000ce0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000cf0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -210,30 +210,30 @@\n 00000d10: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000d20: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 4e54 d.........CT_INT\n 00000d30: 4300 1801 3c03 01f2 0200 0043 545f 494e C...<......CT_IN\n 00000d40: 5443 0000 f100 0000 0300 c300 0000 0401 TC..............\n 00000d50: 5052 555f 4945 502e 6300 ab00 0000 022f PRU_IEP.c....../\n 00000d60: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000d70: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000d80: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000d80: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000d90: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000da0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000db0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f49 4550 s/am437x/PRU_IEP\n 00000dc0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000dd0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000de0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00000df0: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n 00000e00: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00000e10: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 e002 rporated........\n 00000e20: 0043 545f 4945 5000 1701 5401 018d 0300 .CT_IEP...T.....\n 00000e30: 0043 545f 4945 5000 00fc 0000 0003 00ec .CT_IEP.........\n 00000e40: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 00f0 .....PRU_IEP.c..\n 00000e50: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000e60: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000e70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000e70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000e80: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000e90: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000ea0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000eb0: 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 U_IEP.TI PRU C/C\n 00000ec0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000ed0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000ee0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00000f10: 0503 3401 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ..4...pru_intc_m\n 00000f20: 6170 000f 0142 0179 0400 0070 7275 5f69 ap...B.y...pru_i\n 00000f30: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 002a 0100 0003 0015 ntc_map..*......\n 00000f40: 0100 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0024 .....PRU_IEP.c.$\n 00000f50: 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000f60: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000f70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000f70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000f80: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000f90: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000fa0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000fb0: 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 U_IEP.TI PRU C/C\n 00000fc0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000fd0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000fe0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -261,15 +261,15 @@\n 00001040: 0000 616d 3333 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 656d ..am335x_pru_rem\n 00001050: 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 oteproc_Resource\n 00001060: 5461 626c 6500 0016 0100 0003 003e 0100 Table........>..\n 00001070: 0004 0150 5255 5f49 4550 2e63 0058 0100 ...PRU_IEP.c.X..\n 00001080: 001c 0000 0004 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00001090: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010a0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010b0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000010b0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000010c0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000010d0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 000010e0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 37x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 000010f0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001100: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001110: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00001120: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -1792,15 +1792,15 @@\n 00006ff0: 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e t.exit.c.b.exit.\n 00007000: 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 c.f.TI Library..\n 00007010: 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0004 0100 .loader_exit....\n 00007020: 0001 0000 ca00 0000 0300 0007 0000 0401 ................\n 00007030: 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 __TI_internal./h\n 00007040: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007050: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007060: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007060: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007070: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007080: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007090: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 /am437x/PRU_IEP.\n 000070a0: 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e TI PRU Linker Un\n 000070b0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000070c0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n 000070d0: 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 8 Texas Instrume\n@@ -1851,15 +1851,15 @@\n 000073a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 000073b0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 000073c0: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 000073d0: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000073e0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000073f0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00007400: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00007410: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00007410: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00007420: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00007430: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00007440: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 00007450: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 00007460: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 00007470: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 00007480: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0130 0000 pes.h........0..\n@@ -2024,15 +2024,15 @@\n 00007e70: 400b 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 @..@..@..@......\n 00007e80: 0100 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 .......@........\n 00007e90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00007ea0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 00007eb0: 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 37x/pru_cfg.h./h\n 00007ec0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00007ed0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00007ee0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00007ee0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00007ef0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00007f00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00007f10: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 /am437x/PRU_IEP.\n 00007f20: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00007f30: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00007f40: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00007f50: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -2207,15 +2207,15 @@\n 000089e0: 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 315f 4346 2_CLK.ED_PRU1_CF\n 000089f0: 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 4647 G1_2.ED_PRU1_CFG\n 00008a00: 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 6667 0000 1_2_bit.pruCfg..\n 00008a10: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00008a20: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 /am437x/pru_intc\n 00008a30: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00008a40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00008a50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00008a50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00008a60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00008a70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00008a80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00008a90: 5f49 4550 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b _IEP.TI PRU C/C+\n 00008aa0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00008ab0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00008ac0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -2417,15 +2417,15 @@\n 00009700: 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f 4849 4e54 R9_bit.NEST_HINT\n 00009710: 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 5f62 6974 _9.HIER.HIER_bit\n 00009720: 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 4e54 0070 7275 .ENABLE_HINT.pru\n 00009730: 496e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 Intc..../../../i\n 00009740: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 nclude/am437x/pr\n 00009750: 755f 6965 702e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 u_iep.h./home/pe\n 00009760: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00009770: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00009770: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00009780: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00009790: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000097a0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000097b0: 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 x/PRU_IEP.TI PRU\n 000097c0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000097d0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000097e0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -2524,15 +2524,15 @@\n 00009db0: 4154 415f 4f55 545f 5550 4441 5445 004f ATA_OUT_UPDATE.O\n 00009dc0: 5554 5641 4c49 445f 4f56 525f 454e 0072 UTVALID_OVR_EN.r\n 00009dd0: 7376 6432 0070 7275 4965 7000 002e 2e2f svd2.pruIep..../\n 00009de0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00009df0: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00009e00: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00009e10: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00009e20: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00009e20: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00009e30: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00009e40: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00009e50: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 37x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 00009e60: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00009e70: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00009e80: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00009e90: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -2557,35 +2557,35 @@\n 00009fc0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00009fd0: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00009fe0: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00009ff0: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 0000a000: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 0000a010: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000a020: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000a030: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+0000a030: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 0000a040: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 0000a050: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 0000a060: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000a070: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000a080: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000a080: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000a090: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000a0a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 0000a0b0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 37x/PRU_IEP.TI P\n 0000a0c0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000a0d0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000a0e0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 0000a0f0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n 0000a100: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 0000a110: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 ted.uint8_t.uint\n 0000a120: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 002e 16_t.uint32_t...\n 0000a130: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 0000a140: 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_types.h./hom\n 0000a150: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000a160: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000a170: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000a170: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000a180: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000a190: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 0000a1a0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 m437x/PRU_IEP.TI\n 0000a1b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000a1c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000a1d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 0000a1e0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -2594,15 +2594,15 @@\n 0000a210: 0063 6800 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f .ch.fw_rsc_custo\n 0000a220: 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 m_ints.reserved.\n 0000a230: 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d channel_host.num\n 0000a240: 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e _evts.event_chan\n 0000a250: 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 nel..resource_ta\n 0000a260: 626c 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ble.h./home/peko\n 0000a270: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000a280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+0000a280: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 0000a290: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 0000a2a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 0000a2b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 0000a2c0: 5052 555f 4945 5000 5449 2050 5255 2043 PRU_IEP.TI PRU C\n 0000a2d0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a2e0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 0000a2f0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -3209,16 +3209,16 @@\n 0000c880: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 0000c890: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0000c8a0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0000c8b0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0000c8c0: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0000c8d0: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0000c8e0: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0000c8f0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3255 ug_pubtypes.TI2U\n-0000c900: 6557 4b59 6353 6700 2443 244c 3100 2e64 eWKYcSg.$C$L1..d\n+0000c8f0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3539 ug_pubtypes.TI59\n+0000c900: 6341 3772 7058 7800 2443 244c 3100 2e64 cA7rpXx.$C$L1..d\n 0000c910: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0000c920: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0000c930: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0000c940: 696e 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e in.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n 0000c950: 7465 7874 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 305f 6e6f text:_c_int00_no\n 0000c960: 696e 6974 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 5449 656b init_noargs.TIek\n 0000c970: 6c4b 7238 4934 3000 5449 656d 5233 7354 lKr8I40.TIemR3sT\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_IEP/gen/PRU_IEP.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: PRU_IEP.c\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_iep.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: resource_table.h\n-gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_IEP.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU_IEP.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/655.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 11 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 8106 0000 ...*....... ....\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f ........PRU_MAC_\n 00000150: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 000001c0: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 000001d0: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 000001e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000001f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@\n 000007a0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 000007b0: 6275 6600 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 buf...5.....buf.\n 000007c0: 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .:...........PRU\n 000007d0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000007e0: 6375 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 cum.c....../home\n 000007f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000800: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000810: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000810: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000820: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000830: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000840: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 437x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 00000850: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 00000860: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000870: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000880: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@\n 000008e0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 000008f0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 ResourceTable...\n 00000900: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d ...........PRU_M\n 00000910: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000920: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 7c00 0000 m.c.........|...\n 00000930: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000940: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000960: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000970: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000980: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am437x/PRU_M\n 00000990: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 000009a0: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000009b0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000009c0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000d90: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 m.c.............\n 00000da0: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 00000dc0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 00000dd0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 00000de0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e00: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 00000e10: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 00000e20: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 dint.h........6.\n 00000e30: 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....-...........\n 00000e40: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 ..........resour\n 00000e50: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 ........<.....3.\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00001040: 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00001050: 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00001060: 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 ...PRU_MAC_Multi\n 00001070: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 6f6d ply_Accum.c./hom\n 00001080: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001090: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000010a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000010a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000010b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000010c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000010d0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m437x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 000010e0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 000010f0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001100: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001110: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001250: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001260: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00001270: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00001280: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00001290: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012a0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000012b0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000012b0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000012c0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000012d0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 000012e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001300: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001300: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001310: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001320: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001330: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am437x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001340: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001350: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001360: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001370: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -318,15 +318,15 @@\n 000013d0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 000013e0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000013f0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001400: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00001410: 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d ble_empty.h./hom\n 00001420: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001430: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001440: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001440: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001450: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001460: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001470: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m437x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001480: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001490: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000014a0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000014b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -338,15 +338,15 @@\n 00001510: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001520: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001530: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 00001540: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 00001550: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 00001560: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001570: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001580: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001580: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001590: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000015a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000015b0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 437x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000015c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000015d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000015e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000015f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -501,16 +501,16 @@\n 00001f40: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 00001f70: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00001f80: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f90: 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001fa0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 .............TI2\n-00001fc0: 5661 7454 7738 6b6e 0024 4324 4c31 0024 VatTw8kn.$C$L1.$\n+00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+00001fc0: 6173 7975 3269 3746 0024 4324 4c31 0024 asyu2i7F.$C$L1.$\n 00001fd0: 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 C$L2.$C$L3.$C$L4\n 00001fe0: 002e 7465 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 ..text..resource\n 00001ff0: 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 _table:retain..t\n 00002000: 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f ext:main..debug_\n 00002010: 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 info..debug_line\n 00002020: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 ..debug_frame..d\n 00002030: 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 ebug_abbrev..deb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/656.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000100: 0000 0000 0000 0000 8106 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 00000110: 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 ....PRU_MAC_Mult\n 00000120: 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 0000 0000 iply_Accum.c....\n 00000130: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000140: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000160: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000170: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000180: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000190: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 000001a0: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000001b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000770: 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 6275 6600 1_b3........buf.\n 00000780: 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 003a 0100 ..5.....buf..:..\n 00000790: 0003 006a 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 ...j.....PRU_MAC\n 000007a0: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e _Multiply_Accum.\n 000007b0: 6300 3c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.<..../home/pek\n 000007c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000007e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000007f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000800: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000810: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 00000820: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 00000830: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000840: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f _remoteproc_Reso\n 000008c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 000008d0: 0093 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d .......PRU_MAC_M\n 000008e0: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 ultiply_Accum.c.\n 000008f0: 7600 0000 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f v............/ho\n 00000900: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000910: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000920: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000920: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000930: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000940: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000950: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am437x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00000960: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00000970: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000980: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000990: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@\n 000010c0: 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 bort.exit.c.b.ex\n 000010d0: 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 it.c.f.TI Librar\n 000010e0: 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 y...loader_exit.\n 000010f0: 9800 0000 0100 00d9 0000 0003 0015 0300 ................\n 00001100: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00001110: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001120: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001140: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001150: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001160: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am437x/PRU_M\n 00001170: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001180: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 m.TI PRU Linker \n 00001190: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000011a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 000012e0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 000012f0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001300: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001310: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001320: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00001330: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00001350: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00001360: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00001370: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00001380: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001390: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 000013a0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 000013b0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -412,15 +412,15 @@\n 000019b0: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 000019c0: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 000019d0: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 000019e0: 0b00 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c .....PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000019f0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 tiply_Accum.c./h\n 00001a00: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001a10: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001a20: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001a20: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001a30: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001a40: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001a50: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am437x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001a60: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -441,20 +441,20 @@\n 00001b80: 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 nt.long.unsigned\n 00001b90: 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 long.long long.\n 00001ba0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00001bb0: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00001bc0: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f long double../ho\n 00001bd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001be0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001bf0: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00001bf0: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00001c00: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00001c10: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00001c20: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c30: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001c40: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001c40: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001c50: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001c60: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001c70: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am437x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00001c80: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00001c90: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001ca0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001cb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -462,15 +462,15 @@\n 00001cd0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00001ce0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 rated.uint8_t.ui\n 00001cf0: 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt16_t.uint32_t.\n 00001d00: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 uint64_t..resour\n 00001d10: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00001d20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001d50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001d60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001d70: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am437x/PRU_M\n 00001d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001d90: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001da0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001db0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -478,15 +478,15 @@\n 00001dd0: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 00001de0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 orporated.my_res\n 00001df0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 ource_table.base\n 00001e00: 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .offset..../../.\n 00001e10: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 ./include/rsc_ty\n 00001e20: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 00001e30: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001e50: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001e60: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001e70: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00001e80: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001e90: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001ea0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001eb0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1044,15 +1044,15 @@\n 00004130: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004140: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004150: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004160: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004170: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004180: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004190: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-000041a0: 5449 3256 6174 5477 386b 6e00 2443 244c TI2VatTw8kn.$C$L\n+000041a0: 5449 3561 7379 7532 6937 4600 2443 244c TI5asyu2i7F.$C$L\n 000041b0: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 000041c0: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 000041d0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041e0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041f0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00004200: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00004210: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.c\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object 164 0 5688 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 164 0 5688 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/671.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 77 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 13 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@\n 00000170: c002 0024 802c 2024 8e20 00f1 e1ee e110 ...$., $. ......\n 00000180: 8120 00e1 e00b 0024 8020 0481 0000 002a . .....$. .....*\n 00000190: 0000 c320 2c09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0404 ... ,...........\n 000001a0: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 000001b0: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c....../h\n 000001c0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000001d0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000001e0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000001e0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000001f0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000200: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000210: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am437x/PRU_PRUt\n 00000220: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00000230: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000240: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000250: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@\n 00000aa0: 3000 0902 907d 5233 315f 6231 0009 0290 0....}R31_b1....\n 00000ab0: 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0902 907f 5233 315f ~R31_b2.....R31_\n 00000ac0: 6233 0000 0f01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 b3..............\n 00000ad0: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 00000ae0: 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 errupt.c....../h\n 00000af0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000b00: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000b10: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000b10: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000b20: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000b30: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000b40: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am437x/PRU_PRUt\n 00000b50: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00000b60: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000b70: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000b80: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -188,15 +188,15 @@\n 00000bb0: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 orated.........C\n 00000bc0: 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d0 0100 0043 T_CFG..........C\n 00000bd0: 545f 4346 4700 0011 0100 0003 0000 0000 T_CFG...........\n 00000be0: 0004 0150 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f ...PRU_PRUtoARM_\n 00000bf0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 742e 6300 0000 0000 Interrupt.c.....\n 00000c00: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000c10: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000c20: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000c20: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000c30: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000c40: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000c50: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 les/am437x/PRU_P\n 00000c60: 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RUtoARM_Interrup\n 00000c70: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000c80: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000c90: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -205,15 +205,15 @@\n 00000cc0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000cd0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 3c03 0110 ..CT_INTC...<...\n 00000ce0: 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 0000 3a01 0000 ...CT_INTC..:...\n 00000cf0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 ........PRU_PRUt\n 00000d00: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oARM_Interrupt.c\n 00000d10: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000d20: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000d30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000d30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000d40: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000d50: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000d60: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000d70: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 00000d80: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 00000d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@\n 00000e00: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...@.....pru_\n 00000e10: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000e20: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 0e01 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000e30: 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 ......PRU_PRUtoA\n 00000e40: 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0000 RM_Interrupt.c..\n 00000e50: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000e60: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000e70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000e70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000e80: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000e90: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000ea0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000eb0: 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 U_PRUtoARM_Inter\n 00000ec0: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000ed0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ee0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@\n 00000f20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 4444 5200 1701 2c01 .....CT_DDR...,.\n 00000f30: f203 0000 4354 5f44 4452 0000 5201 0000 ....CT_DDR..R...\n 00000f40: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 ........PRU_PRUt\n 00000f50: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 oARM_Interrupt.c\n 00000f60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 00a4 0000 0002 2f68 ............../h\n 00000f70: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000f80: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000f90: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000f90: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000fa0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000fb0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000fc0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 /am437x/PRU_PRUt\n 00000fd0: 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 oARM_Interrupt.T\n 00000fe0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000ff0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001000: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1566,15 +1566,15 @@\n 000061d0: 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 ru_ctrl.h.......\n 000061e0: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 000061f0: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00006200: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00006210: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00006220: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006230: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006240: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00006240: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00006250: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00006260: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00006270: 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 ....6.....-.....\n 00006280: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00006290: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 000062a0: 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 mpty.h........<.\n 000062b0: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n@@ -1626,15 +1626,15 @@\n 00006590: 0b3b 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 000065a0: 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 000065b0: 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 000065c0: 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 I......./../../i\n 000065d0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 nclude/am437x/pr\n 000065e0: 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 u_cfg.h./home/pe\n 000065f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00006600: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00006600: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00006610: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00006620: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00006630: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00006640: 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 x/PRU_PRUtoARM_I\n 00006650: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00006660: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00006670: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1826,15 +1826,15 @@\n 00007210: 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00007220: 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00007230: 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00007240: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007250: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 00007260: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 00007270: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007280: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007280: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007290: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000072a0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000072b0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 000072c0: 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e /PRU_PRUtoARM_In\n 000072d0: 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 terrupt.TI PRU C\n 000072e0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000072f0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2046,15 +2046,15 @@\n 00007fd0: 0513 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0006 .......9.:.;....\n 00007fe0: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0716 ......9.:.;.....\n 00007ff0: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00008000: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00008010: 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 7472 e/am437x/pru_ctr\n 00008020: 6c2e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 l.h./home/peko/a\n 00008030: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00008040: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00008040: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00008050: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00008060: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00008070: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00008080: 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 U_PRUtoARM_Inter\n 00008090: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 000080a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000080b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2110,20 +2110,20 @@\n 000083d0: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 000083e0: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 000083f0: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00008400: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00008410: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00008420: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008430: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008440: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00008440: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00008450: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00008460: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 00008470: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008480: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008490: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00008490: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000084a0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000084b0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 000084c0: 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 7x/PRU_PRUtoARM_\n 000084d0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 Interrupt.TI PRU\n 000084e0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000084f0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00008500: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -2133,15 +2133,15 @@\n 00008540: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00008550: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00008560: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00008570: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00008580: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00008590: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 000085a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000085b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000085b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000085c0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000085d0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000085e0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000085f0: 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 RU_PRUtoARM_Inte\n 00008600: 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rrupt.TI PRU C/C\n 00008610: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00008620: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2153,15 +2153,15 @@\n 00008680: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00008690: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000086a0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000086b0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 000086c0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 000086d0: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 000086e0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000086f0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000086f0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00008700: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00008710: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00008720: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00008730: 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 U_PRUtoARM_Inter\n 00008740: 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b rupt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00008750: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00008760: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -3563,15 +3563,15 @@\n 0000dea0: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 0000deb0: 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 ................\n 0000dec0: 0600 0000 0113 0000 0600 0000 0114 0000 ................\n 0000ded0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000dee0: 0000 0000 0c00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000def0: 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000df00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000df10: 0054 4932 5642 5150 6d49 7371 002e 7465 .TI2VBQPmIsq..te\n+0000df10: 0054 4935 6537 516f 3672 4755 002e 7465 .TI5e7Qo6rGU..te\n 0000df20: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 xt..creg.PRU_CFG\n 0000df30: 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 .noload.near..cr\n 0000df40: 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f eg.PRU_INTC.nolo\n 0000df50: 6164 2e66 6172 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 ad.far..resource\n 0000df60: 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e63 _table:retain..c\n 0000df70: 7265 672e 4444 522e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e reg.DDR.noload.n\n 0000df80: 6561 7200 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ear..text:main..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/672.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000120: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000130: 2c09 0000 0300 0000 0000 0404 5052 555f ,...........PRU_\n 00000140: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00000150: 7074 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f pt.c....../home/\n 00000160: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000170: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000180: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000180: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000190: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000001a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 000001b0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 37x/PRU_PRUtoARM\n 000001c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 000001d0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000001e0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000001f0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@\n 00000a40: 907d 5233 315f 6231 0009 0290 7e52 3331 .}R31_b1....~R31\n 00000a50: 5f62 3200 0902 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 _b2.....R31_b3..\n 00000a60: 0f01 0000 0300 6800 0000 0401 5052 555f ......h.....PRU_\n 00000a70: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00000a80: 7074 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f pt.c. ..../home/\n 00000a90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000aa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000ab0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000ab0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000ac0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000ad0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000ae0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 37x/PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00000af0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00000b00: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000b10: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000b20: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -182,15 +182,15 @@\n 00000b50: 6564 0001 0205 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 ed......`..CT_CF\n 00000b60: 4700 1701 ef01 01d0 0100 0043 545f 4346 G..........CT_CF\n 00000b70: 4700 0011 0100 0003 0091 0000 0004 0150 G..............P\n 00000b80: 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 RU_PRUtoARM_Inte\n 00000b90: 7272 7570 742e 6300 6500 0000 022f 686f rrupt.c.e..../ho\n 00000ba0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000bb0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000bc0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000bc0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000bd0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000be0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000bf0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f am437x/PRU_PRUto\n 00000c00: 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 ARM_Interrupt.TI\n 00000c10: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000c20: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000c30: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@\n 00000c60: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 rated.........CT\n 00000c70: 5f49 4e54 4300 1801 3c03 0110 0300 0043 _INTC...<......C\n 00000c80: 545f 494e 5443 0000 3a01 0000 0300 ba00 T_INTC..:.......\n 00000c90: 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d ....PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00000ca0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 00ab 0000 _Interrupt.c....\n 00000cb0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000cc0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000cd0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000cd0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000ce0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000cf0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000d00: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000d10: 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 PRUtoARM_Interru\n 00000d20: 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 pt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000d30: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000d40: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -219,15 +219,15 @@\n 00000da0: 1a01 4001 5d5d 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f ..@.]]..pru_remo\n 00000db0: 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 teproc_ResourceT\n 00000dc0: 6162 6c65 0000 0e01 0000 0300 e300 0000 able............\n 00000dd0: 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 ..PRU_PRUtoARM_I\n 00000de0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 00e5 0000 0002 nterrupt.c......\n 00000df0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000e00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000e10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000e10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000e20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000e30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000e40: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 es/am437x/PRU_PR\n 00000e50: 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 UtoARM_Interrupt\n 00000e60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000e70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000e80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@\n 00000ec0: 8043 545f 4444 5200 1701 2c01 f203 0000 .CT_DDR...,.....\n 00000ed0: 4354 5f44 4452 0000 5201 0000 0300 0c01 CT_DDR..R.......\n 00000ee0: 0000 0401 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d ....PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00000ef0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 2e63 0021 0100 _Interrupt.c.!..\n 00000f00: 001c 0000 00c0 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000f10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000f20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000f60: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 37x/PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00000f70: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00000f80: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000f90: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000fa0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1595,15 +1595,15 @@\n 000063a0: 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 xit.c.b.exit.c.f\n 000063b0: 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f .TI Library...lo\n 000063c0: 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 c000 0000 0100 ader_exit.......\n 000063d0: 00d9 0000 0003 00b5 0500 0004 015f 5f54 .............__T\n 000063e0: 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 I_internal./home\n 000063f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006400: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006410: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006410: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006420: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00006430: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00006440: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f 4152 437x/PRU_PRUtoAR\n 00006450: 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 2050 M_Interrupt.TI P\n 00006460: 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 RU Linker Unix v\n 00006470: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00006480: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -1648,15 +1648,15 @@\n 000066f0: 6374 726c 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 ctrl.h..........\n 00006700: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00006710: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 00006720: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 00006730: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00006740: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00006750: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00006760: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00006760: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00006770: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00006780: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00006790: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 000067a0: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 000067b0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 000067c0: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 000067d0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -1800,15 +1800,15 @@\n 00007070: 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 ..@..@..@.......\n 00007080: 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 ......@.........\n 00007090: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 000070a0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 /../include/am43\n 000070b0: 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 7x/pru_cfg.h./ho\n 000070c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000070d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000070e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000070e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000070f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007110: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 746f am437x/PRU_PRUto\n 00007120: 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 5449 ARM_Interrupt.TI\n 00007130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00007140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00007150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1984,15 +1984,15 @@\n 00007bf0: 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 315f 4346 4731 CLK.ED_PRU1_CFG1\n 00007c00: 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 4647 315f _2.ED_PRU1_CFG1_\n 00007c10: 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e 2_bit.pruCfg....\n 00007c20: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 00007c30: 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 m437x/pru_intc.h\n 00007c40: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007c50: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007c60: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007c60: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007c70: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007c80: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007c90: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 les/am437x/PRU_P\n 00007ca0: 5255 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 RUtoARM_Interrup\n 00007cb0: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00007cc0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00007cd0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -2195,15 +2195,15 @@\n 00008920: 6269 7400 4e45 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 bit.NEST_HINT_9.\n 00008930: 4849 4552 0048 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e HIER.HIER_bit.EN\n 00008940: 4142 4c45 5f48 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 ABLE_HINT.pruInt\n 00008950: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00008960: 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am437x/pru_c\n 00008970: 7472 6c2e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f trl.h./home/peko\n 00008980: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00008990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00008990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000089a0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000089b0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000089c0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 000089d0: 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 6e74 PRU_PRUtoARM_Int\n 000089e0: 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f errupt.TI PRU C/\n 000089f0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00008a00: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -2254,20 +2254,20 @@\n 00008cd0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 00008ce0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 00008cf0: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 00008d00: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 00008d10: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 00008d20: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 00008d30: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008d40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008d40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008d50: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00008d60: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00008d70: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00008d80: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008d90: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008d90: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008da0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00008db0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00008dc0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00008dd0: 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 5f49 x/PRU_PRUtoARM_I\n 00008de0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 5520 nterrupt.TI PRU \n 00008df0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00008e00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -2275,15 +2275,15 @@\n 00008e20: 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 8 Texas Instrume\n 00008e30: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00008e40: 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f .uint8_t.uint32_\n 00008e50: 7400 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 00008e60: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f e_empty.h./home/\n 00008e70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008e80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008e90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00008e90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00008ea0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00008eb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00008ec0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5052 5574 6f41 524d 37x/PRU_PRUtoARM\n 00008ed0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 0054 4920 5052 _Interrupt.TI PR\n 00008ee0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00008ef0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00008f00: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -2291,15 +2291,15 @@\n 00008f20: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 00008f30: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 00008f40: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 00008f50: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00008f60: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00008f70: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00008f80: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00008f90: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00008f90: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00008fa0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00008fb0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00008fc0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f50 5255 s/am437x/PRU_PRU\n 00008fd0: 746f 4152 4d5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7400 toARM_Interrupt.\n 00008fe0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00008ff0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00009000: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2892,16 +2892,16 @@\n 0000b4b0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000b4c0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000b4d0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000b4e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000b4f0: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000b500: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000b510: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000b520: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3256 4251 506d ubtypes.TI2VBQPm\n-0000b530: 4973 7100 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 Isq..resource_ta\n+0000b520: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3565 3751 6f36 ubtypes.TI5e7Qo6\n+0000b530: 7247 5500 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 rGU..resource_ta\n 0000b540: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 0000b550: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 0000b560: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 0000b570: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 0000b580: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n 0000b590: 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 3sTEia.TIenzHQ2Y\n 0000b5a0: 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a 7537 006c ae.TIiBXWmgzu7.l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt/gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.c\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_PRUtoARM_Interrupt.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/680.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 u.Channel 30....\n 000005a0: 1002 1100 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 ................\n 000005c0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 ................\n 000005d0: 0300 0000 0000 0408 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000005e0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000005f0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000600: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000600: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000610: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000620: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000630: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000640: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000650: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_0.TI PRU\n 00000660: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000670: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 5233 315f 6231 000f 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 00001040: 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f 6233 0010 0503 2.....R31_b3....\n 00001050: 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4e01 ....payload...N.\n 00001060: c404 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0004 0100 ....payload.....\n 00001070: 0003 00c7 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00001080: 4a00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f J..../home/peko/\n 00001090: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010b0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000010c0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000010d0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000010e0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000010f0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt0_0.TI PR\n 00001100: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001110: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@\n 00001140: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 00001150: 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e ed.........CT_IN\n 00001160: 5443 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 TC...<......CT_I\n 00001170: 4e54 4300 000d 0100 0003 00f0 0000 0004 NTC.............\n 00001180: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 9000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00001190: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000011a0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000011b0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000011b0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000011c0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000011d0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000011e0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000011f0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001200: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001210: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001220: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -294,15 +294,15 @@\n 00001250: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0384 corporated......\n 00001260: 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 00001270: 0f01 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 ..<.....pru_intc\n 00001280: 5f6d 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 1901 0000 _map............\n 00001290: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00c6 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 000012a0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012b0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000012c0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000012c0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000012d0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000012e0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000012f0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001300: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001310: 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001320: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001330: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@\n 00001370: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001380: 6500 1a01 5001 425c 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.B\\..resour\n 00001390: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 0042 ceTable........B\n 000013a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fc00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000013b0: 1c00 0000 f800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000013c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000013d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000013e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000013e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000013f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001400: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00001410: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00001420: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 o_Interrupt0_0.T\n 00001430: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001440: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001450: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -2279,15 +2279,15 @@\n 00008e60: 02ba 2a00 0002 1c01 2dbd 5a00 0002 c32a ..*.....-.Z....*\n 00008e70: 0000 021c 012f cb5a 0000 02cc 2a00 0002 ...../.Z....*...\n 00008e80: 2001 33e7 5a00 0002 d52a 0000 021a 0153 .3.Z....*.....S\n 00008e90: cb5a 0000 00de 0000 0003 003d 0d00 0004 .Z.........=....\n 00008ea0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 00008eb0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00008ec0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00008ed0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00008ed0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00008ee0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00008ef0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00008f00: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00008f10: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00008f20: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b t0_0.TI PRU Link\n 00008f30: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00008f40: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2329,15 +2329,15 @@\n 00009180: 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 rsc_types.h.....\n 00009190: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 000091a0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 000091b0: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 000091c0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 000091d0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000091e0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000091f0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000091f0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 00009200: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00009210: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 00009220: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n 00009230: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00009240: 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00009250: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/pru_types.h..\n 00009260: 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 ......2.....)...\n@@ -2882,15 +2882,15 @@\n 0000b410: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000b420: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000b430: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000b440: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 0000b450: 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 37x/pru_cfg.h./h\n 0000b460: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 0000b470: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-0000b480: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+0000b480: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 0000b490: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 0000b4a0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 0000b4b0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 0000b4c0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 0000b4d0: 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 0000b4e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 0000b4f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3066,15 +3066,15 @@\n 0000bf90: 315f 4544 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 1_ED2_CLK.ED_PRU\n 0000bfa0: 315f 4346 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 1_CFG1_2.ED_PRU1\n 0000bfb0: 5f43 4647 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 _CFG1_2_bit.pruC\n 0000bfc0: 6667 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 fg..../../../inc\n 0000bfd0: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 0000bfe0: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 0000bff0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000c000: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000c000: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000c010: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000c020: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000c030: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000c040: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000c050: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt0_0.TI \n 0000c060: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000c070: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3278,15 +3278,15 @@\n 0000ccd0: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000cce0: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000ccf0: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000cd00: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000cd10: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000cd20: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000cd30: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000cd40: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000cd40: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000cd50: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000cd60: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000cd70: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000cd80: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 0000cd90: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000cda0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000cdb0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3319,20 +3319,20 @@\n 0000cf60: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 0000cf70: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 0000cf80: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 0000cf90: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 0000cfa0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 0000cfb0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000cfc0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000cfd0: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+0000cfd0: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 0000cfe0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 0000cff0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 0000d000: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d010: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d020: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d020: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d030: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d040: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 0000d050: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d060: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f Echo_Interrupt0_\n 0000d070: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 0000d080: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 0000d090: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -3342,15 +3342,15 @@\n 0000d0d0: 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 t.int16_t.uint16\n 0000d0e0: 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 _t.int32_t.uint3\n 0000d0f0: 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2_t.uint64_t....\n 0000d100: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 0000d110: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 ru_types.h./home\n 0000d120: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000d130: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000d140: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000d140: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000d150: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000d160: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000d170: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d180: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 0000d190: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000d1a0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000d1b0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3361,15 +3361,15 @@\n 0000d200: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 0000d210: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 0000d220: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 0000d230: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 0000d240: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 0000d250: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000d260: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000d270: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000d270: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000d280: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000d290: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000d2a0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d2b0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 0000d2c0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000d2d0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000d2e0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3380,15 +3380,15 @@\n 0000d330: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 0000d340: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 0000d350: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f pmsg_vring1.pru_\n 0000d360: 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ints..../../../i\n 0000d370: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 nclude/pru_rpmsg\n 0000d380: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000d390: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000d3a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000d3a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000d3b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000d3c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000d3d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 0000d3e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000d3f0: 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt0_0.TI PRU \n 0000d400: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000d410: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3401,15 +3401,15 @@\n 0000d480: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 0000d490: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 0000d4a0: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 0000d4b0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000d4c0: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 0000d4d0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000d4e0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000d4f0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000d4f0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000d500: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000d510: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000d520: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 0000d530: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000d540: 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_0.TI PRU C/\n 0000d550: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000d560: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -3420,15 +3420,15 @@\n 0000d5b0: 746f 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f to_arm_event.fro\n 0000d5c0: 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 m_arm_event.last\n 0000d5d0: 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 _avail_idx.vring\n 0000d5e0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000d5f0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 0000d600: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 0000d610: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000d620: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000d620: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000d630: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000d640: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000d650: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 0000d660: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000d670: 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt0_0.TI PR\n 0000d680: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000d690: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4377,16 +4377,16 @@\n 00011180: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00011190: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 000111a0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 000111b0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 000111c0: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 000111d0: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 000111e0: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-000111f0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3331 5843 6a38 ubtypes.TI31XCj8\n-00011200: 4d61 5400 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 MaT.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+000111f0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3569 656f 4e5a ubtypes.TI5ieoNZ\n+00011200: 7645 5600 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 vEV.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 00011210: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 00011220: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 00011230: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 00011240: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 00011250: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 00011260: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 00011270: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/681.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 92 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5a refers to abbreviation number 48 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x84 refers to abbreviation number 27 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@\n 00000260: eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 ..........@.....\n 00000270: 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 ..<........#...!\n 00000280: 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 rpmsg-pru.Channe\n 00000290: 6c20 3330 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 l 30............\n 000002a0: 0000 0408 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000002b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000002c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000002d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000002d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000002e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000002f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000300: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00000310: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00000320: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 00000330: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000340: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 6231 000f 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000d10: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0010 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000d20: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4e01 c404 0000 payload...N.....\n 00000d30: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0002 0100 0003 0000 payload.........\n 00000d40: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00000d50: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000d60: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000d70: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000d70: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000d80: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000d90: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000da0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 00000db0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000dc0: 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_0.TI PRU C/\n 00000dd0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000de0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@\n 00000e00: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 00000e10: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 00000e20: 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 .......CT_CFG...\n 00000e30: ef01 01d7 0200 0043 545f 4346 4700 0004 .......CT_CFG...\n 00000e40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000e60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000e70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000e70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000e90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ea0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000eb0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000ec0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt0_0.TI \n 00000ed0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000ee0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -242,15 +242,15 @@\n 00000f10: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000f20: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000f30: 494e 5443 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 INTC...<......CT\n 00000f40: 5f49 4e54 4300 000d 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000f50: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000f60: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000f70: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000f80: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000f80: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000f90: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000fa0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000fb0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00000fc0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000fd0: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000fe0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ff0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00001030: 0300 0000 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00001040: 7000 0f01 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e p...<.....pru_in\n 00001050: 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 0000 tc_map..........\n 00001060: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 00001070: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001080: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001090: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001090: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000010a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000010b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000010c0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 000010d0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000010e0: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 000010f0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001100: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@\n 00001140: 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 ......resourceTa\n 00001150: 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 736f ble...P.....reso\n 00001160: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 00001170: 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 .......main.c...\n 00001180: 0000 0000 0000 dc00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00001190: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000011a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000011b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000011b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000011c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000011d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000011e0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000011f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 00001200: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001210: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001220: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1623,15 +1623,15 @@\n 00006560: 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 rsc_types.h.....\n 00006570: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 00006580: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 00006590: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 000065a0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 000065b0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000065c0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000065d0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000065d0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 000065e0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 000065f0: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 00006600: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n 00006610: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00006620: 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00006630: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/pru_types.h..\n 00006640: 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 ......2.....)...\n@@ -1705,15 +1705,15 @@\n 00006a80: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00006a90: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006aa0: 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .;.I......./../.\n 00006ab0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 ./include/am437x\n 00006ac0: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00006ad0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006ae0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006af0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006af0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006b00: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00006b10: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00006b20: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006b30: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 00006b40: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006b50: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006b60: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1905,15 +1905,15 @@\n 00007700: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00007710: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b .9.:.;..........\n 00007720: 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 9.:.;.I......./.\n 00007730: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 00007740: 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 37x/pru_intc.h./\n 00007750: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00007760: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007770: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007770: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007780: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007790: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000077a0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 000077b0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000077c0: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000077d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000077e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2127,15 +2127,15 @@\n 000084e0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 000084f0: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00008500: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00008510: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00008520: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 00008530: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008540: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008550: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00008550: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00008560: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00008570: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00008580: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00008590: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 0054 o_Interrupt0_0.T\n 000085a0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000085b0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000085c0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -2172,20 +2172,20 @@\n 000087b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 000087c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 000087d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 double.........\n 000087e0: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 000087f0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f .9.:.;.I...../ho\n 00008800: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008810: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008820: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00008820: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00008830: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00008840: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00008850: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008860: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008870: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00008870: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00008880: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00008890: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000088a0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000088b0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 000088c0: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000088d0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000088e0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@\n 00008950: 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 ...2.8.9.:.;.I..\n 00008960: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00008970: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00008980: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00008990: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000089a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000089b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000089c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000089c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000089d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000089e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000089f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00008a00: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00008a10: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt0_0.TI P\n 00008a20: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00008a30: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -2221,15 +2221,15 @@\n 00008ac0: 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b l......2.8.9.:.;\n 00008ad0: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00008ae0: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00008af0: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 ...9.:.;.....res\n 00008b00: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 ource_table_0.h.\n 00008b10: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00008b20: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00008b30: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00008b30: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00008b40: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00008b50: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00008b60: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00008b70: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00008b80: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 00008b90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00008ba0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2246,15 +2246,15 @@\n 00008c50: 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00008c60: 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00008c70: 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;....(.....9.:.;\n 00008c80: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00008c90: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 00008ca0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00008cb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00008cc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00008cc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00008cd0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00008ce0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00008cf0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00008d00: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00008d10: 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_0.TI PRU C\n 00008d20: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008d30: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2271,15 +2271,15 @@\n 00008de0: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00008df0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00008e00: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00008e10: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00008e20: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00008e30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008e40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008e50: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00008e50: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00008e60: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00008e70: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00008e80: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00008e90: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 ho_Interrupt0_0.\n 00008ea0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00008eb0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00008ec0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2293,15 +2293,15 @@\n 00008f40: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00008f50: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00008f60: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00008f70: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00008f80: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f clude/pru_virtio\n 00008f90: 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _ring.h./home/pe\n 00008fa0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008fb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008fb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008fc0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00008fd0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00008fe0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00008ff0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00009000: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 _Interrupt0_0.TI\n 00009010: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00009020: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -3801,16 +3801,16 @@\n 0000ed80: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000ed90: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000eda0: 0600 0000 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 ................\n 0000edb0: 0600 0000 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000edc0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 ................\n 0000edd0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ede0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000edf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 .............TI3\n-0000ee00: 3158 436a 384d 6154 0024 4324 4c31 0024 1XCj8MaT.$C$L1.$\n+0000edf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+0000ee00: 6965 6f4e 5a76 4556 0024 4324 4c31 0024 ieoNZvEV.$C$L1.$\n 0000ee10: 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 C$L2.$C$L3.$C$L4\n 0000ee20: 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e .$C$SL1.$C$SL2..\n 0000ee30: 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 text..creg.PRU_C\n 0000ee40: 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e FG.noload.near..\n 0000ee50: 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f creg.PRU_INTC.no\n 0000ee60: 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 load.far..data:p\n 0000ee70: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 ru_intc_map..res\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/690.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 u.Channel 31....\n 000005a0: 1203 1301 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 ................\n 000005c0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 ................\n 000005d0: 0300 0000 0000 0408 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000005e0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000005f0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000600: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000600: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000610: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000620: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000630: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000640: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000650: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_1.TI PRU\n 00000660: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000670: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 5233 315f 6231 000f 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 00001040: 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f 6233 0010 0503 2.....R31_b3....\n 00001050: 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4e01 ....payload...N.\n 00001060: c404 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0004 0100 ....payload.....\n 00001070: 0003 00c7 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00001080: 4a00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f J..../home/peko/\n 00001090: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010a0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010b0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000010c0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000010d0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000010e0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000010f0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt0_1.TI PR\n 00001100: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001110: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@\n 00001140: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 00001150: 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e ed.........CT_IN\n 00001160: 5443 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 TC...<......CT_I\n 00001170: 4e54 4300 000d 0100 0003 00f0 0000 0004 NTC.............\n 00001180: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 9000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00001190: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000011a0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000011b0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000011b0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000011c0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000011d0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000011e0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000011f0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001200: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001210: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001220: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -294,15 +294,15 @@\n 00001250: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0384 corporated......\n 00001260: 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 00001270: 0f01 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 ..<.....pru_intc\n 00001280: 5f6d 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 1901 0000 _map............\n 00001290: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00c6 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 000012a0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012b0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000012c0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000012c0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000012d0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000012e0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000012f0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001300: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001310: 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001320: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001330: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@\n 00001370: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001380: 6500 1a01 5001 425c 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.B\\..resour\n 00001390: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 0042 ceTable........B\n 000013a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fc00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000013b0: 1c00 0000 f800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000013c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000013d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000013e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000013e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000013f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001400: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00001410: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00001420: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 o_Interrupt0_1.T\n 00001430: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001440: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001450: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -2279,15 +2279,15 @@\n 00008e60: 02ba 2a00 0002 1c01 2dbd 5a00 0002 c32a ..*.....-.Z....*\n 00008e70: 0000 021c 012f cb5a 0000 02cc 2a00 0002 ...../.Z....*...\n 00008e80: 2001 33e7 5a00 0002 d52a 0000 021a 0153 .3.Z....*.....S\n 00008e90: cb5a 0000 00de 0000 0003 003d 0d00 0004 .Z.........=....\n 00008ea0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 00008eb0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00008ec0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00008ed0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00008ed0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00008ee0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00008ef0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00008f00: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00008f10: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00008f20: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b t0_1.TI PRU Link\n 00008f30: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00008f40: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2329,15 +2329,15 @@\n 00009180: 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 rsc_types.h.....\n 00009190: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 000091a0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 000091b0: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 000091c0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 000091d0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000091e0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000091f0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000091f0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 00009200: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 00009210: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 00009220: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n 00009230: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00009240: 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00009250: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/pru_types.h..\n 00009260: 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 ......2.....)...\n@@ -2882,15 +2882,15 @@\n 0000b410: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000b420: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000b430: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000b440: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 0000b450: 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 37x/pru_cfg.h./h\n 0000b460: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 0000b470: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-0000b480: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+0000b480: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 0000b490: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 0000b4a0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 0000b4b0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 0000b4c0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 0000b4d0: 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 0000b4e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 0000b4f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3066,15 +3066,15 @@\n 0000bf90: 315f 4544 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 1_ED2_CLK.ED_PRU\n 0000bfa0: 315f 4346 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 1_CFG1_2.ED_PRU1\n 0000bfb0: 5f43 4647 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 _CFG1_2_bit.pruC\n 0000bfc0: 6667 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 fg..../../../inc\n 0000bfd0: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 0000bfe0: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 0000bff0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000c000: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000c000: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000c010: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000c020: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000c030: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000c040: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000c050: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt0_1.TI \n 0000c060: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000c070: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3278,15 +3278,15 @@\n 0000ccd0: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000cce0: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000ccf0: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000cd00: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000cd10: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000cd20: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000cd30: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000cd40: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000cd40: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000cd50: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000cd60: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000cd70: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000cd80: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 0000cd90: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000cda0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000cdb0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3319,20 +3319,20 @@\n 0000cf60: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 0000cf70: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 0000cf80: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 0000cf90: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 0000cfa0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 0000cfb0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000cfc0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000cfd0: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+0000cfd0: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 0000cfe0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 0000cff0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 0000d000: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d010: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d020: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d020: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d030: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d040: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 0000d050: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d060: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f Echo_Interrupt0_\n 0000d070: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 0000d080: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 0000d090: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -3342,15 +3342,15 @@\n 0000d0d0: 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 t.int16_t.uint16\n 0000d0e0: 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 _t.int32_t.uint3\n 0000d0f0: 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2_t.uint64_t....\n 0000d100: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 0000d110: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 ru_types.h./home\n 0000d120: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000d130: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000d140: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000d140: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000d150: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000d160: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000d170: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d180: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 0000d190: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000d1a0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000d1b0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3361,15 +3361,15 @@\n 0000d200: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 0000d210: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 0000d220: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 0000d230: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 0000d240: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 0000d250: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000d260: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000d270: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000d270: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000d280: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000d290: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000d2a0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d2b0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 0000d2c0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000d2d0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000d2e0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3380,15 +3380,15 @@\n 0000d330: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 0000d340: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 0000d350: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f pmsg_vring1.pru_\n 0000d360: 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ints..../../../i\n 0000d370: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 nclude/pru_rpmsg\n 0000d380: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000d390: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000d3a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000d3a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000d3b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000d3c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000d3d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 0000d3e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000d3f0: 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt0_1.TI PRU \n 0000d400: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000d410: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3401,15 +3401,15 @@\n 0000d480: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 0000d490: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 0000d4a0: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 0000d4b0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000d4c0: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 0000d4d0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000d4e0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000d4f0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000d4f0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000d500: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000d510: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000d520: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 0000d530: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000d540: 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_1.TI PRU C/\n 0000d550: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000d560: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -3420,15 +3420,15 @@\n 0000d5b0: 746f 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f to_arm_event.fro\n 0000d5c0: 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 m_arm_event.last\n 0000d5d0: 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 _avail_idx.vring\n 0000d5e0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000d5f0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 0000d600: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 0000d610: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000d620: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000d620: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000d630: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000d640: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000d650: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 0000d660: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000d670: 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt0_1.TI PR\n 0000d680: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000d690: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4377,16 +4377,16 @@\n 00011180: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00011190: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 000111a0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 000111b0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 000111c0: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 000111d0: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 000111e0: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-000111f0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3337 6c48 4245 ubtypes.TI37lHBE\n-00011200: 7169 3700 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 qi7.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+000111f0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356a 5348 6549 ubtypes.TI5jSHeI\n+00011200: 446d 3600 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 Dm6.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 00011210: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 00011220: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 00011230: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 00011240: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 00011250: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 00011260: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 00011270: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/691.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 92 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5a refers to abbreviation number 48 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x84 refers to abbreviation number 27 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@\n 00000260: eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 ..........@.....\n 00000270: 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 ..<........#...!\n 00000280: 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 rpmsg-pru.Channe\n 00000290: 6c20 3331 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 l 31............\n 000002a0: 0000 0408 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000002b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000002c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000002d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000002d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000002e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000002f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000300: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00000310: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00000320: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 00000330: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000340: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 6231 000f 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000d10: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0010 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000d20: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4e01 c404 0000 payload...N.....\n 00000d30: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0002 0100 0003 0000 payload.........\n 00000d40: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00000d50: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000d60: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000d70: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000d70: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000d80: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000d90: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000da0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 00000db0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000dc0: 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_1.TI PRU C/\n 00000dd0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000de0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@\n 00000e00: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 00000e10: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 00000e20: 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 .......CT_CFG...\n 00000e30: ef01 01d7 0200 0043 545f 4346 4700 0004 .......CT_CFG...\n 00000e40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000e60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000e70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000e70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000e90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ea0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000eb0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000ec0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt0_1.TI \n 00000ed0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000ee0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -242,15 +242,15 @@\n 00000f10: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000f20: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000f30: 494e 5443 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 INTC...<......CT\n 00000f40: 5f49 4e54 4300 000d 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000f50: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000f60: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000f70: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000f80: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000f80: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000f90: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000fa0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000fb0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00000fc0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000fd0: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000fe0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ff0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00001030: 0300 0000 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00001040: 7000 0f01 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e p...<.....pru_in\n 00001050: 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 0000 tc_map..........\n 00001060: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 00001070: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001080: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001090: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001090: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000010a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000010b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000010c0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 000010d0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000010e0: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 000010f0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001100: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@\n 00001140: 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 ......resourceTa\n 00001150: 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 736f ble...P.....reso\n 00001160: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 00001170: 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 .......main.c...\n 00001180: 0000 0000 0000 dc00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00001190: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000011a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000011b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000011b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000011c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000011d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000011e0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000011f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 00001200: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001210: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001220: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1623,15 +1623,15 @@\n 00006560: 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 rsc_types.h.....\n 00006570: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 00006580: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 00006590: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 000065a0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 000065b0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000065c0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000065d0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000065d0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 000065e0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 000065f0: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 00006600: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n 00006610: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00006620: 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00006630: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/pru_types.h..\n 00006640: 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 ......2.....)...\n@@ -1705,15 +1705,15 @@\n 00006a80: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00006a90: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006aa0: 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .;.I......./../.\n 00006ab0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 ./include/am437x\n 00006ac0: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00006ad0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00006ae0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00006af0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00006af0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006b00: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00006b10: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00006b20: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006b30: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 00006b40: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006b50: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006b60: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1905,15 +1905,15 @@\n 00007700: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00007710: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b .9.:.;..........\n 00007720: 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 9.:.;.I......./.\n 00007730: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 00007740: 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 37x/pru_intc.h./\n 00007750: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00007760: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007770: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007770: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007780: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007790: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000077a0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 000077b0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000077c0: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000077d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000077e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2127,15 +2127,15 @@\n 000084e0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 000084f0: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00008500: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00008510: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00008520: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 00008530: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00008540: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00008550: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00008550: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00008560: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00008570: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00008580: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00008590: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 0054 o_Interrupt0_1.T\n 000085a0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000085b0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000085c0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -2172,20 +2172,20 @@\n 000087b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 000087c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 000087d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 double.........\n 000087e0: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 000087f0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f .9.:.;.I...../ho\n 00008800: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008810: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008820: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00008820: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00008830: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00008840: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00008850: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008860: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008870: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00008870: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00008880: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00008890: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000088a0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000088b0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 000088c0: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000088d0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000088e0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@\n 00008950: 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 ...2.8.9.:.;.I..\n 00008960: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00008970: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00008980: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00008990: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000089a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000089b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000089c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000089c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000089d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000089e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000089f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00008a00: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00008a10: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt0_1.TI P\n 00008a20: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00008a30: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -2221,15 +2221,15 @@\n 00008ac0: 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b l......2.8.9.:.;\n 00008ad0: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00008ae0: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00008af0: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 ...9.:.;.....res\n 00008b00: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 ource_table_1.h.\n 00008b10: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00008b20: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00008b30: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00008b30: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00008b40: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00008b50: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00008b60: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00008b70: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00008b80: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 00008b90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00008ba0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2246,15 +2246,15 @@\n 00008c50: 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00008c60: 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00008c70: 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;....(.....9.:.;\n 00008c80: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00008c90: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 00008ca0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00008cb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00008cc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00008cc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00008cd0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00008ce0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00008cf0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00008d00: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00008d10: 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_1.TI PRU C\n 00008d20: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008d30: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2271,15 +2271,15 @@\n 00008de0: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00008df0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00008e00: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00008e10: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00008e20: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00008e30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008e40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008e50: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00008e50: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00008e60: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00008e70: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00008e80: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00008e90: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 ho_Interrupt0_1.\n 00008ea0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00008eb0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00008ec0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2293,15 +2293,15 @@\n 00008f40: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00008f50: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00008f60: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00008f70: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00008f80: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f clude/pru_virtio\n 00008f90: 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _ring.h./home/pe\n 00008fa0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008fb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008fb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008fc0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00008fd0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00008fe0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00008ff0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00009000: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 _Interrupt0_1.TI\n 00009010: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00009020: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -3801,16 +3801,16 @@\n 0000ed80: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000ed90: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000eda0: 0600 0000 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 ................\n 0000edb0: 0600 0000 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000edc0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 ................\n 0000edd0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ede0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000edf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 .............TI3\n-0000ee00: 376c 4842 4571 6937 0024 4324 4c31 0024 7lHBEqi7.$C$L1.$\n+0000edf0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+0000ee00: 6a53 4865 4944 6d36 0024 4324 4c31 0024 jSHeIDm6.$C$L1.$\n 0000ee10: 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 C$L2.$C$L3.$C$L4\n 0000ee20: 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e .$C$SL1.$C$SL2..\n 0000ee30: 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 text..creg.PRU_C\n 0000ee40: 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e FG.noload.near..\n 0000ee50: 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f creg.PRU_INTC.no\n 0000ee60: 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 load.far..data:p\n 0000ee70: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 ru_intc_map..res\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/700.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3332 0000 0000 1002 1100 0100 0300 l 32............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0408 ................\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00000650: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00001040: 315f 6233 0010 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00001050: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 c404 0000 7061 796c oad...E.....payl\n 00001060: 6f61 6400 0002 0100 0003 00c7 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00001070: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 022f 686f .main.c.J..../ho\n 00001080: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001090: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010a0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010a0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010b0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000010c0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000010d0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000010e0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 000010f0: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001100: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001110: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -276,15 +276,15 @@\n 00001130: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00001140: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00001150: 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d7 `..CT_CFG.......\n 00001160: 0200 0043 545f 4346 4700 0004 0100 0003 ...CT_CFG.......\n 00001170: 00f0 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 00001180: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00001190: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000011b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000011c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000011d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 000011e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000011f0: 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_0.TI PRU \n 00001200: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001210: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00001250: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 00001260: 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ...<......CT_INT\n 00001270: 4300 000d 0100 0003 0019 0100 0004 016d C..............m\n 00001280: 6169 6e2e 6300 d500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00001290: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000012a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000012b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000012b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000012c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000012d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000012e0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000012f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00001300: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001310: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001320: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -310,15 +310,15 @@\n 00001350: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0384 0300 rporated........\n 00001360: 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 .pru_intc_map...\n 00001370: 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d <.....pru_intc_m\n 00001380: 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 4201 0000 0401 ap........B.....\n 00001390: 6d61 696e 2e63 000b 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000013a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000013b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000013c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000013c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000013d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000013e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000013f0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001400: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00001410: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001420: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001430: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 f002 orporated.......\n 00001470: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 00001480: 1a01 5001 485d 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ..P.H]..resource\n 00001490: 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 006b 0100 Table........k..\n 000014a0: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4101 0000 f400 ...main.c.A.....\n 000014b0: 0000 c801 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 000014c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000014d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000014d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000014e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000014f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001500: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00001510: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00001520: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 00001530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -2295,15 +2295,15 @@\n 00008f60: 2a00 0002 1c01 2dc3 5b00 0002 c32a 0000 *.....-.[....*..\n 00008f70: 021c 012f d15b 0000 02cc 2a00 0002 2001 .../.[....*... .\n 00008f80: 33ed 5b00 0002 d52a 0000 021a 0153 d15b 3.[....*.....S.[\n 00008f90: 0000 00de 0000 0003 0066 0d00 0004 015f .........f....._\n 00008fa0: 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f _TI_internal./ho\n 00008fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00008fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00008fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00008ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00009000: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00009010: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00009020: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 _0.TI PRU Linker\n 00009030: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00009040: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2349,15 +2349,15 @@\n 000092c0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/rsc_types.h..\n 000092d0: 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 ................\n 000092e0: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000092f0: 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 ......o.....f...\n 00009300: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00009310: 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00009320: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00009330: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00009330: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00009340: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00009350: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00009360: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n 00009370: 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 ................\n 00009380: 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00009390: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e clude/pru_types.\n 000093a0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 h........2.....)\n@@ -2905,15 +2905,15 @@\n 0000b580: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 0000b590: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 0000b5a0: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 0000b5b0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f /include/am437x/\n 0000b5c0: 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f pru_cfg.h./home/\n 0000b5d0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b5e0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b5f0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b5f0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b600: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b610: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 0000b620: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b630: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 0000b640: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b650: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b660: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3089,15 +3089,15 @@\n 0000c100: 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 315f 4346 2_CLK.ED_PRU1_CF\n 0000c110: 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 4647 G1_2.ED_PRU1_CFG\n 0000c120: 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 6667 0000 1_2_bit.pruCfg..\n 0000c130: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000c140: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 /am437x/pru_intc\n 0000c150: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000c160: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000c170: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000c170: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000c180: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000c190: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000c1a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 0000c1b0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000c1c0: 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_0.TI PRU \n 0000c1d0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000c1e0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3300,15 +3300,15 @@\n 0000ce30: 4849 4e4c 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f HINLR9_bit.NEST_\n 0000ce40: 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 HINT_9.HIER.HIER\n 0000ce50: 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 4e54 _bit.ENABLE_HINT\n 0000ce60: 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .pruIntc..../../\n 0000ce70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 ../include/rsc_t\n 0000ce80: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 0000ce90: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cea0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cea0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000ceb0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000cec0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000ced0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000cee0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000cef0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 0000cf00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000cf10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3341,20 +3341,20 @@\n 0000d0c0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 0000d0d0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 0000d0e0: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 0000d0f0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 0000d100: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 0000d110: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 0000d120: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-0000d130: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+0000d130: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0000d140: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 0000d150: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 0000d160: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 0000d170: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-0000d180: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+0000d180: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0000d190: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 0000d1a0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 0000d1b0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 0000d1c0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d1d0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 0000d1e0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000d1f0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -3364,15 +3364,15 @@\n 0000d230: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 0000d240: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 0000d250: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 0000d260: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 0000d270: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000d280: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 0000d290: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000d2a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000d2a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000d2b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000d2c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000d2d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000d2e0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000d2f0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 0000d300: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d310: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3383,15 +3383,15 @@\n 0000d360: 6368 0066 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d ch.fw_rsc_custom\n 0000d370: 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 6564 0063 _ints.reserved.c\n 0000d380: 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 6e75 6d5f hannel_host.num_\n 0000d390: 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 6861 6e6e evts.event_chann\n 0000d3a0: 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 el..resource_tab\n 0000d3b0: 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_0.h./home/pek\n 0000d3c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000d3d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000d3d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000d3e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000d3f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000d400: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000d410: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000d420: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 0000d430: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d440: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3403,15 +3403,15 @@\n 0000d4a0: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 0000d4b0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 0000d4c0: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 0000d4d0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000d4e0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 0000d4f0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 0000d500: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-0000d510: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+0000d510: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 0000d520: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 0000d530: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 0000d540: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 0000d550: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000d560: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000d570: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000d580: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -3424,15 +3424,15 @@\n 0000d5f0: 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 .pru_rpmsg_trans\n 0000d600: 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 port.virtqueue0.\n 0000d610: 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e virtqueue1..../.\n 0000d620: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000d630: 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f _virtqueue.h./ho\n 0000d640: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d650: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d660: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d660: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d670: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d680: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d690: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000d6a0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 0000d6b0: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 0000d6c0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 0000d6d0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -3443,15 +3443,15 @@\n 0000d720: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 rm_event.from_ar\n 0000d730: 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 m_event.last_ava\n 0000d740: 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e il_idx.vring....\n 0000d750: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 0000d760: 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 ru_virtio_ring.h\n 0000d770: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000d780: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000d790: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000d790: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000d7a0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000d7b0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000d7c0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 0000d7d0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000d7e0: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_0.TI PRU C/\n 0000d7f0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000d800: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4421,16 +4421,16 @@\n 00011440: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00011450: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00011460: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00011470: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00011480: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00011490: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 000114a0: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-000114b0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3257 ug_pubtypes.TI2W\n-000114c0: 3955 3279 4841 7400 2443 244c 3100 2443 9U2yHAt.$C$L1.$C\n+000114b0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3566 ug_pubtypes.TI5f\n+000114c0: 6f30 6730 6a51 6300 2443 244c 3100 2443 o0g0jQc.$C$L1.$C\n 000114d0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 000114e0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 000114f0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 00011500: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00011510: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 00011520: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 00011530: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/701.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5a refers to abbreviation number 48 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x84 refers to abbreviation number 27 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 0000 0000 u.Channel 32....\n 00000290: 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0408 6d61 696e ............main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f 6233 31_b2.....R31_b3\n 00000d10: 0010 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 ........payload.\n 00000d20: 0901 4501 c404 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 ..E.....payload.\n 00000d30: 0002 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 00000d40: 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00000d50: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000d60: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000d70: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000d70: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000d80: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000d90: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00000da0: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000db0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 o_Interrupt1_0.T\n 00000dc0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000dd0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000de0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@\n 00000e00: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00000e10: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 orated.........C\n 00000e20: 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d7 0200 0043 T_CFG..........C\n 00000e30: 545f 4346 4700 0004 0100 0003 0000 0000 T_CFG...........\n 00000e40: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000e50: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000e60: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000e70: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000e70: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000e80: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000e90: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ea0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00000eb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000ec0: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000ed0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ee0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000f10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000f20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 013c .....CT_INTC...<\n 00000f30: 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000d ......CT_INTC...\n 00000f40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000f50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000f60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000f70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000f70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000f80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000f90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000fa0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000fb0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000fc0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 00000fd0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000fe0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@\n 00001010: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001020: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0070 7275 ated.........pru\n 00001030: 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 3c01 0505 _intc_map...<...\n 00001040: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 ..pru_intc_map..\n 00001050: 0f01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00001060: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00001070: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001080: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001080: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001090: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010a0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000010b0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000010c0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 000010d0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 000010e0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000010f0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -276,15 +276,15 @@\n 00001130: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 rated.........re\n 00001140: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 sourceTable...P.\n 00001150: 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001160: 6500 00c2 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d e..............m\n 00001170: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 d400 ain.c...........\n 00001180: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00001190: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000011b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000011c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000011d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 000011e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000011f0: 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_0.TI PRU \n 00001200: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001210: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1622,15 +1622,15 @@\n 00006550: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006560: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 00006570: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00006580: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 00006590: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 000065a0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 000065b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000065c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000065c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000065d0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 000065e0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 000065f0: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 00006600: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 00006610: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 00006620: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00006630: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -1704,15 +1704,15 @@\n 00006a70: 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c .......9.:.;....\n 00006a80: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006a90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00006aa0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00006ab0: 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 e/am437x/pru_cfg\n 00006ac0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00006ad0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00006ae0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00006ae0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00006af0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00006b00: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00006b10: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00006b20: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00006b30: 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_0.TI PRU \n 00006b40: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00006b50: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1904,15 +1904,15 @@\n 000076f0: 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00007700: 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00007710: 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00007720: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007730: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 00007740: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 00007750: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007760: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007760: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007770: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00007780: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00007790: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 000077a0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 000077b0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 Interrupt1_0.TI \n 000077c0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000077d0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -2126,15 +2126,15 @@\n 000084d0: 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 000084e0: 0000 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 000084f0: 0b00 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00008500: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00008510: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00008520: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00008530: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00008540: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00008540: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00008550: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00008560: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00008570: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 00008580: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00008590: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_0.TI PRU C/\n 000085a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000085b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -2171,20 +2171,20 @@\n 000087a0: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 000087b0: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 000087c0: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 000087d0: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000087e0: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 000087f0: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00008800: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00008810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00008820: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00008830: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 00008840: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 00008850: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008860: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00008860: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00008870: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00008880: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00008890: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000088a0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000088b0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_0.TI PR\n 000088c0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000088d0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@\n 00008950: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00008960: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00008970: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00008980: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00008990: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 000089a0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000089b0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000089c0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000089c0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000089d0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000089e0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000089f0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 00008a00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00008a10: 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00008a20: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00008a30: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2220,15 +2220,15 @@\n 00008ab0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 t_channel......2\n 00008ac0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00008ad0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00008ae0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00008af0: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00008b00: 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ble_0.h./home/pe\n 00008b10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008b20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008b20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008b30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00008b40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00008b50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00008b60: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00008b70: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 00008b80: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00008b90: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -2246,15 +2246,15 @@\n 00008c50: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00008c60: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 ....9.:.;....(..\n 00008c70: 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00008c80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00008c90: 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_rpmsg.h./home/\n 00008ca0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008cb0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008cc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00008cc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00008cd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00008ce0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00008cf0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00008d00: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 00008d10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00008d20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00008d30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2270,15 +2270,15 @@\n 00008dd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00008de0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00008df0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00008e00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00008e10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00008e20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00008e30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00008e40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00008e40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00008e50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00008e60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00008e70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00008e80: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00008e90: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 00008ea0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008eb0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2293,15 +2293,15 @@\n 00008f40: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00008f50: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00008f60: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00008f70: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00008f80: 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 u_virtio_ring.h.\n 00008f90: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00008fa0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00008fb0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00008fb0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00008fc0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00008fd0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00008fe0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00008ff0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00009000: 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_0.TI PRU C/C\n 00009010: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00009020: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3804,15 +3804,15 @@\n 0000edb0: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0000edc0: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 011c 0000 ................\n 0000edd0: 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 011e 0000 ................\n 0000ede0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000edf0: 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ee00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ee10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000ee20: 0000 0000 0054 4932 5739 5532 7948 4174 .....TI2W9U2yHAt\n+0000ee20: 0000 0000 0054 4935 666f 3067 306a 5163 .....TI5fo0g0jQc\n 0000ee30: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 0000ee40: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 L3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.\n 0000ee50: 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 $C$SL2..text..cr\n 0000ee60: 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 eg.PRU_CFG.noloa\n 0000ee70: 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 d.near..creg.PRU\n 0000ee80: 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 _INTC.noload.far\n 0000ee90: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/710.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3333 0000 0000 1203 1301 0100 0300 l 33............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0408 ................\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00000650: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00001040: 315f 6233 0010 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00001050: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 c404 0000 7061 796c oad...E.....payl\n 00001060: 6f61 6400 0002 0100 0003 00c7 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00001070: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 022f 686f .main.c.J..../ho\n 00001080: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001090: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010a0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010a0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010b0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000010c0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000010d0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 000010e0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 000010f0: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001100: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001110: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -276,15 +276,15 @@\n 00001130: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00001140: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00001150: 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d7 `..CT_CFG.......\n 00001160: 0200 0043 545f 4346 4700 0004 0100 0003 ...CT_CFG.......\n 00001170: 00f0 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 00001180: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00001190: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000011b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000011c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000011d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 000011e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000011f0: 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_1.TI PRU \n 00001200: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001210: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 00001250: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 00001260: 0018 013c 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ...<......CT_INT\n 00001270: 4300 000d 0100 0003 0019 0100 0004 016d C..............m\n 00001280: 6169 6e2e 6300 d500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00001290: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000012a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000012b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000012b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000012c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000012d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000012e0: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 437x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000012f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00001300: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001310: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001320: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -310,15 +310,15 @@\n 00001350: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0384 0300 rporated........\n 00001360: 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 .pru_intc_map...\n 00001370: 3c01 0505 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d <.....pru_intc_m\n 00001380: 6170 0000 0f01 0000 0300 4201 0000 0401 ap........B.....\n 00001390: 6d61 696e 2e63 000b 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000013a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000013b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000013c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000013c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000013d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000013e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000013f0: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m437x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001400: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00001410: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001420: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001430: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 f002 orporated.......\n 00001470: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 00001480: 1a01 5001 485d 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ..P.H]..resource\n 00001490: 5461 626c 6500 00c2 0100 0003 006b 0100 Table........k..\n 000014a0: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4101 0000 f400 ...main.c.A.....\n 000014b0: 0000 c801 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 000014c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000014d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000014d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000014e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000014f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001500: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00001510: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00001520: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 00001530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -2295,15 +2295,15 @@\n 00008f60: 2a00 0002 1c01 2dc3 5b00 0002 c32a 0000 *.....-.[....*..\n 00008f70: 021c 012f d15b 0000 02cc 2a00 0002 2001 .../.[....*... .\n 00008f80: 33ed 5b00 0002 d52a 0000 021a 0153 d15b 3.[....*.....S.[\n 00008f90: 0000 00de 0000 0003 0066 0d00 0004 015f .........f....._\n 00008fa0: 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f _TI_internal./ho\n 00008fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00008fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00008fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00008fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00008fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00008ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00009000: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00009010: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00009020: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 _1.TI PRU Linker\n 00009030: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00009040: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2349,15 +2349,15 @@\n 000092c0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/rsc_types.h..\n 000092d0: 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 ................\n 000092e0: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000092f0: 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 ......o.....f...\n 00009300: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00009310: 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00009320: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00009330: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00009330: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00009340: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00009350: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00009360: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n 00009370: 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 ................\n 00009380: 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00009390: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e clude/pru_types.\n 000093a0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 h........2.....)\n@@ -2905,15 +2905,15 @@\n 0000b580: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 0000b590: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 0000b5a0: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 0000b5b0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f /include/am437x/\n 0000b5c0: 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f pru_cfg.h./home/\n 0000b5d0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b5e0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b5f0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b5f0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b600: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b610: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 0000b620: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b630: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 0000b640: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b650: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b660: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3089,15 +3089,15 @@\n 0000c100: 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 315f 4346 2_CLK.ED_PRU1_CF\n 0000c110: 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 4647 G1_2.ED_PRU1_CFG\n 0000c120: 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 6667 0000 1_2_bit.pruCfg..\n 0000c130: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000c140: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 /am437x/pru_intc\n 0000c150: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000c160: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000c170: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000c170: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000c180: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000c190: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000c1a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 0000c1b0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000c1c0: 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_1.TI PRU \n 0000c1d0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 0000c1e0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3300,15 +3300,15 @@\n 0000ce30: 4849 4e4c 5239 5f62 6974 004e 4553 545f HINLR9_bit.NEST_\n 0000ce40: 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 4849 4552 HINT_9.HIER.HIER\n 0000ce50: 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 4e54 _bit.ENABLE_HINT\n 0000ce60: 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .pruIntc..../../\n 0000ce70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 ../include/rsc_t\n 0000ce80: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 0000ce90: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cea0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cea0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000ceb0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000cec0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000ced0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000cee0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000cef0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 0000cf00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000cf10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3341,20 +3341,20 @@\n 0000d0c0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 0000d0d0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 0000d0e0: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 0000d0f0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 0000d100: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 0000d110: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 0000d120: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-0000d130: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+0000d130: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0000d140: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 0000d150: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 0000d160: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 0000d170: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-0000d180: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+0000d180: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0000d190: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 0000d1a0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 0000d1b0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 0000d1c0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d1d0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 0000d1e0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000d1f0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -3364,15 +3364,15 @@\n 0000d230: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 0000d240: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 0000d250: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 0000d260: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 0000d270: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000d280: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 0000d290: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000d2a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000d2a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000d2b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000d2c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000d2d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000d2e0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000d2f0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 0000d300: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d310: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3383,15 +3383,15 @@\n 0000d360: 6368 0066 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d ch.fw_rsc_custom\n 0000d370: 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 6564 0063 _ints.reserved.c\n 0000d380: 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 6e75 6d5f hannel_host.num_\n 0000d390: 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 6861 6e6e evts.event_chann\n 0000d3a0: 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 el..resource_tab\n 0000d3b0: 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_1.h./home/pek\n 0000d3c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000d3d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000d3d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000d3e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000d3f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000d400: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 0000d410: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 0000d420: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 0000d430: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d440: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -3403,15 +3403,15 @@\n 0000d4a0: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 0000d4b0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 0000d4c0: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 0000d4d0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 0000d4e0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 0000d4f0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 0000d500: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-0000d510: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+0000d510: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 0000d520: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 0000d530: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 0000d540: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 0000d550: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000d560: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000d570: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000d580: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -3424,15 +3424,15 @@\n 0000d5f0: 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 .pru_rpmsg_trans\n 0000d600: 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 port.virtqueue0.\n 0000d610: 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e virtqueue1..../.\n 0000d620: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 0000d630: 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f _virtqueue.h./ho\n 0000d640: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d650: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d660: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d660: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d670: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d680: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d690: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am437x/PRU_RPMsg\n 0000d6a0: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 0000d6b0: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 0000d6c0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 0000d6d0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -3443,15 +3443,15 @@\n 0000d720: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 rm_event.from_ar\n 0000d730: 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 m_event.last_ava\n 0000d740: 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e il_idx.vring....\n 0000d750: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 0000d760: 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 ru_virtio_ring.h\n 0000d770: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000d780: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000d790: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000d790: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000d7a0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000d7b0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000d7c0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 0000d7d0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 0000d7e0: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_1.TI PRU C/\n 0000d7f0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 0000d800: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4421,16 +4421,16 @@\n 00011440: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00011450: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00011460: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00011470: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00011480: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00011490: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 000114a0: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-000114b0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 325a ug_pubtypes.TI2Z\n-000114c0: 6779 6165 614d 4600 2443 244c 3100 2443 gyaeaMF.$C$L1.$C\n+000114b0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3568 ug_pubtypes.TI5h\n+000114c0: 3175 425a 3566 7a00 2443 244c 3100 2443 1uBZ5fz.$C$L1.$C\n 000114d0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 000114e0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 000114f0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 00011500: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00011510: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 00011520: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 00011530: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/711.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5a refers to abbreviation number 48 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x84 refers to abbreviation number 27 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 0000 0000 u.Channel 33....\n 00000290: 9d0a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0408 6d61 696e ............main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 3331 5f62 3200 0f02 907f 5233 315f 6233 31_b2.....R31_b3\n 00000d10: 0010 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 ........payload.\n 00000d20: 0901 4501 c404 0000 7061 796c 6f61 6400 ..E.....payload.\n 00000d30: 0002 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 00000d40: 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00000d50: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000d60: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000d70: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000d70: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000d80: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000d90: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00000da0: 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 7x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000db0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 o_Interrupt1_1.T\n 00000dc0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000dd0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000de0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@\n 00000e00: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00000e10: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 orated.........C\n 00000e20: 545f 4346 4700 1701 ef01 01d7 0200 0043 T_CFG..........C\n 00000e30: 545f 4346 4700 0004 0100 0003 0000 0000 T_CFG...........\n 00000e40: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000e50: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000e60: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000e70: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000e70: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000e80: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000e90: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ea0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am437x/PRU_RPM\n 00000eb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000ec0: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000ed0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ee0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000f10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000f20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 013c .....CT_INTC...<\n 00000f30: 0301 1704 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000d ......CT_INTC...\n 00000f40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000f50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000f60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000f70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000f70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000f80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000f90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000fa0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00000fb0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000fc0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 00000fd0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000fe0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@\n 00001010: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001020: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0070 7275 ated.........pru\n 00001030: 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 3c01 0505 _intc_map...<...\n 00001040: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 ..pru_intc_map..\n 00001050: 0f01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00001060: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00001070: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001080: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001080: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001090: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010a0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000010b0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 000010c0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 000010d0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 000010e0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000010f0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -276,15 +276,15 @@\n 00001130: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 rated.........re\n 00001140: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 sourceTable...P.\n 00001150: 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001160: 6500 00c2 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d e..............m\n 00001170: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 d400 ain.c...........\n 00001180: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00001190: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000011a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000011b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000011c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000011d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 000011e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000011f0: 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_1.TI PRU \n 00001200: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001210: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1622,15 +1622,15 @@\n 00006550: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006560: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 00006570: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00006580: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 00006590: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 000065a0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 000065b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000065c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000065c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000065d0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 000065e0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 000065f0: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 00006600: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 00006610: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 00006620: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00006630: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -1704,15 +1704,15 @@\n 00006a70: 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c .......9.:.;....\n 00006a80: 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 ......9.:.;.....\n 00006a90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00006aa0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00006ab0: 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 e/am437x/pru_cfg\n 00006ac0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00006ad0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00006ae0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00006ae0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00006af0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00006b00: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00006b10: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00006b20: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00006b30: 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_1.TI PRU \n 00006b40: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00006b50: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -1904,15 +1904,15 @@\n 000076f0: 0b00 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00007700: 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00007710: 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00007720: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007730: 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f lude/am437x/pru_\n 00007740: 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b intc.h./home/pek\n 00007750: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00007760: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00007760: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00007770: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00007780: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00007790: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 000077a0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 000077b0: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 Interrupt1_1.TI \n 000077c0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000077d0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n@@ -2126,15 +2126,15 @@\n 000084d0: 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 000084e0: 0000 0817 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 000084f0: 0b00 0009 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 ..........9.:.;.\n 00008500: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00008510: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00008520: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00008530: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00008540: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00008540: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00008550: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00008560: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00008570: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am437x/PRU_R\n 00008580: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00008590: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_1.TI PRU C/\n 000085a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000085b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -2171,20 +2171,20 @@\n 000087a0: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 000087b0: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 000087c0: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 000087d0: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000087e0: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 000087f0: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00008800: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00008810: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00008820: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00008830: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 00008840: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 00008850: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00008860: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00008860: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00008870: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00008880: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00008890: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000088a0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000088b0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_1.TI PR\n 000088c0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000088d0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@\n 00008950: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00008960: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00008970: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00008980: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00008990: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 000089a0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000089b0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000089c0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000089c0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 000089d0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 000089e0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 000089f0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am437x/PRU_RPMs\n 00008a00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00008a10: 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00008a20: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00008a30: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -2220,15 +2220,15 @@\n 00008ab0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 t_channel......2\n 00008ac0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00008ad0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00008ae0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00008af0: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00008b00: 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ble_1.h./home/pe\n 00008b10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00008b20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00008b20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00008b30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00008b40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00008b50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00008b60: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00008b70: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 00008b80: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00008b90: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -2246,15 +2246,15 @@\n 00008c50: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00008c60: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 ....9.:.;....(..\n 00008c70: 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00008c80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00008c90: 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_rpmsg.h./home/\n 00008ca0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00008cb0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00008cc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00008cc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00008cd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00008ce0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00008cf0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 37x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00008d00: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 00008d10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00008d20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00008d30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2270,15 +2270,15 @@\n 00008dd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00008de0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00008df0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00008e00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00008e10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00008e20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00008e30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00008e40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00008e40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00008e50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00008e60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00008e70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00008e80: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00008e90: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 00008ea0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00008eb0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2293,15 +2293,15 @@\n 00008f40: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00008f50: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00008f60: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00008f70: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 00008f80: 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 u_virtio_ring.h.\n 00008f90: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00008fa0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00008fb0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00008fb0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00008fc0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00008fd0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00008fe0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am437x/PRU_RP\n 00008ff0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00009000: 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_1.TI PRU C/C\n 00009010: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00009020: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3804,15 +3804,15 @@\n 0000edb0: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0000edc0: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 011c 0000 ................\n 0000edd0: 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 011e 0000 ................\n 0000ede0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000edf0: 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ee00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000ee10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000ee20: 0000 0000 0054 4932 5a67 7961 6561 4d46 .....TI2ZgyaeaMF\n+0000ee20: 0000 0000 0054 4935 6831 7542 5a35 667a .....TI5h1uBZ5fz\n 0000ee30: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 0000ee40: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 L3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.\n 0000ee50: 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 $C$SL2..text..cr\n 0000ee60: 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 eg.PRU_CFG.noloa\n 0000ee70: 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 d.near..creg.PRU\n 0000ee80: 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 _INTC.noload.far\n 0000ee90: 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f ..data:pru_intc_\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_access_const_table.object 168 0 317 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 168 0 317 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/727.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n 00000160: 8020 0091 0000 0021 8020 0091 e0e0 0101 . .....!. ......\n 00000170: 8020 0081 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e 0000 c320 . .....*....... \n 00000180: 8707 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f ............PRU_\n 00000190: 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 access_const_tab\n 000001a0: 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f le.c....../home/\n 000001b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000001c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000001d0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000001d0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000001e0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000001f0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000200: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 37x/PRU_access_c\n 00000210: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 onst_table.TI PR\n 00000220: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000230: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000240: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@\n 000008e0: 907c 5233 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 .|R31_b0....}R31\n 000008f0: 5f62 3100 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000900: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 000f 0100 0003 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000910: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 .......PRU_acces\n 00000920: 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 s_const_table.c.\n 00000930: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000940: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000950: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000950: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000960: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000970: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000980: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00000990: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 000009a0: 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 table.TI PRU C/C\n 000009b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000009c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -160,15 +160,15 @@\n 000009f0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00000a00: 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01ef ......CT_CFG....\n 00000a10: 0101 d001 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 3a01 ......CT_CFG..:.\n 00000a20: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6163 ..........PRU_ac\n 00000a30: 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 cess_const_table\n 00000a40: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000a50: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000a60: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000a60: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000a70: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000a80: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000a90: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000aa0: 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e x/PRU_access_con\n 00000ab0: 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 st_table.TI PRU \n 00000ac0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000ad0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@\n 00000b30: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 Table...@.....pr\n 00000b40: 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 u_remoteproc_Res\n 00000b50: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 ourceTable......\n 00000b60: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6163 6365 ........PRU_acce\n 00000b70: 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 ss_const_table.c\n 00000b80: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000b90: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000ba0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000ba0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000bb0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000bc0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000bd0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000be0: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 00000bf0: 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _table.TI PRU C/\n 00000c00: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000c10: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -198,15 +198,15 @@\n 00000c50: 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 4d43 5350 4930 .......CT_MCSPI0\n 00000c60: 0016 0128 012c 0200 0043 545f 4d43 5350 ...(.,...CT_MCSP\n 00000c70: 4930 0000 7201 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 I0..r...........\n 00000c80: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 00000c90: 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 _table.c....../h\n 00000ca0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000cb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000cc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000cc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000cd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000ce0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000cf0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 /am437x/PRU_acce\n 00000d00: 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 ss_const_table.T\n 00000d10: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000d20: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000d30: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -222,15 +222,15 @@\n 00000dd0: 5f33 001c 0135 014d 0200 0073 6861 7265 _3...5.M...share\n 00000de0: 645f 6672 6571 5f33 0000 6c01 0000 0300 d_freq_3..l.....\n 00000df0: 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 ......PRU_access\n 00000e00: 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 0000 _const_table.c..\n 00000e10: 0000 0000 0000 00a8 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000e20: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000e30: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000e40: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000e40: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000e50: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000e60: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000e70: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 m437x/PRU_access\n 00000e80: 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 _const_table.TI \n 00000e90: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000ea0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000eb0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -827,15 +827,15 @@\n 000033a0: 782f 7072 755f 6374 726c 2e68 0000 0000 x/pru_ctrl.h....\n 000033b0: 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 000033c0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000033d0: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 000033e0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000033f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00003400: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00003410: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00003410: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00003420: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00003430: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00003440: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00003450: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00003460: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00003470: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00003480: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -887,15 +887,15 @@\n 00003760: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00003770: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00003780: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 00003790: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 000037a0: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 clude/am437x/pru\n 000037b0: 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b _cfg.h./home/pek\n 000037c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000037d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000037d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000037e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000037f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00003800: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 /examples/am437x\n 00003810: 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 /PRU_access_cons\n 00003820: 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 t_table.TI PRU C\n 00003830: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00003840: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -1080,15 +1080,15 @@\n 00004370: 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0617 ......9.:.;.....\n 00004380: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00004390: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 000043a0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 000043b0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 6374 726c /am437x/pru_ctrl\n 000043c0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000043d0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000043e0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000043e0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000043f0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00004400: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00004410: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00004420: 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 _access_const_ta\n 00004430: 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ble.TI PRU C/C++\n 00004440: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00004450: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1143,20 +1143,20 @@\n 00004760: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00004770: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00004780: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00004790: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000047a0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 000047b0: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000047c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000047d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+000047d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 000047e0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 000047f0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00004800: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00004810: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004820: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00004820: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00004830: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00004840: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00004850: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00004860: 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 _access_const_ta\n 00004870: 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ble.TI PRU C/C++\n 00004880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00004890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1167,15 +1167,15 @@\n 000048e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000048f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00004900: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00004910: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00004920: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f _table_empty.h./\n 00004930: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00004940: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00004950: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00004950: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00004960: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00004970: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00004980: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 s/am437x/PRU_acc\n 00004990: 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 ess_const_table.\n 000049a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000049b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000049c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1187,15 +1187,15 @@\n 00004a20: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00004a30: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00004a40: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00004a50: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00004a60: 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/rsc_types.h./h\n 00004a70: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00004a80: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00004a90: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00004a90: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00004aa0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00004ab0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00004ac0: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 /am437x/PRU_acce\n 00004ad0: 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 ss_const_table.T\n 00004ae0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00004af0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00004b00: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1910,16 +1910,16 @@\n 00007750: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00007760: 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 ................\n 00007770: 0600 0000 0113 0000 0600 0000 0114 0000 ................\n 00007780: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00007790: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a00 0000 ................\n 000077a0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 ................\n 000077b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000077c0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 494c 6277 6b72 .......TI2ILbwkr\n-000077d0: 5851 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 002e XQ.$C$L1.$C$L2..\n+000077c0: 0000 0000 0000 0054 4934 5961 4a30 4239 .......TI4YaJ0B9\n+000077d0: 4b6b 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 002e Kk.$C$L1.$C$L2..\n 000077e0: 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 text..creg.PRU_C\n 000077f0: 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e FG.noload.near..\n 00007800: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00007810: 6574 6169 6e00 2e63 7265 672e 4d43 5350 etain..creg.MCSP\n 00007820: 4930 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e I0.noload.near..\n 00007830: 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f53 4841 5245 444d creg.PRU_SHAREDM\n 00007840: 454d 2e6e 6561 7200 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 EM.near..text:ma\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/728.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 00000120: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 00000130: 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8707 0000 ................\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 6163 6365 ........PRU_acce\n 00000150: 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 ss_const_table.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 000001c0: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 000001d0: 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _table.TI PRU C/\n 000001e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000001f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 000008b0: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000008c0: 3331 5f62 3300 000f 0100 0003 0054 0000 31_b3........T..\n 000008d0: 0004 0150 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f ...PRU_access_co\n 000008e0: 6e73 745f 7461 626c 652e 6300 2000 0000 nst_table.c. ...\n 000008f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000900: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000910: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000910: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000920: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000930: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000940: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f61 les/am437x/PRU_a\n 00000950: 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c ccess_const_tabl\n 00000960: 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 e.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000970: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000980: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@\n 000009b0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0060 orporated......`\n 000009c0: 0200 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01ef 0101 d001 ..CT_CFG........\n 000009d0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 3a01 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG..:.....\n 000009e0: 7d00 0000 0401 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 }.....PRU_access\n 000009f0: 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 0065 _const_table.c.e\n 00000a00: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000a10: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000a20: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000a20: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000a30: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000a40: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000a50: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000a60: 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 U_access_const_t\n 00000a70: 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b able.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000a80: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000a90: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@\n 00000af0: 6500 1a01 4001 8c2f 0000 7072 755f 7265 e...@../..pru_re\n 00000b00: 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 moteproc_Resourc\n 00000b10: 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 0300 a600 eTable..........\n 00000b20: 0000 0401 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 ....PRU_access_c\n 00000b30: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 009f 0000 onst_table.c....\n 00000b40: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000b50: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000b60: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000b60: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000b70: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000b80: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000b90: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000ba0: 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 access_const_tab\n 00000bb0: 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 le.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000bc0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000bd0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -194,15 +194,15 @@\n 00000c10: 0003 4843 545f 4d43 5350 4930 0016 0128 ..HCT_MCSPI0...(\n 00000c20: 012c 0200 0043 545f 4d43 5350 4930 0000 .,...CT_MCSPI0..\n 00000c30: 7201 0000 0300 cf00 0000 0401 5052 555f r...........PRU_\n 00000c40: 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 access_const_tab\n 00000c50: 6c65 2e63 00db 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f le.c....../home/\n 00000c60: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000c70: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000c80: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000c80: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000c90: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000ca0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000cb0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 37x/PRU_access_c\n 00000cc0: 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 onst_table.TI PR\n 00000cd0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000ce0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000cf0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 0073 6861 7265 645f 6672 6571 5f33 001c .shared_freq_3..\n 00000d90: 0135 014d 0200 0073 6861 7265 645f 6672 .5.M...shared_fr\n 00000da0: 6571 5f33 0000 6c01 0000 0300 f800 0000 eq_3..l.........\n 00000db0: 0401 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e ..PRU_access_con\n 00000dc0: 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 2e63 0017 0100 001c st_table.c......\n 00000dd0: 0000 00c4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00000de0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000df0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000df0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000e00: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000e10: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000e20: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000e30: 782f 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e x/PRU_access_con\n 00000e40: 7374 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 st_table.TI PRU \n 00000e50: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000e60: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -862,15 +862,15 @@\n 000035d0: 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 ..b.abort.exit.c\n 000035e0: 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c .b.exit.c.f.TI L\n 000035f0: 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f ibrary...loader_\n 00003600: 6578 6974 00c4 0000 0001 0000 d900 0000 exit............\n 00003610: 0300 b604 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 ........__TI_int\n 00003620: 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ernal./home/peko\n 00003630: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00003640: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00003640: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00003650: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00003660: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00003670: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00003680: 5052 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 PRU_access_const\n 00003690: 5f74 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 _table.TI PRU Li\n 000036a0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 000036b0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -911,15 +911,15 @@\n 000038e0: 7275 5f63 7472 6c2e 6800 0000 0000 0001 ru_ctrl.h.......\n 000038f0: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 00003900: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00003910: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00003920: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00003930: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00003940: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00003950: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00003950: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00003960: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00003970: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00003980: 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 ....6.....-.....\n 00003990: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000039a0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 000039b0: 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 mpty.h........<.\n 000039c0: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n@@ -1047,15 +1047,15 @@\n 00004160: 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 @..@..@..@..@...\n 00004170: 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 ..........@.....\n 00004180: 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e ......%..@......\n 00004190: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 000041a0: 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 am437x/pru_cfg.h\n 000041b0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000041c0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000041d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000041d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000041e0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000041f0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00004200: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f61 les/am437x/PRU_a\n 00004210: 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f 7461 626c ccess_const_tabl\n 00004220: 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 e.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00004230: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00004240: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -1231,15 +1231,15 @@\n 00004ce0: 4544 325f 434c 4b00 4544 5f50 5255 315f ED2_CLK.ED_PRU1_\n 00004cf0: 4346 4731 5f32 0045 445f 5052 5531 5f43 CFG1_2.ED_PRU1_C\n 00004d00: 4647 315f 325f 6269 7400 7072 7543 6667 FG1_2_bit.pruCfg\n 00004d10: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004d20: 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 6374 de/am437x/pru_ct\n 00004d30: 726c 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f rl.h./home/peko/\n 00004d40: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00004d50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00004d50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00004d60: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00004d70: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00004d80: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 00004d90: 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 6e73 745f RU_access_const_\n 00004da0: 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 table.TI PRU C/C\n 00004db0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00004dc0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1290,35 +1290,35 @@\n 00005090: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 000050a0: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 000050b0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 000050c0: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 000050d0: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 000050e0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000050f0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00005100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00005100: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00005110: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00005120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00005130: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00005140: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00005150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00005150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00005160: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00005170: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00005180: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00005190: 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 6162 access_const_tab\n 000051a0: 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 le.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000051b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000051c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000051d0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n 000051e0: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 000051f0: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 corporated.uint8\n 00005200: 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 6573 _t.uint32_t..res\n 00005210: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00005220: 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 y.h./home/peko/a\n 00005230: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00005240: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00005240: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00005250: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00005260: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00005270: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00005280: 555f 6163 6365 7373 5f63 6f6e 7374 5f74 U_access_const_t\n 00005290: 6162 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b able.TI PRU C/C+\n 000052a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000052b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1327,15 +1327,15 @@\n 000052e0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f Incorporated.my_\n 000052f0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 resource_table.b\n 00005300: 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e ase.offset..../.\n 00005310: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00005320: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 00005330: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00005340: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00005350: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00005350: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00005360: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00005370: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 .0/examples/am43\n 00005380: 3778 2f50 5255 5f61 6363 6573 735f 636f 7x/PRU_access_co\n 00005390: 6e73 745f 7461 626c 6500 5449 2050 5255 nst_table.TI PRU\n 000053a0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000053b0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000053c0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1924,15 +1924,15 @@\n 00007830: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00007840: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00007850: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00007860: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00007870: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00007880: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00007890: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-000078a0: 5449 3249 4c62 776b 7258 5100 2443 244c TI2ILbwkrXQ.$C$L\n+000078a0: 5449 3459 614a 3042 394b 6b00 2443 244c TI4YaJ0B9Kk.$C$L\n 000078b0: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 1.$C$L2..resourc\n 000078c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 000078d0: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 000078e0: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 000078f0: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00007900: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n 00007910: 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a IemR3sTEia.TIenz\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_access_const_table/gen/PRU_access_const_table.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: PRU_access_const_table.c\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_ctrl.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_access_const_table.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_edmaConfig.object 360 0 304 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 360 0 304 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/743.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 110 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 100 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 58 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@\n 00000210: 8022 0ce1 c000 4924 8040 4124 8ee2 00f3 .\"....I$.@A$....\n 00000220: 8ee0 00e3 e000 0424 8036 00e1 8021 00f1 .......$.6...!..\n 00000230: ffe0 0acf 0000 002a e2e2 2001 0000 c320 .......*.. .... \n 00000240: 3707 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 7...........PRU_\n 00000250: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 edmaConfig.c....\n 00000260: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000270: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000280: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000280: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000290: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000002a0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000002b0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000002c0: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 edmaConfig.TI PR\n 000002d0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000002e0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000002f0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@\n 00000950: 907c 5233 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 .|R31_b0....}R31\n 00000960: 5f62 3100 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000970: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00ff 0000 0003 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000980: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f65 646d 6143 .......PRU_edmaC\n 00000990: 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f onfig.c....../ho\n 000009a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000009b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000009c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000009c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000009d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000009e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000009f0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am437x/PRU_edmaC\n 00000a00: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 00000a10: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000a20: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000a30: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -166,15 +166,15 @@\n 00000a50: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00000a60: 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01ef ......CT_CFG....\n 00000a70: 0101 c001 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 2a01 ......CT_CFG..*.\n 00000a80: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6564 ..........PRU_ed\n 00000a90: 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 0002 maConfig.c......\n 00000aa0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000ab0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ac0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000ac0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000ad0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000ae0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000af0: 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 es/am437x/PRU_ed\n 00000b00: 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 maConfig.TI PRU \n 00000b10: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000b20: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000b30: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -185,15 +185,15 @@\n 00000b80: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 Table...@.....pr\n 00000b90: 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 u_remoteproc_Res\n 00000ba0: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 f800 0000 ourceTable......\n 00000bb0: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6564 6d61 ........PRU_edma\n 00000bc0: 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 Config.c....../h\n 00000bd0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000be0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000bf0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000bf0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000c00: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000c10: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000c20: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 /am437x/PRU_edma\n 00000c30: 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f Config.TI PRU C/\n 00000c40: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000c50: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000c60: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@\n 00000c80: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 00000c90: 0205 0300 0000 0062 7566 000c 0174 0164 .......buf...t.d\n 00000ca0: 0000 0062 7566 0000 4901 0000 0300 0000 ...buf..I.......\n 00000cb0: 0000 0401 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 ....PRU_edmaConf\n 00000cc0: 6967 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 0068 0100 ig.c.........h..\n 00000cd0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000ce0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000cf0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000cf0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000d00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000d10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000d20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 00000d30: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 edmaConfig.TI PR\n 00000d40: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000d50: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000d60: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -773,15 +773,15 @@\n 00003040: 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0000 0000 0000 maConfig.c......\n 00003050: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00003060: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00003070: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00003080: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00003090: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000030a0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000030b0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000030b0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000030c0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000030d0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 000030e0: 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 .....6.....-....\n 000030f0: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00003100: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00003110: 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c empty.h........<\n 00003120: 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....3..........\n@@ -831,15 +831,15 @@\n 000033e0: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 000033f0: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 00003400: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 00003410: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f /include/am437x/\n 00003420: 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f pru_cfg.h./home/\n 00003430: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00003440: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00003450: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00003450: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00003460: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00003470: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00003480: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 37x/PRU_edmaConf\n 00003490: 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 ig.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000034a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000034b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000034c0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -1021,15 +1021,15 @@\n 00003fc0: 0b49 1381 400e 0000 0411 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00003fd0: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0513 0101 130b ...%..@.........\n 00003fe0: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0006 1600 030e 130b .9.:.;..........\n 00003ff0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 5052 555f 9.:.;.I.....PRU_\n 00004000: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 002f 686f edmaConfig.c./ho\n 00004010: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00004020: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00004030: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00004030: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00004040: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00004050: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00004060: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am437x/PRU_edmaC\n 00004070: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 00004080: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00004090: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 000040a0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -1071,20 +1071,20 @@\n 000042e0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 000042f0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 00004300: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 double.........\n 00004310: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00004320: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f .9.:.;.I...../ho\n 00004330: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00004340: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00004350: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00004350: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00004360: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00004370: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00004380: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00004390: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000043a0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000043a0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000043b0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000043c0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000043d0: 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 am437x/PRU_edmaC\n 000043e0: 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 onfig.TI PRU C/C\n 000043f0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00004400: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00004410: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -1095,15 +1095,15 @@\n 00004460: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00004470: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00004480: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00004490: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 000044a0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f e_empty.h./home/\n 000044b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000044c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000044d0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000044d0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000044e0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 000044f0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00004500: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 37x/PRU_edmaConf\n 00004510: 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 ig.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00004520: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00004530: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00004540: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -1114,15 +1114,15 @@\n 00004590: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 000045a0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000045b0: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000045c0: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 000045d0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 000045e0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000045f0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00004600: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00004600: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00004610: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00004620: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00004630: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 les/am437x/PRU_e\n 00004640: 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 dmaConfig.TI PRU\n 00004650: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00004660: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00004670: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1789,15 +1789,15 @@\n 00006fc0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00006fd0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 ................\n 00006fe0: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00006ff0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0b00 0000 ................\n 00007000: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0401 0000 ................\n 00007010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00007020: 000b 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00007030: 0001 0054 4932 4f38 5665 6956 594a 0024 ...TI2O8VeiVYJ.$\n+00007030: 0001 0054 4935 3372 6e75 304b 3662 0024 ...TI53rnu0K6b.$\n 00007040: 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 C$L1..text..creg\n 00007050: 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e 6f6c 6f61 642e .PRU_CFG.noload.\n 00007060: 6e65 6172 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 near..resource_t\n 00007070: 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e54 492e able:retain..TI.\n 00007080: 626f 756e 643a 6275 6600 2e74 6578 743a bound:buf..text:\n 00007090: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 000070a0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/744.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@\n 000001c0: 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 ....... ........\n 000001d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000001e0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000001f0: 0000 0000 3707 0000 0300 0000 0000 0403 ....7...........\n 00000200: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 PRU_edmaConfig.c\n 00000210: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000220: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000230: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000230: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000240: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000250: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000260: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000270: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 PRU_edmaConfig.T\n 00000280: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000290: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000002a0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -145,15 +145,15 @@\n 00000900: 3300 0702 907c 5233 315f 6230 0007 0290 3....|R31_b0....\n 00000910: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0702 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 00000920: 6232 0007 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00ff b2.....R31_b3...\n 00000930: 0000 0003 0054 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f65 .....T.....PRU_e\n 00000940: 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 2000 0000 dmaConfig.c. ...\n 00000950: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000960: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000970: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000970: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000980: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000990: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000009a0: 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 les/am437x/PRU_e\n 000009b0: 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 dmaConfig.TI PRU\n 000009c0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 000009d0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000009e0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -161,15 +161,15 @@\n 00000a00: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000a10: 6400 0102 0503 0060 0200 4354 5f43 4647 d......`..CT_CFG\n 00000a20: 0017 01ef 0101 c001 0000 4354 5f43 4647 ..........CT_CFG\n 00000a30: 0000 2a01 0000 0300 7d00 0000 0401 5052 ..*.....}.....PR\n 00000a40: 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 0065 U_edmaConfig.c.e\n 00000a50: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000a60: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000a70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000a70: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000a80: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000a90: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000aa0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000ab0: 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 4920 U_edmaConfig.TI \n 00000ac0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000ad0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000ae0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -181,15 +181,15 @@\n 00000b40: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 00000b50: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 00000b60: 4901 0000 0300 a600 0000 0401 5052 555f I...........PRU_\n 00000b70: 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 2e63 009f 0000 edmaConfig.c....\n 00000b80: 001c 0000 0084 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000b90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000ba0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000bb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000bb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000bc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000bd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000be0: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 37x/PRU_edmaConf\n 00000bf0: 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 ig.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000c00: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000c10: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000c20: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -797,15 +797,15 @@\n 000031c0: 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 xit.c.b.exit.c.f\n 000031d0: 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f .TI Library...lo\n 000031e0: 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 8401 0000 0100 ader_exit.......\n 000031f0: 00d1 0000 0003 0053 0400 0004 015f 5f54 .......S.....__T\n 00003200: 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 I_internal./home\n 00003210: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00003220: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00003230: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00003230: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00003240: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00003250: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00003260: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 437x/PRU_edmaCon\n 00003270: 6669 6700 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 fig.TI PRU Linke\n 00003280: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00003290: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000032a0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -837,15 +837,15 @@\n 00003440: 6f6e 6669 672e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c onfig.c.........\n 00003450: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 00003460: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 00003470: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 00003480: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 00003490: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000034a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000034b0: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+000034b0: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 000034c0: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 000034d0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 000034e0: 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff ..6.....-.......\n 000034f0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 ..............re\n 00003500: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00003510: 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 ty.h........<...\n 00003520: 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..3.............\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 .@..@..@........\n 00003c70: 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b .....@..........\n 00003c80: 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .%..@......./../\n 00003c90: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 ../include/am437\n 00003ca0: 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d x/pru_cfg.h./hom\n 00003cb0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00003cc0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00003cd0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00003cd0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00003ce0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00003cf0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00003d00: 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f m437x/PRU_edmaCo\n 00003d10: 6e66 6967 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b nfig.TI PRU C/C+\n 00003d20: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00003d30: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00003d40: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -1149,15 +1149,15 @@\n 000047c0: 5f45 4432 5f52 585f 534e 4f4f 5000 5052 _ED2_RX_SNOOP.PR\n 000047d0: 5531 5f45 4432 5f43 4c4b 0045 445f 5052 U1_ED2_CLK.ED_PR\n 000047e0: 5531 5f43 4647 315f 3200 4544 5f50 5255 U1_CFG1_2.ED_PRU\n 000047f0: 315f 4346 4731 5f32 5f62 6974 0070 7275 1_CFG1_2_bit.pru\n 00004800: 4366 6700 0050 5255 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e Cfg..PRU_edmaCon\n 00004810: 6669 672e 6300 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f fig.c./home/peko\n 00004820: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00004830: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00004830: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00004840: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00004850: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00004860: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00004870: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 PRU_edmaConfig.T\n 00004880: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00004890: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000048a0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1195,35 +1195,35 @@\n 00004aa0: 676e 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e gned int.long.un\n 00004ab0: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 signed long.long\n 00004ac0: 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c long.unsigned l\n 00004ad0: 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 ong long.float.d\n 00004ae0: 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c ouble.long doubl\n 00004af0: 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 e../home/peko/au\n 00004b00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004b10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00004b10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00004b20: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00004b30: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00004b40: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00004b50: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00004b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00004b70: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00004b80: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00004b90: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00004ba0: 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 _edmaConfig.TI P\n 00004bb0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00004bc0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00004bd0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00004be0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n 00004bf0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00004c00: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 ted.uint8_t.uint\n 00004c10: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 16_t.uint32_t..r\n 00004c20: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00004c30: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00004c40: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00004c50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00004c50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00004c60: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00004c70: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00004c80: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00004c90: 5052 555f 6564 6d61 436f 6e66 6967 0054 PRU_edmaConfig.T\n 00004ca0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00004cb0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00004cc0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1231,15 +1231,15 @@\n 00004ce0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00004cf0: 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 orated.my_resour\n 00004d00: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 ce_table.base.of\n 00004d10: 6673 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 fset..../../../i\n 00004d20: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00004d30: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00004d40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00004d50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00004d50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00004d60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00004d70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00004d80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 mples/am437x/PRU\n 00004d90: 5f65 646d 6143 6f6e 6669 6700 5449 2050 _edmaConfig.TI P\n 00004da0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00004db0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00004dc0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1812,16 +1812,16 @@\n 00007130: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00007140: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00007150: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00007160: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00007170: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00007180: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00007190: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-000071a0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324f 3856 6569 ubtypes.TI2O8Vei\n-000071b0: 5659 4a00 2443 244c 3100 2e72 6573 6f75 VYJ.$C$L1..resou\n+000071a0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3533 726e 7530 ubtypes.TI53rnu0\n+000071b0: 4b36 6200 2443 244c 3100 2e72 6573 6f75 K6b.$C$L1..resou\n 000071c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e rce_table:retain\n 000071d0: 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 ..text:main.TIe8\n 000071e0: 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 gLFJC7w..text:_c\n 000071f0: 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f _int00_noinit_no\n 00007200: 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 args.TIeklKr8I40\n 00007210: 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 .TIemR3sTEia.TIe\n 00007220: 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d nzHQ2Yae.TIiBXWm\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_edmaConfig/gen/PRU_edmaConfig.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: PRU_edmaConfig.c\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_edmaConfig.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_gpioToggle.object 56 0 304 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 56 0 304 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/759.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 103 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 29 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 58 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: c0ff ff24 80ff ff24 8022 00e1 8122 00f1 ...$...$.\"...\"..\n 000000e0: fefe e114 c0fa 0224 807f f024 e0e0 0105 .......$...$....\n 000000f0: ffe0 006f 0000 0021 5107 0000 0300 0000 ...o...!Q.......\n 00000100: 0000 0404 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 ....PRU_gpioTogg\n 00000110: 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f le.c....../home/\n 00000120: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000130: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000140: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000140: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000150: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000160: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 9.0/examples/am4\n 00000170: 3337 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 37x/PRU_gpioTogg\n 00000180: 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 le.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000190: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000001b0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -131,15 +131,15 @@\n 00000820: 0802 907c 5233 315f 6230 0008 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 00000830: 3331 5f62 3100 0802 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 00000840: 0008 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00ff 0000 .....R31_b3.....\n 00000850: 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f67 7069 .........PRU_gpi\n 00000860: 6f54 6f67 676c 652e 6300 0000 0000 022f oToggle.c....../\n 00000870: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000880: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000890: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000890: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000008a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000008b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000008c0: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 s/am437x/PRU_gpi\n 000008d0: 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 oToggle.TI PRU C\n 000008e0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000008f0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000900: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -147,15 +147,15 @@\n 00000920: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000930: 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0017 ........CT_CFG..\n 00000940: 01ef 0101 da01 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 ........CT_CFG..\n 00000950: 2a01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f *...........PRU_\n 00000960: 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 gpioToggle.c....\n 00000970: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000980: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000990: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000990: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000009a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000009b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000009c0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000009d0: 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 5052 gpioToggle.TI PR\n 000009e0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000009f0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000a00: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -166,15 +166,15 @@\n 00000a50: 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 ceTable...@.....\n 00000a60: 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 pru_remoteproc_R\n 00000a70: 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 3e01 esourceTable..>.\n 00000a80: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 6770 ..........PRU_gp\n 00000a90: 696f 546f 6767 6c65 2e63 0000 0000 0000 ioToggle.c......\n 00000aa0: 0000 0038 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ...8..../home/pe\n 00000ab0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000ac0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000ac0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000ad0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000ae0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000af0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00000b00: 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 x/PRU_gpioToggle\n 00000b10: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000b20: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000b30: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -670,15 +670,15 @@\n 000029d0: 7564 652f 616d 3433 3778 2f70 7275 5f63 ude/am437x/pru_c\n 000029e0: 6667 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 fg.h............\n 000029f0: 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ................\n 00002a00: 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 ............o...\n 00002a10: 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..f.............\n 00002a20: 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00002a30: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00002a40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00002a40: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00002a50: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00002a60: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00002a70: 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 tdint.h........6\n 00002a80: 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....-..........\n 00002a90: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 ...........resou\n 00002aa0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e rce_table_empty.\n 00002ab0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n@@ -725,15 +725,15 @@\n 00002d40: 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00002d50: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 00002d60: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00002d70: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00002d80: 6465 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 de/am437x/pru_cf\n 00002d90: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 00002da0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00002db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00002db0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00002dc0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00002dd0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00002de0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00002df0: 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 U_gpioToggle.TI \n 00002e00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00002e10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00002e20: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -926,20 +926,20 @@\n 000039d0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 000039e0: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 000039f0: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 le.long double..\n 00003a00: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00003a10: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00003a20: 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00003a30: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00003a40: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00003a40: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00003a50: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00003a60: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00003a70: 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.h./home/peko/a\n 00003a80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00003a90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00003a90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00003aa0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00003ab0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00003ac0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00003ad0: 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 U_gpioToggle.TI \n 00003ae0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00003af0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00003b00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -949,15 +949,15 @@\n 00003b40: 7433 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 t32_t......2.8.9\n 00003b50: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00003b60: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00003b70: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00003b80: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00003b90: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00003ba0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00003bb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00003bb0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00003bc0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00003bd0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00003be0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 0/examples/am437\n 00003bf0: 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 x/PRU_gpioToggle\n 00003c00: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00003c10: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00003c20: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -969,15 +969,15 @@\n 00003c80: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00003c90: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00003ca0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00003cb0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00003cc0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00003cd0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00003ce0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00003cf0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00003cf0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00003d00: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00003d10: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00003d20: 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 s/am437x/PRU_gpi\n 00003d30: 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 oToggle.TI PRU C\n 00003d40: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00003d50: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00003d60: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1563,16 +1563,16 @@\n 000061a0: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 000061b0: 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 000061c0: 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 000061d0: 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 000061e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000061f0: 0900 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0201 ................\n 00006200: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00006210: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3250 4f77 ..........TI2POw\n-00006220: 3967 3932 5200 2443 244c 3100 2431 5f24 9g92R.$C$L1.$1_$\n+00006210: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 5449 3534 5946 ..........TI54YF\n+00006220: 7766 6974 6f00 2443 244c 3100 2431 5f24 wfito.$C$L1.$1_$\n 00006230: 3300 2e74 6578 7400 2e63 7265 672e 5052 3..text..creg.PR\n 00006240: 555f 4346 472e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e6e 6561 U_CFG.noload.nea\n 00006250: 7200 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c r..resource_tabl\n 00006260: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 00006270: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 00006280: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 00006290: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/760.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 0000 0000 ....... ........\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000b0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000c0: 0000 0000 5107 0000 0300 0000 0000 0404 ....Q...........\n 000000d0: 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 2e63 PRU_gpioToggle.c\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000000f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00000140: 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 PRU_gpioToggle.T\n 00000150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -128,15 +128,15 @@\n 000007f0: 5233 315f 6230 0008 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 R31_b0....}R31_b\n 00000800: 3100 0802 907e 5233 315f 6232 0008 0290 1....~R31_b2....\n 00000810: 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 00ff 0000 0003 005d .R31_b3........]\n 00000820: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 .....PRU_gpioTog\n 00000830: 676c 652e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 gle.c. ..../home\n 00000840: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000850: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000860: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000860: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000870: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000880: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000890: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 437x/PRU_gpioTog\n 000008a0: 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b gle.TI PRU C/C++\n 000008b0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000008c0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008d0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -144,15 +144,15 @@\n 000008f0: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 00000900: 0060 0200 4354 5f43 4647 0017 01ef 0101 .`..CT_CFG......\n 00000910: da01 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 2a01 0000 ....CT_CFG..*...\n 00000920: 0300 8600 0000 0401 5052 555f 6770 696f ........PRU_gpio\n 00000930: 546f 6767 6c65 2e63 0065 0000 0002 2f68 Toggle.c.e..../h\n 00000940: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000950: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000960: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000960: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000970: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000980: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000990: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f /am437x/PRU_gpio\n 000009a0: 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f Toggle.TI PRU C/\n 000009b0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000009c0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000009d0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@\n 00000a20: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 2427 0000 7072 755f ble...@.$'..pru_\n 00000a30: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000a40: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 3e01 0000 0300 rceTable..>.....\n 00000a50: af00 0000 0401 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f ......PRU_gpioTo\n 00000a60: 6767 6c65 2e63 009f 0000 001c 0000 0054 ggle.c.........T\n 00000a70: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000a80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000a90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000a90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000aa0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000ab0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000ac0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 amples/am437x/PR\n 00000ad0: 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 U_gpioToggle.TI \n 00000ae0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000af0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000b00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -720,15 +720,15 @@\n 00002cf0: 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 ..b.abort.exit.c\n 00002d00: 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c .b.exit.c.f.TI L\n 00002d10: 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f ibrary...loader_\n 00002d20: 6578 6974 0054 0000 0001 0000 d100 0000 exit.T..........\n 00002d30: 0300 d703 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 ........__TI_int\n 00002d40: 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ernal./home/peko\n 00002d50: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00002d60: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00002d60: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00002d70: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00002d80: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00002d90: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f examples/am437x/\n 00002da0: 5052 555f 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 PRU_gpioToggle.T\n 00002db0: 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 I PRU Linker Uni\n 00002dc0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00002dd0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -755,15 +755,15 @@\n 00002f20: 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 0000 0000 0001 pru_cfg.h.......\n 00002f30: 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d ................\n 00002f40: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 ................\n 00002f50: 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .o.....f........\n 00002f60: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f ............./ho\n 00002f70: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00002f80: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00002f90: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00002f90: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00002fa0: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00002fb0: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 ude/stdint.h....\n 00002fc0: 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 ....6.....-.....\n 00002fd0: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00002fe0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00002ff0: 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 mpty.h........<.\n 00003000: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n@@ -877,15 +877,15 @@\n 000036c0: 400b 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 @..@..@..@......\n 000036d0: 0100 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 .......@........\n 000036e0: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 000036f0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d34 ./../include/am4\n 00003700: 3337 782f 7072 755f 6366 672e 6800 2f68 37x/pru_cfg.h./h\n 00003710: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00003720: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00003730: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00003730: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00003740: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00003750: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00003760: 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f 6770 696f /am437x/PRU_gpio\n 00003770: 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f Toggle.TI PRU C/\n 00003780: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00003790: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000037a0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1074,34 +1074,34 @@\n 00004310: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00004320: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00004330: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00004340: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00004350: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00004360: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00004370: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00004380: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00004380: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00004390: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 000043a0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 000043b0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000043c0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000043d0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000043d0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000043e0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000043f0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00004400: 3433 3778 2f50 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 437x/PRU_gpioTog\n 00004410: 676c 6500 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b gle.TI PRU C/C++\n 00004420: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00004430: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00004440: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n 00004450: 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 as Instruments I\n 00004460: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 ncorporated.uint\n 00004470: 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 7265 8_t.uint32_t..re\n 00004480: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00004490: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 000044a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000044b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000044b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000044c0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000044d0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000044e0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3433 3778 2f50 xamples/am437x/P\n 000044f0: 5255 5f67 7069 6f54 6f67 676c 6500 5449 RU_gpioToggle.TI\n 00004500: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00004510: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00004520: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1109,15 +1109,15 @@\n 00004540: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00004550: 7261 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 rated.my_resourc\n 00004560: 655f 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 006f 6666 e_table.base.off\n 00004570: 7365 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e set..../../../in\n 00004580: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00004590: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000045a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000045b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000045b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000045c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000045d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000045e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d34 3337 782f 5052 555f ples/am437x/PRU_\n 000045f0: 6770 696f 546f 6767 6c65 0054 4920 5052 gpioToggle.TI PR\n 00004600: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00004610: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00004620: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1676,15 +1676,15 @@\n 000068b0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 000068c0: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 000068d0: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 000068e0: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 000068f0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00006900: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00006910: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00006920: 5449 3250 4f77 3967 3932 5200 2443 244c TI2POw9g92R.$C$L\n+00006920: 5449 3534 5946 7766 6974 6f00 2443 244c TI54YFwfito.$C$L\n 00006930: 3100 2431 5f24 3300 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 1.$1_$3..resourc\n 00006940: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00006950: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 00006960: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 00006970: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00006980: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n 00006990: 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a IemR3sTEia.TIenz\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am437x/PRU_gpioToggle/gen/PRU_gpioToggle.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: PRU_gpioToggle.c\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/am437x/pru_cfg.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_gpioToggle.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/779.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x59 refers to abbreviation number 114 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@\n 00000190: 8560 00f3 00ff 1ec9 850b 072f c100 0024 .`........./...$\n 000001a0: 8100 0024 e012 0024 8021 24e1 0000 002a ...$...$.!$....*\n 000001b0: 8562 00f3 e2e2 1801 0000 c320 8c08 0000 .b......... ....\n 000001c0: 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 000001d0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 000001e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00000240: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000250: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000260: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000270: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@\n 00000a20: 000c 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0d05 0300 .....R31_b3.....\n 00000a30: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c 0134 01a0 ...dmemBuf...4..\n 00000a40: 0000 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 0b01 0000 ...dmemBuf......\n 00000a50: 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 00000a60: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 00000a70: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000a80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000a90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000a90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000aa0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000ab0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000ac0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00000ad0: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00000ae0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000af0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000b00: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@\n 00000b30: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 00000b40: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 6402 .CT_INTC...Y..d.\n 00000b50: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00000b60: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 .......PRU0_Dire\n 00000b70: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 ct_Connect.c....\n 00000b80: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000b90: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000ba0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000ba0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000bb0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000bc0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000bd0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000be0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00000bf0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000c00: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000c10: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -198,15 +198,15 @@\n 00000c50: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 0142 pru_intc_map...B\n 00000c60: 012a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .*...pru_intc_ma\n 00000c70: 7000 0042 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 p..B...........P\n 00000c80: 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 RU0_Direct_Conne\n 00000c90: 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ct.c....../home/\n 00000ca0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000cb0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000cc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000cc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000cd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000ce0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000cf0: 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 72x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00000d00: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect0.TI PRU C\n 00000d10: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000d20: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000d30: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -218,15 +218,15 @@\n 00000d90: 1e00 0000 616d 3333 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 ....am335x_pru_r\n 00000da0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 00000db0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..U......\n 00000dc0: 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU0_Direct\n 00000dd0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 _Connect.c......\n 00000de0: 0000 0098 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00000df0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000e00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000e00: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000e10: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000e20: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000e30: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00000e40: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00000e50: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 00000e60: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000e70: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -1047,15 +1047,15 @@\n 00004160: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 onnect.c........\n 00004170: 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 ................\n 00004180: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 ................\n 00004190: 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 o.....f.........\n 000041a0: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 000041b0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000041c0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000041d0: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+000041d0: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 000041e0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 000041f0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 de/stdint.h.....\n 00004200: 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ...<.....3......\n 00004210: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e ................\n 00004220: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00004230: 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 pru_types.h.....\n 00004240: 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 0100 ...2.....)......\n@@ -1114,15 +1114,15 @@\n 00004590: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 000045a0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 000045b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000045c0: 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 de/am572x_2_0/pr\n 000045d0: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 000045e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000045f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00004600: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00004600: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00004610: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00004620: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00004630: 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 2x/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00004640: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 00004650: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00004660: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00004670: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1333,15 +1333,15 @@\n 00005340: 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00005350: 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00005360: 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00005370: 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005380: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00005390: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000053a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000053b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000053b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000053c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000053d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000053e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 000053f0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00005400: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00005410: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00005420: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1358,15 +1358,15 @@\n 000054d0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000054e0: 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000054f0: 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00005500: 0000 0050 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 ...PRU0_Direct_C\n 00005510: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 onnect.c./home/p\n 00005520: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00005530: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00005540: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00005540: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00005550: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00005560: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00005570: 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 2x/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00005580: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 00005590: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000055a0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000055b0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1392,20 +1392,20 @@\n 000056f0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00005700: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00005710: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 long double.....\n 00005720: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 .......%..@.....\n 00005730: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00005740: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005750: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005760: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00005760: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00005770: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00005780: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00005790: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000057a0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000057b0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000057b0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000057c0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000057d0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000057e0: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am572x/PRU_D\n 000057f0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 00005800: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00005810: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00005820: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1417,15 +1417,15 @@\n 00005880: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00005890: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 000058a0: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 000058b0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000058c0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000058d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000058e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000058f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000058f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00005900: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00005910: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00005920: 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 2x/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00005930: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 00005940: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00005950: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00005960: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1439,15 +1439,15 @@\n 000059e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000059f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00005a00: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00005a10: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00005a20: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00005a30: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005a40: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005a50: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00005a50: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00005a60: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00005a70: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00005a80: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 572x/PRU_Direct_\n 00005a90: 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 Connect0.TI PRU \n 00005aa0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00005ab0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00005ac0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -2364,16 +2364,16 @@\n 000093b0: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 000093c0: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 000093d0: 0600 0000 0111 0000 0600 0000 0112 0000 ................\n 000093e0: 0600 0000 0113 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000093f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0c00 0000 ................\n 00009400: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 00009410: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00009420: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4f79 6775 .........TI2Oygu\n-00009430: 584f 484d 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 XOHM.$C$L1..text\n+00009420: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 366c 3337 .........TI56l37\n+00009430: 5556 6978 0024 4324 4c31 002e 7465 7874 UVix.$C$L1..text\n 00009440: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e ..creg.PRU_INTC.\n 00009450: 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 noload.far..data\n 00009460: 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 :pru_intc_map..r\n 00009470: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 esource_table:re\n 00009480: 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 tain..text:main.\n 00009490: 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 .debug_info..deb\n 000094a0: 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 ug_line..debug_f\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: PRU0_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU0_Direct_Connect.object 152 0 5476 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 152 0 5476 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/782.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 1302 1403 1500 1601 1804 1905 1a06 1b07 ................\n 00000140: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 8c08 0000 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 00000170: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000180: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000190: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000001b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000001c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000001d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 /examples/am572x\n 000001e0: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 000001f0: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000200: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000210: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@\n 000009c0: 315f 6232 000c 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 1_b2.....R31_b3.\n 000009d0: 0d05 0334 0100 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 000c ...4...dmemBuf..\n 000009e0: 0134 01b3 3b00 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 0000 .4..;..dmemBuf..\n 000009f0: 0b01 0000 0300 9800 0000 0401 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 00000a00: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000a10: 6300 3900 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.9..../home/pek\n 00000a20: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000a30: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000a30: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000a40: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000a50: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000a60: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 /examples/am572x\n 00000a70: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 00000a80: 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000a90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000aa0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000ae0: 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 .....CT_INTC...Y\n 00000af0: 0301 6402 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0014 ..d...CT_INTC...\n 00000b00: 0100 0003 00c1 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f ...........PRU0_\n 00000b10: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 Direct_Connect.c\n 00000b20: 0083 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000b30: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000b40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000b40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000b50: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000b60: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000b70: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00000b80: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00000b90: 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000ba0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000bb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -192,15 +192,15 @@\n 00000bf0: 4c01 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 L...pru_intc_map\n 00000c00: 000f 0142 012a 0300 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...B.*...pru_int\n 00000c10: 635f 6d61 7000 0042 0100 0003 00ea 0000 c_map..B........\n 00000c20: 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 ...PRU0_Direct_C\n 00000c30: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00b9 0000 0002 2f68 onnect.c....../h\n 00000c40: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000c50: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000c60: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000c60: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000c70: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000c80: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000c90: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 /am572x/PRU_Dire\n 00000ca0: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00000cb0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000cc0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000cd0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000d50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000d60: 0003 0013 0100 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 .........PRU0_Di\n 00000d70: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 00ef rect_Connect.c..\n 00000d80: 0000 001c 0000 00b4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000de0: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m572x/PRU_Direct\n 00000df0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00000e00: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000e10: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000e20: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1080,15 +1080,15 @@\n 00004370: 0162 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 .b.abort.exit.c.\n 00004380: 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 b.exit.c.f.TI Li\n 00004390: 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 brary...loader_e\n 000043a0: 7869 7400 b400 0000 0100 00d6 0000 0003 xit.............\n 000043b0: 0036 0500 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 .6.....__TI_inte\n 000043c0: 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f rnal./home/peko/\n 000043d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000043e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000043e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000043f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00004400: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00004410: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00004420: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00004430: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 t0.TI PRU Linker\n 00004440: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00004450: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1129,15 +1129,15 @@\n 00004680: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 _Connect.c......\n 00004690: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 000046a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 000046b0: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000046c0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000046d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000046e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000046f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000046f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00004700: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00004710: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004720: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004730: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00004740: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00004750: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00004760: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1278,15 +1278,15 @@\n 00004fd0: 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 ..@..@..........\n 00004fe0: 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 ...@...........%\n 00004ff0: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00005000: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f /include/am572x_\n 00005010: 325f 302f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 2_0/pru_intc.h./\n 00005020: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00005030: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00005040: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00005040: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00005050: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00005060: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00005070: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am572x/PRU_Dir\n 00005080: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 ect_Connect0.TI \n 00005090: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000050a0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000050b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -1487,15 +1487,15 @@\n 00005ce0: 395f 6269 7400 4e45 5354 5f48 494e 545f 9_bit.NEST_HINT_\n 00005cf0: 3900 4849 4552 0048 4945 525f 6269 7400 9.HIER.HIER_bit.\n 00005d00: 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e 5400 7072 7549 ENABLE_HINT.pruI\n 00005d10: 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ntc..../../../in\n 00005d20: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00005d30: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00005d40: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00005d50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00005d50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00005d60: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00005d70: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00005d80: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00005d90: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00005da0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00005db0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00005dc0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1507,15 +1507,15 @@\n 00005e20: 6c65 0076 6572 006e 756d 0066 775f 7273 le.ver.num.fw_rs\n 00005e30: 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 0074 7970 6500 7500 c_custom.type.u.\n 00005e40: 7273 635f 7369 7a65 0072 7363 0073 7562 rsc_size.rsc.sub\n 00005e50: 5f74 7970 6500 7374 0000 5052 5530 5f44 _type.st..PRU0_D\n 00005e60: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 irect_Connect.c.\n 00005e70: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00005e80: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00005e90: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00005e90: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005ea0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005eb0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005ec0: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am572x/PRU_Di\n 00005ed0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 rect_Connect0.TI\n 00005ee0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00005ef0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00005f00: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1537,20 +1537,20 @@\n 00006000: 7369 676e 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 signed int.long.\n 00006010: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f unsigned long.lo\n 00006020: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 ng long.unsigned\n 00006030: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00006040: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00006050: 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ble../home/peko/\n 00006060: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00006070: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00006070: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00006080: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00006090: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 000060a0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 000060b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000060c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000060c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000060d0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000060e0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000060f0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00006100: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00006110: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00006120: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00006130: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1558,15 +1558,15 @@\n 00006150: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00006160: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 corporated.uint8\n 00006170: 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 _t.uint16_t.uint\n 00006180: 3332 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 32_t..../../../i\n 00006190: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 000061a0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000061b0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000061c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000061c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000061d0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000061e0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000061f0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00006200: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00006210: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006220: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006230: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1577,15 +1577,15 @@\n 00006280: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00006290: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 000062a0: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 000062b0: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 000062c0: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 000062d0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000062e0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000062f0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000062f0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00006300: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00006310: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00006320: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 572x/PRU_Direct_\n 00006330: 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 Connect0.TI PRU \n 00006340: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00006350: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00006360: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -2174,16 +2174,16 @@\n 000087d0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 000087e0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 000087f0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00008800: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00008810: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00008820: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00008830: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00008840: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324f 7967 7558 ubtypes.TI2OyguX\n-00008850: 4f48 4d00 2443 244c 3100 2e64 6174 613a OHM.$C$L1..data:\n+00008840: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3536 6c33 3755 ubtypes.TI56l37U\n+00008850: 5669 7800 2443 244c 3100 2e64 6174 613a Vix.$C$L1..data:\n 00008860: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 00008870: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 00008880: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 0054 ain..text:main.T\n 00008890: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n 000088a0: 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 305f 6e6f 696e 6974 :_c_int00_noinit\n 000088b0: 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 5449 656b 6c4b 7238 _noargs.TIeklKr8\n 000088c0: 4934 3000 5449 656d 5233 7354 4569 6100 I40.TIemR3sTEia.\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/795.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x24 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x34 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@\n 000000c0: e2e2 1805 ff22 0024 8562 00e3 850b 872e .....\".$.b......\n 000000d0: e000 0024 8560 00e3 0000 002a 8562 00f3 ...$.`.....*.b..\n 000000e0: e2e2 1801 0000 c320 9d06 0000 0300 0000 ....... ........\n 000000f0: 0000 0405 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f ....PRU1_Direct_\n 00000100: 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f Connect.c....../\n 00000110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000160: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 s/am572x/PRU_Dir\n 00000170: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 ect_Connect1.TI \n 00000180: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000190: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000001a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000a 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000770: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0c01 3301 a000 0000 dmemBuf...3.....\n 00000780: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 0000 dmemBuf..4......\n 00000790: 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU1_Direct\n 000007a0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 _Connect.c......\n 000007b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000007d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000007e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000007f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000800: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am572x/PRU_Di\n 00000810: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000820: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000830: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000840: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 0000 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f ...pru_remotepro\n 000008b0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000008c0: 0055 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .U...........PRU\n 000008d0: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 000008e0: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.........(....\n 000008f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000900: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000910: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000920: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000930: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000940: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am572x/PRU_Di\n 00000950: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00000960: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000970: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000980: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@\n 00000d20: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 onnect.c........\n 00000d30: 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 ................\n 00000d40: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 ................\n 00000d50: 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 o.....f.........\n 00000d60: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000d70: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000d80: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000d90: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00000d90: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00000da0: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00000db0: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 de/stdint.h.....\n 00000dc0: 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ...6.....-......\n 00000dd0: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 ...............r\n 00000de0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00000df0: 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 pty.h........<..\n 00000e00: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001030: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00001040: 3b0b 0000 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00001050: 0b49 1300 0000 0050 5255 315f 4469 7265 .I.....PRU1_Dire\n 00001060: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f 686f ct_Connect.c./ho\n 00001070: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001080: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001090: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001090: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010a0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000010b0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 000010c0: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 am572x/PRU_Direc\n 000010d0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect1.TI PR\n 000010e0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000010f0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001100: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001250: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001260: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001270: 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001280: 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00001290: 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000012a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+000012b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 000012c0: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 000012d0: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 000012e0: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 000012f0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001300: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001310: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001320: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001330: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00001340: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00001350: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001360: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001370: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -316,15 +316,15 @@\n 000013b0: 325f 7400 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 2_t......2.8.9.:\n 000013c0: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 000013d0: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 000013e0: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 .....9.:.;.....r\n 000013f0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001400: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001410: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001420: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001430: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001440: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001450: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001460: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00001470: 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001480: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001490: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -336,15 +336,15 @@\n 000014f0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 00001500: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 00001510: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001520: 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00001530: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 00001540: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001550: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001560: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001570: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001580: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001590: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 000015a0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 Direct_Connect1.\n 000015b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000015c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000015d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@\n 00001f00: 0106 0000 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f10: 0108 0000 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f20: 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f30: 010c 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f70: 0054 4932 5047 7a61 564a 4c53 002e 7465 .TI2PGzaVJLS..te\n+00001f70: 0054 4935 3958 3669 7932 4243 002e 7465 .TI59X6iy2BC..te\n 00001f80: 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 xt..resource_tab\n 00001f90: 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a le:retain..text:\n 00001fa0: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 00001fb0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n 00001fc0: 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 bug_frame..debug\n 00001fd0: 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 _abbrev..debug_s\n 00001fe0: 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 tr..debug_arange\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: PRU1_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU1_Direct_Connect.object 40 0 44 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 40 0 44 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/798.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 9d06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0405 ................\n 000000c0: 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e PRU1_Direct_Conn\n 000000d0: 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ect.c....../home\n 000000e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000000f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000100: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000100: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000110: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000120: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000130: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 572x/PRU_Direct_\n 00000140: 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 Connect1.TI PRU \n 00000150: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000160: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000170: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@\n 00000730: 315f 6233 000a 0503 0001 0000 646d 656d 1_b3........dmem\n 00000740: 4275 6600 0c01 3301 d209 0000 646d 656d Buf...3.....dmem\n 00000750: 4275 6600 0034 0100 0003 007d 0000 0004 Buf..4.....}....\n 00000760: 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e .PRU1_Direct_Con\n 00000770: 6e65 6374 2e63 0039 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d nect.c.9..../hom\n 00000780: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000790: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000007a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000007a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000007b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000007c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000007d0: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m572x/PRU_Direct\n 000007e0: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 000007f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000800: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000810: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@\n 00000870: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000880: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0055 0100 sourceTable..U..\n 00000890: 0003 00a6 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 .........PRU1_Di\n 000008a0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0073 rect_Connect.c.s\n 000008b0: 0000 001c 0000 0044 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d .......D..../hom\n 000008c0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000008d0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000008e0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000008e0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000008f0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000900: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000910: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m572x/PRU_Direct\n 00000920: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00000930: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000940: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000950: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 ort.exit.c.b.exi\n 00001080: 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 t.c.f.TI Library\n 00001090: 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0044 ...loader_exit.D\n 000010a0: 0000 0001 0000 d600 0000 0300 2803 0000 ............(...\n 000010b0: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 000010c0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000010d0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000010e0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000010f0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001100: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001110: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 es/am572x/PRU_Di\n 00001120: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 rect_Connect1.TI\n 00001130: 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 PRU Linker Unix\n 00001140: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001150: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@\n 00001260: 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 1_Direct_Connect\n 00001270: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .c..............\n 00001280: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000012a0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000012b0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000012c0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000012d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 000012e0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 000012f0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00001300: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 00001310: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 00001320: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 00001330: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001340: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -411,15 +411,15 @@\n 000019a0: 8440 0b85 400b 8640 0887 400b 8840 0b8f .@..@..@..@..@..\n 000019b0: 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 1101 @..@............\n 000019c0: 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 088b .@...........%..\n 000019d0: 400b 0000 0000 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 @.....PRU1_Direc\n 000019e0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d t_Connect.c./hom\n 000019f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001a00: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001a10: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001a10: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001a20: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001a30: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001a40: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 m572x/PRU_Direct\n 00001a50: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00001a60: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001a70: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001a80: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -441,34 +441,34 @@\n 00001b80: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00001b90: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00001ba0: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00001bb0: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00001bc0: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00001bd0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001be0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00001bf0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00001c00: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00001c10: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00001c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001c70: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f44 les/am572x/PRU_D\n 00001c80: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 irect_Connect1.T\n 00001c90: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001ca0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001cb0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001cc0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 00001cd0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 00001ce0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001cf0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001d00: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001d10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001d30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001d40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001d50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00001d60: 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e x/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00001d70: 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001d80: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001d90: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 Incorporated.my\n 00001dd0: 5f72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 _resource_table.\n 00001de0: 6261 7365 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f base.offset..../\n 00001df0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001e00: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001e10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001e20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001e30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001e30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001e40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001e50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001e60: 3732 782f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 72x/PRU_Direct_C\n 00001e70: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect1.TI PRU C\n 00001e80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001e90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00001ea0: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -1036,16 +1036,16 @@\n 000040b0: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 000040c0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 000040d0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 000040e0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 000040f0: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00004100: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00004110: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-00004120: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3250 ug_pubtypes.TI2P\n-00004130: 477a 6156 4a4c 5300 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 GzaVJLS..resourc\n+00004120: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3539 ug_pubtypes.TI59\n+00004130: 5836 6979 3242 4300 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 X6iy2BC..resourc\n 00004140: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n 00004150: 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c text:main.TIe8gL\n 00004160: 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 FJC7w..text:_c_i\n 00004170: 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 nt00_noinit_noar\n 00004180: 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 gs.TIeklKr8I40.T\n 00004190: 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a IemR3sTEia.TIenz\n 000041a0: 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a HQ2Yae.TIiBXWmgz\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/811.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3606 0000 0300 0000 ........6.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am572x/PRU_Ha\n 00000110: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000120: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000130: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000140: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0_b3....|R31_b0.\n 000006b0: 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 ...}R31_b1....~R\n 000006c0: 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 31_b2.....R31_b3\n 000006d0: 0000 1a01 0000 0300 4000 0000 0401 6d61 ........@.....ma\n 000006e0: 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c. ..../home/\n 000006f0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000700: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000710: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000710: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000720: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000730: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000740: 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 72x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000750: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000760: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000770: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00000780: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 3c09 urceTable...@.<.\n 000007d0: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 000007e0: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 000007f0: 1201 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 696e ......i.....main\n 00000800: 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 0002 .c.Z.......(....\n 00000810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000860: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 es/am572x/PRU_Ha\n 00000870: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000880: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000890: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000008a0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 abort.exit.c.b.e\n 00000ef0: 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 xit.c.f.TI Libra\n 00000f00: 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 ry...loader_exit\n 00000f10: 0028 0000 0001 0000 cb00 0000 0300 9602 .(..............\n 00000f20: 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 ....__TI_interna\n 00000f30: 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 l./home/peko/aut\n 00000f40: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000f50: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000f60: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000f70: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000f80: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m572x/PRU_Halt.T\n 000018a0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000018b0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000018c0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000018d0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n 000018e0: 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 struments Incorp\n 000018f0: 6f72 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 orated.uint32_t.\n 00001900: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001910: 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 empty.h./home/pe\n 00001920: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001930: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001940: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001950: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001960: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00001970: 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 x/PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001980: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001990: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000019a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 000019d0: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 000019e0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 000019f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00001a00: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00001a10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001a20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001a30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001a40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001a50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001a60: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f48 616c s/am572x/PRU_Hal\n 00001a70: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001a80: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001a90: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00001aa0: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -961,16 +961,16 @@\n 00003c00: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 00003c10: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00003c20: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00003c30: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00003c40: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00003c50: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00003c60: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00003c70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3252 5030 5845 ubtypes.TI2RP0XE\n-00003c80: 5975 3500 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 Yu5..resource_ta\n+00003c70: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3562 594a 6947 ubtypes.TI5bYJiG\n+00003c80: 4630 4b00 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 F0K..resource_ta\n 00003c90: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00003ca0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00003cb0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00003cc0: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00003cd0: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n 00003ce0: 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 3sTEia.TIenzHQ2Y\n 00003cf0: 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a 7537 006c ae.TIiBXWmgzu7.l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/812.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset da in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdb refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 52 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 123 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3606 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 6...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m572x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000130: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000140: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000150: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000160: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 30_b2....{R30_b3\n 000006c0: 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000006d0: 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000006e0: 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 1a01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000006f0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000700: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000710: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000720: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000730: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000740: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000750: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00000760: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000770: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000780: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000790: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 Table...@.....pr\n 000007f0: 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 u_remoteproc_Res\n 00000800: 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1201 0000 ourceTable......\n 00000810: 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000820: 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000830: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000840: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000850: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000850: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000860: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000870: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000880: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 m572x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000890: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000008a0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000008b0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 000008c0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0000 0502 0000 0000 0501 3205 020e 0501 ..........2.....\n 00000b20: 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 _...............\n 00000b30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b40: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000b50: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b60: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b70: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000b80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000b90: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ba0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000bb0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000bc0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000bd0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000be0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000bf0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00000e60: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00000e70: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00000e80: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00000e90: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00000ea0: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000eb0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000ec0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000ed0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ee0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000ef0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00000f00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f20: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f30: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f40: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00000f50: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000f60: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000f70: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000f80: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -253,15 +253,15 @@\n 00000fc0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00000fd0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00000fe0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00000ff0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00001000: 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _empty.h./home/p\n 00001010: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001020: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001030: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001030: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001040: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001050: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00001060: 3278 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 2x/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00001070: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001080: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001090: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000010a0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@\n 000010f0: 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 .I..@...........\n 00001100: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 ...%..@.........\n 00001110: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f ...9.:.;......./\n 00001120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 00001130: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 00001140: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001150: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001160: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001160: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001170: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001180: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001190: 3732 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 72x/PRU_Halt.TI \n 000011a0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000011b0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000011c0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000011d0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 0000 0000 5449 3252 5030 5845 5975 3500 ....TI2RP0XEYu5.\n+00001990: 0000 0000 5449 3562 594a 6947 4630 4b00 ....TI5bYJiGF0K.\n 000019a0: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 000019b0: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 000019c0: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 000019d0: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019f0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 00001a00: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/828.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 11 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 66 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 9 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 15 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 8106 0000 ...*....... ....\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f ........PRU_MAC_\n 00000150: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 000001c0: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 000001d0: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 000001e0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000001f0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@\n 000007a0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 000007b0: 6275 6600 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 buf...5.....buf.\n 000007c0: 003a 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 .:...........PRU\n 000007d0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000007e0: 6375 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 cum.c....../home\n 000007f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000800: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000810: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000810: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000820: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000830: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00000840: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 572x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 00000850: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 00000860: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000870: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000880: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@\n 000008e0: 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f .pru_remoteproc_\n 000008f0: 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 ResourceTable...\n 00000900: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d ...........PRU_M\n 00000910: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000920: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 7c00 0000 m.c.........|...\n 00000930: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000940: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000950: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000960: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000970: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000980: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am572x/PRU_M\n 00000990: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 000009a0: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000009b0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000009c0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000d90: 6d2e 6300 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 m.c.............\n 00000da0: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 00000dc0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 00000dd0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 00000de0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000df0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000e00: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 00000e10: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 00000e20: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 dint.h........6.\n 00000e30: 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....-...........\n 00000e40: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 ..........resour\n 00000e50: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 ........<.....3.\n@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@\n 00001030: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00001040: 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00001050: 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1300 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00001060: 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 ...PRU_MAC_Multi\n 00001070: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 6f6d ply_Accum.c./hom\n 00001080: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001090: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000010a0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000010a0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000010b0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000010c0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000010d0: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m572x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 000010e0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 000010f0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001100: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001110: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001250: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001260: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 g double........\n 00001270: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e ....%..@........\n 00001280: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 ..9.:.;.I...../h\n 00001290: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012a0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000012b0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000012b0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000012c0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000012d0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 000012e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000012f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001300: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001300: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001310: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001320: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001330: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am572x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001340: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001350: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001360: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001370: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -318,15 +318,15 @@\n 000013d0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 000013e0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000013f0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 00001400: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 00001410: 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d ble_empty.h./hom\n 00001420: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001430: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001440: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001440: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001450: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001460: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001470: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 m572x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001480: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001490: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000014a0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000014b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -338,15 +338,15 @@\n 00001510: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001520: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001530: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 00001540: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 00001550: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 00001560: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001570: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001580: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001580: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001590: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000015a0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000015b0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 572x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000015c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000015d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000015e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000015f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -501,16 +501,16 @@\n 00001f40: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 0600 0000 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 ................\n 00001f70: 0600 0000 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 ................\n 00001f80: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f90: 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001fa0: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 .............TI2\n-00001fc0: 5144 6164 5643 5a59 0024 4324 4c31 0024 QDadVCZY.$C$L1.$\n+00001fb0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+00001fc0: 6274 6935 4c52 4c48 0024 4324 4c31 0024 bti5LRLH.$C$L1.$\n 00001fd0: 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 C$L2.$C$L3.$C$L4\n 00001fe0: 002e 7465 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 ..text..resource\n 00001ff0: 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 _table:retain..t\n 00002000: 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f ext:main..debug_\n 00002010: 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 info..debug_line\n 00002020: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 ..debug_frame..d\n 00002030: 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 ebug_abbrev..deb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/829.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000100: 0000 0000 0000 0000 8106 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 00000110: 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 ....PRU_MAC_Mult\n 00000120: 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 0000 0000 iply_Accum.c....\n 00000130: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000140: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000160: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000170: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000180: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000190: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 000001a0: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000001b0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000001c0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0702 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000770: 315f 6233 0008 0503 0000 0000 6275 6600 1_b3........buf.\n 00000780: 0a01 3501 0501 0000 6275 6600 003a 0100 ..5.....buf..:..\n 00000790: 0003 006a 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 ...j.....PRU_MAC\n 000007a0: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e _Multiply_Accum.\n 000007b0: 6300 3c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c.<..../home/pek\n 000007c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000007d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000007e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000007f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000800: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 /examples/am572x\n 00000810: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 00000820: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 00000830: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000840: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f _remoteproc_Reso\n 000008c0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0091 0100 0003 urceTable.......\n 000008d0: 0093 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d .......PRU_MAC_M\n 000008e0: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 ultiply_Accum.c.\n 000008f0: 7600 0000 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f v............/ho\n 00000900: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000910: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000920: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000920: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000930: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000940: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000950: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am572x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00000960: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00000970: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000980: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000990: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@\n 000010c0: 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 6578 bort.exit.c.b.ex\n 000010d0: 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 6172 it.c.f.TI Librar\n 000010e0: 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 7400 y...loader_exit.\n 000010f0: 9800 0000 0100 00d9 0000 0003 0015 0300 ................\n 00001100: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00001110: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001120: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001130: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001140: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001150: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001160: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am572x/PRU_M\n 00001170: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001180: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 m.TI PRU Linker \n 00001190: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000011a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 000012e0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 000012f0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001300: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001310: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001320: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00001330: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00001340: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00001350: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00001360: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00001370: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00001380: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001390: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 000013a0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 000013b0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -412,15 +412,15 @@\n 000019b0: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 000019c0: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 000019d0: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 000019e0: 0b00 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c .....PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000019f0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 2f68 tiply_Accum.c./h\n 00001a00: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001a10: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001a20: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001a20: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001a30: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001a40: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001a50: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f /am572x/PRU_MAC_\n 00001a60: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -441,20 +441,20 @@\n 00001b80: 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 nt.long.unsigned\n 00001b90: 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 long.long long.\n 00001ba0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00001bb0: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00001bc0: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f long double../ho\n 00001bd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001be0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001bf0: 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-1/host/share\n+00001bf0: 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 put-2/host/share\n 00001c00: 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c /ti-cgt-pru/incl\n 00001c10: 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f ude/stdint.h./ho\n 00001c20: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c30: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001c40: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001c40: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001c50: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001c60: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001c70: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d am572x/PRU_MAC_M\n 00001c80: 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 ultiply_Accum.TI\n 00001c90: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001ca0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001cb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -462,15 +462,15 @@\n 00001cd0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 00001ce0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 rated.uint8_t.ui\n 00001cf0: 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt16_t.uint32_t.\n 00001d00: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 uint64_t..resour\n 00001d10: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00001d20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001d40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001d50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001d60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001d70: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f4d les/am572x/PRU_M\n 00001d80: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00001d90: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001da0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001db0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -478,15 +478,15 @@\n 00001dd0: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n 00001de0: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 6d79 5f72 6573 orporated.my_res\n 00001df0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 6500 6261 7365 ource_table.base\n 00001e00: 006f 6666 7365 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .offset..../../.\n 00001e10: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 ./include/rsc_ty\n 00001e20: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 00001e30: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001e40: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001e50: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001e60: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001e70: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001e80: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001e90: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001ea0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001eb0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1044,16 +1044,16 @@\n 00004130: 002e 6372 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e ..creg.DDR.far..\n 00004140: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00004150: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00004160: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00004170: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00004180: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00004190: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-000041a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3251 ug_pubtypes.TI2Q\n-000041b0: 4461 6456 435a 5900 2443 244c 3100 2443 DadVCZY.$C$L1.$C\n+000041a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3562 ug_pubtypes.TI5b\n+000041b0: 7469 354c 524c 4800 2443 244c 3100 2443 ti5LRLH.$C$L1.$C\n 000041c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 000041d0: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 000041e0: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n 000041f0: 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 n.TIe8gLFJC7w..t\n 00004200: 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 ext:_c_int00_noi\n 00004210: 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c nit_noargs.TIekl\n 00004220: 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 Kr8I40.TIemR3sTE\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.c\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/843.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3330 0000 0000 1002 1100 0100 0300 l 30............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ....!...........\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m572x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00000650: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 6231 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000fc0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000fd0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 payload...E.:...\n 00000fe0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 00ba payload.........\n 00000ff0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 .....main.c.J...\n 00001000: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001010: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001030: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001040: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001050: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00001060: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00001070: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_0.TI PRU C/\n 00001080: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001090: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000010c0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 000010d0: 0205 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ....`..CT_CFG...\n 000010e0: f601 4d02 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 ..M...CT_CFG....\n 000010f0: 0000 0300 e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001100: 0093 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt1_0.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -285,15 +285,15 @@\n 000011c0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000011d0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 ted.........CT_I\n 000011e0: 4e54 4300 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f NTC...Y......CT_\n 000011f0: 494e 5443 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 INTC............\n 00001200: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00dd 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00001210: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001220: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001230: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001230: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001240: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001250: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001260: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am572x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001270: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001280: 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001290: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000012a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 000012e0: 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ....pru_intc_map\n 000012f0: 000f 013c 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...<.....pru_int\n 00001300: 635f 6d61 7000 000f 0100 0003 0035 0100 c_map........5..\n 00001310: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 1301 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00001320: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001330: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001340: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001340: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001350: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001360: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001370: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am572x/PRU_RPM\n 00001380: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001390: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000013b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@\n 000013f0: 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 .....resourceTab\n 00001400: 6c65 001a 0150 017c 4c00 0072 6573 6f75 le...P.|L..resou\n 00001410: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00001420: 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0049 0100 ^.....main.c.I..\n 00001430: 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00001440: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001450: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001460: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001460: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001470: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001480: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001490: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000014a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 000014b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000014c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000014d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2026,15 +2026,15 @@\n 00007e90: 0000 0279 2500 0002 1c01 2df7 4a00 0002 ...y%.....-.J...\n 00007ea0: 8225 0000 021c 012f 054b 0000 028b 2500 .%...../.K....%.\n 00007eb0: 0002 2001 3321 4b00 0002 9425 0000 021a .. .3!K....%....\n 00007ec0: 0153 054b 0000 00de 0000 0003 00e6 0c00 .S.K............\n 00007ed0: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00007ee0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007ef0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007f10: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007f20: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007f30: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007f40: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007f50: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 upt1_0.TI PRU Li\n 00007f60: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00007f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2081,15 +2081,15 @@\n 00008200: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00008210: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 00008220: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00008230: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 00008240: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 00008250: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00008260: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00008280: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00008290: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 000082a0: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 000082b0: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 000082c0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 000082d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000082e0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -2629,15 +2629,15 @@\n 0000a440: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000a450: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000a460: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000a470: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d35 ./../include/am5\n 0000a480: 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 6366 672e 72x_2_0/pru_cfg.\n 0000a490: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a4a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a4c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a4d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a4e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000a4f0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a500: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 0000a510: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a520: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2730,15 +2730,15 @@\n 0000aa90: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 5057 4d30 5f52 N_MUX_SEL.PWM0_R\n 0000aaa0: 454d 4150 5f45 4e00 5057 4d33 5f52 454d EMAP_EN.PWM3_REM\n 0000aab0: 4150 5f45 4e00 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e AP_EN.pruCfg....\n 0000aac0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 0000aad0: 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 696e m572x_2_0/pru_in\n 0000aae0: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aaf0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000ab10: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000ab20: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000ab30: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 0000ab40: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000ab50: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_0.TI PR\n 0000ab60: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000ab70: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2941,15 +2941,15 @@\n 0000b7c0: 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 4552 0048 ST_HINT_9.HIER.H\n 0000b7d0: 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 IER_bit.ENABLE_H\n 0000b7e0: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 0000b7f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 0000b800: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 0000b810: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b820: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b830: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b830: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b840: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b850: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000b860: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b870: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 0000b880: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b890: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b8a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2982,20 +2982,20 @@\n 0000ba50: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 0000ba60: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 0000ba70: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 0000ba80: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 0000ba90: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 0000baa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bab0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bac0: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+0000bac0: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 0000bad0: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 0000bae0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 0000baf0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bb00: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bb10: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bb10: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bb20: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bb30: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bb40: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bb50: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 0000bb60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bb70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bb80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3005,15 +3005,15 @@\n 0000bbc0: 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f .int16_t.uint16_\n 0000bbd0: 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 t.int32_t.uint32\n 0000bbe0: 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f _t.uint64_t..../\n 0000bbf0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 0000bc00: 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_types.h./home/\n 0000bc10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bc20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bc30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bc30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bc40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bc50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bc60: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bc70: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 0000bc80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bc90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bca0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3024,15 +3024,15 @@\n 0000bcf0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 0000bd00: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 0000bd10: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 0000bd20: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 0000bd30: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 0000bd40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bd50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bd60: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bd60: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bd70: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bd80: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bd90: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bda0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 0000bdb0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bdc0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bdd0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3043,15 +3043,15 @@\n 0000be20: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 0000be30: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 0000be40: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 msg_vring1.pru_i\n 0000be50: 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e nts..../../../in\n 0000be60: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 0000be70: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000be80: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000bea0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000beb0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000bec0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000bed0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000bee0: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 0000bef0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000bf00: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3064,15 +3064,15 @@\n 0000bf70: 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 ROY.pru_rpmsg_tr\n 0000bf80: 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 ansport.virtqueu\n 0000bf90: 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e e0.virtqueue1...\n 0000bfa0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 0000bfb0: 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 pru_virtqueue.h.\n 0000bfc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000bfd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000bff0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000c000: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000c010: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am572x/PRU_RP\n 0000c020: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000c030: 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_0.TI PRU C/C\n 0000c040: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000c050: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3083,15 +3083,15 @@\n 0000c0a0: 6f5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d o_arm_event.from\n 0000c0b0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f _arm_event.last_\n 0000c0c0: 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 avail_idx.vring.\n 0000c0d0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000c0e0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e e/pru_virtio_rin\n 0000c0f0: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000c100: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000c120: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000c130: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000c140: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 0000c150: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000c160: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_0.TI PRU\n 0000c170: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000c180: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4062,16 +4062,16 @@\n 0000fdd0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fde0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fdf0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fe00: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fe10: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fe20: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fe30: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3249 4a62 5154 ubtypes.TI2IJbQT\n-0000fe50: 7652 5100 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 vRQ.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3459 637a 586f ubtypes.TI4YczXo\n+0000fe50: 614c 6b00 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 aLk.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fe60: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fe70: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fe80: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fe90: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fea0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000feb0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fec0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/844.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 u.Channel 30....\n 00000290: 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e !...........main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@\n 00000c80: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000c90: 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00000ca0: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 7061 796c oad...E.:...payl\n 00000cb0: 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00000cc0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000cd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000ce0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000cf0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000cf0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000d00: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000d10: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000d20: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000d30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00000d40: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000d50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000d60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00000d90: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000da0: 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f601 4d02 ...CT_CFG.....M.\n 00000db0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 00000dc0: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000dd0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000de0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000e00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000e10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000e20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000e30: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000e40: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 00000e50: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000e60: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@\n 00000e90: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000ea0: 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000eb0: 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 ..Y......CT_INTC\n 00000ec0: 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000ed0: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000ee0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000ef0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f00: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f00: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f10: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f20: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000f30: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000f40: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 00000f50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000f60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000fb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c pru_intc_map...<\n 00000fc0: 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000fd0: 7000 000f 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d p..............m\n 00000fe0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001050: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00001060: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001070: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001080: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000010c0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a .resourceTable..\n 000010d0: 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .P.....resourceT\n 000010e0: 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 000010f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..main.c........\n 00001100: 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt1_0.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -1355,15 +1355,15 @@\n 000054a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c types.h.........\n 000054b0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 000054c0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 000054d0: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 000054e0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 000054f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005500: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005510: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00005510: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00005520: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00005530: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00005540: 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff ..<.....3.......\n 00005550: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e ................\n 00005560: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 00005570: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 ru_types.h......\n 00005580: 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 00ff ..2.....).......\n@@ -1429,15 +1429,15 @@\n 00005940: 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005950: 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00005960: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005970: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3537 3278 5f32 5f30 clude/am572x_2_0\n 00005980: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00005990: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000059a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000059b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000059b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000059c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000059d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000059e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000059f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00005a00: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005a10: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005a20: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1546,15 +1546,15 @@\n 00006090: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 000060a0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 000060b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000060c0: 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 de/am572x_2_0/pr\n 000060d0: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 000060e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000060f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00006100: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00006100: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00006110: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00006120: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00006130: 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 2x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00006140: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 o_Interrupt1_0.T\n 00006150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1766,15 +1766,15 @@\n 00006e50: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e60: 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .;............9.\n 00006e70: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e80: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00006e90: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006ea0: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00006eb0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00006ed0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00006ee0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00006ef0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 00006f00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00006f10: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_0.TI PRU\n 00006f20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00006f30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1811,20 +1811,20 @@\n 00007120: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00007130: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 00007140: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 00007150: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 00007160: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00007170: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 00007180: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071a0: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 000071b0: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 000071c0: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 000071d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00007200: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00007210: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00007220: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00007230: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 00007240: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00007250: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@\n 000072d0: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 000072e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000072f0: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007300: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007310: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 00007320: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007330: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007350: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007360: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007370: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007380: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007390: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_0.TI PRU C/\n 000073a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000073b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1861,15 +1861,15 @@\n 00007440: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 00007450: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00007460: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00007470: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00007480: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00007490: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000074a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000074b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000074b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000074c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000074d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000074e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000074f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00007500: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00007510: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00007520: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1886,15 +1886,15 @@\n 000075d0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 000075e0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 000075f0: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00007600: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007610: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00007620: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007630: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007640: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007640: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007650: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007660: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007670: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00007680: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00007690: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000076a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000076b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1910,15 +1910,15 @@\n 00007750: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00007760: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00007770: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007780: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007790: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 lude/pru_virtque\n 000077a0: 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ue.h./home/peko/\n 000077b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000077d0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000077e0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000077f0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00007800: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00007810: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_0.TI PR\n 00007820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00007830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -1933,15 +1933,15 @@\n 000078c0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000078d0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000078e0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 000078f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007900: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00007910: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00007920: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00007940: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00007950: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00007960: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00007970: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00007980: 7272 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_0.TI PRU \n 00007990: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000079a0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3193,16 +3193,16 @@\n 0000c780: 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c790: 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7a0: 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7b0: 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000c7d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 0000c7e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 494a 6251 .........TI2IJbQ\n-0000c800: 5476 5251 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 TvRQ.$C$L1.$C$L2\n+0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4934 5963 7a58 .........TI4YczX\n+0000c800: 6f61 4c6b 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 oaLk.$C$L1.$C$L2\n 0000c810: 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 .$C$L3.$C$L4.$C$\n 0000c820: 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 SL1.$C$SL2..text\n 0000c830: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e ..creg.PRU_CFG.n\n 0000c840: 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 oload.near..creg\n 0000c850: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000c860: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000c870: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/859.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3331 0000 0000 1203 1301 0100 0300 l 31............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ....!...........\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m572x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00000650: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 6231 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000fc0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000fd0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 payload...E.:...\n 00000fe0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 00ba payload.........\n 00000ff0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 .....main.c.J...\n 00001000: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001010: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001030: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001040: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001050: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00001060: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00001070: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_1.TI PRU C/\n 00001080: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001090: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000010c0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 000010d0: 0205 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ....`..CT_CFG...\n 000010e0: f601 4d02 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 ..M...CT_CFG....\n 000010f0: 0000 0300 e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001100: 0093 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt1_1.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -285,15 +285,15 @@\n 000011c0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000011d0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 ted.........CT_I\n 000011e0: 4e54 4300 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f NTC...Y......CT_\n 000011f0: 494e 5443 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 INTC............\n 00001200: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00dd 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00001210: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001220: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001230: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001230: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001240: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001250: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001260: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am572x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001270: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001280: 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001290: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000012a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 000012e0: 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ....pru_intc_map\n 000012f0: 000f 013c 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...<.....pru_int\n 00001300: 635f 6d61 7000 000f 0100 0003 0035 0100 c_map........5..\n 00001310: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 1301 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00001320: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001330: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001340: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001340: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001350: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001360: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001370: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am572x/PRU_RPM\n 00001380: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001390: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000013b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@\n 000013f0: 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 .....resourceTab\n 00001400: 6c65 001a 0150 017c 4c00 0072 6573 6f75 le...P.|L..resou\n 00001410: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00001420: 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0049 0100 ^.....main.c.I..\n 00001430: 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00001440: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001450: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001460: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001460: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001470: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001480: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001490: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000014a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 000014b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000014c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000014d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2026,15 +2026,15 @@\n 00007e90: 0000 0279 2500 0002 1c01 2df7 4a00 0002 ...y%.....-.J...\n 00007ea0: 8225 0000 021c 012f 054b 0000 028b 2500 .%...../.K....%.\n 00007eb0: 0002 2001 3321 4b00 0002 9425 0000 021a .. .3!K....%....\n 00007ec0: 0153 054b 0000 00de 0000 0003 00e6 0c00 .S.K............\n 00007ed0: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00007ee0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007ef0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007f10: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007f20: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007f30: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007f40: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007f50: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 upt1_1.TI PRU Li\n 00007f60: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00007f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2081,15 +2081,15 @@\n 00008200: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00008210: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 00008220: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00008230: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 00008240: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 00008250: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00008260: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00008280: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00008290: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 000082a0: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 000082b0: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 000082c0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 000082d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000082e0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -2629,15 +2629,15 @@\n 0000a440: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000a450: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000a460: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000a470: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d35 ./../include/am5\n 0000a480: 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 6366 672e 72x_2_0/pru_cfg.\n 0000a490: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a4a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a4c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a4d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a4e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000a4f0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a500: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 0000a510: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a520: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2730,15 +2730,15 @@\n 0000aa90: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 5057 4d30 5f52 N_MUX_SEL.PWM0_R\n 0000aaa0: 454d 4150 5f45 4e00 5057 4d33 5f52 454d EMAP_EN.PWM3_REM\n 0000aab0: 4150 5f45 4e00 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e AP_EN.pruCfg....\n 0000aac0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 0000aad0: 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 696e m572x_2_0/pru_in\n 0000aae0: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aaf0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000ab10: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000ab20: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000ab30: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 0000ab40: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000ab50: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_1.TI PR\n 0000ab60: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000ab70: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2941,15 +2941,15 @@\n 0000b7c0: 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 4552 0048 ST_HINT_9.HIER.H\n 0000b7d0: 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 IER_bit.ENABLE_H\n 0000b7e0: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 0000b7f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 0000b800: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 0000b810: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b820: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b830: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b830: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b840: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b850: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000b860: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b870: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 0000b880: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b890: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b8a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2982,20 +2982,20 @@\n 0000ba50: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 0000ba60: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 0000ba70: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 0000ba80: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 0000ba90: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 0000baa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bab0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bac0: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+0000bac0: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 0000bad0: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 0000bae0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 0000baf0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bb00: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bb10: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bb10: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bb20: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bb30: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bb40: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bb50: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 0000bb60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bb70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bb80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3005,15 +3005,15 @@\n 0000bbc0: 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f .int16_t.uint16_\n 0000bbd0: 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 t.int32_t.uint32\n 0000bbe0: 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f _t.uint64_t..../\n 0000bbf0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 0000bc00: 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_types.h./home/\n 0000bc10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bc20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bc30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bc30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bc40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bc50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bc60: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bc70: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 0000bc80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bc90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bca0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3024,15 +3024,15 @@\n 0000bcf0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 0000bd00: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 0000bd10: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 0000bd20: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 0000bd30: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 0000bd40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bd50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bd60: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bd60: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bd70: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bd80: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bd90: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bda0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 0000bdb0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bdc0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bdd0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3043,15 +3043,15 @@\n 0000be20: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 0000be30: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 0000be40: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 msg_vring1.pru_i\n 0000be50: 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e nts..../../../in\n 0000be60: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 0000be70: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000be80: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000bea0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000beb0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000bec0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000bed0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000bee0: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 0000bef0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000bf00: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3064,15 +3064,15 @@\n 0000bf70: 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 ROY.pru_rpmsg_tr\n 0000bf80: 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 ansport.virtqueu\n 0000bf90: 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e e0.virtqueue1...\n 0000bfa0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 0000bfb0: 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 pru_virtqueue.h.\n 0000bfc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000bfd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000bff0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000c000: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000c010: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am572x/PRU_RP\n 0000c020: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000c030: 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_1.TI PRU C/C\n 0000c040: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000c050: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3083,15 +3083,15 @@\n 0000c0a0: 6f5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d o_arm_event.from\n 0000c0b0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f _arm_event.last_\n 0000c0c0: 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 avail_idx.vring.\n 0000c0d0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000c0e0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e e/pru_virtio_rin\n 0000c0f0: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000c100: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000c120: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000c130: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000c140: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 0000c150: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000c160: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_1.TI PRU\n 0000c170: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000c180: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4062,16 +4062,16 @@\n 0000fdd0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fde0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fdf0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fe00: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fe10: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fe20: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fe30: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324b 394e 7336 ubtypes.TI2K9Ns6\n-0000fe50: 7776 3600 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 wv6.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3530 316c 6253 ubtypes.TI501lbS\n+0000fe50: 4b46 4400 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 KFD.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fe60: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fe70: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fe80: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fe90: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fea0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000feb0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fec0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/860.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 u.Channel 31....\n 00000290: 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e !...........main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@\n 00000c80: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000c90: 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00000ca0: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 7061 796c oad...E.:...payl\n 00000cb0: 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00000cc0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000cd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000ce0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000cf0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000cf0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000d00: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000d10: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000d20: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000d30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00000d40: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000d50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000d60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00000d90: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000da0: 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f601 4d02 ...CT_CFG.....M.\n 00000db0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 00000dc0: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000dd0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000de0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000e00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000e10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000e20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000e30: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000e40: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 00000e50: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000e60: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@\n 00000e90: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000ea0: 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000eb0: 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 ..Y......CT_INTC\n 00000ec0: 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000ed0: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000ee0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000ef0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f00: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f00: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f10: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f20: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000f30: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000f40: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 00000f50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000f60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000fb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c pru_intc_map...<\n 00000fc0: 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000fd0: 7000 000f 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d p..............m\n 00000fe0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001050: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00001060: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001070: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001080: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000010c0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a .resourceTable..\n 000010d0: 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .P.....resourceT\n 000010e0: 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 000010f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..main.c........\n 00001100: 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt1_1.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -1355,15 +1355,15 @@\n 000054a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c types.h.........\n 000054b0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 000054c0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 000054d0: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 000054e0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 000054f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005500: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005510: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00005510: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00005520: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00005530: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00005540: 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff ..<.....3.......\n 00005550: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e ................\n 00005560: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 00005570: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 ru_types.h......\n 00005580: 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 00ff ..2.....).......\n@@ -1429,15 +1429,15 @@\n 00005940: 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005950: 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00005960: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005970: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3537 3278 5f32 5f30 clude/am572x_2_0\n 00005980: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00005990: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000059a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000059b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000059b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000059c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000059d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000059e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000059f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00005a00: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005a10: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005a20: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1546,15 +1546,15 @@\n 00006090: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 000060a0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 000060b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000060c0: 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 de/am572x_2_0/pr\n 000060d0: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 000060e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000060f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00006100: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00006100: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00006110: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00006120: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00006130: 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 2x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00006140: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 o_Interrupt1_1.T\n 00006150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1766,15 +1766,15 @@\n 00006e50: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e60: 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .;............9.\n 00006e70: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e80: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00006e90: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006ea0: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00006eb0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00006ed0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00006ee0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00006ef0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 00006f00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00006f10: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_1.TI PRU\n 00006f20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00006f30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1811,20 +1811,20 @@\n 00007120: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00007130: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 00007140: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 00007150: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 00007160: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00007170: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 00007180: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071a0: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 000071b0: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 000071c0: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 000071d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00007200: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00007210: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00007220: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00007230: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 00007240: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00007250: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@\n 000072d0: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 000072e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000072f0: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007300: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007310: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 00007320: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007330: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007350: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007360: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007370: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007380: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007390: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_1.TI PRU C/\n 000073a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000073b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1861,15 +1861,15 @@\n 00007440: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 00007450: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00007460: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00007470: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00007480: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 00007490: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000074a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000074b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000074b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000074c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000074d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000074e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000074f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00007500: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00007510: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00007520: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1886,15 +1886,15 @@\n 000075d0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 000075e0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 000075f0: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00007600: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007610: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00007620: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007630: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007640: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007640: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007650: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007660: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007670: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00007680: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00007690: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000076a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000076b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1910,15 +1910,15 @@\n 00007750: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00007760: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00007770: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007780: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007790: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 lude/pru_virtque\n 000077a0: 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ue.h./home/peko/\n 000077b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000077d0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000077e0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000077f0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00007800: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00007810: 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt1_1.TI PR\n 00007820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00007830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -1933,15 +1933,15 @@\n 000078c0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000078d0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000078e0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 000078f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007900: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00007910: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00007920: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00007940: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00007950: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00007960: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00007970: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00007980: 7272 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt1_1.TI PRU \n 00007990: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000079a0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3193,16 +3193,16 @@\n 0000c780: 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c790: 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7a0: 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7b0: 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000c7d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 0000c7e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4b39 4e73 .........TI2K9Ns\n-0000c800: 3677 7636 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 6wv6.$C$L1.$C$L2\n+0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 3031 6c62 .........TI501lb\n+0000c800: 534b 4644 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 SKFD.$C$L1.$C$L2\n 0000c810: 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 .$C$L3.$C$L4.$C$\n 0000c820: 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 SL1.$C$SL2..text\n 0000c830: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e ..creg.PRU_CFG.n\n 0000c840: 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 oload.near..creg\n 0000c850: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000c860: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000c870: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/875.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3332 0000 0000 1002 1100 0100 0300 l 32............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ....!...........\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m572x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f Echo_Interrupt2_\n 00000650: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 6231 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000fc0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000fd0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 payload...E.:...\n 00000fe0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 00ba payload.........\n 00000ff0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 .....main.c.J...\n 00001000: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001010: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001030: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001040: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001050: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00001060: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00001070: 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt2_0.TI PRU C/\n 00001080: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001090: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000010c0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 000010d0: 0205 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ....`..CT_CFG...\n 000010e0: f601 4d02 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 ..M...CT_CFG....\n 000010f0: 0000 0300 e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001100: 0093 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt2_0.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -285,15 +285,15 @@\n 000011c0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000011d0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 ted.........CT_I\n 000011e0: 4e54 4300 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f NTC...Y......CT_\n 000011f0: 494e 5443 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 INTC............\n 00001200: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00dd 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00001210: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001220: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001230: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001230: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001240: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001250: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001260: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am572x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001270: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001280: 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001290: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000012a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 000012e0: 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ....pru_intc_map\n 000012f0: 000f 013c 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...<.....pru_int\n 00001300: 635f 6d61 7000 000f 0100 0003 0035 0100 c_map........5..\n 00001310: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 1301 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00001320: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001330: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001340: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001340: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001350: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001360: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001370: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am572x/PRU_RPM\n 00001380: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001390: 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t2_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000013b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@\n 000013f0: 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 .....resourceTab\n 00001400: 6c65 001a 0150 017c 4c00 0072 6573 6f75 le...P.|L..resou\n 00001410: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00001420: 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0049 0100 ^.....main.c.I..\n 00001430: 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00001440: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001450: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001460: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001460: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001470: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001480: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001490: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000014a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 ho_Interrupt2_0.\n 000014b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000014c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000014d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2026,15 +2026,15 @@\n 00007e90: 0000 0279 2500 0002 1c01 2df7 4a00 0002 ...y%.....-.J...\n 00007ea0: 8225 0000 021c 012f 054b 0000 028b 2500 .%...../.K....%.\n 00007eb0: 0002 2001 3321 4b00 0002 9425 0000 021a .. .3!K....%....\n 00007ec0: 0153 054b 0000 00de 0000 0003 00e6 0c00 .S.K............\n 00007ed0: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00007ee0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007ef0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007f10: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007f20: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007f30: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007f40: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007f50: 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 upt2_0.TI PRU Li\n 00007f60: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00007f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2081,15 +2081,15 @@\n 00008200: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00008210: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 00008220: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00008230: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 00008240: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 00008250: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00008260: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00008280: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00008290: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 000082a0: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 000082b0: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 000082c0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 000082d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000082e0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -2629,15 +2629,15 @@\n 0000a440: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000a450: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000a460: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000a470: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d35 ./../include/am5\n 0000a480: 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 6366 672e 72x_2_0/pru_cfg.\n 0000a490: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a4a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a4c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a4d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a4e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000a4f0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a500: 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_0.TI PRU C\n 0000a510: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a520: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2730,15 +2730,15 @@\n 0000aa90: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 5057 4d30 5f52 N_MUX_SEL.PWM0_R\n 0000aaa0: 454d 4150 5f45 4e00 5057 4d33 5f52 454d EMAP_EN.PWM3_REM\n 0000aab0: 4150 5f45 4e00 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e AP_EN.pruCfg....\n 0000aac0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 0000aad0: 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 696e m572x_2_0/pru_in\n 0000aae0: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aaf0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000ab10: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000ab20: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000ab30: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 0000ab40: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000ab50: 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt2_0.TI PR\n 0000ab60: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000ab70: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2941,15 +2941,15 @@\n 0000b7c0: 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 4552 0048 ST_HINT_9.HIER.H\n 0000b7d0: 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 IER_bit.ENABLE_H\n 0000b7e0: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 0000b7f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 0000b800: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 0000b810: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b820: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b830: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b830: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b840: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b850: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000b860: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b870: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 ho_Interrupt2_0.\n 0000b880: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b890: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b8a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2982,20 +2982,20 @@\n 0000ba50: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 0000ba60: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 0000ba70: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 0000ba80: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 0000ba90: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 0000baa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bab0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bac0: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+0000bac0: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 0000bad0: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 0000bae0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 0000baf0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bb00: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bb10: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bb10: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bb20: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bb30: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bb40: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bb50: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 cho_Interrupt2_0\n 0000bb60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bb70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bb80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3005,15 +3005,15 @@\n 0000bbc0: 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f .int16_t.uint16_\n 0000bbd0: 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 t.int32_t.uint32\n 0000bbe0: 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f _t.uint64_t..../\n 0000bbf0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 0000bc00: 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_types.h./home/\n 0000bc10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bc20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bc30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bc30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bc40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bc50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bc60: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bc70: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 ho_Interrupt2_0.\n 0000bc80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bc90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bca0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3024,15 +3024,15 @@\n 0000bcf0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 0000bd00: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 0000bd10: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 0000bd20: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 0000bd30: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 0000bd40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bd50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bd60: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bd60: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bd70: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bd80: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bd90: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bda0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 ho_Interrupt2_0.\n 0000bdb0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bdc0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bdd0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3043,15 +3043,15 @@\n 0000be20: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 0000be30: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 0000be40: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 msg_vring1.pru_i\n 0000be50: 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e nts..../../../in\n 0000be60: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 0000be70: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000be80: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000bea0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000beb0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000bec0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000bed0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000bee0: 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_0.TI PRU C\n 0000bef0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000bf00: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3064,15 +3064,15 @@\n 0000bf70: 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 ROY.pru_rpmsg_tr\n 0000bf80: 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 ansport.virtqueu\n 0000bf90: 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e e0.virtqueue1...\n 0000bfa0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 0000bfb0: 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 pru_virtqueue.h.\n 0000bfc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000bfd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000bff0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000c000: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000c010: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am572x/PRU_RP\n 0000c020: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000c030: 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt2_0.TI PRU C/C\n 0000c040: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000c050: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3083,15 +3083,15 @@\n 0000c0a0: 6f5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d o_arm_event.from\n 0000c0b0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f _arm_event.last_\n 0000c0c0: 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 avail_idx.vring.\n 0000c0d0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000c0e0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e e/pru_virtio_rin\n 0000c0f0: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000c100: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000c120: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000c130: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000c140: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 0000c150: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000c160: 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt2_0.TI PRU\n 0000c170: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000c180: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4062,16 +4062,16 @@\n 0000fdd0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fde0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fdf0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fe00: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fe10: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fe20: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fe30: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324c 6549 546f ubtypes.TI2LeITo\n-0000fe50: 484d 6c00 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 HMl.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3531 456e 4843 ubtypes.TI51EnHC\n+0000fe50: 6179 5700 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 ayW.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fe60: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fe70: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fe80: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fe90: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fea0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000feb0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fec0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/876.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 0000 0000 u.Channel 32....\n 00000290: 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e !...........main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 _Interrupt2_0.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@\n 00000c80: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000c90: 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00000ca0: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 7061 796c oad...E.:...payl\n 00000cb0: 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00000cc0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000cd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000ce0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000cf0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000cf0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000d00: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000d10: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000d20: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000d30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 _Echo_Interrupt2\n 00000d40: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000d50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000d60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00000d90: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000da0: 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f601 4d02 ...CT_CFG.....M.\n 00000db0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 00000dc0: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000dd0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000de0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000e00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000e10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000e20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000e30: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000e40: 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_0.TI PRU C\n 00000e50: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000e60: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@\n 00000e90: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000ea0: 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000eb0: 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 ..Y......CT_INTC\n 00000ec0: 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000ed0: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000ee0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000ef0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f00: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f00: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f10: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f20: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000f30: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000f40: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 ho_Interrupt2_0.\n 00000f50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000f60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000fb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c pru_intc_map...<\n 00000fc0: 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000fd0: 7000 000f 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d p..............m\n 00000fe0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001050: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 cho_Interrupt2_0\n 00001060: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001070: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001080: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000010c0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a .resourceTable..\n 000010d0: 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .P.....resourceT\n 000010e0: 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 000010f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..main.c........\n 00001100: 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt2_0.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -1355,15 +1355,15 @@\n 000054a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c types.h.........\n 000054b0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 000054c0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 000054d0: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 000054e0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 000054f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005500: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005510: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00005510: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00005520: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00005530: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00005540: 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff ..<.....3.......\n 00005550: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e ................\n 00005560: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 00005570: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 ru_types.h......\n 00005580: 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 00ff ..2.....).......\n@@ -1429,15 +1429,15 @@\n 00005940: 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005950: 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00005960: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005970: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3537 3278 5f32 5f30 clude/am572x_2_0\n 00005980: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00005990: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000059a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000059b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000059b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000059c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000059d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000059e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000059f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 cho_Interrupt2_0\n 00005a00: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005a10: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005a20: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1546,15 +1546,15 @@\n 00006090: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 000060a0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 000060b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000060c0: 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 de/am572x_2_0/pr\n 000060d0: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 000060e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000060f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00006100: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00006100: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00006110: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00006120: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00006130: 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 2x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00006140: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 0054 o_Interrupt2_0.T\n 00006150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1766,15 +1766,15 @@\n 00006e50: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e60: 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .;............9.\n 00006e70: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e80: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00006e90: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006ea0: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00006eb0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00006ed0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00006ee0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00006ef0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 00006f00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00006f10: 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt2_0.TI PRU\n 00006f20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00006f30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1811,20 +1811,20 @@\n 00007120: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00007130: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 00007140: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 00007150: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 00007160: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00007170: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 00007180: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071a0: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 000071b0: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 000071c0: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 000071d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00007200: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00007210: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00007220: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00007230: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3000 5449 _Interrupt2_0.TI\n 00007240: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00007250: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@\n 000072d0: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 000072e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000072f0: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007300: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007310: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 00007320: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007330: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007350: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007360: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007370: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007380: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007390: 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt2_0.TI PRU C/\n 000073a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000073b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1861,15 +1861,15 @@\n 00007440: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 00007450: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00007460: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00007470: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00007480: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00007490: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000074a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000074b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000074b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000074c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000074d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000074e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000074f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 cho_Interrupt2_0\n 00007500: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00007510: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00007520: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1886,15 +1886,15 @@\n 000075d0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 000075e0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 000075f0: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00007600: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007610: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00007620: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007630: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007640: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007640: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007650: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007660: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007670: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00007680: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 _Echo_Interrupt2\n 00007690: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000076a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000076b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1910,15 +1910,15 @@\n 00007750: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00007760: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00007770: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007780: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007790: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 lude/pru_virtque\n 000077a0: 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ue.h./home/peko/\n 000077b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000077d0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000077e0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000077f0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00007800: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00007810: 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 terrupt2_0.TI PR\n 00007820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00007830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -1933,15 +1933,15 @@\n 000078c0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000078d0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000078e0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 000078f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007900: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00007910: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00007920: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00007940: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00007950: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00007960: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00007970: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00007980: 7272 7570 7432 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt2_0.TI PRU \n 00007990: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000079a0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3193,16 +3193,16 @@\n 0000c780: 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c790: 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7a0: 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7b0: 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000c7d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 0000c7e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4c65 4954 .........TI2LeIT\n-0000c800: 6f48 4d6c 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 oHMl.$C$L1.$C$L2\n+0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 3145 6e48 .........TI51EnH\n+0000c800: 4361 7957 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 CayW.$C$L1.$C$L2\n 0000c810: 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 .$C$L3.$C$L4.$C$\n 0000c820: 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 SL1.$C$SL2..text\n 0000c830: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e ..creg.PRU_CFG.n\n 0000c840: 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 oload.near..creg\n 0000c850: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000c860: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000c870: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/891.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@\n 00000590: 6c20 3333 0000 0000 1203 1301 0100 0300 l 33............\n 000005a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 ................\n 000005b0: 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0000 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ....!...........\n 000005d0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000005e0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000005f0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000600: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000600: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000610: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000620: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000630: 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f m572x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00000640: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f Echo_Interrupt2_\n 00000650: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000660: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000670: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 6231 000e 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 b1....~R31_b2...\n 00000fc0: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000fd0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 payload...E.:...\n 00000fe0: 7061 796c 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 00ba payload.........\n 00000ff0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 4a00 0000 .....main.c.J...\n 00001000: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001010: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001020: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001030: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001040: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001050: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00001060: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00001070: 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt2_1.TI PRU C/\n 00001080: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001090: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000010c0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 s Incorporated..\n 000010d0: 0205 0300 6002 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 ....`..CT_CFG...\n 000010e0: f601 4d02 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 ..M...CT_CFG....\n 000010f0: 0000 0300 e300 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001100: 0093 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt2_1.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -285,15 +285,15 @@\n 000011c0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 000011d0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0200 4354 5f49 ted.........CT_I\n 000011e0: 4e54 4300 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f NTC...Y......CT_\n 000011f0: 494e 5443 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0c01 0000 INTC............\n 00001200: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 00dd 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c....../h\n 00001210: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001220: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001230: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001230: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001240: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001250: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001260: 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 /am572x/PRU_RPMs\n 00001270: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001280: 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001290: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000012a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@\n 000012d0: 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 ncorporated.....\n 000012e0: 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ....pru_intc_map\n 000012f0: 000f 013c 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 ...<.....pru_int\n 00001300: 635f 6d61 7000 000f 0100 0003 0035 0100 c_map........5..\n 00001310: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 1301 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00001320: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001330: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001340: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001340: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001350: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001360: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001370: 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d s/am572x/PRU_RPM\n 00001380: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00001390: 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t2_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000013b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@\n 000013f0: 03f0 0200 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 .....resourceTab\n 00001400: 6c65 001a 0150 017c 4c00 0072 6573 6f75 le...P.|L..resou\n 00001410: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00001420: 5e01 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0049 0100 ^.....main.c.I..\n 00001430: 00f4 0000 00c8 0100 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00001440: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001450: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001460: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001460: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001470: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001480: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00001490: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000014a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 ho_Interrupt2_1.\n 000014b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000014c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000014d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2026,15 +2026,15 @@\n 00007e90: 0000 0279 2500 0002 1c01 2df7 4a00 0002 ...y%.....-.J...\n 00007ea0: 8225 0000 021c 012f 054b 0000 028b 2500 .%...../.K....%.\n 00007eb0: 0002 2001 3321 4b00 0002 9425 0000 021a .. .3!K....%....\n 00007ec0: 0153 054b 0000 00de 0000 0003 00e6 0c00 .S.K............\n 00007ed0: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 00007ee0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007ef0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007f00: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007f10: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007f20: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007f30: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007f40: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007f50: 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 upt2_1.TI PRU Li\n 00007f60: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 00007f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2081,15 +2081,15 @@\n 00008200: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00008210: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 00008220: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 00008230: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 00008240: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 00008250: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00008260: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+00008270: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 00008280: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00008290: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 000082a0: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 000082b0: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 000082c0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 000082d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000082e0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -2629,15 +2629,15 @@\n 0000a440: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 0000a450: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 0000a460: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 0000a470: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d35 ./../include/am5\n 0000a480: 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 6366 672e 72x_2_0/pru_cfg.\n 0000a490: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a4a0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a4b0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a4c0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a4d0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a4e0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000a4f0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a500: 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_1.TI PRU C\n 0000a510: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a520: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2730,15 +2730,15 @@\n 0000aa90: 4e5f 4d55 585f 5345 4c00 5057 4d30 5f52 N_MUX_SEL.PWM0_R\n 0000aaa0: 454d 4150 5f45 4e00 5057 4d33 5f52 454d EMAP_EN.PWM3_REM\n 0000aab0: 4150 5f45 4e00 7072 7543 6667 0000 2e2e AP_EN.pruCfg....\n 0000aac0: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 /../../include/a\n 0000aad0: 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 755f 696e m572x_2_0/pru_in\n 0000aae0: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 0000aaf0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000ab00: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000ab10: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000ab20: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000ab30: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 0000ab40: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 0000ab50: 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt2_1.TI PR\n 0000ab60: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 0000ab70: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -2941,15 +2941,15 @@\n 0000b7c0: 5354 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 4552 0048 ST_HINT_9.HIER.H\n 0000b7d0: 4945 525f 6269 7400 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 IER_bit.ENABLE_H\n 0000b7e0: 494e 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f INT.pruIntc..../\n 0000b7f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 ../../include/rs\n 0000b800: 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f c_types.h./home/\n 0000b810: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000b820: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000b830: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000b830: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000b840: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000b850: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000b860: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000b870: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 ho_Interrupt2_1.\n 0000b880: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000b890: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000b8a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2982,20 +2982,20 @@\n 0000ba50: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 0000ba60: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 0000ba70: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 0000ba80: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 0000ba90: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 0000baa0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bab0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bac0: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+0000bac0: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 0000bad0: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 0000bae0: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 0000baf0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000bb00: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000bb10: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000bb10: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000bb20: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000bb30: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 0000bb40: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000bb50: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 cho_Interrupt2_1\n 0000bb60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 0000bb70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 0000bb80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -3005,15 +3005,15 @@\n 0000bbc0: 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f .int16_t.uint16_\n 0000bbd0: 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 t.int32_t.uint32\n 0000bbe0: 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f _t.uint64_t..../\n 0000bbf0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 ../../include/pr\n 0000bc00: 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f u_types.h./home/\n 0000bc10: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bc20: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bc30: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bc30: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bc40: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bc50: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bc60: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bc70: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 ho_Interrupt2_1.\n 0000bc80: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bc90: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bca0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3024,15 +3024,15 @@\n 0000bcf0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 0000bd00: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 0000bd10: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 0000bd20: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 0000bd30: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 0000bd40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000bd50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000bd60: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000bd60: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000bd70: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000bd80: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 0000bd90: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 0000bda0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 ho_Interrupt2_1.\n 0000bdb0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000bdc0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000bdd0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3043,15 +3043,15 @@\n 0000be20: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 0000be30: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 0000be40: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 msg_vring1.pru_i\n 0000be50: 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e nts..../../../in\n 0000be60: 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e clude/pru_rpmsg.\n 0000be70: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000be80: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000be90: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000bea0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000beb0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000bec0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 0000bed0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000bee0: 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_1.TI PRU C\n 0000bef0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000bf00: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3064,15 +3064,15 @@\n 0000bf70: 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 ROY.pru_rpmsg_tr\n 0000bf80: 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 ansport.virtqueu\n 0000bf90: 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e e0.virtqueue1...\n 0000bfa0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 0000bfb0: 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 pru_virtqueue.h.\n 0000bfc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000bfd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000bfe0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000bff0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000c000: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000c010: 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 es/am572x/PRU_RP\n 0000c020: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000c030: 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt2_1.TI PRU C/C\n 0000c040: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000c050: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3083,15 +3083,15 @@\n 0000c0a0: 6f5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d o_arm_event.from\n 0000c0b0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f _arm_event.last_\n 0000c0c0: 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 avail_idx.vring.\n 0000c0d0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000c0e0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e e/pru_virtio_rin\n 0000c0f0: 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 g.h./home/peko/a\n 0000c100: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000c110: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000c120: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000c130: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000c140: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 0000c150: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000c160: 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt2_1.TI PRU\n 0000c170: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000c180: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4062,16 +4062,16 @@\n 0000fdd0: 6567 2e44 4452 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 eg.DDR.far..debu\n 0000fde0: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 0000fdf0: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 0000fe00: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 0000fe10: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 0000fe20: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 0000fe30: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 324d 4458 6659 ubtypes.TI2MDXfY\n-0000fe50: 6770 7800 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 gpx.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n+0000fe40: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3534 306c 346c ubtypes.TI540l4l\n+0000fe50: 6577 6600 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 ewf.$C$L1.$C$L2.\n 0000fe60: 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 $C$L3.$C$L4.$C$S\n 0000fe70: 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a L1.$C$SL2..data:\n 0000fe80: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 pru_intc_map..re\n 0000fe90: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 source_table:ret\n 0000fea0: 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e ain..text:main..\n 0000feb0: 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 rodata:.string.T\n 0000fec0: 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e 7465 7874 Ie8gLFJC7w..text\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/892.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 71 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5f refers to abbreviation number 16 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 24 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 26 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@\n 00000250: f58e 006f 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 ...o..>.........\n 00000260: 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 ..@.......<.....\n 00000270: c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 ...#...!rpmsg-pr\n 00000280: 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 0000 0000 u.Channel 33....\n 00000290: 210a 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e !...........main\n 000002a0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000002b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000002c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000002d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000002e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000002f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00000300: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00000310: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 _Interrupt2_1.TI\n 00000320: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000330: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@\n 00000c80: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0e02 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 00000c90: 315f 6233 000f 0503 0000 0000 7061 796c 1_b3........payl\n 00000ca0: 6f61 6400 0901 4501 3a04 0000 7061 796c oad...E.:...payl\n 00000cb0: 6f61 6400 0001 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 oad.............\n 00000cc0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000cd0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000ce0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000cf0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000cf0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000d00: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000d10: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000d20: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000d30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 _Echo_Interrupt2\n 00000d40: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000d50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000d60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e s Instruments In\n 00000d90: 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 corporated......\n 00000da0: 0000 0043 545f 4346 4700 1701 f601 4d02 ...CT_CFG.....M.\n 00000db0: 0000 4354 5f43 4647 0000 0401 0000 0300 ..CT_CFG........\n 00000dc0: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000dd0: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000de0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000df0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000e00: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000e10: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000e20: 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 555f ples/am572x/PRU_\n 00000e30: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000e40: 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt2_1.TI PRU C\n 00000e50: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000e60: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -234,15 +234,15 @@\n 00000e90: 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 ts Incorporated.\n 00000ea0: 0102 0503 0000 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 ........CT_INTC.\n 00000eb0: 1801 5903 018d 0300 0043 545f 494e 5443 ..Y......CT_INTC\n 00000ec0: 0000 0d01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000ed0: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000ee0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000ef0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f00: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f00: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f10: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f20: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 9.0/examples/am5\n 00000f30: 3732 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 72x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000f40: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 ho_Interrupt2_1.\n 00000f50: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000f60: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000f70: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00000fb0: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c pru_intc_map...<\n 00000fc0: 0189 0400 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 .....pru_intc_ma\n 00000fd0: 7000 000f 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d p..............m\n 00000fe0: 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001050: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 cho_Interrupt2_1\n 00001060: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001070: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001080: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 rporated........\n 000010c0: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 001a .resourceTable..\n 000010d0: 0150 011e 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 6554 .P.....resourceT\n 000010e0: 6162 6c65 0000 c201 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 000010f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..main.c........\n 00001100: 00d4 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00001110: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001120: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001130: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001140: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001150: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f examples/am572x/\n 00001160: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001170: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt2_1.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n@@ -1355,15 +1355,15 @@\n 000054a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c types.h.........\n 000054b0: 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 ................\n 000054c0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f ...............o\n 000054d0: 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....f..........\n 000054e0: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 .........../home\n 000054f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005500: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005510: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00005510: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00005520: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00005530: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 e/stdint.h......\n 00005540: 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff ..<.....3.......\n 00005550: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e ................\n 00005560: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 /../../include/p\n 00005570: 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 ru_types.h......\n 00005580: 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 0101 00ff ..2.....).......\n@@ -1429,15 +1429,15 @@\n 00005940: 0b00 0006 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00005950: 0000 0716 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .........9.:.;.I\n 00005960: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 00005970: 636c 7564 652f 616d 3537 3278 5f32 5f30 clude/am572x_2_0\n 00005980: 2f70 7275 5f63 6667 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 /pru_cfg.h./home\n 00005990: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000059a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000059b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000059b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000059c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000059d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000059e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000059f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 cho_Interrupt2_1\n 00005a00: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00005a10: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00005a20: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1546,15 +1546,15 @@\n 00006090: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 000060a0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 000060b0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 000060c0: 6465 2f61 6d35 3732 785f 325f 302f 7072 de/am572x_2_0/pr\n 000060d0: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 000060e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000060f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00006100: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00006100: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00006110: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00006120: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 .0/examples/am57\n 00006130: 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 2x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00006140: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 0054 o_Interrupt2_1.T\n 00006150: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00006160: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00006170: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1766,15 +1766,15 @@\n 00006e50: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e60: 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .;............9.\n 00006e70: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00006e80: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00006e90: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00006ea0: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00006eb0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00006ec0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00006ed0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00006ee0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00006ef0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 782f 5052 amples/am572x/PR\n 00006f00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00006f10: 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt2_1.TI PRU\n 00006f20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00006f30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1811,20 +1811,20 @@\n 00007120: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 00007130: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 00007140: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 00007150: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 00007160: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00007170: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 00007180: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00007190: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071a0: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 000071b0: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 000071c0: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 000071d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000071e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000071f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00007200: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00007210: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d35 3732 0/examples/am572\n 00007220: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00007230: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 325f 3100 5449 _Interrupt2_1.TI\n 00007240: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00007250: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@\n 000072d0: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 000072e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000072f0: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007300: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007310: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/pru_types.h\n 00007320: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00007330: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00007340: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00007350: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00007360: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00007370: 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 les/am572x/PRU_R\n 00007380: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00007390: 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt2_1.TI PRU C/\n 000073a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000073b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -1861,15 +1861,15 @@\n 00007440: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 00007450: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00007460: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00007470: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 :.;.....resource\n 00007480: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 00007490: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000074a0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000074b0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000074b0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000074c0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000074d0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 000074e0: 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 572x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 000074f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 cho_Interrupt2_1\n 00007500: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00007510: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00007520: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1886,15 +1886,15 @@\n 000075d0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 000075e0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 000075f0: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00007600: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007610: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00007620: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00007630: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00007640: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00007640: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00007650: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00007660: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00007670: 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 am572x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00007680: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7432 _Echo_Interrupt2\n 00007690: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000076a0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000076b0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1910,15 +1910,15 @@\n 00007750: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00007760: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00007770: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00007780: 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 ....../../../inc\n 00007790: 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 lude/pru_virtque\n 000077a0: 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ue.h./home/peko/\n 000077b0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000077c0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000077d0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000077e0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000077f0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 xamples/am572x/P\n 00007800: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00007810: 7465 7272 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 terrupt2_1.TI PR\n 00007820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00007830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -1933,15 +1933,15 @@\n 000078c0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000078d0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000078e0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 000078f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00007900: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00007910: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00007920: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00007930: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00007940: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00007950: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00007960: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3537 3278 2f50 5255 mples/am572x/PRU\n 00007970: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00007980: 7272 7570 7432 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 rrupt2_1.TI PRU \n 00007990: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000079a0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -3193,16 +3193,16 @@\n 0000c780: 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c790: 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7a0: 011c 0000 0600 0000 011d 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 0000c7b0: 011e 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000c7c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 0000c7d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 0000c7e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 4d44 5866 .........TI2MDXf\n-0000c800: 5967 7078 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 Ygpx.$C$L1.$C$L2\n+0000c7f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 3430 6c34 .........TI540l4\n+0000c800: 6c65 7766 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 lewf.$C$L1.$C$L2\n 0000c810: 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 .$C$L3.$C$L4.$C$\n 0000c820: 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 SL1.$C$SL2..text\n 0000c830: 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f43 4647 2e6e ..creg.PRU_CFG.n\n 0000c840: 6f6c 6f61 642e 6e65 6172 002e 6372 6567 oload.near..creg\n 0000c850: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000c860: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000c870: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am572x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_cfg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/am572x_2_0/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU0/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/906.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 sourceTable...@.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 ples/am65x/PRU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0133 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .3....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/PRU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001970: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3357 654d 6747 4e4d 3000 2e72 6573 TI3WeMgGNM0..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3663 3841 536f 5270 5000 2e72 6573 TI6c8ASoRpP..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/907.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...@.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000880: 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5x/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0133 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......3....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c es/am65x/PRU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3357 654d 6747 4e4d 3000 2e74 6578 TI3WeMgGNM0..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3663 3841 536f 5270 5000 2e74 6578 TI6c8ASoRpP..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU1/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/911.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 sourceTable...@.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 ples/am65x/PRU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0133 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .3....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/PRU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001970: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/PRU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3359 484c 6d77 7871 5600 2e72 6573 TI3YHLmwxqV..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3668 6453 7749 674d 5a00 2e72 6573 TI6hdSwIgMZ..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/912.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...@.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000880: 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5x/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0133 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......3....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f48 616c es/am65x/PRU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3359 484c 6d77 7871 5600 2e74 6578 TI3YHLmwxqV..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3668 6453 7749 674d 5a00 2e74 6578 TI6hdSwIgMZ..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU0/\n main.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/923.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: 0027 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 .'.!....... ....\n 000000e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000100: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 6e06 0000 ............n...\n 00000110: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000120: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000130: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000150: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000160: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000170: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00000180: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 00000190: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001a0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001b0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 00000740: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000750: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000760: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 00000770: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 00000780: 0000 0300 6a00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ....j.....main.c\n 00000790: 002a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .*..../home/peko\n 000007a0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000007d0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000007e0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 000007f0: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000800: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000810: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000820: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 6c65 001a 0140 014e 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.N...pru_r\n 00000890: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0093 ceTable..Z......\n 000008b0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 6400 0000 .....main.c.d...\n 000008c0: 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000008d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000008e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000008f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000008f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000900: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000910: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000920: 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/PRU_MAC_Multip\n 00000930: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000940: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000950: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000960: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 00001070: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 00001080: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 00001090: 725f 6578 6974 0098 0000 0001 0000 d800 r_exit..........\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 1503 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 000010b0: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 000010c0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000010e0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010f0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001100: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001110: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 00001120: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c y_Accum.TI PRU L\n 00001130: 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e inker Unix v2.3.\n 00001140: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001250: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00001260: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001270: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001280: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000012a0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000012c0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 000012d0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 000012e0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 000012f0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001300: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00001310: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00001320: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -402,15 +402,15 @@\n 00001910: 0139 0b3a 0b3b 0b3f 0c81 4008 8340 0884 .9.:.;.?..@..@..\n 00001920: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00001930: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 00001940: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 00001950: 0b00 0000 006d 6169 6e2e 6300 2f68 6f6d .....main.c./hom\n 00001960: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001970: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001980: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001980: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001990: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000019a0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000019b0: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c m65x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000019c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000019d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000019e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000019f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -431,20 +431,20 @@\n 00001ae0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00001af0: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00001b00: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001b10: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001b20: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00001b30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001b50: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00001b50: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00001b60: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001b70: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00001b80: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b90: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001ba0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001ba0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001bb0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001bc0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00001bd0: 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 5x/PRU_MAC_Multi\n 00001be0: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 ply_Accum.TI PRU\n 00001bf0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001c00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001c10: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@\n 00001c30: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00001c40: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 d.uint8_t.uint16\n 00001c50: 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 _t.uint32_t.uint\n 00001c60: 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 64_t..resource_t\n 00001c70: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001c80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001ca0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001ca0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001cb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001cc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001cd0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 am65x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001ce0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001cf0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001d00: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001d10: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -468,15 +468,15 @@\n 00001d30: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001d40: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00001d50: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00001d60: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00001d70: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00001d80: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d90: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001db0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001dc0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001dd0: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4d41 les/am65x/PRU_MA\n 00001de0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 00001df0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001e00: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001e10: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1040,15 +1040,15 @@\n 000040f0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004100: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004110: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004120: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004130: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004140: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004160: 5449 3431 444a 6c49 6739 3400 2443 244c TI41DJlIg94.$C$L\n+00004160: 5449 3641 4957 354d 774b 6f00 2443 244c TI6AIW5MwKo.$C$L\n 00004170: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00004180: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00004190: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041a0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041b0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 000041c0: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 000041d0: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/924.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 120 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 65 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 14 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@\n 00000100: f903 0024 9901 002f f9ee ee10 0500 8130 ...$.../.......0\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 6e06 0000 ...*....... n...\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000150: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000160: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000180: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000190: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000001a0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000001b0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000001c0: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n 00000770: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000780: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000790: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 000007a0: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 000007b0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000007c0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000007d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007f0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000800: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000810: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00000820: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000830: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000840: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000850: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 6c65 001a 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.....pru_r\n 000008c0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..Z......\n 000008e0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000008f0: 0000 0000 7c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ....|..../home/p\n 00000900: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000910: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000920: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000920: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000930: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000940: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000950: 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/PRU_MAC_Multip\n 00000960: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000970: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000980: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000990: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@\n 00000cf0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000d00: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00000d10: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d20: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00000d30: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d40: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000d50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00000d70: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00000d80: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00000d90: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00000da0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00000dc0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00000dd0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@\n 00000f80: 8940 0c00 0000 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 .@.........2.8.9\n 00000f90: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00000fa0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00000fb0: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00000fc0: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000fd0: 6d61 696e 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b main.c./home/pek\n 00000fe0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001000: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001010: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001020: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001030: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001040: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001050: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001060: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -282,20 +282,20 @@\n 00001190: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 000011a0: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 000011b0: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 000011c0: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 000011d0: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 000011e0: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001220: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001230: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001240: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001260: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001270: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001280: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001290: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 000012a0: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 000012b0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000012c0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@\n 00001320: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00001330: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001340: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001350: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00001360: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001370: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001380: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000013a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000013b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000013c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 000013d0: 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 U_MAC_Multiply_A\n 000013e0: 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ccum.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001400: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00001470: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00001480: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00001490: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 000014a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 000014b0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000014c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000014e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000014f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001500: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001510: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 00001520: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001530: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001540: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -491,15 +491,15 @@\n 00001ea0: 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 ................\n 00001eb0: 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 ................\n 00001ec0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00001ed0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001ee0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 ................\n 00001ef0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4934 3144 4a6c 4967 3934 .....TI41DJlIg94\n+00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4936 4149 5735 4d77 4b6f .....TI6AIW5MwKo\n 00001f20: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 00001f30: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e L3.$C$L4..text..\n 00001f40: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00001f50: 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e etain..text:main\n 00001f60: 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 ..debug_info..de\n 00001f70: 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f bug_line..debug_\n 00001f80: 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 frame..debug_abb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU1/\n main.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/928.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: 0027 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 .'.!....... ....\n 000000e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000100: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 6e06 0000 ............n...\n 00000110: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000120: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000130: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000150: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000160: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000170: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00000180: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 00000190: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001a0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001b0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 00000740: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000750: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000760: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 00000770: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 00000780: 0000 0300 6a00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ....j.....main.c\n 00000790: 002a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .*..../home/peko\n 000007a0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000007d0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000007e0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 000007f0: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000800: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000810: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000820: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 6c65 001a 0140 014e 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.N...pru_r\n 00000890: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0093 ceTable..Z......\n 000008b0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 6400 0000 .....main.c.d...\n 000008c0: 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000008d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000008e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000008f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000008f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000900: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000910: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000920: 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/PRU_MAC_Multip\n 00000930: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000940: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000950: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000960: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 00001070: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 00001080: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 00001090: 725f 6578 6974 0098 0000 0001 0000 d800 r_exit..........\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 1503 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 000010b0: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 000010c0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000010e0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010f0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001100: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001110: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 00001120: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c y_Accum.TI PRU L\n 00001130: 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e inker Unix v2.3.\n 00001140: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001250: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00001260: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001270: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001280: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000012a0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000012c0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 000012d0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 000012e0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 000012f0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001300: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00001310: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00001320: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -402,15 +402,15 @@\n 00001910: 0139 0b3a 0b3b 0b3f 0c81 4008 8340 0884 .9.:.;.?..@..@..\n 00001920: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00001930: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 00001940: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 00001950: 0b00 0000 006d 6169 6e2e 6300 2f68 6f6d .....main.c./hom\n 00001960: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001970: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001980: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001980: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001990: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000019a0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000019b0: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c m65x/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 000019c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000019d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000019e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000019f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -431,20 +431,20 @@\n 00001ae0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00001af0: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00001b00: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001b10: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001b20: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00001b30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001b50: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00001b50: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00001b60: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001b70: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00001b80: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b90: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001ba0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001ba0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001bb0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001bc0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00001bd0: 3578 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 5x/PRU_MAC_Multi\n 00001be0: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 ply_Accum.TI PRU\n 00001bf0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001c00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001c10: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@\n 00001c30: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00001c40: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 d.uint8_t.uint16\n 00001c50: 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 _t.uint32_t.uint\n 00001c60: 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 64_t..resource_t\n 00001c70: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001c80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001ca0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001ca0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001cb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001cc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001cd0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 am65x/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001ce0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001cf0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001d00: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001d10: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -468,15 +468,15 @@\n 00001d30: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001d40: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00001d50: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00001d60: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00001d70: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00001d80: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d90: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001db0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001dc0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001dd0: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 4d41 les/am65x/PRU_MA\n 00001de0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 00001df0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001e00: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001e10: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1040,15 +1040,15 @@\n 000040f0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004100: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004110: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004120: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004130: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004140: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004160: 5449 3433 3344 5363 4241 6200 2443 244c TI433DScBAb.$C$L\n+00004160: 5449 3647 366d 445a 6755 7500 2443 244c TI6G6mDZgUu.$C$L\n 00004170: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00004180: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00004190: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041a0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041b0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 000041c0: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 000041d0: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/929.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 120 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 65 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 14 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@\n 00000100: f903 0024 9901 002f f9ee ee10 0500 8130 ...$.../.......0\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 6e06 0000 ...*....... n...\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000150: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000160: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000180: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000190: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000001a0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000001b0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000001c0: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n 00000770: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000780: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000790: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 000007a0: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 000007b0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000007c0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000007d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007f0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000800: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000810: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00000820: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000830: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000840: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000850: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 6c65 001a 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.....pru_r\n 000008c0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..Z......\n 000008e0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000008f0: 0000 0000 7c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ....|..../home/p\n 00000900: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000910: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000920: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000920: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000930: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000940: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000950: 782f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/PRU_MAC_Multip\n 00000960: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000970: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000980: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000990: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@\n 00000cf0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000d00: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00000d10: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d20: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00000d30: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d40: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000d50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00000d70: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00000d80: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00000d90: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00000da0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00000dc0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00000dd0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@\n 00000f80: 8940 0c00 0000 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 .@.........2.8.9\n 00000f90: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00000fa0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00000fb0: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00000fc0: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000fd0: 6d61 696e 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b main.c./home/pek\n 00000fe0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001000: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001010: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001020: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001030: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001040: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001050: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001060: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -282,20 +282,20 @@\n 00001190: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 000011a0: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 000011b0: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 000011c0: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 000011d0: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 000011e0: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001220: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001230: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001240: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001260: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001270: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001280: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001290: 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 000012a0: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 000012b0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000012c0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@\n 00001320: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00001330: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001340: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001350: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00001360: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001370: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001380: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000013a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000013b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000013c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 000013d0: 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 U_MAC_Multiply_A\n 000013e0: 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ccum.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001400: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00001470: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00001480: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00001490: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 000014a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 000014b0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000014c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000014e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000014f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001500: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001510: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 00001520: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001530: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001540: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -491,15 +491,15 @@\n 00001ea0: 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 ................\n 00001eb0: 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 ................\n 00001ec0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00001ed0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001ee0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 ................\n 00001ef0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4934 3333 4453 6342 4162 .....TI433DScBAb\n+00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4936 4736 6d44 5a67 5575 .....TI6G6mDZgUu\n 00001f20: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 00001f30: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e L3.$C$L4..text..\n 00001f40: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00001f50: 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e etain..text:main\n 00001f60: 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 ..debug_info..de\n 00001f70: 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f bug_line..debug_\n 00001f80: 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 frame..debug_abb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/939.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 30........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt0.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 325a ug_pubtypes.TI2Z\n-0001b2b0: 414a 3046 4b58 4a00 2443 244c 3100 2443 AJ0FKXJ.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3564 ug_pubtypes.TI5d\n+0001b2b0: 6b55 4c4c 556c 5300 2443 244c 3100 2443 kULLUlS.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/940.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 30........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_0.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4932 5a41 4a30 464b 584a 0024 ...TI2ZAJ0FKXJ.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 646b 554c 4c55 6c53 0024 ...TI5dkULLUlS.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/944.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3334 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 34........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt0.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3336 ug_pubtypes.TI36\n-0001b2b0: 6c79 6a6e 6645 6200 2443 244c 3100 2443 lyjnfEb.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3567 ug_pubtypes.TI5g\n+0001b2b0: 6479 7241 7854 7000 2443 244c 3100 2443 dyrAxTp.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/945.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3334 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 34........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_0.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 366c 796a 6e66 4562 0024 ...TI36lyjnfEb.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6764 7972 4178 5470 0024 ...TI5gdyrAxTp.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/949.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3338 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 38........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt0.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_0.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3367 ug_pubtypes.TI3g\n-0001b2b0: 7350 5159 7169 4300 2443 244c 3100 2443 sPQYqiC.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3569 ug_pubtypes.TI5i\n+0001b2b0: 7344 6f4c 3768 5100 2443 244c 3100 2443 sDoL7hQ.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/950.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3338 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 38........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_0.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 6773 5051 5971 6943 0024 ...TI3gsPQYqiC.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6973 446f 4c37 6851 0024 ...TI5isDoL7hQ.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg2/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/960.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 31........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt1.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3367 ug_pubtypes.TI3g\n-0001b2b0: 625a 4341 4f50 4300 2443 244c 3100 2443 bZCAOPC.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3564 ug_pubtypes.TI5d\n+0001b2b0: 4563 664a 4764 5200 2443 244c 3100 2443 EcfJGdR.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/961.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 31........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_1.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 6762 5a43 414f 5043 0024 ...TI3gbZCAOPC.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6445 6366 4a47 6452 0024 ...TI5dEcfJGdR.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/965.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3335 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 35........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt1.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3370 ug_pubtypes.TI3p\n-0001b2b0: 6444 6a63 7238 3900 2443 244c 3100 2443 dDjcr89.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3567 ug_pubtypes.TI5g\n+0001b2b0: 306c 3548 4d38 6900 2443 244c 3100 2443 0l5HM8i.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/966.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3335 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 35........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_1.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 7064 446a 6372 3839 0024 ...TI3pdDjcr89.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6730 6c35 484d 3869 0024 ...TI5g0l5HM8i.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/970.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3339 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 39........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f mples/am65x/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 les/am65x/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0bc6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001460: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 2c7f c400 0002 3e62 0000 021c 012d 86c4 ,.....>b.....-..\n 0000f820: 0000 0247 6200 0002 1c01 2f94 c400 0002 ...Gb...../.....\n 0000f830: 5062 0000 0220 0133 b0c4 0000 0259 6200 Pb... .3.....Yb.\n 0000f840: 0002 1a01 5394 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 ....S...........\n 0000f850: 350c 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 5.....__TI_inter\n 0000f860: 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 nal./home/peko/a\n 0000f870: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+0000f880: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 0000f890: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 0000f8a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 0000f8b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 0000f8c0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 0000f8d0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 rrupt1.TI PRU Li\n 0000f8e0: 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 nker Unix v2.3.3\n 0000f8f0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000faf0: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000fb00: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000fb20: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000fb40: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000fb50: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000fb60: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000fb70: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000fb80: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000fb90: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000fba0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000fbb0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000fbc0: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 ...%..@.........\n 00011c80: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 .9.:.;.I........\n 00011c90: 081b 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ...%..@......./.\n 00011ca0: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 ./../include/am6\n 00011cb0: 3578 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 5x/pru_intc.h./h\n 00011cc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00011cd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00011ce0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00011cf0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00011d00: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00011d10: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00011d20: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00011d30: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00011d40: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00011d50: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 424c 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 BLE_HINT_17.ENAB\n 00016cd0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_18.ENABL\n 00016ce0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 E_HINT_19.rsvd20\n 00016cf0: 0069 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .intc..../../../\n 00016d00: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00016d10: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00016d20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00016d30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00016d40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00016d50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00016d60: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 00016d70: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 00016d80: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00016d90: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00016da0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00016f60: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00016f70: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f80: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00016f90: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00016fa0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00016fb0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00016fc0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00016fd0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00016fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00016ff0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017000: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017010: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017020: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017030: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00017040: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00017050: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00017060: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017070: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017080: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e t8_t.int16_t.uin\n 000170d0: 7431 365f 7400 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 t16_t.int32_t.ui\n 000170e0: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7436 345f 7400 nt32_t.uint64_t.\n 000170f0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017100: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 e/pru_types.h./h\n 00017110: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00017120: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00017130: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00017130: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017140: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017150: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017160: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/PRU_RPMsg\n 00017170: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017180: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017190: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 000171a0: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 stom_ints.reserv\n 00017200: 6564 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 ed.channel_host.\n 00017210: 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 num_evts.event_c\n 00017220: 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 hannel..resource\n 00017230: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 _table_1.h./home\n 00017240: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017250: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017260: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017260: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017270: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017280: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017290: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000172a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 000172b0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000172c0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000172d0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 0072 set.rpmsg_vdev.r\n 00017330: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 6d73 pmsg_vring0.rpms\n 00017340: 675f 7672 696e 6731 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 g_vring1.pru_int\n 00017350: 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c s..../../../incl\n 00017360: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 ude/pru_rpmsg.h.\n 00017370: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00017380: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00017390: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000173a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000173b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000173c0: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 000173d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 000173e0: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 000173f0: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00017400: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 7261 6e73 706f ru_rpmsg_transpo\n 00017480: 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3000 7669 rt.virtqueue0.vi\n 00017490: 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f rtqueue1..../../\n 000174a0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 000174b0: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 000174c0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000174d0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-000174e0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+000174e0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000174f0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017500: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00017510: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017520: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017530: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017540: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017550: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 ent.from_arm_eve\n 000175b0: 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 6169 6c5f 6964 nt.last_avail_id\n 000175c0: 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e x.vring..../../.\n 000175d0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000175e0: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 000175f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00017600: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00017610: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00017610: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00017620: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00017630: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00017640: 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00017650: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00017660: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00017670: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00017680: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3341 ug_pubtypes.TI3A\n-0001b2b0: 6a6d 7351 6766 4c00 2443 244c 3100 2443 jmsQgfL.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3568 ug_pubtypes.TI5h\n+0001b2b0: 7745 6731 6f6f 5000 2443 244c 3100 2443 wEg1ooP.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/971.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3339 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 39........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 amples/am65x/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/am65x/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0115 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5052 xamples/am65x/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 0000cd70: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 s.h.............\n 0000cd80: 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 ...........o....\n 0000cda0: 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .f..............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 0000cdc0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000cdd0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000cde0: 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 host/share/ti-cg\n 0000cdf0: 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 t-pru/include/st\n 0000ce00: 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 dint.h........<.\n 0000ce10: 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....3...........\n 0000ce20: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ............/../\n 0000ce30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 0000ce40: 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 ypes.h........2.\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b .9.:.;..........\n 0000d260: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d270: 0b3a 0b3b 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .:.;.I......./..\n 0000d280: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 616d 3635 /../include/am65\n 0000d290: 782f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f x/pru_intc.h./ho\n 0000d2a0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 0000d2b0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-0000d2c0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+0000d2c0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 0000d2d0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 0000d2e0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 0000d2f0: 616d 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/PRU_RPMsg_\n 0000d300: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 0000d310: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 0000d320: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 0000d330: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4662,15 +4662,15 @@\n 00012350: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 1303 ..9.:.;.........\n 00012360: 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 0113 ...9.:.;........\n 00012370: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012380: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00012390: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000123a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000123b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000123c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000123c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000123d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000123e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 000123f0: 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012400: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012410: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012420: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012430: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00012630: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00012640: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00012650: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00012660: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00012670: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012680: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012690: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00012690: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000126a0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000126b0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 000126c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000126d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000126e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000126e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000126f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012700: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012710: 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012720: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012730: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012740: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012750: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000127d0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000127e0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 000127f0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012800: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00012810: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00012820: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00012830: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00012840: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00012850: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00012860: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/am65x/PRU_RPM\n 00012870: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00012880: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00012890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000128a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0001 0d00 030e 320b _channel......2.\n 00012930: 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 8.9.:.;.I..@....\n 00012940: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00012950: 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00012960: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00012970: 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b le_1.h./home/pek\n 00012980: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00012990: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000129a0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000129b0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000129c0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 000129d0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 000129e0: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 000129f0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00012a00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 8140 0e00 0003 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012ac0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012ad0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 0003 0e1c 0b39 9.:.;....(.....9\n 00012ae0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012af0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00012b00: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00012b10: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012b20: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012b30: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012b40: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012b50: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012b60: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012b70: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012b80: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012b90: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012c50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012c60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012c70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012c80: 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 irtqueue.h./home\n 00012c90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00012ca0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00012cb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00012cb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00012cc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00012cd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00012ce0: 3635 782f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00012cf0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00012d00: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00012d10: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00012d20: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012db0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012dc0: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012dd0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00012de0: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 ude/pru_virtio_r\n 00012df0: 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ing.h./home/peko\n 00012e00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012e10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00012e20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00012e30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00012e40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f50 examples/am65x/P\n 00012e50: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00012e60: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00012e70: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012e80: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 416a 6d73 5167 664c 0024 ...TI3AjmsQgfL.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6877 4567 316f 6f50 0024 ...TI5hwEg1ooP.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg2/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU0/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/982.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/RTU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 sourceTable...@.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 ples/am65x/RTU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/RTU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001970: 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 RTU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/RTU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3357 4266 6775 716a 5400 2e72 6573 TI3WBfguqjT..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3670 7532 4b57 6466 3900 2e72 6573 TI6pu2KWdf9..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/983.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/RTU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...@.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000880: 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5x/RTU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......2....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c es/am65x/RTU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3357 4266 6775 716a 5400 2e74 6578 TI3WBfguqjT..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3670 7532 4b57 6466 3900 2e74 6578 TI6pu2KWdf9..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU1/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/987.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/RTU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 4001 sourceTable...@.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 ples/am65x/RTU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00001890: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/RTU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001970: 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 RTU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 am65x/RTU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 335a 3150 5364 4146 5a00 2e72 6573 TI3Z1PSdAFZ..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3675 7352 716b 4244 6500 2e72 6573 TI6usRqkBDe..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/988.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 00000120: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 m65x/RTU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...@.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000880: 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5x/RTU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......2....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f48 616c es/am65x/RTU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 335a 3150 5364 4146 5a00 2e74 6578 TI3Z1PSdAFZ..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3675 7352 716b 4244 6500 2e74 6578 TI6usRqkBDe..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU0/\n main.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/999.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: 0027 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 .'.!....... ....\n 000000e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000100: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 6e06 0000 ............n...\n 00000110: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000120: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000130: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000150: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000160: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000170: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 00000180: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 00000190: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001a0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001b0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 00000740: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000750: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000760: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 1000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 00000770: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 00000780: 0000 0300 6a00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ....j.....main.c\n 00000790: 002a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .*..../home/peko\n 000007a0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000007d0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000007e0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 000007f0: 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f TU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000800: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000810: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000820: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 6c65 001a 0140 014e 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.N...pru_r\n 00000890: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0093 ceTable..Z......\n 000008b0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 6400 0000 .....main.c.d...\n 000008c0: 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000008d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000008e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000008f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000008f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000900: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000910: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000920: 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/RTU_MAC_Multip\n 00000930: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000940: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000950: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000960: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 00001070: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 00001080: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 00001090: 725f 6578 6974 0098 0000 0001 0000 d800 r_exit..........\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 1503 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 000010b0: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 000010c0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000010e0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010f0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001100: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001110: 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /RTU_MAC_Multipl\n 00001120: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c y_Accum.TI PRU L\n 00001130: 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e inker Unix v2.3.\n 00001140: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001250: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00001260: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001270: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001280: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000012a0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000012c0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 000012d0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 000012e0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 000012f0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001300: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00001310: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00001320: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -402,15 +402,15 @@\n 00001910: 0139 0b3a 0b3b 0b3f 0c81 4008 8340 0884 .9.:.;.?..@..@..\n 00001920: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00001930: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 00001940: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 00001950: 0b00 0000 006d 6169 6e2e 6300 2f68 6f6d .....main.c./hom\n 00001960: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001970: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001980: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001980: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001990: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000019a0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000019b0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c m65x/RTU_MAC_Mul\n 000019c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000019d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000019e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000019f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -431,20 +431,20 @@\n 00001ae0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00001af0: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00001b00: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001b10: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001b20: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00001b30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001b50: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00001b50: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00001b60: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001b70: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00001b80: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b90: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001ba0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001ba0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001bb0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001bc0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00001bd0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 5x/RTU_MAC_Multi\n 00001be0: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 ply_Accum.TI PRU\n 00001bf0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001c00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001c10: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@\n 00001c30: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00001c40: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 d.uint8_t.uint16\n 00001c50: 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 _t.uint32_t.uint\n 00001c60: 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 64_t..resource_t\n 00001c70: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001c80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001ca0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001ca0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001cb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001cc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001cd0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 am65x/RTU_MAC_Mu\n 00001ce0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001cf0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001d00: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001d10: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -468,15 +468,15 @@\n 00001d30: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001d40: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00001d50: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00001d60: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00001d70: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00001d80: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d90: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001db0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001dc0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001dd0: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4d41 les/am65x/RTU_MA\n 00001de0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 00001df0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001e00: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001e10: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1040,15 +1040,15 @@\n 000040f0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004100: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004110: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004120: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004130: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004140: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004160: 5449 3431 587a 6573 6b45 3400 2443 244c TI41XzeskE4.$C$L\n+00004160: 5449 3648 346a 386b 6658 7500 2443 244c TI6H4j8kfXu.$C$L\n 00004170: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00004180: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00004190: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041a0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041b0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 000041c0: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 000041d0: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1000.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 120 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 65 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 14 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@\n 00000100: f903 0024 9901 002f f9ee ee10 0500 8130 ...$.../.......0\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 6e06 0000 ...*....... n...\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000150: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000160: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000180: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000190: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000001a0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 000001b0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000001c0: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n 00000770: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000780: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000790: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 000007a0: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 000007b0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000007c0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000007d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007f0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000800: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000810: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00000820: 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f TU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000830: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000840: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000850: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 6c65 001a 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.....pru_r\n 000008c0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..Z......\n 000008e0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000008f0: 0000 0000 7c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ....|..../home/p\n 00000900: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000910: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000920: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000920: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000930: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000940: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000950: 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/RTU_MAC_Multip\n 00000960: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000970: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000980: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000990: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@\n 00000cf0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000d00: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00000d10: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d20: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00000d30: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d40: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000d50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00000d70: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00000d80: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00000d90: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00000da0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00000dc0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00000dd0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@\n 00000f80: 8940 0c00 0000 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 .@.........2.8.9\n 00000f90: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00000fa0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00000fb0: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00000fc0: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000fd0: 6d61 696e 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b main.c./home/pek\n 00000fe0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001000: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001010: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001020: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001030: 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 RTU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001040: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001050: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001060: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -282,20 +282,20 @@\n 00001190: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 000011a0: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 000011b0: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 000011c0: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 000011d0: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 000011e0: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001220: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001230: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001240: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001260: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001270: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001280: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001290: 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /RTU_MAC_Multipl\n 000012a0: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 000012b0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000012c0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@\n 00001320: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00001330: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001340: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001350: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00001360: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001370: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001380: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000013a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000013b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000013c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000013d0: 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 U_MAC_Multiply_A\n 000013e0: 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ccum.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001400: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00001470: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00001480: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00001490: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 000014a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 000014b0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000014c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000014e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000014f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001500: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 00001510: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 00001520: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001530: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001540: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -491,15 +491,15 @@\n 00001ea0: 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 ................\n 00001eb0: 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 ................\n 00001ec0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00001ed0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001ee0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 ................\n 00001ef0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4934 3158 7a65 736b 4534 .....TI41XzeskE4\n+00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4936 4834 6a38 6b66 5875 .....TI6H4j8kfXu\n 00001f20: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 00001f30: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e L3.$C$L4..text..\n 00001f40: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00001f50: 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e etain..text:main\n 00001f60: 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 ..debug_info..de\n 00001f70: 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f bug_line..debug_\n 00001f80: 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 frame..debug_abb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU1/\n main.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1004.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@\n 000000d0: 0027 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 .'.!....... ....\n 000000e0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000100: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 6e06 0000 ............n...\n 00000110: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000120: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000130: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000140: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000150: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000160: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000170: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 00000180: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 00000190: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001a0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001b0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n 00000740: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000750: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000760: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 1000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 00000770: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 00000780: 0000 0300 6a00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ....j.....main.c\n 00000790: 002a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .*..../home/peko\n 000007a0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007b0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007c0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000007d0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000007e0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 000007f0: 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f TU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000800: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000810: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000820: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@\n 00000880: 6c65 001a 0140 014e 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.N...pru_r\n 00000890: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0093 ceTable..Z......\n 000008b0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 6400 0000 .....main.c.d...\n 000008c0: 1c00 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000008d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000008e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000008f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000008f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000900: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000910: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000920: 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/RTU_MAC_Multip\n 00000930: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000940: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000950: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000960: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 00001070: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 00001080: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 00001090: 725f 6578 6974 0098 0000 0001 0000 d800 r_exit..........\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 1503 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 000010b0: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 000010c0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000010d0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000010e0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000010f0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001100: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001110: 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /RTU_MAC_Multipl\n 00001120: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c y_Accum.TI PRU L\n 00001130: 696e 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e inker Unix v2.3.\n 00001140: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@\n 00001240: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00001250: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00001260: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001270: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00001280: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00001290: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000012a0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+000012b0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 000012c0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 000012d0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 000012e0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 000012f0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00001300: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00001310: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00001320: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -402,15 +402,15 @@\n 00001910: 0139 0b3a 0b3b 0b3f 0c81 4008 8340 0884 .9.:.;.?..@..@..\n 00001920: 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 400b 8f40 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00001930: 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 0811 018a ..@.............\n 00001940: 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 @...........%..@\n 00001950: 0b00 0000 006d 6169 6e2e 6300 2f68 6f6d .....main.c./hom\n 00001960: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001970: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001980: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001980: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001990: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000019a0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000019b0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c m65x/RTU_MAC_Mul\n 000019c0: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 000019d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000019e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000019f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -431,20 +431,20 @@\n 00001ae0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00001af0: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00001b00: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00001b10: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00001b20: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00001b30: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b40: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001b50: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00001b50: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00001b60: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001b70: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00001b80: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00001b90: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00001ba0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00001ba0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00001bb0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00001bc0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00001bd0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 5x/RTU_MAC_Multi\n 00001be0: 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 ply_Accum.TI PRU\n 00001bf0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00001c00: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00001c10: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@\n 00001c30: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00001c40: 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 d.uint8_t.uint16\n 00001c50: 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 _t.uint32_t.uint\n 00001c60: 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 64_t..resource_t\n 00001c70: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001c80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001c90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001ca0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001ca0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001cb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001cc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001cd0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 am65x/RTU_MAC_Mu\n 00001ce0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001cf0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001d00: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001d10: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -468,15 +468,15 @@\n 00001d30: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001d40: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00001d50: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00001d60: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00001d70: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00001d80: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001d90: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001da0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001db0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001dc0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001dd0: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 4d41 les/am65x/RTU_MA\n 00001de0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 00001df0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001e00: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001e10: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1040,15 +1040,15 @@\n 000040f0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004100: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004110: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004120: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004130: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004140: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004160: 5449 3433 684a 3565 7056 6500 2443 244c TI43hJ5epVe.$C$L\n+00004160: 5449 364d 6172 7561 336e 4500 2443 244c TI6Marua3nE.$C$L\n 00004170: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00004180: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00004190: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 000041a0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 000041b0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 000041c0: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 000041d0: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1005.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 120 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 65 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 14 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@\n 00000100: f903 0024 9901 002f f9ee ee10 0500 8130 ...$.../.......0\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 6e06 0000 ...*....... n...\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000150: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000160: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000170: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000180: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000190: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000001a0: 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 amples/am65x/RTU\n 000001b0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000001c0: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n 00000770: 315f 6230 0007 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 1_b0....}R31_b1.\n 00000780: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000790: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 000007a0: 000a 0135 01f2 0000 0062 7566 0000 2701 ...5.....buf..'.\n 000007b0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000007c0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000007d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000007e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000007f0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000800: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000810: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00000820: 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f TU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000830: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000840: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000850: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -140,15 +140,15 @@\n 000008b0: 6c65 001a 0140 011e 0000 0070 7275 5f72 le...@.....pru_r\n 000008c0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 005a 0100 0003 0000 ceTable..Z......\n 000008e0: 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000008f0: 0000 0000 7c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ....|..../home/p\n 00000900: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000910: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000920: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000920: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000930: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000940: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00000950: 782f 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 x/RTU_MAC_Multip\n 00000960: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 00000970: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000980: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000990: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@\n 00000cf0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000d00: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 00000d10: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d20: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 00000d30: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d40: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000d50: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00000d60: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00000d70: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00000d80: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00000d90: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 t.h........6....\n 00000da0: 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .-..............\n 00000db0: 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .......resource_\n 00000dc0: 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 table_empty.h...\n 00000dd0: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@\n 00000f80: 8940 0c00 0000 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 .@.........2.8.9\n 00000f90: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00000fa0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00000fb0: 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 .....9.:.;......\n 00000fc0: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000fd0: 6d61 696e 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b main.c./home/pek\n 00000fe0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000ff0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001000: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001010: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001020: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001030: 5254 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 RTU_MAC_Multiply\n 00001040: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 00001050: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001060: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -282,20 +282,20 @@\n 00001190: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 g long.unsigned \n 000011a0: 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 long long.float.\n 000011b0: 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 double.long doub\n 000011c0: 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e le............%.\n 000011d0: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 000011e0: 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ;.I...../home/pe\n 000011f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001200: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001210: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001220: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001230: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001240: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001250: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001260: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001270: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001280: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00001290: 2f52 5455 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c /RTU_MAC_Multipl\n 000012a0: 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 y_Accum.TI PRU C\n 000012b0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000012c0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@\n 00001320: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00001330: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00001340: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001350: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00001360: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001370: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001380: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001390: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000013a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000013b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000013c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000013d0: 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 U_MAC_Multiply_A\n 000013e0: 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ccum.TI PRU C/C+\n 000013f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001400: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -327,15 +327,15 @@\n 00001460: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00001470: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00001480: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00001490: 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ;......./../../i\n 000014a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 000014b0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 000014c0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000014d0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000014e0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000014f0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001500: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 00001510: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 00001520: 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 um.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00001530: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00001540: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -491,15 +491,15 @@\n 00001ea0: 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 010b 0000 ................\n 00001eb0: 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 010d 0000 ................\n 00001ec0: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00001ed0: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001ee0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 ................\n 00001ef0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f00: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4934 3368 4a35 6570 5665 .....TI43hJ5epVe\n+00001f10: 0000 0000 0054 4936 4d61 7275 6133 6e45 .....TI6Marua3nE\n 00001f20: 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 .$C$L1.$C$L2.$C$\n 00001f30: 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 7874 002e L3.$C$L4..text..\n 00001f40: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00001f50: 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e etain..text:main\n 00001f60: 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 ..debug_info..de\n 00001f70: 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f bug_line..debug_\n 00001f80: 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 frame..debug_abb\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1015.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 g-pru.Channel 32\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1404 150a 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt0.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3371 ug_pubtypes.TI3q\n-0001b240: 6272 3550 4c46 6300 2443 244c 3100 2443 br5PLFc.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356b ug_pubtypes.TI5k\n+0001b240: 3454 366b 3744 3900 2443 244c 3100 2443 4T6k7D9.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1016.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 g-pru.Channel 32\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 7162 ...........TI3qb\n-0001f5a0: 7235 504c 4663 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 r5PLFc.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 6b34 ...........TI5k4\n+0001f5a0: 5436 6b37 4439 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 T6k7D9.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1020.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3336 g-pru.Channel 36\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1404 150a 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt0.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 337a ug_pubtypes.TI3z\n-0001b240: 3565 6955 4c67 4400 2443 244c 3100 2443 5eiULgD.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356d ug_pubtypes.TI5m\n+0001b240: 3364 4564 376d 4900 2443 244c 3100 2443 3dEd7mI.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1021.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3336 g-pru.Channel 36\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 7a35 ...........TI3z5\n-0001f5a0: 6569 554c 6744 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 eiULgD.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 6d33 ...........TI5m3\n+0001f5a0: 6445 6437 6d49 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 dEd7mI.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1025.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3430 g-pru.Channel 40\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1404 150a 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt0.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3349 ug_pubtypes.TI3I\n-0001b240: 3953 4758 7757 6600 2443 244c 3100 2443 9SGXwWf.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 354b ug_pubtypes.TI5K\n+0001b240: 5877 6876 4671 6500 2443 244c 3100 2443 XwhvFqe.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1026.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3430 g-pru.Channel 40\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 4939 ...........TI3I9\n-0001f5a0: 5347 5877 5766 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 SGXwWf.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 4b58 ...........TI5KX\n+0001f5a0: 7768 7646 7165 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 whvFqe.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg2/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1036.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 g-pru.Channel 33\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1605 170b 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt1.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 334a ug_pubtypes.TI3J\n-0001b240: 4963 5137 5463 6d00 2443 244c 3100 2443 IcQ7Tcm.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356c ug_pubtypes.TI5l\n+0001b240: 636e 6750 6a38 7200 2443 244c 3100 2443 cngPj8r.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1037.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 g-pru.Channel 33\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 4a49 ...........TI3JI\n-0001f5a0: 6351 3754 636d 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 cQ7Tcm.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 6c63 ...........TI5lc\n+0001f5a0: 6e67 506a 3872 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 ngPj8r.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1041.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3337 g-pru.Channel 37\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1605 170b 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt1.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3355 ug_pubtypes.TI3U\n-0001b240: 366d 6646 3531 5400 2443 244c 3100 2443 6mfF51T.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3579 ug_pubtypes.TI5y\n+0001b240: 6c31 7665 744a 3300 2443 244c 3100 2443 l1vetJ3.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1042.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3337 g-pru.Channel 37\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 5536 ...........TI3U6\n-0001f5a0: 6d66 4635 3154 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 mfF51T.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 796c ...........TI5yl\n+0001f5a0: 3176 6574 4a33 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 1vetJ3.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt2_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1046.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3431 g-pru.Channel 41\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1605 170b 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 examples/am65x/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001240: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00001350: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 acc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0000 0229 6200 0002 1c01 2d3b c400 0002 ...)b.....-;....\n 0000f7e0: 3262 0000 021c 012f 49c4 0000 023b 6200 2b...../I....;b.\n 0000f7f0: 0002 2001 3365 c400 0002 4462 0000 021a .. .3e....Db....\n 0000f800: 0153 49c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0024 0c00 .SI..........$..\n 0000f810: 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c ...__TI_internal\n 0000f820: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 0000f830: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+0000f840: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 0000f850: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 0000f860: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 0000f870: 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 les/am65x/RTU_RP\n 0000f880: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000f890: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 pt1.TI PRU Linke\n 0000f8a0: 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f r Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000f8b0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000fac0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000fae0: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000fb00: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000fb10: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000fb20: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000fb30: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000fb40: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000fb50: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000fb70: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000fb80: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00011c30: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 .;.I...........%\n 00011c40: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00011c50: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 00011c60: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 00011c70: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00011c80: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00011c90: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00011c90: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00011ca0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00011cb0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00011cc0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00011cd0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00011ce0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00011cf0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00011d00: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 4849 4e54 5f31 3700 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 HINT_17.ENABLE_H\n 00016c80: 494e 545f 3138 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_18.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c90: 4e54 5f31 3900 7273 7664 3230 0069 6e74 NT_19.rsvd20.int\n 00016ca0: 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c c..../../../incl\n 00016cb0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00016cc0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00016cd0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00016ce0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00016cf0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00016d00: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00016d10: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/am65x/RTU_RPM\n 00016d20: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00016d30: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00016d40: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00016d50: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c .long.unsigned l\n 00016f00: 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e ong.long long.un\n 00016f10: 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 signed long long\n 00016f20: 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f .float.double.lo\n 00016f30: 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 ng double../home\n 00016f40: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016f50: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016f60: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-1/host/share/t\n+00016f60: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 t-2/host/share/t\n 00016f70: 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 i-cgt-pru/includ\n 00016f80: 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 e/stdint.h./home\n 00016f90: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00016fa0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00016fb0: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00016fb0: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00016fc0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00016fd0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00016fe0: 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 65x/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00016ff0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017000: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017010: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017020: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e rated.uint8_t.in\n 00017060: 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 t16_t.uint16_t.i\n 00017070: 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 nt32_t.uint32_t.\n 00017080: 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f uint64_t..../../\n 00017090: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 000170a0: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 000170b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000170c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000170d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000170e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000170f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017100: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017110: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017120: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017130: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 6677 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e fw_rsc_custom_in\n 00017190: 7473 5f6b 3300 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f ts_k3.channel_ho\n 000171a0: 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e st.num_evts.even\n 000171b0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 t_channel..resou\n 000171c0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 000171d0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000171e0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000171f0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+000171f0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00017200: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00017210: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00017220: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 /am65x/RTU_RPMsg\n 00017230: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00017240: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00017250: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00017260: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 offset.rpmsg_vde\n 000172c0: 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 v.rpmsg_vring0.r\n 000172d0: 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 6864 7200 pmsg_vring1.hdr.\n 000172e0: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 000172f0: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 00017300: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 00017310: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00017320: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00017330: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00017340: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00017350: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00017360: 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 RTU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00017370: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00017380: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00017390: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 00017410: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 00017420: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 00017430: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00017440: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00017450: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017460: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00017470: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00017480: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00017490: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000174a0: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 000174b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000174c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000174d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000174e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 00017540: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 00017550: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 00017560: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017570: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 00017580: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00017590: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000175a0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000175b0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000175c0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000175d0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000175e0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000175f0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00017600: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00017610: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3433 ug_pubtypes.TI43\n-0001b240: 5539 686e 4855 6e00 2443 244c 3100 2443 U9hnHUn.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3559 ug_pubtypes.TI5Y\n+0001b240: 6a4d 6c56 3750 7800 2443 244c 3100 2443 jMlV7Px.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1047.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3431 g-pru.Channel 41\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 5.9.0/examples/a\n 000002e0: 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 m65x/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00000df0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0115 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/am65x/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 ................\n 0000cd40: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 ........o.....f.\n 0000cd60: 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 0000cd80: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+0000cd90: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0000cda0: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 0000cdb0: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 0000cdc0: 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 t.h........<....\n 0000cdd0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f ........./../../\n 0000cdf0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 include/pru_type\n 0000ce00: 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 s.h........2....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 0000d220: 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d230: 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ;.I......./../..\n 0000d240: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f61 6d36 3578 2f70 /include/am65x/p\n 0000d250: 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f ru_intc.h./home/\n 0000d260: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 0000d270: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-0000d280: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+0000d280: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 0000d290: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 0000d2a0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 0000d2b0: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 0000d2c0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 0000d2d0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 0000d2e0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 0000d2f0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0006 1301 0113 030e 0b0b .:.;............\n 00012300: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 00012310: 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012320: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012330: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00012340: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00012350: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012360: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012370: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012380: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012390: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 xamples/am65x/RT\n 000123a0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 000123b0: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 000123c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 000123d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 000125c0: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 000125d0: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 000125e0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 000125f0: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00012600: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00012610: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00012620: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00012630: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00012640: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00012650: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00012660: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00012670: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00012680: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00012690: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000126a0: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f mples/am65x/RTU_\n 000126b0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 000126c0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 000126d0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000126e0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -4727,15 +4727,15 @@\n 00012760: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00012770: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00012780: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00012790: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 000127a0: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000127b0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000127c0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000127d0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000127d0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000127e0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000127f0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 .0/examples/am65\n 00012800: 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012810: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012820: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012830: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012840: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 000128d0: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 000128e0: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 000128f0: 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f .;.....resource_\n 00012900: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 00012910: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012920: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012930: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012930: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012940: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012950: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 9.0/examples/am6\n 00012960: 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 5x/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012970: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012980: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012990: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000129a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00012a60: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00012a70: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00012a80: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012a90: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00012aa0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012ab0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012ac0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012ac0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012ad0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012ae0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012af0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012b00: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012b10: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012b20: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012b30: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00012be0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00012bf0: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 00012c00: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00012c10: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 00012c20: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012c30: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012c40: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012c50: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012c60: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00012c70: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/am65x/RTU_R\n 00012c80: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00012c90: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00012ca0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00012cb0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00012d50: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00012d60: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00012d70: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00012d80: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00012d90: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00012da0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00012db0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00012db0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00012dc0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00012dd0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00012de0: 616d 3635 782f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f am65x/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00012df0: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00012e00: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00012e10: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00012e20: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4934 3355 ...........TI43U\n-0001f5a0: 3968 6e48 556e 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 9hnHUn.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 596a ...........TI5Yj\n+0001f5a0: 4d6c 5637 5078 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 MlV7Px.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg2/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg2/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/am65x/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg2/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg2/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/TX_PRU0/\n main.object 12 0 16 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 16 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1059.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 2a06 0000 0300 0000 ........*.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/am65x/TX_PRU_\n 00000110: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000120: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000130: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000140: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@\n 00000690: 907b 5233 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 .{R30_b3....|R31\n 000006a0: 5f62 3000 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 _b0....}R31_b1..\n 000006b0: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 000006c0: 315f 6233 0000 1c01 0000 0300 4000 0000 1_b3........@...\n 000006d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c. ..../h\n 000006e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000006f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000700: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000700: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000710: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000720: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000730: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 /am65x/TX_PRU_Ha\n 00000740: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000750: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000760: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000770: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -124,15 +124,15 @@\n 000007b0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000007c0: 1a01 3b01 3409 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f ..;.4...pru_remo\n 000007d0: 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 teproc_ResourceT\n 000007e0: 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 0300 6900 0000 able........i...\n 000007f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 ..main.c.Z......\n 00000800: 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .(..../home/peko\n 00000810: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000820: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000820: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000830: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000840: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000850: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000860: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000870: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000880: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000890: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@\n 00000ec0: 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 ..b.abort.exit.c\n 00000ed0: 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c .b.exit.c.f.TI L\n 00000ee0: 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f ibrary...loader_\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 0028 0000 0001 0000 cd00 0000 exit.(..........\n 00000f00: 0300 9602 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 ........__TI_int\n 00000f10: 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ernal./home/peko\n 00000f20: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000f30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000f30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000f40: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000f50: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000f60: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000f70: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000f80: 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 U Linker Unix v2\n 00000f90: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000fa0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 021c 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00001060: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00001070: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00001080: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00001090: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000010a0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000010b0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000010c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+000010c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 000010d0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 000010e0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 000010f0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00001100: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001110: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00001120: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00001130: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -377,49 +377,49 @@\n 00001780: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00001790: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 000017a0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 000017b0: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 000017c0: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 000017d0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000017e0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000017f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+000017f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00001800: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00001810: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00001820: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001830: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001840: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001840: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001850: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001860: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001870: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 ples/am65x/TX_PR\n 00001880: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001890: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000018a0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000018b0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n 000018c0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000018d0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0075 s Incorporated.u\n 000018e0: 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 6573 6f75 7263 int32_t..resourc\n 000018f0: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001900: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001910: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001920: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001920: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001930: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001940: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001950: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/am65x/TX_PRU_\n 00001960: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00001970: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001980: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00001990: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n 000019a0: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 000019b0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f Incorporated.my_\n 000019c0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 resource_table.b\n 000019d0: 6173 6500 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ase..../../../in\n 000019e0: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 000019f0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001a00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001a20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001a30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001a40: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 ples/am65x/TX_PR\n 00001a50: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001a60: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001a70: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001a80: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -965,16 +965,16 @@\n 00003c40: 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 RSVD31.far..debu\n 00003c50: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00003c60: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00003c70: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00003c80: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00003c90: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00003ca0: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00003cb0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3358 4c42 6238 ubtypes.TI3XLBb8\n-00003cc0: 4e38 5600 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 N8V..resource_ta\n+00003cb0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3677 7939 7362 ubtypes.TI6wy9sb\n+00003cc0: 3438 6800 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 48h..resource_ta\n 00003cd0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00003ce0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00003cf0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00003d00: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00003d10: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n 00003d20: 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 3sTEia.TIenzHQ2Y\n 00003d30: 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a 7537 006c ae.TIiBXWmgzu7.l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1060.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset dc in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdd refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 54 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@\n 00000070: 1400 0000 1f00 0000 2700 0000 0100 0000 ........'.......\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e 0000 c320 .......*....... \n 000000b0: 2a06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e *...........main\n 000000c0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000000d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000000e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000000e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000000f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000100: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000110: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000120: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000130: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000140: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000150: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 30_b2....{R30_b3\n 000006b0: 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000006c0: 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000006d0: 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 1c01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000006e0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000006f0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000700: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000710: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000710: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000720: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000730: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000740: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000750: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000760: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000770: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000780: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@\n 000007d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3b01 1e00 0000 ceTable...;.....\n 000007e0: 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 pru_remoteproc_R\n 000007f0: 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 esourceTable....\n 00000800: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 ............../h\n 00000820: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000830: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000840: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000840: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000850: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000860: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000870: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 /am65x/TX_PRU_Ha\n 00000880: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000008a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000008b0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@\n 00000af0: 0000 0502 0000 0000 0501 3105 020e 0501 ..........1.....\n 00000b00: 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 _...............\n 00000b10: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b20: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000b30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b40: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b50: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000b70: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000b80: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000b90: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000ba0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000bc0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000bd0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -228,20 +228,20 @@\n 00000e30: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00000e40: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00000e50: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00000e60: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00000e70: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00000e80: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000e90: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ea0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000ea0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000eb0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ec0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000ed0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00000ee0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f00: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f10: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f20: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5458 5f50 mples/am65x/TX_P\n 00000f30: 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 RU_Halt.TI PRU C\n 00000f40: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000f50: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000f60: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fb0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 030d 0003 ....9.:.;.......\n 00000fc0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00000fd0: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00000fe0: 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 le_empty.h./home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3635 782f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 65x/TX_PRU_Halt.\n 00001050: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001060: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001070: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00001080: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@\n 000010c0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 000010d0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000010e0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 000010f0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00001100: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 ../include/rsc_t\n 00001110: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00001120: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001130: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001130: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001140: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001150: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001160: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001170: 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 TX_PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000011a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -399,15 +399,15 @@\n 000018e0: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 000018f0: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001900: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001910: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001920: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001950: 0000 0000 5449 3358 4c42 6238 4e38 5600 ....TI3XLBb8N8V.\n+00001950: 0000 0000 5449 3677 7939 7362 3438 6800 ....TI6wy9sb48h.\n 00001960: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 00001970: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 00001980: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 00001990: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019a0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019b0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 000019c0: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:59 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/TX_PRU1/\n main.object 12 0 16 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 16 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1064.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 2a06 0000 0300 0000 ........*.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/am65x/TX_PRU_\n 00000110: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000120: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000130: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000140: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@\n 00000690: 907b 5233 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 .{R30_b3....|R31\n 000006a0: 5f62 3000 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 _b0....}R31_b1..\n 000006b0: 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 ..~R31_b2.....R3\n 000006c0: 315f 6233 0000 1c01 0000 0300 4000 0000 1_b3........@...\n 000006d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c. ..../h\n 000006e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000006f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000700: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000700: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000710: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000720: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000730: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 /am65x/TX_PRU_Ha\n 00000740: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000750: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000760: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000770: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -124,15 +124,15 @@\n 000007b0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000007c0: 1a01 3b01 3409 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f ..;.4...pru_remo\n 000007d0: 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 teproc_ResourceT\n 000007e0: 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 0300 6900 0000 able........i...\n 000007f0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 ..main.c.Z......\n 00000800: 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .(..../home/peko\n 00000810: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000820: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000820: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000830: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000840: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000850: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000860: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000870: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000880: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000890: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@\n 00000ec0: 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 ..b.abort.exit.c\n 00000ed0: 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c .b.exit.c.f.TI L\n 00000ee0: 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f ibrary...loader_\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 0028 0000 0001 0000 cd00 0000 exit.(..........\n 00000f00: 0300 9602 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 ........__TI_int\n 00000f10: 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ernal./home/peko\n 00000f20: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000f30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000f30: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000f40: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000f50: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000f60: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000f70: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000f80: 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 U Linker Unix v2\n 00000f90: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000fa0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 021c 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00001060: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00001070: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00001080: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00001090: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 000010a0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000010b0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000010c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+000010c0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 000010d0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 000010e0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 000010f0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00001100: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00001110: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00001120: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00001130: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -377,49 +377,49 @@\n 00001780: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00001790: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 000017a0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 000017b0: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 000017c0: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 000017d0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 000017e0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000017f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+000017f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00001800: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00001810: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00001820: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001830: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001840: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001840: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001850: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001860: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001870: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 ples/am65x/TX_PR\n 00001880: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001890: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000018a0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000018b0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n 000018c0: 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 Texas Instrument\n 000018d0: 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0075 s Incorporated.u\n 000018e0: 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 6573 6f75 7263 int32_t..resourc\n 000018f0: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001900: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001910: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001920: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001920: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001930: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001940: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001950: 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/am65x/TX_PRU_\n 00001960: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00001970: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00001980: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00001990: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n 000019a0: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 000019b0: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f Incorporated.my_\n 000019c0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 resource_table.b\n 000019d0: 6173 6500 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ase..../../../in\n 000019e0: 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e clude/rsc_types.\n 000019f0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001a00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001a20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001a30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001a40: 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 ples/am65x/TX_PR\n 00001a50: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001a60: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001a70: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001a80: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -965,16 +965,16 @@\n 00003c40: 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 RSVD31.far..debu\n 00003c50: 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 g_info..debug_li\n 00003c60: 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 ne..debug_frame.\n 00003c70: 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 .debug_abbrev..d\n 00003c80: 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f ebug_str..debug_\n 00003c90: 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 aranges..debug_p\n 00003ca0: 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 ubnames..debug_p\n-00003cb0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3430 3235 6a52 ubtypes.TI4025jR\n-00003cc0: 5172 3200 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 Qr2..resource_ta\n+00003cb0: 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3642 6e6d 3842 ubtypes.TI6Bnm8B\n+00003cc0: 4e70 6f00 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 Npo..resource_ta\n 00003cd0: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00003ce0: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00003cf0: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00003d00: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00003d10: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n 00003d20: 3373 5445 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 3sTEia.TIenzHQ2Y\n 00003d30: 6165 0054 4969 4258 576d 677a 7537 006c ae.TIiBXWmgzu7.l\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1065.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset dc in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdd refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 54 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@\n 00000070: 1400 0000 1f00 0000 2700 0000 0100 0000 ........'.......\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e 0000 c320 .......*....... \n 000000b0: 2a06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e *...........main\n 000000c0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000000d0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000000e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000000e0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000000f0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000100: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000110: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 0/examples/am65x\n 00000120: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000130: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000140: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000150: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 30_b2....{R30_b3\n 000006b0: 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d ....|R31_b0....}\n 000006c0: 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 R31_b1....~R31_b\n 000006d0: 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 1c01 2.....R31_b3....\n 000006e0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000006f0: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000700: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000710: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000710: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000720: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000730: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000740: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 examples/am65x/T\n 00000750: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00000760: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000770: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000780: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@\n 000007d0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3b01 1e00 0000 ceTable...;.....\n 000007e0: 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 pru_remoteproc_R\n 000007f0: 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 esourceTable....\n 00000800: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 ............../h\n 00000820: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000830: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000840: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000840: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000850: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000860: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000870: 2f61 6d36 3578 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 /am65x/TX_PRU_Ha\n 00000880: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000890: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 000008a0: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 000008b0: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@\n 00000af0: 0000 0502 0000 0000 0501 3105 020e 0501 ..........1.....\n 00000b00: 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 _...............\n 00000b10: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b20: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000b30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000b40: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000b50: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000b60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000b70: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000b80: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000b90: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000ba0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000bc0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000bd0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -228,20 +228,20 @@\n 00000e30: 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 g.unsigned long \n 00000e40: 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c long.float.doubl\n 00000e50: 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 e.long double...\n 00000e60: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00000e70: 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 .......9.:.;.I..\n 00000e80: 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000e90: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ea0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000ea0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000eb0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000ec0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000ed0: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00000ee0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000ef0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f00: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f10: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f20: 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f 5458 5f50 mples/am65x/TX_P\n 00000f30: 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 RU_Halt.TI PRU C\n 00000f40: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000f50: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000f60: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@\n 00000fa0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fb0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 030d 0003 ....9.:.;.......\n 00000fc0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00000fd0: 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 ....resource_tab\n 00000fe0: 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 le_empty.h./home\n 00000ff0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001000: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001010: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001010: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001020: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001030: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d .9.0/examples/am\n 00001040: 3635 782f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 65x/TX_PRU_Halt.\n 00001050: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001060: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001070: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00001080: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@\n 000010c0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 000010d0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000010e0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 000010f0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00001100: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 ../include/rsc_t\n 00001110: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00001120: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001130: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001130: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001140: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001150: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001160: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 616d 3635 782f /examples/am65x/\n 00001170: 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 TX_PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00001180: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001190: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000011a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -399,15 +399,15 @@\n 000018e0: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 000018f0: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001900: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001910: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001920: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001950: 0000 0000 5449 3430 3235 6a52 5172 3200 ....TI4025jRQr2.\n+00001950: 0000 0000 5449 3642 6e6d 3842 4e70 6f00 ....TI6Bnm8BNpo.\n 00001960: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 00001970: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 00001980: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 00001990: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019a0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019b0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 000019c0: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/am65x/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU0/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/PRU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1078.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 sourceTable...=.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 ples/j721e/PRU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .1....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00001890: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/PRU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00001970: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/PRU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 334e 7857 7575 4171 7900 2e72 6573 TI3NxWuuAqy..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 366d 3250 3354 5a58 3500 2e72 6573 TI6m2P3TZX5..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1079.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...=.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000880: 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 1e/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c es/j721e/PRU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 334e 7857 7575 4171 7900 2e74 6578 TI3NxWuuAqy..tex\n+00001990: 5449 366d 3250 3354 5a58 3500 2e74 6578 TI6m2P3TZX5..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/PRU1/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/PRU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1083.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/PRU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 sourceTable...=.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 ples/j721e/PRU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .1....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00001890: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/PRU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00001970: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/PRU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3350 6679 494f 714c 4400 2e72 6573 TI3PfyIOqLD..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3672 6f63 3855 384b 6300 2e72 6573 TI6roc8U8Kc..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1084.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...=.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000880: 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 1e/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f48 616c es/j721e/PRU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3350 6679 494f 714c 4400 2e74 6578 TI3PfyIOqLD..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3672 6f63 3855 384b 6300 2e74 6578 TI6roc8U8Kc..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1094.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 30........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/j721e/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /j721e/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0ac6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001460: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 7ec4 0000 023e 6200 0002 1c01 2d85 c400 ~....>b.....-...\n 0000f820: 0002 4762 0000 021c 012f 93c4 0000 0250 ..Gb...../.....P\n 0000f830: 6200 0002 2001 33af c400 0002 5962 0000 b... .3.....Yb..\n 0000f840: 021a 0153 93c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 ...S...........5\n 0000f850: 0c00 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 0000f860: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 0000f870: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000f890: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000f8a0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000f8b0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 0000f8c0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000f8d0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e rupt0.TI PRU Lin\n 0000f8e0: 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 ker Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000f8f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000faf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000fb00: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000fb20: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000fb40: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000fb60: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000fb70: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000fb80: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000fb90: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000fba0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000fbb0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000fbc0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b ..%..@..........\n 00011c80: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 9.:.;.I.........\n 00011c90: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 00011ca0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 /../include/j721\n 00011cb0: 652f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f e/pru_intc.h./ho\n 00011cc0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00011cd0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00011ce0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00011ce0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00011cf0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00011d00: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00011d10: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00011d20: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00011d30: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00011d40: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00011d50: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_17.ENABL\n 00016cd0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 E_HINT_18.ENABLE\n 00016ce0: 5f48 494e 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 _HINT_19.rsvd20.\n 00016cf0: 696e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 intc..../../../i\n 00016d00: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00016d10: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00016d20: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00016d40: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00016d50: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00016d60: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00016d70: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00016d80: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00016d90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00016da0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00016f60: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00016f70: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00016f80: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00016f90: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00016fa0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00016fb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00016fd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00016fe0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00016ff0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017000: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017020: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017030: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00017040: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00017050: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00017060: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00017070: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00017080: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 000170d0: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 000170e0: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 000170f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017100: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 00017110: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00017120: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00017130: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00017130: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017140: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017150: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017160: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00017170: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00017180: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017190: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000171a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 00017200: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 00017210: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 00017220: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 00017230: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00017240: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00017250: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00017260: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00017260: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00017270: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017280: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017290: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 000172a0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 000172b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000172c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000172d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 00017330: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 00017340: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 00017350: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00017360: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 00017370: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00017380: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00017390: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00017390: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000173a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000173b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000173c0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 000173d0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000173e0: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000173f0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00017400: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 616e 7370 6f72 u_rpmsg_transpor\n 00017480: 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 6530 0076 6972 t.virtqueue0.vir\n 00017490: 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e tqueue1..../../.\n 000174a0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000174b0: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 000174c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000174d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000174e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000174e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000174f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017500: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017510: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00017520: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00017530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017550: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e nt.from_arm_even\n 000175b0: 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 t.last_avail_idx\n 000175c0: 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e .vring..../../..\n 000175d0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 /include/pru_vir\n 000175e0: 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 tio_ring.h./home\n 000175f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017600: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017610: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017610: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017620: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017630: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00017640: 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017650: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017660: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017670: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017680: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3339 ug_pubtypes.TI39\n-0001b2b0: 4156 6c6b 7837 6300 2443 244c 3100 2443 AVlkx7c.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356a ug_pubtypes.TI5j\n+0001b2b0: 4656 7536 4359 3500 2443 244c 3100 2443 FVu6CY5.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1095.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 30........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/j721e/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000cd70: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000cd80: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000cda0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000cdc0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000cde0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000cdf0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000ce00: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000ce10: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000ce20: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000ce30: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000ce40: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d260: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 0000d270: 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f :.;.I......./../\n 0000d280: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f6a 3732 3165 ../include/j721e\n 0000d290: 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d /pru_intc.h./hom\n 0000d2a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d2b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d2c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d2c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d2d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d2e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 0000d2f0: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d300: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 0000d310: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000d320: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000d330: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4661,15 +4661,15 @@\n 00012340: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012350: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e .9.:.;..........\n 00012360: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012370: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012380: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f /../include/rsc_\n 00012390: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000123a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000123c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000123d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000123e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000123f0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012400: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00012410: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012420: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00012630: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00012640: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00012650: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00012660: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00012670: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012680: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012690: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00012690: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000126a0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 000126b0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 000126c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000126d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000126e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000126e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000126f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012700: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012710: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012720: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012730: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012740: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012750: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 000127d0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 000127e0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000127f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012800: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/pru_types.h./\n 00012810: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00012820: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00012830: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00012830: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00012840: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00012850: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00012860: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 00012870: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00012880: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00012890: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000128a0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 channel......2.8\n 00012930: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012940: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012950: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012960: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00012970: 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f e_0.h./home/peko\n 00012980: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000129a0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000129b0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000129c0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 examples/j721e/P\n 000129d0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000129e0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 000129f0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012a00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 400e 0000 0311 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012ac0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012ad0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 2800 030e 1c0b 390b .:.;....(.....9.\n 00012ae0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012af0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d /include/pru_rpm\n 00012b00: 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f sg.h./home/peko/\n 00012b10: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012b30: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012b40: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012b50: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012b60: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012b70: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00012b80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012b90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012c50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012c60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012c70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012c80: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00012c90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012ca0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012cb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012cb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012cc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012cd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00012ce0: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012cf0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012d00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012d10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012d20: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00012db0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00012dc0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00012dd0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012de0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 00012df0: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 00012e00: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012e20: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012e30: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012e40: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012e50: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012e60: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00012e70: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012e80: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 3941 566c 6b78 3763 0024 ...TI39AVlkx7c.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6a46 5675 3643 5935 0024 ...TI5jFVu6CY5.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1099.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3334 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 34........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/j721e/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /j721e/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0ac6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001460: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 7ec4 0000 023e 6200 0002 1c01 2d85 c400 ~....>b.....-...\n 0000f820: 0002 4762 0000 021c 012f 93c4 0000 0250 ..Gb...../.....P\n 0000f830: 6200 0002 2001 33af c400 0002 5962 0000 b... .3.....Yb..\n 0000f840: 021a 0153 93c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 ...S...........5\n 0000f850: 0c00 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 0000f860: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 0000f870: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000f890: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000f8a0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000f8b0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 0000f8c0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000f8d0: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e rupt0.TI PRU Lin\n 0000f8e0: 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 ker Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000f8f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000faf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000fb00: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000fb20: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000fb40: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000fb60: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000fb70: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000fb80: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000fb90: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000fba0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000fbb0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000fbc0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b ..%..@..........\n 00011c80: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 9.:.;.I.........\n 00011c90: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 00011ca0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 /../include/j721\n 00011cb0: 652f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f e/pru_intc.h./ho\n 00011cc0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00011cd0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00011ce0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00011ce0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00011cf0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00011d00: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00011d10: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00011d20: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00011d30: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00011d40: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00011d50: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_17.ENABL\n 00016cd0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 E_HINT_18.ENABLE\n 00016ce0: 5f48 494e 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 _HINT_19.rsvd20.\n 00016cf0: 696e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 intc..../../../i\n 00016d00: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00016d10: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00016d20: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00016d40: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00016d50: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00016d60: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00016d70: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00016d80: 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt0.TI PRU C/C\n 00016d90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00016da0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00016f60: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00016f70: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00016f80: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00016f90: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00016fa0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00016fb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00016fd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00016fe0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00016ff0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017000: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017020: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017030: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00017040: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00017050: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00017060: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00017070: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00017080: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 000170d0: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 000170e0: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 000170f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017100: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 00017110: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00017120: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00017130: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00017130: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017140: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017150: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017160: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00017170: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00017180: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017190: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000171a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 00017200: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 00017210: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 00017220: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 00017230: 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_0.h./home/\n 00017240: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00017250: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00017260: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00017260: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00017270: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017280: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017290: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 000172a0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 000172b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000172c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000172d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 00017330: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 00017340: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 00017350: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00017360: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 00017370: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00017380: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00017390: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00017390: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000173a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000173b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000173c0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 000173d0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000173e0: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000173f0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00017400: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 616e 7370 6f72 u_rpmsg_transpor\n 00017480: 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 6530 0076 6972 t.virtqueue0.vir\n 00017490: 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e tqueue1..../../.\n 000174a0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000174b0: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 000174c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000174d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000174e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000174e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000174f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017500: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017510: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00017520: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00017530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017550: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e nt.from_arm_even\n 000175b0: 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 t.last_avail_idx\n 000175c0: 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e .vring..../../..\n 000175d0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 /include/pru_vir\n 000175e0: 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 tio_ring.h./home\n 000175f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017600: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017610: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017610: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017620: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017630: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00017640: 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017650: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00017660: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017670: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017680: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 336a ug_pubtypes.TI3j\n-0001b2b0: 5976 7969 456d 4f00 2443 244c 3100 2443 YvyiEmO.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356c ug_pubtypes.TI5l\n+0001b2b0: 5348 4962 566c 4900 2443 244c 3100 2443 SHIbVlI.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1100.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3334 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 34........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/j721e/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt0.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000cd70: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000cd80: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000cda0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000cdc0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000cde0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000cdf0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000ce00: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000ce10: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000ce20: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000ce30: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000ce40: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d260: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 0000d270: 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f :.;.I......./../\n 0000d280: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f6a 3732 3165 ../include/j721e\n 0000d290: 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d /pru_intc.h./hom\n 0000d2a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d2b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d2c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d2c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d2d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d2e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 0000d2f0: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d300: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 0000d310: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000d320: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000d330: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4661,15 +4661,15 @@\n 00012340: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012350: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e .9.:.;..........\n 00012360: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012370: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012380: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f /../include/rsc_\n 00012390: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000123a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000123c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000123d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000123e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000123f0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012400: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00012410: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012420: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00012630: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00012640: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00012650: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00012660: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00012670: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012680: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012690: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00012690: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000126a0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 000126b0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 000126c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000126d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000126e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000126e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000126f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012700: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012710: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012720: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012730: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012740: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012750: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 000127d0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 000127e0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000127f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012800: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/pru_types.h./\n 00012810: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00012820: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00012830: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00012830: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00012840: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00012850: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00012860: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 00012870: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00012880: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00012890: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000128a0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 channel......2.8\n 00012930: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012940: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012950: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012960: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00012970: 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f e_0.h./home/peko\n 00012980: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000129a0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000129b0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000129c0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 examples/j721e/P\n 000129d0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000129e0: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 000129f0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012a00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 400e 0000 0311 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012ac0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012ad0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 2800 030e 1c0b 390b .:.;....(.....9.\n 00012ae0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012af0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d /include/pru_rpm\n 00012b00: 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f sg.h./home/peko/\n 00012b10: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012b30: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012b40: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012b50: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012b60: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012b70: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00012b80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012b90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012c50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012c60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012c70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012c80: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00012c90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012ca0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012cb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012cb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012cc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012cd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00012ce0: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012cf0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00012d00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012d10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012d20: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00012db0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00012dc0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00012dd0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012de0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 00012df0: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 00012e00: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012e20: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012e30: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012e40: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012e50: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012e60: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00012e70: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012e80: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 6a59 7679 6945 6d4f 0024 ...TI3jYvyiEmO.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6c53 4849 6256 6c49 0024 ...TI5lSHIbVlI.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:57 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:13 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1110.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 31........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/j721e/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /j721e/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0ac6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001460: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 7ec4 0000 023e 6200 0002 1c01 2d85 c400 ~....>b.....-...\n 0000f820: 0002 4762 0000 021c 012f 93c4 0000 0250 ..Gb...../.....P\n 0000f830: 6200 0002 2001 33af c400 0002 5962 0000 b... .3.....Yb..\n 0000f840: 021a 0153 93c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 ...S...........5\n 0000f850: 0c00 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 0000f860: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 0000f870: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000f890: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000f8a0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000f8b0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 0000f8c0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000f8d0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e rupt1.TI PRU Lin\n 0000f8e0: 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 ker Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000f8f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000faf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000fb00: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000fb20: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000fb40: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000fb60: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000fb70: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000fb80: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000fb90: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000fba0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000fbb0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000fbc0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b ..%..@..........\n 00011c80: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 9.:.;.I.........\n 00011c90: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 00011ca0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 /../include/j721\n 00011cb0: 652f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f e/pru_intc.h./ho\n 00011cc0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00011cd0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00011ce0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00011ce0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00011cf0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00011d00: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00011d10: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00011d20: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00011d30: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00011d40: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00011d50: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_17.ENABL\n 00016cd0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 E_HINT_18.ENABLE\n 00016ce0: 5f48 494e 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 _HINT_19.rsvd20.\n 00016cf0: 696e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 intc..../../../i\n 00016d00: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00016d10: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00016d20: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00016d40: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00016d50: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00016d60: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00016d70: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00016d80: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00016d90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00016da0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00016f60: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00016f70: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00016f80: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00016f90: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00016fa0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00016fb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00016fd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00016fe0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00016ff0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017000: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017020: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017030: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00017040: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00017050: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00017060: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00017070: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00017080: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 000170d0: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 000170e0: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 000170f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017100: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 00017110: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00017120: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00017130: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00017130: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017140: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017150: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017160: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00017170: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00017180: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017190: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000171a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 00017200: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 00017210: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 00017220: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 00017230: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 00017240: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00017250: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00017260: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00017260: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00017270: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017280: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017290: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 000172a0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 000172b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000172c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000172d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 00017330: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 00017340: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 00017350: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00017360: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 00017370: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00017380: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00017390: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00017390: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000173a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000173b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000173c0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 000173d0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000173e0: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000173f0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00017400: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 616e 7370 6f72 u_rpmsg_transpor\n 00017480: 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 6530 0076 6972 t.virtqueue0.vir\n 00017490: 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e tqueue1..../../.\n 000174a0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000174b0: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 000174c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000174d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000174e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000174e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000174f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017500: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017510: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00017520: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00017530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017550: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e nt.from_arm_even\n 000175b0: 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 t.last_avail_idx\n 000175c0: 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e .vring..../../..\n 000175d0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 /include/pru_vir\n 000175e0: 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 tio_ring.h./home\n 000175f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017600: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017610: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017610: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017620: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017630: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00017640: 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017650: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017660: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017670: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017680: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3368 ug_pubtypes.TI3h\n-0001b2b0: 4172 4f34 774d 4500 2443 244c 3100 2443 ArO4wME.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 356c ug_pubtypes.TI5l\n+0001b2b0: 7332 4557 5539 7500 2443 244c 3100 2443 s2EWU9u.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1111.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 31........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/j721e/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000cd70: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000cd80: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000cda0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000cdc0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000cde0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000cdf0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000ce00: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000ce10: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000ce20: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000ce30: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000ce40: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d260: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 0000d270: 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f :.;.I......./../\n 0000d280: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f6a 3732 3165 ../include/j721e\n 0000d290: 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d /pru_intc.h./hom\n 0000d2a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d2b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d2c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d2c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d2d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d2e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 0000d2f0: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d300: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 0000d310: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000d320: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000d330: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4661,15 +4661,15 @@\n 00012340: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012350: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e .9.:.;..........\n 00012360: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012370: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012380: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f /../include/rsc_\n 00012390: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000123a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000123c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000123d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000123e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000123f0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012400: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00012410: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012420: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00012630: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00012640: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00012650: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00012660: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00012670: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012680: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012690: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00012690: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000126a0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 000126b0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 000126c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000126d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000126e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000126e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000126f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012700: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012710: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012720: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012730: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012740: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012750: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 000127d0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 000127e0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000127f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012800: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/pru_types.h./\n 00012810: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00012820: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00012830: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00012830: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00012840: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00012850: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00012860: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 00012870: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00012880: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00012890: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000128a0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 channel......2.8\n 00012930: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012940: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012950: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012960: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00012970: 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f e_1.h./home/peko\n 00012980: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000129a0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000129b0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000129c0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 examples/j721e/P\n 000129d0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000129e0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 000129f0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012a00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 400e 0000 0311 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012ac0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012ad0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 2800 030e 1c0b 390b .:.;....(.....9.\n 00012ae0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012af0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d /include/pru_rpm\n 00012b00: 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f sg.h./home/peko/\n 00012b10: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012b30: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012b40: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012b50: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012b60: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012b70: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00012b80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012b90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012c50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012c60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012c70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012c80: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00012c90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012ca0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012cb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012cb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012cc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012cd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00012ce0: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012cf0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012d00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012d10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012d20: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00012db0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00012dc0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00012dd0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012de0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 00012df0: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 00012e00: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012e20: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012e30: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012e40: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012e50: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012e60: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00012e70: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012e80: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 6841 724f 3477 4d45 0024 ...TI3hArO4wME.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 6c73 3245 5755 3975 0024 ...TI5ls2EWU9u.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1115.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3335 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 35........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d es/j721e/PRU_RPM\n 00000630: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000640: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000010a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 000010b0: 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 load...G.1...pay\n 000010c0: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 000010d0: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 000010e0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010f0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001100: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001100: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001110: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001120: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001130: 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 /j721e/PRU_RPMsg\n 00001140: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00001150: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001160: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001170: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@\n 00001190: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 000011a0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 000011b0: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 .CT_INTC........\n 000011c0: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 000011d0: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 .......main.c...\n 000011e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000011f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00001210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00001220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00001230: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00001240: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00001250: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001260: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001270: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@\n 000012a0: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 000012b0: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 000012c0: 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 ap...;.r...pru_i\n 000012d0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000012e0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012f0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001300: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001310: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001320: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001330: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001340: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00001350: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001360: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001370: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001380: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 000013d0: 6500 1a01 5001 0ac6 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P.....resour\n 000013e0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000013f0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 .....main.c.....\n 00001400: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00001410: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001420: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001430: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001430: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001440: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001450: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001460: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001470: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001480: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001490: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000014a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -3970,15 +3970,15 @@\n 0000f810: 7ec4 0000 023e 6200 0002 1c01 2d85 c400 ~....>b.....-...\n 0000f820: 0002 4762 0000 021c 012f 93c4 0000 0250 ..Gb...../.....P\n 0000f830: 6200 0002 2001 33af c400 0002 5962 0000 b... .3.....Yb..\n 0000f840: 021a 0153 93c4 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 ...S...........5\n 0000f850: 0c00 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 0000f860: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 0000f870: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000f880: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000f890: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000f8a0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000f8b0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 0000f8c0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000f8d0: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e rupt1.TI PRU Lin\n 0000f8e0: 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 ker Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000f8f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4015,15 +4015,15 @@\n 0000fae0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000faf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000fb00: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000fb10: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000fb20: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000fb30: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000fb40: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000fb50: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000fb60: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000fb70: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000fb80: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000fb90: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000fba0: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000fbb0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000fbc0: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -4552,15 +4552,15 @@\n 00011c70: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b ..%..@..........\n 00011c80: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 9.:.;.I.........\n 00011c90: 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e ..%..@......./..\n 00011ca0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 /../include/j721\n 00011cb0: 652f 7072 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f e/pru_intc.h./ho\n 00011cc0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00011cd0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00011ce0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00011ce0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00011cf0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00011d00: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00011d10: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00011d20: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00011d30: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00011d40: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00011d50: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5837,15 +5837,15 @@\n 00016cc0: 4c45 5f48 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c LE_HINT_17.ENABL\n 00016cd0: 455f 4849 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 E_HINT_18.ENABLE\n 00016ce0: 5f48 494e 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 _HINT_19.rsvd20.\n 00016cf0: 696e 7463 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 intc..../../../i\n 00016d00: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 00016d10: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00016d20: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00016d30: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00016d40: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00016d50: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00016d60: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f mples/j721e/PRU_\n 00016d70: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00016d80: 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 rupt1.TI PRU C/C\n 00016d90: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00016da0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -5878,20 +5878,20 @@\n 00016f50: 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 ed int.long.unsi\n 00016f60: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c gned long.long l\n 00016f70: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 00016f80: 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 g long.float.dou\n 00016f90: 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 ble.long double.\n 00016fa0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00016fb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00016fc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00016fd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00016fe0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00016ff0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017000: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017010: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017020: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017030: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00017040: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 les/j721e/PRU_RP\n 00017050: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00017060: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00017070: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00017080: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5901,15 +5901,15 @@\n 000170c0: 385f 7400 696e 7431 365f 7400 7569 6e74 8_t.int16_t.uint\n 000170d0: 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 696e 16_t.int32_t.uin\n 000170e0: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 t32_t.uint64_t..\n 000170f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017100: 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /pru_types.h./ho\n 00017110: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00017120: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00017130: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00017130: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017140: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017150: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017160: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00017170: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00017180: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017190: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000171a0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5920,15 +5920,15 @@\n 000171f0: 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 0072 6573 6572 7665 tom_ints.reserve\n 00017200: 6400 6368 616e 6e65 6c5f 686f 7374 006e d.channel_host.n\n 00017210: 756d 5f65 7674 7300 6576 656e 745f 6368 um_evts.event_ch\n 00017220: 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f annel..resource_\n 00017230: 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f table_1.h./home/\n 00017240: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00017250: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00017260: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00017260: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00017270: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017280: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017290: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 000172a0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 000172b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000172c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000172d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5939,15 +5939,15 @@\n 00017320: 6574 0072 706d 7367 5f76 6465 7600 7270 et.rpmsg_vdev.rp\n 00017330: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6730 0072 706d 7367 msg_vring0.rpmsg\n 00017340: 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 7072 755f 696e 7473 _vring1.pru_ints\n 00017350: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00017360: 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f de/pru_rpmsg.h./\n 00017370: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00017380: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00017390: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00017390: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 000173a0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 000173b0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 000173c0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 000173d0: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 000173e0: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 000173f0: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00017400: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5960,15 +5960,15 @@\n 00017470: 755f 7270 6d73 675f 7472 616e 7370 6f72 u_rpmsg_transpor\n 00017480: 7400 7669 7274 7175 6575 6530 0076 6972 t.virtqueue0.vir\n 00017490: 7471 7565 7565 3100 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e tqueue1..../../.\n 000174a0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 000174b0: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 000174c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000174d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000174e0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+000174e0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 000174f0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00017500: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00017510: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00017520: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00017530: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017540: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017550: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5979,15 +5979,15 @@\n 000175a0: 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f 6172 6d5f 6576 656e nt.from_arm_even\n 000175b0: 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 7661 696c 5f69 6478 t.last_avail_idx\n 000175c0: 0076 7269 6e67 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e .vring..../../..\n 000175d0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 /include/pru_vir\n 000175e0: 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 tio_ring.h./home\n 000175f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00017600: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00017610: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00017610: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00017620: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00017630: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00017640: 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00017650: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00017660: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00017670: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00017680: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -6948,16 +6948,16 @@\n 0001b230: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b240: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b250: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b260: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b270: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b280: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b290: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3372 ug_pubtypes.TI3r\n-0001b2b0: 7262 6864 5a4b 6a00 2443 244c 3100 2443 rbhdZKj.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b2a0: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3575 ug_pubtypes.TI5u\n+0001b2b0: 3776 6152 5573 5800 2443 244c 3100 2443 7vaRUsX.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b2c0: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b2d0: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b2e0: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b2f0: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b300: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b310: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b320: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1116.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3335 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 annel 35........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 amples/j721e/PRU\n 000002e0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000002f0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -213,15 +213,15 @@\n 00000d40: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000d50: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000d60: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 0131 0500 .payload...G.1..\n 00000d70: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000d80: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000d90: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000da0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000db0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000dc0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000dd0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000de0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 ples/j721e/PRU_R\n 00000df0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 00000e00: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000e10: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000e20: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@\n 00000e40: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000e50: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000e60: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0015 0114 .....CT_INTC....\n 00000e70: 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ......CT_INTC...\n 00000e80: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000e90: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000ea0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000eb0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000ec0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000ed0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000ee0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00000ef0: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00000f00: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 nterrupt1.TI PRU\n 00000f10: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f20: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000f60: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000f70: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 0500 0070 tc_map...;.r...p\n 00000f80: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000f90: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000fa0: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000fb0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000fc0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000fd0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000fe0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000ff0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00001000: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001010: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001020: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001030: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00001080: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00001090: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 000010a0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 000010b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 000010c0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000010d0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000010e0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000010e0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000010f0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001100: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001110: 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00001120: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001130: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001140: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001150: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -3287,15 +3287,15 @@\n 0000cd60: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/rsc_types\n 0000cd70: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 0300 .h..............\n 0000cd80: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 0000cd90: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 0000cda0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 0000cdb0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 0000cdc0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+0000cdd0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 0000cde0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 0000cdf0: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 0000ce00: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 int.h........<..\n 0000ce10: 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...3............\n 0000ce20: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .........../../.\n 0000ce30: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 0000ce40: 7065 732e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0132 0000 pes.h........2..\n@@ -3366,15 +3366,15 @@\n 0000d250: 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 9.:.;..........9\n 0000d260: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d 1600 030e 130b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 0000d270: 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f :.;.I......./../\n 0000d280: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f6a 3732 3165 ../include/j721e\n 0000d290: 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d /pru_intc.h./hom\n 0000d2a0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 0000d2b0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-0000d2c0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+0000d2c0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 0000d2d0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 0000d2e0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 0000d2f0: 3732 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 0000d300: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 0000d310: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 0000d320: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 0000d330: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4661,15 +4661,15 @@\n 00012340: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0713 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012350: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0008 1701 0113 030e .9.:.;..........\n 00012360: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0917 0101 130b ..9.:.;.........\n 00012370: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012380: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f /../include/rsc_\n 00012390: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000123a0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000123b0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000123c0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000123d0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000123e0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000123f0: 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /PRU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012400: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00012410: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012420: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4707,20 +4707,20 @@\n 00012620: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00012630: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00012640: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00012650: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00012660: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00012670: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012680: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012690: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00012690: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000126a0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 000126b0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 000126c0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000126d0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000126e0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000126e0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000126f0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012700: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012710: 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012720: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012730: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012740: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00012750: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4733,15 +4733,15 @@\n 000127c0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 000127d0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 000127e0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 000127f0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012800: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/pru_types.h./\n 00012810: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00012820: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00012830: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00012830: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00012840: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00012850: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00012860: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/PRU_RPMs\n 00012870: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00012880: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00012890: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 000128a0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -4755,15 +4755,15 @@\n 00012920: 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 channel......2.8\n 00012930: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 00012940: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00012950: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00012960: 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00012970: 655f 312e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f e_1.h./home/peko\n 00012980: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00012990: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000129a0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000129b0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000129c0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f50 examples/j721e/P\n 000129d0: 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e RU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 000129e0: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 000129f0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00012a00: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -4780,15 +4780,15 @@\n 00012ab0: 400e 0000 0311 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012ac0: 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012ad0: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 2800 030e 1c0b 390b .:.;....(.....9.\n 00012ae0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00012af0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 706d /include/pru_rpm\n 00012b00: 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f sg.h./home/peko/\n 00012b10: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012b20: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012b30: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012b40: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012b50: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012b60: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012b70: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00012b80: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012b90: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -4805,15 +4805,15 @@\n 00012c40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012c50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012c60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012c70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012c80: 7274 7175 6575 652e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f rtqueue.h./home/\n 00012c90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00012ca0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00012cb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00012cb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00012cc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00012cd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00012ce0: 3165 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/PRU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00012cf0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00012d00: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00012d10: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00012d20: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -4827,15 +4827,15 @@\n 00012da0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 9.:.;.I..@......\n 00012db0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 ........%..@....\n 00012dc0: 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00012dd0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00012de0: 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 de/pru_virtio_ri\n 00012df0: 6e67 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ng.h./home/peko/\n 00012e00: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00012e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00012e20: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00012e30: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00012e40: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5052 xamples/j721e/PR\n 00012e50: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00012e60: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00012e70: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00012e80: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -8031,15 +8031,15 @@\n 0001f5e0: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0001f5f0: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0001f600: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0001f610: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f620: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f630: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f640: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f650: 0000 0054 4933 7272 6268 645a 4b6a 0024 ...TI3rrbhdZKj.$\n+0001f650: 0000 0054 4935 7537 7661 5255 7358 0024 ...TI5u7vaRUsX.$\n 0001f660: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0001f670: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0001f680: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0001f690: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0001f6a0: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0001f6b0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0001f6c0: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU0/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/RTU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1127.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/RTU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 sourceTable...=.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 ples/j721e/RTU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f mples/j721e/RTU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .1....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00001890: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/RTU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00001970: 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 RTU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/RTU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3352 766b 664a 794b 4f00 2e72 6573 TI3RvkfJyKO..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 366d 6d75 4b42 706a 3600 2e72 6573 TI6mmuKBpj6..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1128.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/RTU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...=.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000880: 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 1e/RTU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c es/j721e/RTU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3352 766b 664a 794b 4f00 2e74 6578 TI3RvkfJyKO..tex\n+00001990: 5449 366d 6d75 4b42 706a 3600 2e74 6578 TI6mmuKBpj6..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/RTU1/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/RTU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1132.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3506 0000 ............5...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 00000110: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000140: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f {R30_b3....|R31_\n 000006b0: 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 b0....}R31_b1...\n 000006c0: 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 .~R31_b2.....R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3300 0019 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 _b3........@....\n 000006e0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f .main.c. ..../ho\n 000006f0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000700: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000710: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000710: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000720: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000730: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000740: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/RTU_Halt.T\n 00000750: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000760: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000770: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00000780: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 sourceTable...=.\n 000007d0: 3909 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 9...pru_remotepr\n 000007e0: 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 oc_ResourceTable\n 000007f0: 0000 1101 0000 0300 6900 0000 0401 6d61 ........i.....ma\n 00000800: 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c 0000 0028 0000 in.c.Z.......(..\n 00000810: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000820: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000830: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000840: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000850: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000860: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 ples/j721e/RTU_H\n 00000870: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00000880: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000890: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 000008a0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e 6300 6206 .abort.exit.c.b.\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 4c69 6272 exit.c.f.TI Libr\n 00000f00: 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 5f65 7869 ary...loader_exi\n 00000f10: 7400 2800 0000 0100 00ca 0000 0003 0096 t.(.............\n 00000f20: 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e .....__TI_intern\n 00000f30: 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 al./home/peko/au\n 00000f40: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000f50: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000f60: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000f70: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000f80: 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f mples/j721e/RTU_\n 00000f90: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b Halt.TI PRU Link\n 00000fa0: 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 er Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000fb0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000fc0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .1....._........\n 00001080: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001090: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 000010a0: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000010b0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000010c0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000010d0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000010e0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000010e0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000010f0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00001100: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001110: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001120: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001130: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001140: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001150: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -379,33 +379,33 @@\n 000017a0: 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 t.long.unsigned \n 000017b0: 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 long.long long.u\n 000017c0: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 000017d0: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 000017e0: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d ong double../hom\n 000017f0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001800: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001810: 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-1/host/share/\n+00001810: 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f ut-2/host/share/\n 00001820: 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 ti-cgt-pru/inclu\n 00001830: 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d de/stdint.h./hom\n 00001840: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00001850: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00001860: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00001860: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00001870: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00001880: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00001890: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/RTU_Halt.TI\n 000018a0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 000018b0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 000018c0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 000018d0: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n 000018e0: 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f truments Incorpo\n 000018f0: 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0000 rated.uint32_t..\n 00001900: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 00001910: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001920: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001930: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001940: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001950: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001960: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f /examples/j721e/\n 00001970: 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 RTU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001980: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001990: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000019a0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@\n 000019c0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019d0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019e0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019f0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00001a00: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a10: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a20: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a30: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a30: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a40: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a50: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a60: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 4861 6c74 0054 j721e/RTU_Halt.T\n 00001a70: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001a80: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001a90: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n 00001aa0: 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 12-2018 Texas In\n@@ -967,15 +967,15 @@\n 00003c60: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c70: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c80: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c90: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003ca0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003cb0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003cc0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cd0: 5449 3354 4f41 5144 3070 5500 2e72 6573 TI3TOAQD0pU..res\n+00003cd0: 5449 3671 5043 7949 5079 3800 2e72 6573 TI6qPCyIPy8..res\n 00003ce0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cf0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003d00: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003d10: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d20: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d30: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d40: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1133.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d9 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xda refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 51 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 122 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3506 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 5...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 721e/RTU_Halt.TI\n 00000130: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000140: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000150: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000160: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0_b2....{R30_b3.\n 000006c0: 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 ...|R31_b0....}R\n 000006d0: 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 31_b1....~R31_b2\n 000006e0: 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0019 0100 .....R31_b3.....\n 000006f0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000700: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000710: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000720: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000730: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000740: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000750: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00000760: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000770: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000780: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000790: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 0000 7072 755f ble...=.....pru_\n 000007f0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 00000800: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1101 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 00000810: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000820: 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000830: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000840: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000850: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000850: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000860: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000870: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000880: 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 1e/RTU_Halt.TI P\n 00000890: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 000008a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000008b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 000008c0: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0200 0000 0005 0131 0502 0e05 015f 0602 .......1....._..\n 00000b20: 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b40: 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 ....o.....f.....\n 00000b50: 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 ................\n 00000b60: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b70: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000b80: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000b90: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ba0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000bb0: 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 .......6.....-..\n 00000bc0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000bd0: 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c ...resource_tabl\n 00000be0: 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 e_empty.h.......\n 00000bf0: 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .<.....3........\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e nsigned long lon\n 00000e60: 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c g.float.double.l\n 00000e70: 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e ong double......\n 00000e80: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 ......%..@......\n 00000e90: 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 ....9.:.;.I.....\n 00000ea0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000eb0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00000ec0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00000ed0: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00000ee0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00000ef0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000f00: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000f10: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000f20: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000f30: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000f40: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f48 616c es/j721e/RTU_Hal\n 00000f50: 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 t.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f60: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f70: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000f80: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b _t......2.8.9.:.\n 00000fc0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 00000fd0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00000fe0: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 ....9.:.;.....re\n 00000ff0: 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 source_table_emp\n 00001000: 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ty.h./home/peko/\n 00001010: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001020: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001030: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001040: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001050: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001060: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00001070: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00001080: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00001090: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 ..2.8.9.:.;.I..@\n 000010f0: 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e ..............%.\n 00001100: 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b .@............9.\n 00001110: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e :.;......./../..\n 00001120: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001130: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001140: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001150: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001160: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001170: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001180: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001190: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 000011a0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000011b0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000011c0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@\n 00001920: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001990: 5449 3354 4f41 5144 3070 5500 2e74 6578 TI3TOAQD0pU..tex\n+00001990: 5449 3671 5043 7949 5079 3800 2e74 6578 TI6qPCyIPy8..tex\n 000019a0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019b0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019c0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019e0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 000019f0: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a00: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_Halt/gen/RTU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/RTU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/RTU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/RTU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1143.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 g-pru.Channel 32\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1404 150a 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00001240: 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001350: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 abc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0002 2962 0000 021c 012d 3ac4 0000 0232 ..)b.....-:....2\n 0000f7e0: 6200 0002 1c01 2f48 c400 0002 3b62 0000 b...../H....;b..\n 0000f7f0: 0220 0133 64c4 0000 0244 6200 0002 1a01 . .3d....Db.....\n 0000f800: 5348 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 240c 0000 SH..........$...\n 0000f810: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 0000f820: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000f830: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000f850: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000f860: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000f870: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/j721e/RTU_RPM\n 0000f880: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000f890: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 t0.TI PRU Linker\n 0000f8a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000f8b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000fac0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000fae0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000fb00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000fb20: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000fb30: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000fb40: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000fb50: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000fb70: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000fb80: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00011c30: 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 ;.I...........%.\n 00011c40: 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .@......./../../\n 00011c50: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 00011c60: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00011c70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00011c80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00011c90: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00011c90: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00011ca0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00011cb0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00011cc0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00011cd0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00011ce0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00011cf0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00011d00: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_17.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c80: 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e NT_18.ENABLE_HIN\n 00016c90: 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 696e 7463 T_19.rsvd20.intc\n 00016ca0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00016cb0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00016cc0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00016cd0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00016cf0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00016d00: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00016d10: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00016d20: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00016d30: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00016d40: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00016d50: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f00: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00016f10: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00016f20: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00016f30: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00016f40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016f50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016f60: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00016f60: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00016f70: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00016f80: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00016f90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016fa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016fb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00016fb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00016fc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00016fd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00016fe0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00016ff0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00017000: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017010: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017020: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 ated.uint8_t.int\n 00017060: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 696e 16_t.uint16_t.in\n 00017070: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 t32_t.uint32_t.u\n 00017080: 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e int64_t..../../.\n 00017090: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000170a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000170b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000170d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000170e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000170f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017100: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017110: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00017120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 w_rsc_custom_int\n 00017190: 735f 6b33 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 s_k3.channel_hos\n 000171a0: 7400 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 t.num_evts.event\n 000171b0: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 _channel..resour\n 000171c0: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f ce_table_0.h./ho\n 000171d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000171e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000171f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000171f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017220: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00017230: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00017240: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017250: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00017260: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 000172c0: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 000172d0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0068 6472 0070 msg_vring1.hdr.p\n 000172e0: 7275 5f69 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e ru_ints..../../.\n 000172f0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00017300: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00017310: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00017330: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00017340: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00017350: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017360: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017370: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00017380: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017390: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 00017410: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 00017420: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 00017430: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017440: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00017450: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017460: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017480: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017490: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000174a0: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 000174b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000174c0: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 000174d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000174e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 arm_event.from_a\n 00017540: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 rm_event.last_av\n 00017550: 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e ail_idx.vring...\n 00017560: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00017570: 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e pru_virtio_ring.\n 00017580: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017590: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000175b0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000175c0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000175d0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000175e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000175f0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017600: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017610: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3375 ug_pubtypes.TI3u\n-0001b240: 4346 5442 3662 7800 2443 244c 3100 2443 CFTB6bx.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3544 ug_pubtypes.TI5D\n+0001b240: 5638 5945 4663 6400 2443 244c 3100 2443 V8YEFcd.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1144.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 g-pru.Channel 32\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 000002e0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000df0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000cd40: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000cd60: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000cd80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000cda0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000cdb0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000cdc0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000cdd0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000cdf0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000ce00: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d220: 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 0000d230: 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 0000d240: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 0000d250: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 0000d260: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000d270: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000d280: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000d280: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000d290: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000d2a0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 0000d2b0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d2c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 0000d2d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000d2e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000d2f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0613 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 :.;............9\n 00012300: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012310: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00012320: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00012330: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00012340: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00012350: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00012370: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00012380: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00012390: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 000123a0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000123b0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 000123c0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000123d0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000125c0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000125d0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 000125e0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 000125f0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00012600: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00012610: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00012630: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00012640: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00012650: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012660: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012680: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012690: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000126a0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000126b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000126c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000126d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000126e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4726,15 +4726,15 @@\n 00012750: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00012760: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00012770: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00012780: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012790: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 000127a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000127b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000127d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000127e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000127f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00012800: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012810: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00012820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 000128d0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 000128e0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 000128f0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00012900: 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 able_0.h./home/p\n 00012910: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012920: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012930: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00012930: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00012940: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012950: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012960: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012970: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012980: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012990: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000129a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012a60: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 ......9.:.;....(\n 00012a70: 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e .....9.:.;......\n 00012a80: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00012a90: 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_rpmsg.h./hom\n 00012aa0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012ab0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012ac0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012ac0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012ad0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012ae0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012af0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012b00: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00012b10: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012b20: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012b30: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 00012be0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012bf0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00012c00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012c10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00012c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00012c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00012c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00012c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00012c70: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00012c80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00012c90: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00012ca0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00012cb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012d50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012d60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012d70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012d80: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 00012d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012de0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012df0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00012e00: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012e10: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012e20: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 7543 ...........TI3uC\n-0001f5a0: 4654 4236 6278 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 FTB6bx.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 4456 ...........TI5DV\n+0001f5a0: 3859 4546 6364 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 8YEFcd.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1148.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3336 g-pru.Channel 36\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1404 150a 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00001240: 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 ho_Interrupt0.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001350: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 abc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0002 2962 0000 021c 012d 3ac4 0000 0232 ..)b.....-:....2\n 0000f7e0: 6200 0002 1c01 2f48 c400 0002 3b62 0000 b...../H....;b..\n 0000f7f0: 0220 0133 64c4 0000 0244 6200 0002 1a01 . .3d....Db.....\n 0000f800: 5348 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 240c 0000 SH..........$...\n 0000f810: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 0000f820: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000f830: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000f850: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000f860: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000f870: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/j721e/RTU_RPM\n 0000f880: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000f890: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 t0.TI PRU Linker\n 0000f8a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000f8b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000fac0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000fae0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000fb00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000fb20: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000fb30: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000fb40: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000fb50: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000fb70: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000fb80: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00011c30: 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 ;.I...........%.\n 00011c40: 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .@......./../../\n 00011c50: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 00011c60: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00011c70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00011c80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00011c90: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00011c90: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00011ca0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00011cb0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00011cc0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00011cd0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00011ce0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00011cf0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00011d00: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_17.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c80: 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e NT_18.ENABLE_HIN\n 00016c90: 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 696e 7463 T_19.rsvd20.intc\n 00016ca0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00016cb0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00016cc0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00016cd0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00016cf0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00016d00: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00016d10: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00016d20: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00016d30: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00016d40: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00016d50: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f00: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00016f10: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00016f20: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00016f30: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00016f40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016f50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016f60: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00016f60: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00016f70: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00016f80: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00016f90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016fa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016fb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00016fb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00016fc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00016fd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00016fe0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00016ff0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00017000: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017010: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017020: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 ated.uint8_t.int\n 00017060: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 696e 16_t.uint16_t.in\n 00017070: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 t32_t.uint32_t.u\n 00017080: 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e int64_t..../../.\n 00017090: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000170a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000170b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000170d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000170e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000170f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017100: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017110: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00017120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 w_rsc_custom_int\n 00017190: 735f 6b33 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 s_k3.channel_hos\n 000171a0: 7400 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 t.num_evts.event\n 000171b0: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 _channel..resour\n 000171c0: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f ce_table_0.h./ho\n 000171d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000171e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000171f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000171f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017220: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00017230: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00017240: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017250: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00017260: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 000172c0: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 000172d0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0068 6472 0070 msg_vring1.hdr.p\n 000172e0: 7275 5f69 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e ru_ints..../../.\n 000172f0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00017300: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00017310: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00017330: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00017340: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00017350: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017360: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017370: 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt0.TI PRU \n 00017380: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017390: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 00017410: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 00017420: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 00017430: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017440: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00017450: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017460: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017480: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017490: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000174a0: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 000174b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000174c0: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 000174d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000174e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 arm_event.from_a\n 00017540: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 rm_event.last_av\n 00017550: 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e ail_idx.vring...\n 00017560: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00017570: 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e pru_virtio_ring.\n 00017580: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017590: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000175b0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000175c0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000175d0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000175e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000175f0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017600: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017610: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3345 ug_pubtypes.TI3E\n-0001b240: 3557 4952 616c 5700 2443 244c 3100 2443 5WIRalW.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3630 ug_pubtypes.TI60\n+0001b240: 626e 4c6f 6837 7700 2443 244c 3100 2443 bnLoh7w.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1149.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3336 g-pru.Channel 36\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 000002e0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000df0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 o_Interrupt0.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 Echo_Interrupt0.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt0.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000cd40: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000cd60: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000cd80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000cda0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000cdb0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000cdc0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000cdd0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000cdf0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000ce00: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d220: 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 0000d230: 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 0000d240: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 0000d250: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 0000d260: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000d270: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000d280: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000d280: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000d290: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000d2a0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 0000d2b0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d2c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 0000d2d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000d2e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000d2f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0613 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 :.;............9\n 00012300: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012310: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00012320: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00012330: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00012340: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00012350: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00012370: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00012380: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00012390: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 000123a0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000123b0: 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt0.TI PRU C/\n 000123c0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000123d0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000125c0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000125d0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 000125e0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 000125f0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00012600: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00012610: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00012630: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00012640: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00012650: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012660: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012680: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012690: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000126a0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000126b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000126c0: 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt0.TI PRU C/C+\n 000126d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000126e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4726,15 +4726,15 @@\n 00012750: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00012760: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00012770: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00012780: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012790: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 000127a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000127b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000127d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000127e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000127f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00012800: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012810: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt0.TI PR\n 00012820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 000128d0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 000128e0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 000128f0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00012900: 6162 6c65 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 able_0.h./home/p\n 00012910: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012920: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012930: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00012930: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00012940: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012950: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012960: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012970: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3000 5449 2050 _Interrupt0.TI P\n 00012980: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012990: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000129a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012a60: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 ......9.:.;....(\n 00012a70: 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e .....9.:.;......\n 00012a80: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00012a90: 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_rpmsg.h./hom\n 00012aa0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012ab0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012ac0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012ac0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012ad0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012ae0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012af0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012b00: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00012b10: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012b20: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012b30: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 00012be0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012bf0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00012c00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012c10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00012c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00012c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00012c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00012c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00012c70: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00012c80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00012c90: 7074 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00012ca0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00012cb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012d50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012d60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012d70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012d80: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 00012d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012de0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012df0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 0054 cho_Interrupt0.T\n 00012e00: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012e10: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012e20: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 4535 ...........TI3E5\n-0001f5a0: 5749 5261 6c57 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 WIRalW.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4936 3062 ...........TI60b\n+0001f5a0: 6e4c 6f68 3777 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 nLoh7w.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1159.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 g-pru.Channel 33\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1605 170b 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00001240: 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001350: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 abc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0002 2962 0000 021c 012d 3ac4 0000 0232 ..)b.....-:....2\n 0000f7e0: 6200 0002 1c01 2f48 c400 0002 3b62 0000 b...../H....;b..\n 0000f7f0: 0220 0133 64c4 0000 0244 6200 0002 1a01 . .3d....Db.....\n 0000f800: 5348 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 240c 0000 SH..........$...\n 0000f810: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 0000f820: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000f830: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000f850: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000f860: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000f870: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/j721e/RTU_RPM\n 0000f880: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000f890: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 t1.TI PRU Linker\n 0000f8a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000f8b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000fac0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000fae0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000fb00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000fb20: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000fb30: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000fb40: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000fb50: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000fb70: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000fb80: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00011c30: 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 ;.I...........%.\n 00011c40: 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .@......./../../\n 00011c50: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 00011c60: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00011c70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00011c80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00011c90: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00011c90: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00011ca0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00011cb0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00011cc0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00011cd0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00011ce0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00011cf0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00011d00: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_17.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c80: 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e NT_18.ENABLE_HIN\n 00016c90: 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 696e 7463 T_19.rsvd20.intc\n 00016ca0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00016cb0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00016cc0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00016cd0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00016cf0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00016d00: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00016d10: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00016d20: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00016d30: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00016d40: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00016d50: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f00: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00016f10: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00016f20: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00016f30: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00016f40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016f50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016f60: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00016f60: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00016f70: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00016f80: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00016f90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016fa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016fb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00016fb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00016fc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00016fd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00016fe0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00016ff0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00017000: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017010: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017020: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 ated.uint8_t.int\n 00017060: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 696e 16_t.uint16_t.in\n 00017070: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 t32_t.uint32_t.u\n 00017080: 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e int64_t..../../.\n 00017090: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000170a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000170b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000170d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000170e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000170f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017100: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017110: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00017120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 w_rsc_custom_int\n 00017190: 735f 6b33 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 s_k3.channel_hos\n 000171a0: 7400 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 t.num_evts.event\n 000171b0: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 _channel..resour\n 000171c0: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f ce_table_1.h./ho\n 000171d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000171e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000171f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000171f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017220: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00017230: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00017240: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017250: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00017260: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 000172c0: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 000172d0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0068 6472 0070 msg_vring1.hdr.p\n 000172e0: 7275 5f69 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e ru_ints..../../.\n 000172f0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00017300: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00017310: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00017330: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00017340: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00017350: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017360: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017370: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00017380: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017390: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 00017410: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 00017420: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 00017430: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017440: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00017450: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017460: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017480: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017490: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000174a0: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 000174b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000174c0: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 000174d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000174e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 arm_event.from_a\n 00017540: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 rm_event.last_av\n 00017550: 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e ail_idx.vring...\n 00017560: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00017570: 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e pru_virtio_ring.\n 00017580: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017590: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000175b0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000175c0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000175d0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000175e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000175f0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017600: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017610: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3342 ug_pubtypes.TI3B\n-0001b240: 4e51 6a76 417a 4d00 2443 244c 3100 2443 NQjvAzM.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3550 ug_pubtypes.TI5P\n+0001b240: 6f4b 744f 754a 6c00 2443 244c 3100 2443 oKtOuJl.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1160.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 g-pru.Channel 33\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 000002e0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000df0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000cd40: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000cd60: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000cd80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000cda0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000cdb0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000cdc0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000cdd0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000cdf0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000ce00: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d220: 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 0000d230: 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 0000d240: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 0000d250: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 0000d260: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000d270: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000d280: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000d280: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000d290: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000d2a0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 0000d2b0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d2c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 0000d2d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000d2e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000d2f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0613 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 :.;............9\n 00012300: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012310: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00012320: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00012330: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00012340: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00012350: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00012370: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00012380: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00012390: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 000123a0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000123b0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 000123c0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000123d0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000125c0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000125d0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 000125e0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 000125f0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00012600: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00012610: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00012630: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00012640: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00012650: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012660: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012680: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012690: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000126a0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000126b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000126c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000126d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000126e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4726,15 +4726,15 @@\n 00012750: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00012760: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00012770: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00012780: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012790: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 000127a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000127b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000127d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000127e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000127f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00012800: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012810: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00012820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 000128d0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 000128e0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 000128f0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00012900: 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 able_1.h./home/p\n 00012910: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012920: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012930: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00012930: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00012940: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012950: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012960: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012970: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012980: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012990: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000129a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012a60: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 ......9.:.;....(\n 00012a70: 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e .....9.:.;......\n 00012a80: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00012a90: 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_rpmsg.h./hom\n 00012aa0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012ab0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012ac0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012ac0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012ad0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012ae0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012af0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012b00: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00012b10: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012b20: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012b30: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 00012be0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012bf0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00012c00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012c10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00012c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00012c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00012c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00012c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00012c70: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00012c80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00012c90: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00012ca0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00012cb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012d50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012d60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012d70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012d80: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 00012d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012de0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012df0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00012e00: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012e10: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012e20: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 424e ...........TI3BN\n-0001f5a0: 516a 7641 7a4d 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 QjvAzM.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 506f ...........TI5Po\n+0001f5a0: 4b74 4f75 4a6c 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 KtOuJl.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1164.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3337 g-pru.Channel 37\n 00000590: 0000 0000 1605 170b 0100 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0200 0300 0100 0000 0300 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0400 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e ............main\n 000005d0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000005e0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000005f0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000600: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000610: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000620: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000630: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00000640: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00000650: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000660: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@\n 00001090: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000010a0: 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000010b0: 0300 1000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0147 .....payload...G\n 000010c0: 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 .1...payload....\n 000010d0: 0000 0300 ba00 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 ..........main.c\n 000010e0: 004a 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .J..../home/peko\n 000010f0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001100: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001110: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001120: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001130: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00001140: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00001150: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00001160: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001170: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@\n 000011a0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000011b0: 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 545f 494e 5443 .........CT_INTC\n 000011c0: 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 ..........CT_INT\n 000011d0: 4300 000a 0100 0003 00e3 0000 0004 016d C..............m\n 000011e0: 6169 6e2e 6300 8f00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ain.c....../home\n 000011f0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001200: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001210: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001210: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001220: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001230: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 .9.0/examples/j7\n 00001240: 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 21e/RTU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00001250: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 ho_Interrupt1.TI\n 00001260: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00001270: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00001280: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@\n 000012b0: 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 8c13 0000 7072 rated.........pr\n 000012c0: 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013b 0172 u_intc_map...;.r\n 000012d0: 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ...pru_intc_map.\n 000012e0: 000c 0100 0003 000c 0100 0004 016d 6169 .............mai\n 000012f0: 6e2e 6300 c500 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 n.c....../home/p\n 00001300: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001310: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001320: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001320: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001330: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001340: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00001350: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00001360: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00001370: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001380: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001390: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 7465 6400 0102 0503 f012 0000 7265 736f ted.........reso\n 000013d0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5101 abc5 urceTable...Q...\n 000013e0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 ..resourceTable.\n 000013f0: 00bf 0100 0003 0035 0100 0004 016d 6169 .......5.....mai\n 00001400: 6e2e 6300 fb00 0000 f400 0000 bc01 0000 n.c.............\n 00001410: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001430: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001440: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001450: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001460: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00001470: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001480: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001490: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000014a0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -3966,15 +3966,15 @@\n 0000f7d0: 0002 2962 0000 021c 012d 3ac4 0000 0232 ..)b.....-:....2\n 0000f7e0: 6200 0002 1c01 2f48 c400 0002 3b62 0000 b...../H....;b..\n 0000f7f0: 0220 0133 64c4 0000 0244 6200 0002 1a01 . .3d....Db.....\n 0000f800: 5348 c400 0000 db00 0000 0300 240c 0000 SH..........$...\n 0000f810: 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 ..__TI_internal.\n 0000f820: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 0000f830: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+0000f840: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 0000f850: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 0000f860: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 0000f870: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d es/j721e/RTU_RPM\n 0000f880: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000f890: 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 t1.TI PRU Linker\n 0000f8a0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000f8b0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4011,15 +4011,15 @@\n 0000faa0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000fab0: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000fac0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000fad0: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000fae0: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000faf0: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000fb00: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000fb10: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000fb20: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000fb30: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000fb40: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000fb50: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000fb60: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000fb70: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000fb80: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -4547,15 +4547,15 @@\n 00011c20: 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b .@..........9.:.\n 00011c30: 3b0b 4910 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 ;.I...........%.\n 00011c40: 8b40 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .@......./../../\n 00011c50: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 00011c60: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 00011c70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00011c80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00011c90: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00011c90: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00011ca0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00011cb0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00011cc0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00011cd0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00011ce0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00011cf0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00011d00: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -5832,15 +5832,15 @@\n 00016c70: 494e 545f 3137 0045 4e41 424c 455f 4849 INT_17.ENABLE_HI\n 00016c80: 4e54 5f31 3800 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e NT_18.ENABLE_HIN\n 00016c90: 545f 3139 0072 7376 6432 3000 696e 7463 T_19.rsvd20.intc\n 00016ca0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00016cb0: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00016cc0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00016cd0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00016ce0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00016cf0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00016d00: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00016d10: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00016d20: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00016d30: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00016d40: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00016d50: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -5872,20 +5872,20 @@\n 00016ef0: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00016f00: 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ng.long long.uns\n 00016f10: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 igned long long.\n 00016f20: 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e float.double.lon\n 00016f30: 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f g double../home/\n 00016f40: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016f50: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016f60: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00016f60: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00016f70: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00016f80: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00016f90: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00016fa0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00016fb0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00016fb0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00016fc0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00016fd0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00016fe0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00016ff0: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00017000: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00017010: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00017020: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -5894,15 +5894,15 @@\n 00017050: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7438 5f74 0069 6e74 ated.uint8_t.int\n 00017060: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7431 365f 7400 696e 16_t.uint16_t.in\n 00017070: 7433 325f 7400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 0075 t32_t.uint32_t.u\n 00017080: 696e 7436 345f 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e int64_t..../../.\n 00017090: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 ./include/pru_ty\n 000170a0: 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pes.h./home/peko\n 000170b0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000170c0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000170d0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000170e0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000170f0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017100: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017110: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00017120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5913,15 +5913,15 @@\n 00017180: 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 5f69 6e74 w_rsc_custom_int\n 00017190: 735f 6b33 0063 6861 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 s_k3.channel_hos\n 000171a0: 7400 6e75 6d5f 6576 7473 0065 7665 6e74 t.num_evts.event\n 000171b0: 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c 0000 7265 736f 7572 _channel..resour\n 000171c0: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f ce_table_1.h./ho\n 000171d0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000171e0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000171f0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000171f0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00017200: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00017210: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00017220: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00017230: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00017240: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00017250: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00017260: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -5932,15 +5932,15 @@\n 000172b0: 6666 7365 7400 7270 6d73 675f 7664 6576 ffset.rpmsg_vdev\n 000172c0: 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3000 7270 .rpmsg_vring0.rp\n 000172d0: 6d73 675f 7672 696e 6731 0068 6472 0070 msg_vring1.hdr.p\n 000172e0: 7275 5f69 6e74 7300 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e ru_ints..../../.\n 000172f0: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7270 ./include/pru_rp\n 00017300: 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f msg.h./home/peko\n 00017310: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00017320: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00017330: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00017340: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00017350: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 examples/j721e/R\n 00017360: 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e TU_RPMsg_Echo_In\n 00017370: 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 terrupt1.TI PRU \n 00017380: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00017390: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n@@ -5953,15 +5953,15 @@\n 00017400: 5452 4f59 0070 7275 5f72 706d 7367 5f74 TROY.pru_rpmsg_t\n 00017410: 7261 6e73 706f 7274 0076 6972 7471 7565 ransport.virtque\n 00017420: 7565 3000 7669 7274 7175 6575 6531 0000 ue0.virtqueue1..\n 00017430: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00017440: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00017450: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00017460: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00017470: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00017480: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00017490: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 000174a0: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 000174b0: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000174c0: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 000174d0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000174e0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -5972,15 +5972,15 @@\n 00017530: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6672 6f6d 5f61 arm_event.from_a\n 00017540: 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 006c 6173 745f 6176 rm_event.last_av\n 00017550: 6169 6c5f 6964 7800 7672 696e 6700 002e ail_idx.vring...\n 00017560: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00017570: 7072 755f 7669 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e pru_virtio_ring.\n 00017580: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00017590: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000175a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000175b0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 000175c0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000175d0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000175e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000175f0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00017600: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00017610: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -6941,16 +6941,16 @@\n 0001b1c0: 7265 672e 5253 5644 3331 2e66 6172 002e reg.RSVD31.far..\n 0001b1d0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 0001b1e0: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 0001b1f0: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 0001b200: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 0001b210: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 0001b220: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 334b ug_pubtypes.TI3K\n-0001b240: 4b59 6168 6130 6f00 2443 244c 3100 2443 KYaha0o.$C$L1.$C\n+0001b230: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3669 ug_pubtypes.TI6i\n+0001b240: 3034 5a30 7874 5a00 2443 244c 3100 2443 04Z0xtZ.$C$L1.$C\n 0001b250: 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 244c 3400 $L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.\n 0001b260: 2443 2453 4c31 0024 4324 534c 3200 2e64 $C$SL1.$C$SL2..d\n 0001b270: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 0001b280: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 0001b290: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 0001b2a0: 696e 002e 726f 6461 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 in..rodata:.stri\n 0001b2b0: 6e67 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e ng.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1165.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 22 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 104 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 1028 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@\n 00000240: f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 ......@.......<.\n 00000250: f080 8010 c300 0023 0000 0021 7270 6d73 .......#...!rpms\n 00000260: 672d 7072 7500 4368 616e 6e65 6c20 3337 g-pru.Channel 37\n 00000270: 0000 0000 0a0b 0000 0300 0000 0000 0407 ................\n 00000280: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 00000290: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000002a0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000002b0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000002b0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 000002c0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 000002d0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 000002e0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 000002f0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00000300: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000310: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000320: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@\n 00000d50: 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000d60: 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 3........payload\n 00000d70: 0009 0147 0131 0500 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 ...G.1...payload\n 00000d80: 0000 0101 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 ..............ma\n 00000d90: 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f in.c....../home/\n 00000da0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000db0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000dc0: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000dc0: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000dd0: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000de0: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 9.0/examples/j72\n 00000df0: 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 1e/RTU_RPMsg_Ech\n 00000e00: 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 o_Interrupt1.TI \n 00000e10: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000e20: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000e30: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@\n 00000e50: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00000e60: 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f ated.........CT_\n 00000e70: 494e 5443 0015 0114 0a01 8404 0000 4354 INTC..........CT\n 00000e80: 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 0000 0000 _INTC...........\n 00000e90: 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f ...main.c....../\n 00000ea0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000eb0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000ec0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000ed0: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000ee0: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000ef0: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 s/j721e/RTU_RPMs\n 00000f00: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00000f10: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000f20: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000f30: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@\n 00000f60: 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 orporated.......\n 00000f70: 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 000f ..pru_intc_map..\n 00000f80: 013b 0172 0500 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .;.r...pru_intc_\n 00000f90: 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 map.............\n 00000fa0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f .main.c....../ho\n 00000fb0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000fc0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fd0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fd0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fe0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000ff0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001000: 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f j721e/RTU_RPMsg_\n 00001010: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 Echo_Interrupt1.\n 00001020: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001030: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001040: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 porated.........\n 00001080: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 resourceTable...\n 00001090: 5101 1e00 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 Q.....resourceTa\n 000010a0: 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000010b0: 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 0000 0000 0000 .main.c.........\n 000010c0: c800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 000010d0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000010e0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000010f0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001100: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001110: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 xamples/j721e/RT\n 00001120: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00001130: 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 errupt1.TI PRU C\n 00001140: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00001150: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -3283,15 +3283,15 @@\n 0000cd20: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 0000cd30: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 0000cd40: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd50: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 0000cd60: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 0000cd70: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 0000cd80: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+0000cd90: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0000cda0: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 0000cdb0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 0000cdc0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 0000cdd0: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n 0000cde0: 0000 0000 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 ......../../../i\n 0000cdf0: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 nclude/pru_types\n 0000ce00: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 .h........2.....\n@@ -3362,15 +3362,15 @@\n 0000d210: 0b3b 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b .;..........9.:.\n 0000d220: 3b0b 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 0000d230: 0549 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .I......./../../\n 0000d240: 696e 636c 7564 652f 6a37 3231 652f 7072 include/j721e/pr\n 0000d250: 755f 696e 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 u_intc.h./home/p\n 0000d260: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000d270: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000d280: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000d280: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000d290: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000d2a0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 0000d2b0: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000d2c0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 0000d2d0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000d2e0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000d2f0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@\n 000122f0: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0613 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 :.;............9\n 00012300: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0007 1301 0113 0b0b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00012310: 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 00012320: 0b3b 0500 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00012330: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00012340: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00012350: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00012360: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00012370: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00012380: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00012390: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 amples/j721e/RTU\n 000123a0: 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 _RPMsg_Echo_Inte\n 000123b0: 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f rrupt1.TI PRU C/\n 000123c0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000123d0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -4700,20 +4700,20 @@\n 000125b0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 000125c0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 000125d0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 000125e0: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 000125f0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00012600: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00012610: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00012620: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00012630: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00012640: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00012650: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00012660: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00012670: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00012680: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00012690: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 000126a0: 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 ples/j721e/RTU_R\n 000126b0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000126c0: 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b upt1.TI PRU C/C+\n 000126d0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000126e0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -4726,15 +4726,15 @@\n 00012750: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00012760: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00012770: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00012780: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e .9.:.;......./..\n 00012790: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f /../include/pru_\n 000127a0: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 000127b0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+000127c0: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 000127d0: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 000127e0: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 000127f0: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00012800: 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f /RTU_RPMsg_Echo_\n 00012810: 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 4920 5052 Interrupt1.TI PR\n 00012820: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00012830: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@\n 000128c0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 000128d0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 000128e0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 000128f0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00012900: 6162 6c65 5f31 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 able_1.h./home/p\n 00012910: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00012920: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00012930: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00012930: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00012940: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00012950: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00012960: 652f 5254 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo\n 00012970: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 3100 5449 2050 _Interrupt1.TI P\n 00012980: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00012990: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 000129a0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -4774,15 +4774,15 @@\n 00012a50: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0004 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012a60: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0528 ......9.:.;....(\n 00012a70: 0003 0e1c 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e .....9.:.;......\n 00012a80: 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f ./../../include/\n 00012a90: 7072 755f 7270 6d73 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d pru_rpmsg.h./hom\n 00012aa0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012ab0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012ac0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012ac0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012ad0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012ae0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012af0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012b00: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00012b10: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012b20: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012b30: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -4798,15 +4798,15 @@\n 00012bd0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 00012be0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 00012bf0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 00012c00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00012c10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7471 7565 7565 2e68 /pru_virtqueue.h\n 00012c20: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00012c30: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00012c40: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00012c50: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00012c60: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00012c70: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5254 555f 5250 les/j721e/RTU_RP\n 00012c80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00012c90: 7074 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b pt1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00012ca0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00012cb0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -4821,15 +4821,15 @@\n 00012d40: 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 @..............%\n 00012d50: 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 ..@............9\n 00012d60: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e .:.;......./../.\n 00012d70: 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7072 755f 7669 ./include/pru_vi\n 00012d80: 7274 696f 5f72 696e 672e 6800 2f68 6f6d rtio_ring.h./hom\n 00012d90: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00012da0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00012db0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00012db0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00012dc0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00012dd0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00012de0: 3732 3165 2f52 5455 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 721e/RTU_RPMsg_E\n 00012df0: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 0054 cho_Interrupt1.T\n 00012e00: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00012e10: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00012e20: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -8019,16 +8019,16 @@\n 0001f520: 0600 0000 0115 0000 0600 0000 0116 0000 ................\n 0001f530: 0600 0000 0117 0000 0600 0000 0118 0000 ................\n 0001f540: 0600 0000 0119 0000 0600 0000 011a 0000 ................\n 0001f550: 0600 0000 011b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0001f560: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 ................\n 0001f570: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 ................\n 0001f580: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4933 4b4b ...........TI3KK\n-0001f5a0: 5961 6861 306f 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 Yaha0o.$C$L1.$C$\n+0001f590: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4936 6930 ...........TI6i0\n+0001f5a0: 345a 3078 745a 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4Z0xtZ.$C$L1.$C$\n 0001f5b0: 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 0024 L2.$C$L3.$C$L4.$\n 0001f5c0: 4324 534c 3100 2443 2453 4c32 002e 7465 C$SL1.$C$SL2..te\n 0001f5d0: 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 xt..creg.PRU_INT\n 0001f5e0: 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 6172 002e 6461 C.noload.far..da\n 0001f5f0: 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 ta:pru_intc_map.\n 0001f600: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 0001f610: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/RTU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1/gen/icssg1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/icssg1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/j721e/pru_intc.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/icssg1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/icssg1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/TX_PRU0/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/TX_PRU_Halt_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1176.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3806 0000 ............8...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f amples/j721e/TX_\n 00000110: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000140: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 ...{R30_b3....|R\n 000006b0: 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 31_b0....}R31_b1\n 000006c0: 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 000006d0: 5233 315f 6233 0000 1c01 0000 0300 4000 R31_b3........@.\n 000006e0: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 ....main.c. ....\n 000006f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000700: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000710: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000710: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000720: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000730: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000740: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/j721e/TX_PRU_\n 00000750: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000760: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000770: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000780: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c roc_ResourceTabl\n 000007d0: 6500 1a01 3d01 4209 0000 7072 755f 7265 e...=.B...pru_re\n 000007e0: 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 moteproc_Resourc\n 000007f0: 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 0300 6900 eTable........i.\n 00000800: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c ....main.c.Z....\n 00000810: 0000 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ...(..../home/pe\n 00000820: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000830: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000830: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000840: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000850: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000860: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000870: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000880: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000890: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000008a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 exit.c.b.exit.c.\n 00000f00: 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c f.TI Library...l\n 00000f10: 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0028 0000 0001 oader_exit.(....\n 00000f20: 0000 cd00 0000 0300 9602 0000 0401 5f5f ..............__\n 00000f30: 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d TI_internal./hom\n 00000f40: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000f50: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000f60: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000f60: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000f70: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000f80: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000f90: 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 721e/TX_PRU_Halt\n 00000fa0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 .TI PRU Linker U\n 00000fb0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000fc0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 00000fd0: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0000 0000 0005 021c 0000 0005 0131 0502 .............1..\n 00001080: 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 ..._............\n 00001090: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 000010a0: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000010b0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000010c0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000010d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000010e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000010e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 000010f0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00001100: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00001110: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 00001120: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 00001130: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 00001140: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001150: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -379,34 +379,34 @@\n 000017a0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 000017b0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 000017c0: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 000017d0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 000017e0: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 000017f0: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 00001800: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001810: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001810: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001820: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001830: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001840: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001850: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001860: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001860: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001870: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001880: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001890: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000018a0: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 000018b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000018c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000018d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000018e0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n 000018f0: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001900: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 ated.uint32_t..r\n 00001910: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001920: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001930: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001940: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001940: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001950: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001960: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001970: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 examples/j721e/T\n 00001980: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001990: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000019a0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000019b0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -414,15 +414,15 @@\n 000019d0: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 000019e0: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 000019f0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 00001a00: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00001a10: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00001a20: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001a30: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001a40: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001a40: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001a50: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001a60: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001a70: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 s/j721e/TX_PRU_H\n 00001a80: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001a90: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001aa0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00001ab0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -968,15 +968,15 @@\n 00003c70: 3331 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 31.far..debug_in\n 00003c80: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 00003c90: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 00003ca0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 00003cb0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 00003cc0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 00003cd0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00003ce0: 7065 7300 5449 3353 4232 3761 4c4d 5200 pes.TI3SB27aLMR.\n+00003ce0: 7065 7300 5449 3678 5a49 6844 4a79 6800 pes.TI6xZIhDJyh.\n 00003cf0: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 00003d00: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n 00003d10: 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 n.TIe8gLFJC7w..t\n 00003d20: 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 ext:_c_int00_noi\n 00003d30: 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c nit_noargs.TIekl\n 00003d40: 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 Kr8I40.TIemR3sTE\n 00003d50: 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 ia.TIenzHQ2Yae.T\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1177.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset dc in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdd refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 54 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3806 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 8...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 721e/TX_PRU_Halt\n 00000130: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000140: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000150: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00000160: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 7a52 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f zR30_b2....{R30_\n 000006c0: 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 b3....|R31_b0...\n 000006d0: 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 .}R31_b1....~R31\n 000006e0: 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 _b2.....R31_b3..\n 000006f0: 1c01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00000700: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000710: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000720: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000720: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000730: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000740: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000750: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000760: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000770: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000780: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000790: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 urceTable...=...\n 000007f0: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 00000800: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 00000810: 1401 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00000820: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 .c..............\n 00000830: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000840: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000860: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000870: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000880: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/j721e/TX_PRU_\n 00000890: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 000008a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000008b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 000008c0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -179,15 +179,15 @@\n 00000b20: 3105 020e 0501 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 1....._.........\n 00000b30: 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ................\n 00000b40: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 .............o..\n 00000b50: 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...f............\n 00000b60: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00000b70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000b80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000b90: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00000b90: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00000ba0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00000bb0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 stdint.h........\n 00000bc0: 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 6.....-.........\n 00000bd0: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f ............reso\n 00000be0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 00000bf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 00000c00: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n@@ -231,20 +231,20 @@\n 00000e60: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00000e70: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00000e80: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00000e90: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00000ea0: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00000eb0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000ec0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000ed0: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00000ed0: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00000ee0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00000ef0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 00000f00: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000f10: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000f20: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000f20: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000f30: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000f40: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00000f50: 652f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 e/TX_PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000f60: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000f70: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000f80: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000f90: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -253,15 +253,15 @@\n 00000fc0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00000fd0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00000fe0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00000ff0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 9.:.;.....resour\n 00001000: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00001010: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001020: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001030: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001030: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001040: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001050: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001060: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5458 5f50 5255 les/j721e/TX_PRU\n 00001070: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00001080: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001090: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 000010a0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@\n 000010f0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00001100: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 00001110: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 00001120: 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00001130: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00001140: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00001150: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001160: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00001160: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00001170: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00001180: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00001190: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f amples/j721e/TX_\n 000011a0: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 000011b0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000011c0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000011d0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -404,15 +404,15 @@\n 00001930: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001960: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001990: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000019a0: 5449 3353 4232 3761 4c4d 5200 2e74 6578 TI3SB27aLMR..tex\n+000019a0: 5449 3678 5a49 6844 4a79 6800 2e74 6578 TI6xZIhDJyh..tex\n 000019b0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019c0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019d0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019f0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 00001a00: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a10: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU0/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: main.c\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/TX_PRU0/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:58 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:14 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/TX_PRU1/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/TX_PRU_Halt_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1181.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0000 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0000 0000 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 ................\n 00000090: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3806 0000 ............8...\n 000000a0: 0300 0000 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 000000b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000000c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000000d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000000e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000000f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000100: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f amples/j721e/TX_\n 00000110: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000120: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00000130: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00000140: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@\n 000006a0: 0502 907b 5233 305f 6233 0005 0290 7c52 ...{R30_b3....|R\n 000006b0: 3331 5f62 3000 0502 907d 5233 315f 6231 31_b0....}R31_b1\n 000006c0: 0005 0290 7e52 3331 5f62 3200 0502 907f ....~R31_b2.....\n 000006d0: 5233 315f 6233 0000 1c01 0000 0300 4000 R31_b3........@.\n 000006e0: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0020 0000 0002 ....main.c. ....\n 000006f0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000700: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000710: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000710: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000720: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000730: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000740: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/j721e/TX_PRU_\n 00000750: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000760: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000770: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000780: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c roc_ResourceTabl\n 000007d0: 6500 1a01 3d01 4209 0000 7072 755f 7265 e...=.B...pru_re\n 000007e0: 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 moteproc_Resourc\n 000007f0: 6554 6162 6c65 0000 1401 0000 0300 6900 eTable........i.\n 00000800: 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 005a 0000 001c ....main.c.Z....\n 00000810: 0000 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ...(..../home/pe\n 00000820: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000830: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000830: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000840: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000850: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000860: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000870: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000880: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000890: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000008a0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@\n 00000ef0: 6578 6974 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 exit.c.b.exit.c.\n 00000f00: 6601 5449 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c f.TI Library...l\n 00000f10: 6f61 6465 725f 6578 6974 0028 0000 0001 oader_exit.(....\n 00000f20: 0000 cd00 0000 0300 9602 0000 0401 5f5f ..............__\n 00000f30: 5449 5f69 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d TI_internal./hom\n 00000f40: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000f50: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000f60: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000f60: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000f70: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000f80: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000f90: 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 721e/TX_PRU_Halt\n 00000fa0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 .TI PRU Linker U\n 00000fb0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000fc0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 00000fd0: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@\n 00001070: 0000 0000 0005 021c 0000 0005 0131 0502 .............1..\n 00001080: 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 0000 0300 ..._............\n 00001090: 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 ................\n 000010a0: 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 0300 ..........o.....\n 000010b0: 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 f...............\n 000010c0: 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 000010d0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000010e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-0/output-1/h\n+000010e0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-0/output-2/h\n 000010f0: 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 ost/share/ti-cgt\n 00001100: 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 -pru/include/std\n 00001110: 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 0000 int.h........6..\n 00001120: 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...-............\n 00001130: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 7263 .........resourc\n 00001140: 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e 6800 e_table_empty.h.\n 00001150: 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 .......<.....3..\n@@ -379,34 +379,34 @@\n 000017a0: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f .unsigned int.lo\n 000017b0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 000017c0: 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 .long long.unsig\n 000017d0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c ned long long.fl\n 000017e0: 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 oat.double.long \n 000017f0: 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 double../home/pe\n 00001800: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001810: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001810: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001820: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001830: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001840: 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 tdint.h./home/pe\n 00001850: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001860: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001860: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001870: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001880: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001890: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 000018a0: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 000018b0: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 000018c0: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 000018d0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 000018e0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n 000018f0: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001900: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 ated.uint32_t..r\n 00001910: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001920: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001930: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001940: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001940: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001950: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001960: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001970: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 examples/j721e/T\n 00001980: 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 X_PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001990: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000019a0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000019b0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -414,15 +414,15 @@\n 000019d0: 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 ments Incorporat\n 000019e0: 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ed.my_resource_t\n 000019f0: 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 able.base.offset\n 00001a00: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00001a10: 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f de/rsc_types.h./\n 00001a20: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001a30: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001a40: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001a40: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001a50: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001a60: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001a70: 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 s/j721e/TX_PRU_H\n 00001a80: 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b alt.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001a90: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001aa0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00001ab0: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -968,15 +968,15 @@\n 00003c70: 3331 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 31.far..debug_in\n 00003c80: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 00003c90: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 00003ca0: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 00003cb0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 00003cc0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 00003cd0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-00003ce0: 7065 7300 5449 3355 564d 7870 5773 5800 pes.TI3UVMxpWsX.\n+00003ce0: 7065 7300 5449 3644 6853 4a41 7261 7300 pes.TI6DhSJAras.\n 00003cf0: 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a .resource_table:\n 00003d00: 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 retain..text:mai\n 00003d10: 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 n.TIe8gLFJC7w..t\n 00003d20: 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 ext:_c_int00_noi\n 00003d30: 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c nit_noargs.TIekl\n 00003d40: 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 Kr8I40.TIemR3sTE\n 00003d50: 6961 0054 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 ia.TIenzHQ2Yae.T\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1182.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset dc in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xdd refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 54 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 125 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x28 refers to abbreviation number 8 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3806 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 8...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 5.9.0/examples/j\n 00000120: 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 721e/TX_PRU_Halt\n 00000130: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000140: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000150: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n 00000160: 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 2012-2018 Texas \n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 7a52 3330 5f62 3200 0502 907b 5233 305f zR30_b2....{R30_\n 000006c0: 6233 0005 0290 7c52 3331 5f62 3000 0502 b3....|R31_b0...\n 000006d0: 907d 5233 315f 6231 0005 0290 7e52 3331 .}R31_b1....~R31\n 000006e0: 5f62 3200 0502 907f 5233 315f 6233 0000 _b2.....R31_b3..\n 000006f0: 1c01 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00000700: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 00000710: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000720: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000720: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000730: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000740: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000750: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 0/examples/j721e\n 00000760: 2f54 585f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 /TX_PRU_Halt.TI \n 00000770: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00000780: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00000790: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@\n 000007e0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 1a01 3d01 1e00 urceTable...=...\n 000007f0: 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 ..pru_remoteproc\n 00000800: 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 _ResourceTable..\n 00000810: 1401 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e ............main\n 00000820: 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0002 .c..............\n 00000830: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000840: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000860: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000870: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000880: 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f 5052 555f es/j721e/TX_PRU_\n 00000890: 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b Halt.TI PRU C/C+\n 000008a0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 000008b0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 000008c0: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -179,15 +179,15 @@\n 00000b20: 3105 020e 0501 5f06 0202 0001 011c 0000 1....._.........\n 00000b30: 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ................\n 00000b40: 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 .............o..\n 00000b50: 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 ...f............\n 00000b60: 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 00000b70: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000b80: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000b90: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00000b90: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00000ba0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00000bb0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 stdint.h........\n 00000bc0: 3600 0000 0300 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 6.....-.........\n 00000bd0: 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f ............reso\n 00000be0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 urce_table_empty\n 00000bf0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 .h........<.....\n 00000c00: 3300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 3...............\n@@ -231,20 +231,20 @@\n 00000e60: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00000e70: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00000e80: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00000e90: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00000ea0: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00000eb0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000ec0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000ed0: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+00000ed0: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 00000ee0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 00000ef0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 00000f00: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000f10: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000f20: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000f20: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000f30: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000f40: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 .0/examples/j721\n 00000f50: 652f 5458 5f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 e/TX_PRU_Halt.TI\n 00000f60: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000f70: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000f80: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n 00000f90: 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 2-2018 Texas Ins\n@@ -253,15 +253,15 @@\n 00000fc0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00000fd0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00000fe0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00000ff0: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 9.:.;.....resour\n 00001000: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 ce_table_empty.h\n 00001010: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001020: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001030: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001030: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001040: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001050: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001060: 6c65 732f 6a37 3231 652f 5458 5f50 5255 les/j721e/TX_PRU\n 00001070: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00001080: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001090: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 000010a0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -272,15 +272,15 @@\n 000010f0: 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e .2.8.9.:.;.I..@.\n 00001100: 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b .............%..\n 00001110: 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a @............9.:\n 00001120: 0b3b 0b00 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f .;......./../../\n 00001130: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 include/rsc_type\n 00001140: 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 s.h./home/peko/a\n 00001150: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001160: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00001160: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00001170: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00001180: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00001190: 616d 706c 6573 2f6a 3732 3165 2f54 585f amples/j721e/TX_\n 000011a0: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 000011b0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000011c0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000011d0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -404,15 +404,15 @@\n 00001930: 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001960: 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001980: 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001990: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000019a0: 5449 3355 564d 7870 5773 5800 2e74 6578 TI3UVMxpWsX..tex\n+000019a0: 5449 3644 6853 4a41 7261 7300 2e74 6578 TI6DhSJAras..tex\n 000019b0: 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c t..resource_tabl\n 000019c0: 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d e:retain..text:m\n 000019d0: 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 6e66 6f00 ain..debug_info.\n 000019e0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 2e64 6562 .debug_line..deb\n 000019f0: 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 6275 675f ug_frame..debug_\n 00001a00: 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 675f 7374 abbrev..debug_st\n 00001a10: 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 6e67 6573 r..debug_aranges\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/j721e/TX_PRU_Halt/gen/TX_PRU1/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: main.c\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/TX_PRU1/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1193.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 95 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset e in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset f in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 818 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x5b refers to abbreviation number 56 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 60 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x23 refers to abbreviation number 97 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 127 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@\n 00000190: 8560 00f3 00ff 1ec9 850b 072f c100 0024 .`........./...$\n 000001a0: 8100 0024 e012 0024 8021 24e1 0000 002a ...$...$.!$....*\n 000001b0: 8562 00f3 e2e2 1801 0000 c320 8908 0000 .b......... ....\n 000001c0: 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 5f44 6972 ........PRU0_Dir\n 000001d0: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 ect_Connect.c...\n 000001e0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000001f0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000200: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000210: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000220: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000230: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 mples/k2g/PRU_Di\n 00000240: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 rect_Connect0.TI\n 00000250: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00000260: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00000270: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@\n 00000a20: 907f 5233 315f 6233 000d 0503 0000 0000 ..R31_b3........\n 00000a30: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0c01 3401 a000 0000 dmemBuf...4.....\n 00000a40: 646d 656d 4275 6600 0008 0100 0003 0000 dmemBuf.........\n 00000a50: 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU0_Direct\n 00000a60: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 _Connect.c......\n 00000a70: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000a80: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000a90: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000a90: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000aa0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000ab0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000ac0: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 00000ad0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect0.TI PR\n 00000ae0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000af0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000b00: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@\n 00000b30: 6564 0001 0205 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e ed.........CT_IN\n 00000b40: 5443 0018 0159 0301 6102 0000 4354 5f49 TC...Y..a...CT_I\n 00000b50: 4e54 4300 0011 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 NTC.............\n 00000b60: 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e .PRU0_Direct_Con\n 00000b70: 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d nect.c....../hom\n 00000b80: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000b90: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000ba0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000ba0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000bb0: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000bc0: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 5.9.0/examples/k\n 00000bd0: 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 2g/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00000be0: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 00000bf0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000c00: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000c10: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -197,15 +197,15 @@\n 00000c40: 0205 0300 0000 0070 7275 5f69 6e74 635f .......pru_intc_\n 00000c50: 6d61 7000 0f01 4201 2703 0000 7072 755f map...B.'...pru_\n 00000c60: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 3f01 0000 0300 intc_map..?.....\n 00000c70: 0000 0000 0401 5052 5530 5f44 6972 6563 ......PRU0_Direc\n 00000c80: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 t_Connect.c.....\n 00000c90: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00000ca0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00000cb0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00000cb0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00000cc0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00000cd0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00000ce0: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 les/k2g/PRU_Dire\n 00000cf0: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 ct_Connect0.TI P\n 00000d00: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000d10: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000d20: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -218,15 +218,15 @@\n 00000d90: 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 ru_remoteproc_Re\n 00000da0: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0052 0100 sourceTable..R..\n 00000db0: 0003 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 .........PRU0_Di\n 00000dc0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 rect_Connect.c..\n 00000dd0: 0000 0000 0000 0098 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d ............/hom\n 00000de0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 00000df0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-00000e00: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+00000e00: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000e10: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000e20: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 5.9.0/examples/k\n 00000e30: 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 2g/PRU_Direct_Co\n 00000e40: 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f nnect0.TI PRU C/\n 00000e50: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000e60: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000e70: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -1045,15 +1045,15 @@\n 00004140: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 t_Connect.c.....\n 00004150: 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 0001 0100 ................\n 00004160: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 ................\n 00004170: 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 0001 0100 ...o.....f......\n 00004180: ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 002f .............../\n 00004190: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000041a0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-000041b0: 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-1/host/sha\n+000041b0: 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 utput-2/host/sha\n 000041c0: 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e re/ti-cgt-pru/in\n 000041d0: 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 0000 clude/stdint.h..\n 000041e0: 0000 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 ......<.....3...\n 000041f0: 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00004200: 0100 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004210: 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 de/pru_types.h..\n 00004220: 0000 0000 0101 3200 0000 0300 2900 0000 ......2.....)...\n@@ -1111,15 +1111,15 @@\n 00004560: 3b0b 0000 0b17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ;..........9.:.;\n 00004570: 0500 000c 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 00004580: 0000 0d16 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0549 .........9.:.;.I\n 00004590: 1300 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e ......./../../in\n 000045a0: 636c 7564 652f 6b32 672f 7072 755f 696e clude/k2g/pru_in\n 000045b0: 7463 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f tc.h./home/peko/\n 000045c0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000045d0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000045d0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000045e0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000045f0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00004600: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00004610: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00004620: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00004630: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00004640: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1331,15 +1331,15 @@\n 00005320: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0817 0101 ....9.:.;.......\n 00005330: 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0009 1701 .....9.:.;......\n 00005340: 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 00005350: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 00005360: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 00005370: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00005380: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00005390: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00005390: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 000053a0: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 000053b0: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 000053c0: 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e g/PRU_Direct_Con\n 000053d0: 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect0.TI PRU C/C\n 000053e0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000053f0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00005400: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -1355,15 +1355,15 @@\n 000054a0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000054b0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 0b0b 390b %..@..........9.\n 000054c0: 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0416 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a :.;..........9.:\n 000054d0: 0b3b 0b49 1300 0000 0050 5255 305f 4469 .;.I.....PRU0_Di\n 000054e0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 002f rect_Connect.c./\n 000054f0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00005500: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00005510: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00005510: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00005520: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00005530: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00005540: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 s/k2g/PRU_Direct\n 00005550: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 _Connect0.TI PRU\n 00005560: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005570: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00005580: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1389,20 +1389,20 @@\n 000056c0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 000056d0: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 000056e0: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 le.long double..\n 000056f0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00005700: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00005710: 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00005720: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00005730: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+00005730: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 00005740: 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 t/share/ti-cgt-p\n 00005750: 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e ru/include/stdin\n 00005760: 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.h./home/peko/a\n 00005770: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00005780: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00005780: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00005790: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000057a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000057b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 amples/k2g/PRU_D\n 000057c0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 000057d0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000057e0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000057f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1414,15 +1414,15 @@\n 00005850: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00005860: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00005870: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00005880: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 ./../include/pru\n 00005890: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 000058a0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000058b0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000058c0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000058c0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000058d0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000058e0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 000058f0: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00005900: 6374 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00005910: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00005920: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00005930: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -1435,15 +1435,15 @@\n 000059a0: 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 010d 0003 0e32 t_channel......2\n 000059b0: 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 .8.9.:.;.I..@...\n 000059c0: 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b ...........%..@.\n 000059d0: 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b ...........9.:.;\n 000059e0: 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 .....resource_ta\n 000059f0: 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ble_0.h./home/pe\n 00005a00: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005a10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005a10: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005a20: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005a30: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005a40: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 0/examples/k2g/P\n 00005a50: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00005a60: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005a70: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005a80: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -2361,15 +2361,15 @@\n 00009380: 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 010f 0000 ................\n 00009390: 0600 0000 0110 0000 0600 0000 0111 0000 ................\n 000093a0: 0600 0000 0112 0000 0600 0000 0113 0000 ................\n 000093b0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000093c0: 0000 0000 0c00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000093d0: 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000093e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-000093f0: 0054 4932 5172 324b 6662 4956 0024 4324 .TI2Qr2KfbIV.$C$\n+000093f0: 0054 4935 3344 6b78 6350 7662 0024 4324 .TI53DkxcPvb.$C$\n 00009400: 4c31 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 2e50 L1..text..creg.P\n 00009410: 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 2e66 RU_INTC.noload.f\n 00009420: 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 6e74 ar..data:pru_int\n 00009430: 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f c_map..resource_\n 00009440: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 00009450: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 00009460: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: PRU0_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/k2g/pru_intc.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/PRU0_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU0_Direct_Connect.object 152 0 5476 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 152 0 5476 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect0/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1196.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@\n 00000130: 1302 1403 1500 1601 1804 1905 1a06 1b07 ................\n 00000140: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000150: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000160: 8908 0000 0300 0000 0000 0406 5052 5530 ............PRU0\n 00000170: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e _Direct_Connect.\n 00000180: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000190: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000001a0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000001b0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000001c0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 000001d0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 000001e0: 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 U_Direct_Connect\n 000001f0: 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 0.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000200: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000210: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@\n 000009c0: 3200 0c02 907f 5233 315f 6233 000d 0503 2.....R31_b3....\n 000009d0: 3401 0000 646d 656d 4275 6600 0c01 3401 4...dmemBuf...4.\n 000009e0: a43b 0000 646d 656d 4275 6600 0008 0100 .;..dmemBuf.....\n 000009f0: 0003 0098 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 .........PRU0_Di\n 00000a00: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0039 rect_Connect.c.9\n 00000a10: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000a20: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00000a30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00000a30: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00000a40: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 00000a50: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000a60: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 amples/k2g/PRU_D\n 00000a70: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 irect_Connect0.T\n 00000a80: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00000a90: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00000aa0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@\n 00000ad0: 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 0043 orated.........C\n 00000ae0: 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 6102 0000 T_INTC...Y..a...\n 00000af0: 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 0011 0100 0003 00c1 CT_INTC.........\n 00000b00: 0000 0004 0150 5255 305f 4469 7265 6374 .....PRU0_Direct\n 00000b10: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 007c 0000 0002 _Connect.c.|....\n 00000b20: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000b30: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000b40: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000b40: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000b50: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000b60: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000b70: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 00000b80: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect0.TI PR\n 00000b90: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000ba0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000bb0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -191,15 +191,15 @@\n 00000be0: 6564 0001 0205 034c 0100 0070 7275 5f69 ed.....L...pru_i\n 00000bf0: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 0f01 4201 2703 0000 ntc_map...B.'...\n 00000c00: 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 0000 3f01 pru_intc_map..?.\n 00000c10: 0000 0300 ea00 0000 0401 5052 5530 5f44 ..........PRU0_D\n 00000c20: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 irect_Connect.c.\n 00000c30: b200 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000c40: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000c50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000c50: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000c60: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000c70: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000c80: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00000c90: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00000ca0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000cb0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000cc0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -212,15 +212,15 @@\n 00000d30: 3578 5f70 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 5x_pru_remotepro\n 00000d40: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 00000d50: 0052 0100 0003 0013 0100 0004 0150 5255 .R...........PRU\n 00000d60: 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 0_Direct_Connect\n 00000d70: 2e63 00e8 0000 001c 0000 00b4 0000 0002 .c..............\n 00000d80: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00000d90: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00000da0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00000da0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000db0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000dc0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000dd0: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 00000de0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect0.TI PR\n 00000df0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00000e00: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00000e10: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1079,15 +1079,15 @@\n 00004360: 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 2e63 ..b.abort.exit.c\n 00004370: 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 204c .b.exit.c.f.TI L\n 00004380: 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 725f ibrary...loader_\n 00004390: 6578 6974 00b4 0000 0001 0000 d300 0000 exit............\n 000043a0: 0300 3605 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 6e74 ..6.....__TI_int\n 000043b0: 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ernal./home/peko\n 000043c0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000043d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000043d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000043e0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000043f0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00004400: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 examples/k2g/PRU\n 00004410: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 _Direct_Connect0\n 00004420: 0054 4920 5052 5520 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 .TI PRU Linker U\n 00004430: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00004440: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -1127,15 +1127,15 @@\n 00004660: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 _Connect.c......\n 00004670: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00004680: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00004690: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000046a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000046b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000046c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000046d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000046d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000046e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000046f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004700: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004710: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00004720: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00004730: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00004740: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1275,15 +1275,15 @@\n 00004fa0: 4008 8440 0b85 400b 8640 0887 400b 8840 @..@..@..@..@..@\n 00004fb0: 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 0308 ..@..@..........\n 00004fc0: 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b 0825 ...@...........%\n 00004fd0: 088b 400b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e ..@......./../..\n 00004fe0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f6b 3267 2f70 7275 /include/k2g/pru\n 00004ff0: 5f69 6e74 632e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 _intc.h./home/pe\n 00005000: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005010: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005010: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005020: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005030: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005040: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 0/examples/k2g/P\n 00005050: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00005060: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005070: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005080: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1484,15 +1484,15 @@\n 00005cb0: 0048 494e 4c52 395f 6269 7400 4e45 5354 .HINLR9_bit.NEST\n 00005cc0: 5f48 494e 545f 3900 4849 4552 0048 4945 _HINT_9.HIER.HIE\n 00005cd0: 525f 6269 7400 454e 4142 4c45 5f48 494e R_bit.ENABLE_HIN\n 00005ce0: 5400 7072 7549 6e74 6300 002e 2e2f 2e2e T.pruIntc..../..\n 00005cf0: 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7273 635f /../include/rsc_\n 00005d00: 7479 7065 732e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 types.h./home/pe\n 00005d10: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00005d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00005d20: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00005d30: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00005d40: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00005d50: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 0/examples/k2g/P\n 00005d60: 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 RU_Direct_Connec\n 00005d70: 7430 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 t0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005d80: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005d90: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@\n 00005df0: 7461 626c 6500 7665 7200 6e75 6d00 6677 table.ver.num.fw\n 00005e00: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d00 7479 7065 _rsc_custom.type\n 00005e10: 0075 0072 7363 5f73 697a 6500 7273 6300 .u.rsc_size.rsc.\n 00005e20: 7375 625f 7479 7065 0073 7400 0050 5255 sub_type.st..PRU\n 00005e30: 305f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 0_Direct_Connect\n 00005e40: 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .c./home/peko/au\n 00005e50: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00005e60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00005e60: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00005e70: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00005e80: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00005e90: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 mples/k2g/PRU_Di\n 00005ea0: 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 5449 rect_Connect0.TI\n 00005eb0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 00005ec0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 00005ed0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -1534,20 +1534,20 @@\n 00005fd0: 7369 676e 6564 2069 6e74 006c 6f6e 6700 signed int.long.\n 00005fe0: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6700 6c6f unsigned long.lo\n 00005ff0: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 ng long.unsigned\n 00006000: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00006010: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00006020: 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ble../home/peko/\n 00006030: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00006040: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+00006040: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 00006050: 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d st/share/ti-cgt-\n 00006060: 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 pru/include/stdi\n 00006070: 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f nt.h./home/peko/\n 00006080: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00006090: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00006090: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000060a0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000060b0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000060c0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 000060d0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 000060e0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000060f0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00006100: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1555,15 +1555,15 @@\n 00006120: 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 nstruments Incor\n 00006130: 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 porated.uint8_t.\n 00006140: 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f uint16_t.uint32_\n 00006150: 7400 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c t..../../../incl\n 00006160: 7564 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/pru_types.h.\n 00006170: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00006180: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00006190: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00006190: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000061a0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000061b0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 000061c0: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 000061d0: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7430 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect0.TI PR\n 000061e0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000061f0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00006200: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1573,15 +1573,15 @@\n 00006240: 0066 775f 7273 635f 6375 7374 6f6d 5f69 .fw_rsc_custom_i\n 00006250: 6e74 7300 7265 7365 7276 6564 0063 6861 nts.reserved.cha\n 00006260: 6e6e 656c 5f68 6f73 7400 6e75 6d5f 6576 nnel_host.num_ev\n 00006270: 7473 0065 7665 6e74 5f63 6861 6e6e 656c ts.event_channel\n 00006280: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00006290: 5f30 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f _0.h./home/peko/\n 000062a0: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-000062b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+000062b0: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 000062c0: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 000062d0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 000062e0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 000062f0: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3000 Direct_Connect0.\n 00006300: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00006310: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00006320: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2175,16 +2175,16 @@\n 000087e0: 6372 6567 2e44 4452 3341 2e66 6172 002e creg.DDR3A.far..\n 000087f0: 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 6275 debug_info..debu\n 00008800: 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f 6672 g_line..debug_fr\n 00008810: 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 7265 ame..debug_abbre\n 00008820: 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e 6465 v..debug_str..de\n 00008830: 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 6562 bug_aranges..deb\n 00008840: 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 ug_pubnames..deb\n-00008850: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3251 ug_pubtypes.TI2Q\n-00008860: 7232 4b66 6249 5600 2443 244c 3100 2e64 r2KfbIV.$C$L1..d\n+00008850: 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 5449 3533 ug_pubtypes.TI53\n+00008860: 446b 7863 5076 6200 2443 244c 3100 2e64 DkxcPvb.$C$L1..d\n 00008870: 6174 613a 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 ata:pru_intc_map\n 00008880: 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00008890: 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 :retain..text:ma\n 000088a0: 696e 0054 4965 3867 4c46 4a43 3777 002e in.TIe8gLFJC7w..\n 000088b0: 7465 7874 3a5f 635f 696e 7430 305f 6e6f text:_c_int00_no\n 000088c0: 696e 6974 5f6e 6f61 7267 7300 5449 656b init_noargs.TIek\n 000088d0: 6c4b 7238 4934 3000 5449 656d 5233 7354 lKr8I40.TIemR3sT\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1203.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 10 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 11 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 12 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 32 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 60 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x34 refers to abbreviation number 11 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@\n 000000c0: e2e2 1805 ff22 0024 8562 00e3 850b 872e .....\".$.b......\n 000000d0: e000 0024 8560 00e3 0000 002a 8562 00f3 ...$.`.....*.b..\n 000000e0: e2e2 1801 0000 c320 9a06 0000 0300 0000 ....... ........\n 000000f0: 0000 0405 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f ....PRU1_Direct_\n 00000100: 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f Connect.c....../\n 00000110: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00000120: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00000130: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00000130: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00000140: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00000150: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00000160: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 s/k2g/PRU_Direct\n 00000170: 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 _Connect1.TI PRU\n 00000180: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000190: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 000001a0: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 3331 5f62 3300 0a05 0300 0000 0064 6d65 31_b3........dme\n 00000770: 6d42 7566 000c 0133 01a0 0000 0064 6d65 mBuf...3.....dme\n 00000780: 6d42 7566 0000 3101 0000 0300 0000 0000 mBuf..1.........\n 00000790: 0401 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f ..PRU1_Direct_Co\n 000007a0: 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f nnect.c....../ho\n 000007b0: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 000007c0: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-000007d0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+000007d0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 000007e0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 000007f0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000800: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 k2g/PRU_Direct_C\n 00000810: 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 onnect1.TI PRU C\n 00000820: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000830: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n 00000840: 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 ht (c) 2012-2018\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 5f72 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f _remoteproc_Reso\n 000008b0: 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 0052 0100 0003 urceTable..R....\n 000008c0: 0000 0000 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 .......PRU1_Dire\n 000008d0: 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 ct_Connect.c....\n 000008e0: 0000 0000 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f .....(..../home/\n 000008f0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000900: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000910: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000910: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000920: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000930: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 9.0/examples/k2g\n 00000940: 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e /PRU_Direct_Conn\n 00000950: 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ect1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000960: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000970: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n 00000980: 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 (c) 2012-2018 Te\n@@ -210,15 +210,15 @@\n 00000d10: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 irect_Connect.c.\n 00000d20: 0000 0000 0001 011c 0000 0003 0013 0000 ................\n 00000d30: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d40: 0001 0000 0001 016f 0000 0003 0066 0000 .......o.....f..\n 00000d50: 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 ................\n 00000d60: 0001 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000d70: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000d80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 -0/output-1/host\n+00000d80: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 -0/output-2/host\n 00000d90: 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 /share/ti-cgt-pr\n 00000da0: 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 u/include/stdint\n 00000db0: 2e68 0000 0000 0000 0101 3600 0000 0300 .h........6.....\n 00000dc0: 2d00 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 0000 -...............\n 00000dd0: 0000 0000 0100 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ......resource_t\n 00000de0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 0000 0000 able_empty.h....\n 00000df0: 0000 0101 3c00 0000 0300 3300 0000 0101 ....<.....3.....\n@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@\n 00001010: 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 .;.I..@.........\n 00001020: 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 .....%..@.......\n 00001030: 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 030e ...9.:.;........\n 00001040: 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 5052 ..9.:.;.I.....PR\n 00001050: 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 U1_Direct_Connec\n 00001060: 742e 6300 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 t.c./home/peko/a\n 00001070: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-00001080: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+00001080: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 00001090: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000010a0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000010b0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 amples/k2g/PRU_D\n 000010c0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 irect_Connect1.T\n 000010d0: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 000010e0: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 000010f0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@\n 00001240: 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 long long.float\n 00001250: 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 .double.long dou\n 00001260: 626c 6500 0111 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 ble............%\n 00001270: 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a ..@..........9.:\n 00001280: 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 .;.I...../home/p\n 00001290: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012a0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000012b0: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+000012b0: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 000012c0: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 000012d0: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 000012e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001300: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001300: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001310: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001320: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001330: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 00001340: 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001350: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001360: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00001370: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -315,15 +315,15 @@\n 000013a0: 3332 5f74 0001 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 32_t......2.8.9.\n 000013b0: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e :.;.I..@........\n 000013c0: 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 ......%..@......\n 000013d0: 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 ......9.:.;.....\n 000013e0: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 resource_table_e\n 000013f0: 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b mpty.h./home/pek\n 00001400: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00001410: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00001410: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00001420: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00001430: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001440: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00001450: 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 U_Direct_Connect\n 00001460: 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 1.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00001470: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00001480: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@\n 000014e0: 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 .9.:.;.I..@.....\n 000014f0: 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 .........%..@...\n 00001500: 0313 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 .........9.:.;..\n 00001510: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00001520: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 00001530: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001540: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001550: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001550: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001560: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001570: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001580: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 00001590: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect1.TI PR\n 000015a0: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000015b0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000015c0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -495,16 +495,16 @@\n 00001ee0: 0600 0000 0105 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 00001ef0: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001f00: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001f10: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 ................\n 00001f20: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f30: 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f40: 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001f50: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 .............TI2\n-00001f60: 534c 3371 5a72 7262 002e 7465 7874 002e SL3qZrrb..text..\n+00001f50: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 .............TI5\n+00001f60: 3533 525a 7065 756e 002e 7465 7874 002e 53RZpeun..text..\n 00001f70: 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 resource_table:r\n 00001f80: 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e etain..text:main\n 00001f90: 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e 6465 ..debug_info..de\n 00001fa0: 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 675f bug_line..debug_\n 00001fb0: 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 6262 frame..debug_abb\n 00001fc0: 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 002e rev..debug_str..\n 00001fd0: 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 2e64 debug_aranges..d\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: PRU1_Direct_Connect.c\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU1_Direct_Connect.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU1_Direct_Connect.object 40 0 44 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 40 0 44 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+----------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Direct_Connect1/gen/PRU_Direct_Connect1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1206.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0300 ................\n 000000a0: 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000b0: 0000 0000 9a06 0000 0300 0000 0000 0405 ................\n 000000c0: 5052 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e PRU1_Direct_Conn\n 000000d0: 6563 742e 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ect.c....../home\n 000000e0: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 000000f0: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000100: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000100: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000110: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000120: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 00000130: 672f 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e g/PRU_Direct_Con\n 00000140: 6e65 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 nect1.TI PRU C/C\n 00000150: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000160: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 00000170: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@\n 00000730: 3300 0a05 0300 0100 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 3........dmemBuf\n 00000740: 000c 0133 01c9 0900 0064 6d65 6d42 7566 ...3.....dmemBuf\n 00000750: 0000 3101 0000 0300 7d00 0000 0401 5052 ..1.....}.....PR\n 00000760: 5531 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 U1_Direct_Connec\n 00000770: 742e 6300 3900 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 t.c.9..../home/p\n 00000780: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000790: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000007a0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000007a0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 000007b0: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 000007c0: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 000007d0: 5052 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 PRU_Direct_Conne\n 000007e0: 6374 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b ct1.TI PRU C/C++\n 000007f0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00000800: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n 00000810: 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 c) 2012-2018 Tex\n@@ -135,15 +135,15 @@\n 00000860: 001a 0140 01a5 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 656d ...@.....pru_rem\n 00000870: 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 oteproc_Resource\n 00000880: 5461 626c 6500 0052 0100 0003 00a6 0000 Table..R........\n 00000890: 0004 0150 5255 315f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 ...PRU1_Direct_C\n 000008a0: 6f6e 6e65 6374 2e63 0073 0000 001c 0000 onnect.c.s......\n 000008b0: 0044 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f .D..../home/peko\n 000008c0: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-000008d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+000008d0: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 000008e0: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000008f0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000900: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 examples/k2g/PRU\n 00000910: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 _Direct_Connect1\n 00000920: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00000930: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00000940: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0006 0162 0161 626f 7274 0065 7869 742e ...b.abort.exit.\n 00001070: 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 4920 c.b.exit.c.f.TI \n 00001080: 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 6572 Library...loader\n 00001090: 5f65 7869 7400 4400 0000 0100 00d3 0000 _exit.D.........\n 000010a0: 0003 0028 0300 0004 015f 5f54 495f 696e ...(.....__TI_in\n 000010b0: 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ternal./home/pek\n 000010c0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-000010d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+000010d0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 000010e0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 000010f0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00001100: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00001110: 555f 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 U_Direct_Connect\n 00001120: 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 1.TI PRU Linker \n 00001130: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001140: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@\n 00001260: 6e65 6374 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 nect.c..........\n 00001270: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00001280: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 00001290: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 000012a0: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 000012b0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 000012c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-000012d0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+000012d0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 000012e0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 000012f0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00001300: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00001310: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00001320: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00001330: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00001340: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -410,15 +410,15 @@\n 00001990: 0883 4008 8440 0b85 400b 8640 0887 400b ..@..@..@..@..@.\n 000019a0: 8840 0b8f 4008 9440 0b00 0003 8881 0100 .@..@..@........\n 000019b0: 0308 1101 8a40 0c00 0000 0111 0003 081b .....@..........\n 000019c0: 0825 088b 400b 0000 0000 5052 5531 5f44 .%..@.....PRU1_D\n 000019d0: 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 742e 6300 irect_Connect.c.\n 000019e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000019f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001a00: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001a10: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001a20: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001a30: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 6563 es/k2g/PRU_Direc\n 00001a40: 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 5052 t_Connect1.TI PR\n 00001a50: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001a60: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00001a70: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -440,34 +440,34 @@\n 00001b70: 6e65 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 ned int.long.uns\n 00001b80: 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 igned long.long \n 00001b90: 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f long.unsigned lo\n 00001ba0: 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f ng long.float.do\n 00001bb0: 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 uble.long double\n 00001bc0: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00001bd0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001be0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+00001be0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 00001bf0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 00001c00: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 00001c10: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00001c20: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001c40: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001c50: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001c60: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f44 6972 ples/k2g/PRU_Dir\n 00001c70: 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 0054 4920 ect_Connect1.TI \n 00001c80: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001c90: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001ca0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00001cb0: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n 00001cc0: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001cd0: 6174 6564 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 0072 ated.uint32_t..r\n 00001ce0: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d esource_table_em\n 00001cf0: 7074 792e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f pty.h./home/peko\n 00001d00: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00001d10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00001d10: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00001d20: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00001d30: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00001d40: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 examples/k2g/PRU\n 00001d50: 5f44 6972 6563 745f 436f 6e6e 6563 7431 _Direct_Connect1\n 00001d60: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001d70: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001d80: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -475,15 +475,15 @@\n 00001da0: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00001db0: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f rporated.my_reso\n 00001dc0: 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 urce_table.base.\n 00001dd0: 6f66 6673 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e offset..../../..\n 00001de0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 /include/rsc_typ\n 00001df0: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 00001e00: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00001e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00001e10: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00001e20: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00001e30: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00001e40: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00001e50: 4469 7265 6374 5f43 6f6e 6e65 6374 3100 Direct_Connect1.\n 00001e60: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001e70: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001e80: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1040,15 +1040,15 @@\n 000040f0: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004100: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004110: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00004120: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00004130: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00004140: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00004150: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00004160: 5449 3253 4c33 715a 7272 6200 2e72 6573 TI2SL3qZrrb..res\n+00004160: 5449 3535 3352 5a70 6575 6e00 2e72 6573 TI553RZpeun..res\n 00004170: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00004180: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00004190: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 000041a0: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 000041b0: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 000041c0: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 000041d0: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:12 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n main.object 12 0 20 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 12 0 20 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+--------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/PRU_Halt.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1213.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@\n 00000060: 000b 0021 0000 0010 0000 c320 0100 0000 ...!....... ....\n 00000070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00000080: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3306 0000 0300 0000 ........3.......\n 000000a0: 0000 0402 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000000b0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000000c0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000000d0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 000000e0: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 000000f0: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000100: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 es/k2g/PRU_Halt.\n 00000110: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00000120: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00000130: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 00000140: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@\n 00000690: 5233 305f 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 R30_b2....{R30_b\n 000006a0: 3300 0502 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 3....|R31_b0....\n 000006b0: 7d52 3331 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f }R31_b1....~R31_\n 000006c0: 6232 0005 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0017 b2.....R31_b3...\n 000006d0: 0100 0003 0040 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e .....@.....main.\n 000006e0: 6300 2000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c. ..../home/pek\n 000006f0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000700: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000700: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000710: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000720: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000730: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000740: 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f U_Halt.TI PRU C/\n 00000750: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000760: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 00000770: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@\n 000007c0: 626c 6500 1a01 4001 3309 0000 7072 755f ble...@.3...pru_\n 000007d0: 7265 6d6f 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 remoteproc_Resou\n 000007e0: 7263 6554 6162 6c65 0000 0f01 0000 0300 rceTable........\n 000007f0: 6900 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 005a 0000 i.....main.c.Z..\n 00000800: 001c 0000 0028 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f .....(..../home/\n 00000810: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000820: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000830: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000830: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000840: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000850: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 9.0/examples/k2g\n 00000860: 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 /PRU_Halt.TI PRU\n 00000870: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000880: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000890: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 000008a0: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n@@ -239,15 +239,15 @@\n 00000ee0: 742e 6300 6206 6578 6974 2e63 0066 0154 t.c.b.exit.c.f.T\n 00000ef0: 4920 4c69 6272 6172 7900 0003 6c6f 6164 I Library...load\n 00000f00: 6572 5f65 7869 7400 2800 0000 0100 00c8 er_exit.(.......\n 00000f10: 0000 0003 0096 0200 0004 015f 5f54 495f ...........__TI_\n 00000f20: 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 internal./home/p\n 00000f30: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00000f40: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00000f50: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00000f50: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00000f60: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00000f70: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00000f80: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00000f90: 4c69 6e6b 6572 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 Linker Unix v2.3\n 00000fa0: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n 00000fb0: 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2012-2018 Texas\n 00000fc0: 2049 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 Instruments Inc\n@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@\n 00001060: 0000 0005 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 .....2....._....\n 00001070: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00001080: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001090: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000010a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000010b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000010c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000010d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000010d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000010e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000010f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00001100: 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 .....6.....-....\n 00001110: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00001120: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00001130: 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c empty.h........<\n 00001140: 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....3..........\n@@ -378,49 +378,49 @@\n 00001790: 6420 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 d int.long.unsig\n 000017a0: 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f ned long.long lo\n 000017b0: 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 ng.unsigned long\n 000017c0: 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 long.float.doub\n 000017d0: 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 le.long double..\n 000017e0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000017f0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001800: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-1/host/sh\n+00001800: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 output-2/host/sh\n 00001810: 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 are/ti-cgt-pru/i\n 00001820: 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 nclude/stdint.h.\n 00001830: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 00001840: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-00001850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+00001850: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00001860: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00001870: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00001880: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 es/k2g/PRU_Halt.\n 00001890: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000018a0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000018b0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n 000018c0: 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 012-2018 Texas I\n 000018d0: 6e73 7472 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 nstruments Incor\n 000018e0: 706f 7261 7465 6400 7569 6e74 3332 5f74 porated.uint32_t\n 000018f0: 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 ..resource_table\n 00001900: 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _empty.h./home/p\n 00001910: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001920: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001930: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001930: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001940: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001950: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001960: 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 PRU_Halt.TI PRU \n 00001970: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 00001980: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 00001990: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n 000019a0: 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 8 Texas Instrume\n 000019b0: 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 nts Incorporated\n 000019c0: 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 .my_resource_tab\n 000019d0: 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0000 le.base.offset..\n 000019e0: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 000019f0: 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f /rsc_types.h./ho\n 00001a00: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001a10: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001a20: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001a20: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001a30: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001a40: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001a50: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 k2g/PRU_Halt.TI \n 00001a60: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001a70: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001a80: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00001a90: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -965,15 +965,15 @@\n 00003c40: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00003c50: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00003c60: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 00003c70: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 00003c80: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 00003c90: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 00003ca0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-00003cb0: 5449 3255 6171 7153 444d 6700 2e72 6573 TI2UaqqSDMg..res\n+00003cb0: 5449 3537 7350 746b 4a52 7300 2e72 6573 TI57sPtkJRs..res\n 00003cc0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 ource_table:reta\n 00003cd0: 696e 002e 7465 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 in..text:main.TI\n 00003ce0: 6538 674c 464a 4337 7700 2e74 6578 743a e8gLFJC7w..text:\n 00003cf0: 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f _c_int00_noinit_\n 00003d00: 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 noargs.TIeklKr8I\n 00003d10: 3430 0054 4965 6d52 3373 5445 6961 0054 40.TIemR3sTEia.T\n 00003d20: 4965 6e7a 4851 3259 6165 0054 4969 4258 IenzHQ2Yae.TIiBX\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1214.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset d7 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0xd8 refers to abbreviation number 112 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x16 refers to abbreviation number 89 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 49 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 120 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 126 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@\n 00000080: 0e00 0000 2000 0000 1500 0000 2100 0000 .... .......!...\n 00000090: 2800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (...............\n 000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 002a 8e81 ff2e ...........*....\n 000000b0: 0000 c320 3306 0000 0300 0000 0000 0402 ... 3...........\n 000000c0: 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d main.c....../hom\n 000000d0: 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 e/peko/autobuild\n 000000e0: 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 /instance-0/outp\n-000000f0: 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-1/build/pru-s\n+000000f0: 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 ut-2/build/pru-s\n 00000100: 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d oftware-support-\n 00000110: 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 5.9.0/examples/k\n 00000120: 3267 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 2g/PRU_Halt.TI P\n 00000130: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00000140: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00000150: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n 00000160: 3230 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 2018 Texas Instr\n@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@\n 000006b0: 6232 0005 0290 7b52 3330 5f62 3300 0502 b2....{R30_b3...\n 000006c0: 907c 5233 315f 6230 0005 0290 7d52 3331 .|R31_b0....}R31\n 000006d0: 5f62 3100 0502 907e 5233 315f 6232 0005 _b1....~R31_b2..\n 000006e0: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0017 0100 0003 ...R31_b3.......\n 000006f0: 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 0000 .......main.c...\n 00000700: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 00000710: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00000720: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00000720: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00000730: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00000740: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00000750: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4861 mples/k2g/PRU_Ha\n 00000760: 6c74 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 lt.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000770: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000780: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n 00000790: 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 ) 2012-2018 Texa\n@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@\n 000007d0: 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 c_ResourceTable.\n 000007e0: 1a01 4001 1e00 0000 7072 755f 7265 6d6f ..@.....pru_remo\n 000007f0: 7465 7072 6f63 5f52 6573 6f75 7263 6554 teproc_ResourceT\n 00000800: 6162 6c65 0000 0f01 0000 0300 0000 0000 able............\n 00000810: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0000 ..main.c........\n 00000820: 000c 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000830: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000840: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000840: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000850: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 00000860: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 00000870: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 examples/k2g/PRU\n 00000880: 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 _Halt.TI PRU C/C\n 00000890: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000008a0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n 000008b0: 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 3138 2054 (c) 2012-2018 T\n@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@\n 00000b10: 0132 0502 0e05 015f 0602 0200 0101 1c00 .2....._........\n 00000b20: 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ................\n 00000b30: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 ..............o.\n 00000b40: 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 ....f...........\n 00000b50: 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f ........../home/\n 00000b60: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000b70: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000b80: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00000b80: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00000b90: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00000ba0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 /stdint.h.......\n 00000bb0: 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d .6.....-........\n 00000bc0: 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 .............res\n 00000bd0: 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 ource_table_empt\n 00000be0: 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 y.h........<....\n 00000bf0: 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 .3..............\n@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@\n 00000e50: 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 d long long.floa\n 00000e60: 7400 646f 7562 6c65 006c 6f6e 6720 646f t.double.long do\n 00000e70: 7562 6c65 0001 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e uble............\n 00000e80: 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b %..@..........9.\n 00000e90: 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f :.;.I...../home/\n 00000ea0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000eb0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000ec0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -1/host/share/ti\n+00000ec0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 -2/host/share/ti\n 00000ed0: 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 -cgt-pru/include\n 00000ee0: 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f /stdint.h./home/\n 00000ef0: 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 peko/autobuild/i\n 00000f00: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-0/output\n-00000f10: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -1/build/pru-sof\n+00000f10: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 -2/build/pru-sof\n 00000f20: 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e tware-support-5.\n 00000f30: 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 9.0/examples/k2g\n 00000f40: 2f50 5255 5f48 616c 7400 5449 2050 5255 /PRU_Halt.TI PRU\n 00000f50: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000f60: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n 00000f70: 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d 3230 ight (c) 2012-20\n 00000f80: 3138 2054 6578 6173 2049 6e73 7472 756d 18 Texas Instrum\n@@ -252,15 +252,15 @@\n 00000fb0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 00000fc0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 00000fd0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 00000fe0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00000ff0: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001000: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001010: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001020: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001020: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001030: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001040: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001050: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 k2g/PRU_Halt.TI \n 00001060: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001070: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001080: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n 00001090: 2d32 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 -2018 Texas Inst\n@@ -271,15 +271,15 @@\n 000010e0: 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 ;.I..@..........\n 000010f0: 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 ....%..@........\n 00001100: 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e ....9.:.;.......\n 00001110: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 00001120: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 00001130: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00001140: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00001150: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00001150: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00001160: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00001170: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 00001180: 672f 5052 555f 4861 6c74 0054 4920 5052 g/PRU_Halt.TI PR\n 00001190: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 000011a0: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000011b0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n 000011c0: 3031 3820 5465 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 018 Texas Instru\n@@ -402,15 +402,15 @@\n 00001910: 1000 0000 0104 0000 0600 0000 0106 0000 ................\n 00001920: 0600 0000 0107 0000 0600 0000 0108 0000 ................\n 00001930: 0600 0000 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 ................\n 00001940: 0600 0000 010b 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001950: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 ................\n 00001960: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001970: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001980: 0000 0000 5449 3255 6171 7153 444d 6700 ....TI2UaqqSDMg.\n+00001980: 0000 0000 5449 3537 7350 746b 4a52 7300 ....TI57sPtkJRs.\n 00001990: 2e74 6578 7400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f .text..resource_\n 000019a0: 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 table:retain..te\n 000019b0: 7874 3a6d 6169 6e00 2e64 6562 7567 5f69 xt:main..debug_i\n 000019c0: 6e66 6f00 2e64 6562 7567 5f6c 696e 6500 nfo..debug_line.\n 000019d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f66 7261 6d65 002e 6465 .debug_frame..de\n 000019e0: 6275 675f 6162 6272 6576 002e 6465 6275 bug_abbrev..debu\n 000019f0: 675f 7374 7200 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 7261 g_str..debug_ara\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_Halt/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@\n Module code ro data rw data\n ------ ---- ------- -------\n gen/\n PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object 124 0 2068 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 124 0 2068 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 44 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n +--+-------------------------------+------+---------+---------+\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1224.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x17 refers to abbreviation number 116 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 17 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 2a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x47 refers to abbreviation number 56 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute block length: 4", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: Corrupt attribute", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 63 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 12 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@\n 00000110: 9d20 00f1 9c20 04f1 9901 002f e0e0 0801 . ... ...../....\n 00000120: 9a03 802e f900 0024 9901 002f 9a62 00e1 .......$.../.b..\n 00000130: 0000 002a e2e2 0801 0000 c320 7e06 0000 ...*....... ~...\n 00000140: 0300 0000 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f ........PRU_MAC_\n 00000150: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 Multiply_Accum.c\n 00000160: 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f ....../home/peko\n 00000170: 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 /autobuild/insta\n-00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+00000180: 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 00000190: 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 uild/pru-softwar\n 000001a0: 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f e-support-5.9.0/\n 000001b0: 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 examples/k2g/PRU\n 000001c0: 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 _MAC_Multiply_Ac\n 000001d0: 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b cum.TI PRU C/C++\n 000001e0: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 000001f0: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@\n 00000790: 0702 907e 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 000007a0: 3331 5f62 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 31_b3........buf\n 000007b0: 000a 0135 0102 0100 0062 7566 0000 3701 ...5.....buf..7.\n 000007c0: 0000 0300 0000 0000 0401 5052 555f 4d41 ..........PRU_MA\n 000007d0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 000007e0: 2e63 0000 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 .c....../home/pe\n 000007f0: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00000800: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00000800: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00000810: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00000820: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00000830: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 0/examples/k2g/P\n 00000840: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00000850: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 Accum.TI PRU C/C\n 00000860: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00000870: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@\n 000008e0: 656d 6f74 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 emoteproc_Resour\n 000008f0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 008e 0100 0003 0000 ceTable.........\n 00000900: 0000 0004 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c .....PRU_MAC_Mul\n 00000910: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 0000 tiply_Accum.c...\n 00000920: 0000 0000 0000 7c00 0000 022f 686f 6d65 ......|..../home\n 00000930: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 00000940: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-00000950: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+00000950: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 00000960: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 00000970: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 00000980: 672f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 g/PRU_MAC_Multip\n 00000990: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 ly_Accum.TI PRU \n 000009a0: 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e C/C++ Codegen Un\n 000009b0: 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 ix v2.3.3 Copyri\n 000009c0: 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 ght (c) 2012-201\n@@ -217,15 +217,15 @@\n 00000d80: 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 0000 0000 0000 ly_Accum.c......\n 00000d90: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00000da0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00000db0: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00000dc0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00000dd0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000de0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000df0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00000df0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00000e00: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00000e10: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00000e20: 0000 0001 0136 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 .....6.....-....\n 00000e30: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00000e40: 0072 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f .resource_table_\n 00000e50: 656d 7074 792e 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c empty.h........<\n 00000e60: 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....3..........\n@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@\n 00001020: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00001030: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 130b 0b39 .%..@..........9\n 00001040: 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0004 1600 030e 130b 390b .:.;..........9.\n 00001050: 3a0b 3b0b 4913 0000 0000 5052 555f 4d41 :.;.I.....PRU_MA\n 00001060: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 00001070: 2e63 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .c./home/peko/au\n 00001080: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00001090: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00001090: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000010a0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000010b0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000010c0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4d41 mples/k2g/PRU_MA\n 000010d0: 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d C_Multiply_Accum\n 000010e0: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 000010f0: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001100: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -292,20 +292,20 @@\n 00001230: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 00001240: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 00001250: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0001 1101 .long double....\n 00001260: 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0002 ........%..@....\n 00001270: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00001280: 0000 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00001290: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000012a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-1/host/\n+000012a0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 0/output-2/host/\n 000012b0: 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 share/ti-cgt-pru\n 000012c0: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e /include/stdint.\n 000012d0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000012e0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000012f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000012f0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001300: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001310: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001320: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 ples/k2g/PRU_MAC\n 00001330: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 _Multiply_Accum.\n 00001340: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001350: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001360: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@\n 000013c0: 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 8140 0e00 2.8.9.:.;.I..@..\n 000013d0: 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 ............%..@\n 000013e0: 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b ............9.:.\n 000013f0: 3b0b 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 ;.....resource_t\n 00001400: 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f 686f able_empty.h./ho\n 00001410: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00001420: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00001430: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00001430: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00001440: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00001450: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00001460: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 k2g/PRU_MAC_Mult\n 00001470: 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 iply_Accum.TI PR\n 00001480: 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 U C/C++ Codegen \n 00001490: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 000014a0: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -337,15 +337,15 @@\n 00001500: 4910 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b I..@............\n 00001510: 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e ..%..@..........\n 00001520: 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e ..9.:.;......./.\n 00001530: 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 ./../include/rsc\n 00001540: 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 _types.h./home/p\n 00001550: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 00001560: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-00001570: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+00001570: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001580: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001590: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 000015a0: 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 PRU_MAC_Multiply\n 000015b0: 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f _Accum.TI PRU C/\n 000015c0: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 000015d0: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n 000015e0: 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 3031 3820 t (c) 2012-2018 \n@@ -500,16 +500,16 @@\n 00001f30: 0109 0000 0600 0000 010a 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f40: 010b 0000 0600 0000 010c 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f50: 010d 0000 0600 0000 010e 0000 0600 0000 ................\n 00001f60: 010f 0000 0600 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00001f70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 00001f80: 0800 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 ................\n 00001f90: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00001fa0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4932 5446 3761 .........TI2TF7a\n-00001fb0: 5855 7968 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 XUyh.$C$L1.$C$L2\n+00001fa0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0054 4935 3553 3446 .........TI55S4F\n+00001fb0: 6f78 4675 0024 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 oxFu.$C$L1.$C$L2\n 00001fc0: 0024 4324 4c33 0024 4324 4c34 002e 7465 .$C$L3.$C$L4..te\n 00001fd0: 7874 002e 7265 736f 7572 6365 5f74 6162 xt..resource_tab\n 00001fe0: 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 2e74 6578 743a le:retain..text:\n 00001ff0: 6d61 696e 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f main..debug_info\n 00002000: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 ..debug_line..de\n 00002010: 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 bug_frame..debug\n 00002020: 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 _abbrev..debug_s\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1225.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@\n 000000e0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 000000f0: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 00000100: 0000 0000 0000 0000 7e06 0000 0300 0000 ........~.......\n 00000110: 0000 0403 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 ....PRU_MAC_Mult\n 00000120: 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 0000 0000 iply_Accum.c....\n 00000130: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000140: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000150: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000160: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000170: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000180: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 ples/k2g/PRU_MAC\n 00000190: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 _Multiply_Accum.\n 000001a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000001b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000001c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@\n 00000760: 5233 315f 6232 0007 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 R31_b2.....R31_b\n 00000770: 3300 0805 0300 0000 0062 7566 000a 0135 3........buf...5\n 00000780: 0102 0100 0062 7566 0000 3701 0000 0300 .....buf..7.....\n 00000790: 6a00 0000 0401 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 j.....PRU_MAC_Mu\n 000007a0: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 2e63 003c ltiply_Accum.c.<\n 000007b0: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 000007c0: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000007d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000007d0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000007e0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000007f0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 00000800: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f4d amples/k2g/PRU_M\n 00000810: 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 AC_Multiply_Accu\n 00000820: 6d00 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 m.TI PRU C/C++ C\n 00000830: 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 odegen Unix v2.3\n 00000840: 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 .3 Copyright (c)\n@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@\n 000008a0: 0140 01a2 0a00 0070 7275 5f72 656d 6f74 .@.....pru_remot\n 000008b0: 6570 726f 635f 5265 736f 7572 6365 5461 eproc_ResourceTa\n 000008c0: 626c 6500 008e 0100 0003 0093 0000 0004 ble.............\n 000008d0: 0150 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c .PRU_MAC_Multipl\n 000008e0: 795f 4163 6375 6d2e 6300 7600 0000 1c00 y_Accum.c.v.....\n 000008f0: 0000 9800 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ......./home/pek\n 00000900: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000910: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000910: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000920: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000930: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000940: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000950: 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 U_MAC_Multiply_A\n 00000960: 6363 756d 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b ccum.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000970: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000980: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@\n 000010b0: 0000 0601 6201 6162 6f72 7400 6578 6974 ....b.abort.exit\n 000010c0: 2e63 0062 0665 7869 742e 6300 6601 5449 .c.b.exit.c.f.TI\n 000010d0: 204c 6962 7261 7279 0000 036c 6f61 6465 Library...loade\n 000010e0: 725f 6578 6974 0098 0000 0001 0000 d600 r_exit..........\n 000010f0: 0000 0300 1503 0000 0401 5f5f 5449 5f69 ..........__TI_i\n 00001100: 6e74 6572 6e61 6c00 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 nternal./home/pe\n 00001110: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001120: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001120: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001130: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 /build/pru-softw\n 00001140: 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e are-support-5.9.\n 00001150: 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 0/examples/k2g/P\n 00001160: 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f RU_MAC_Multiply_\n 00001170: 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e Accum.TI PRU Lin\n 00001180: 6b65 7220 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 ker Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001190: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -301,15 +301,15 @@\n 000012c0: 4d41 435f 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 MAC_Multiply_Acc\n 000012d0: 756d 2e63 0000 0000 0000 0101 1c00 0000 um.c............\n 000012e0: 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ................\n 000012f0: 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0101 6f00 0000 ............o...\n 00001300: 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff 0d00 0101 0101 ..f.............\n 00001310: 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 ......../home/pe\n 00001320: 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 ko/autobuild/ins\n-00001330: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-0/output-1\n+00001330: 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-0/output-2\n 00001340: 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 652f 7469 2d63 /host/share/ti-c\n 00001350: 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f73 gt-pru/include/s\n 00001360: 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 0000 0001 0136 tdint.h........6\n 00001370: 0000 0003 002d 0000 0001 0100 ff0d 0001 .....-..........\n 00001380: 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 0072 6573 6f75 ...........resou\n 00001390: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 656d 7074 792e rce_table_empty.\n 000013a0: 6800 0000 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 h........<.....3\n@@ -411,15 +411,15 @@\n 000019a0: 8340 0884 400b 8540 0b86 4008 8740 0b88 .@..@..@..@..@..\n 000019b0: 400b 8f40 0894 400b 0000 0388 8101 0003 @..@..@.........\n 000019c0: 0811 018a 400c 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 ....@...........\n 000019d0: 2508 8b40 0b00 0000 0050 5255 5f4d 4143 %..@.....PRU_MAC\n 000019e0: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d2e _Multiply_Accum.\n 000019f0: 6300 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 c./home/peko/aut\n 00001a00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00001a10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00001a20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00001a30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00001a40: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 ples/k2g/PRU_MAC\n 00001a50: 5f4d 756c 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 _Multiply_Accum.\n 00001a60: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001a70: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001a80: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -440,20 +440,20 @@\n 00001b70: 696e 7400 6c6f 6e67 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 int.long.unsigne\n 00001b80: 6420 6c6f 6e67 006c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 d long.long long\n 00001b90: 0075 6e73 6967 6e65 6420 6c6f 6e67 206c .unsigned long l\n 00001ba0: 6f6e 6700 666c 6f61 7400 646f 7562 6c65 ong.float.double\n 00001bb0: 006c 6f6e 6720 646f 7562 6c65 0000 2f68 .long double../h\n 00001bc0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001bd0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001be0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00001be0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00001bf0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00001c00: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 2f68 lude/stdint.h./h\n 00001c10: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00001c20: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00001c30: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00001c30: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00001c40: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00001c50: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00001c60: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f4d 4143 5f4d 756c /k2g/PRU_MAC_Mul\n 00001c70: 7469 706c 795f 4163 6375 6d00 5449 2050 tiply_Accum.TI P\n 00001c80: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001c90: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001ca0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -461,15 +461,15 @@\n 00001cc0: 756d 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 uments Incorpora\n 00001cd0: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 7569 6e74 ted.uint8_t.uint\n 00001ce0: 3136 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 16_t.uint32_t.ui\n 00001cf0: 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 nt64_t..resource\n 00001d00: 5f74 6162 6c65 5f65 6d70 7479 2e68 002f _table_empty.h./\n 00001d10: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 00001d20: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00001d30: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00001d30: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00001d40: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00001d50: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00001d60: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4d41 435f 4d75 s/k2g/PRU_MAC_Mu\n 00001d70: 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 4920 ltiply_Accum.TI \n 00001d80: 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 PRU C/C++ Codege\n 00001d90: 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f n Unix v2.3.3 Co\n 00001da0: 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 pyright (c) 2012\n@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@\n 00001dc0: 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f 7270 6f72 ruments Incorpor\n 00001dd0: 6174 6564 006d 795f 7265 736f 7572 6365 ated.my_resource\n 00001de0: 5f74 6162 6c65 0062 6173 6500 6f66 6673 _table.base.offs\n 00001df0: 6574 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 et..../../../inc\n 00001e00: 6c75 6465 2f72 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 lude/rsc_types.h\n 00001e10: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00001e20: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00001e30: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00001e30: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00001e40: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00001e50: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001e60: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 4d41 435f les/k2g/PRU_MAC_\n 00001e70: 4d75 6c74 6970 6c79 5f41 6363 756d 0054 Multiply_Accum.T\n 00001e80: 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f 6465 I PRU C/C++ Code\n 00001e90: 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 gen Unix v2.3.3 \n 00001ea0: 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 Copyright (c) 20\n@@ -1048,15 +1048,15 @@\n 00004170: 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 666f 002e ar..debug_info..\n 00004180: 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e 6465 6275 debug_line..debu\n 00004190: 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 7567 5f61 g_frame..debug_a\n 000041a0: 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 5f73 7472 bbrev..debug_str\n 000041b0: 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e 6765 7300 ..debug_aranges.\n 000041c0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 6d65 7300 .debug_pubnames.\n 000041d0: 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 7065 7300 .debug_pubtypes.\n-000041e0: 5449 3254 4637 6158 5579 6800 2443 244c TI2TF7aXUyh.$C$L\n+000041e0: 5449 3535 5334 466f 7846 7500 2443 244c TI55S4FoxFu.$C$L\n 000041f0: 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c 3300 2443 1.$C$L2.$C$L3.$C\n 00004200: 244c 3400 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 $L4..resource_ta\n 00004210: 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e 7465 7874 ble:retain..text\n 00004220: 3a6d 6169 6e00 5449 6538 674c 464a 4337 :main.TIe8gLFJC7\n 00004230: 7700 2e74 6578 743a 5f63 5f69 6e74 3030 w..text:_c_int00\n 00004240: 5f6e 6f69 6e69 745f 6e6f 6172 6773 0054 _noinit_noargs.T\n 00004250: 4965 6b6c 4b72 3849 3430 0054 4965 6d52 IeklKr8I40.TIemR\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum/gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.c\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: resource_table_empty.h\n-gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/PRU_MAC_Multiply_Accum.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1233.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 30........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ca09 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000630: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00000640: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000f60: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 00000f70: 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 0070 6179 load...D.....pay\n 00000f80: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 00000f90: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 00000fa0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000fb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000fd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000fe0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000ff0: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001000: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 00001010: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001020: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001030: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00001060: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 00001070: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 4403 .CT_INTC...Y..D.\n 00001080: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00001090: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8d00 .......main.c...\n 000010a0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000010b0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000010d0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000010e0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000010f0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00001100: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001110: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@\n 00001160: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00001170: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 00001180: 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 7275 5f69 ap...<.2...pru_i\n 00001190: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000011a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c300 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000011b0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000011c0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000011e0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000011f0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001200: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00001210: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001220: 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001230: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001240: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -297,15 +297,15 @@\n 00001280: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001290: 6500 1a01 5001 863f 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P..?..resour\n 000012a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000012b0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 f900 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012c0: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000012d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000012f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000012f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001300: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001310: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001320: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001330: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt0_0.TI P\n 00001340: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001350: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001360: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1818,15 +1818,15 @@\n 00007190: 02fe 1e00 0002 1c01 2d01 3e00 0002 071f ........-.>.....\n 000071a0: 0000 021c 012f 0f3e 0000 0210 1f00 0002 ...../.>........\n 000071b0: 2001 332b 3e00 0002 191f 0000 021a 0153 .3+>..........S\n 000071c0: 0f3e 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 0c00 0004 .>.........5....\n 000071d0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 000071e0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000071f0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007200: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007200: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007210: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007220: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007230: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f s/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00007240: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f Echo_Interrupt0_\n 00007250: 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 0.TI PRU Linker \n 00007260: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00007270: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1863,15 +1863,15 @@\n 00007460: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 00007470: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00007480: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00007490: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000074a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000074b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000074c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000074d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000074d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000074e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000074f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00007500: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00007510: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00007520: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007530: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00007540: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -2399,15 +2399,15 @@\n 000095e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000095f0: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00009600: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00009610: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00009620: 7564 652f 6b32 672f 7072 755f 696e 7463 ude/k2g/pru_intc\n 00009630: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00009640: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00009660: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00009670: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00009680: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00009690: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000096a0: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 000096b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000096c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2609,15 +2609,15 @@\n 0000a300: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000a310: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000a320: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000a330: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000a340: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000a350: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000a360: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000a370: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000a370: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000a380: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000a390: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 0000a3a0: 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000a3b0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 _Interrupt0_0.TI\n 0000a3c0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000a3d0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000a3e0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2650,20 +2650,20 @@\n 0000a590: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 0000a5a0: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 0000a5b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 0000a5c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 0000a5d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 0000a5e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a5f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a600: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+0000a600: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 0000a610: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 0000a620: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 0000a630: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a640: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a650: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000a650: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000a660: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000a670: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 0000a680: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 0000a690: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt0_0.TI P\n 0000a6a0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000a6b0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000a6c0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2672,15 +2672,15 @@\n 0000a6f0: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e 7431 ted.uint8_t.int1\n 0000a700: 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 6_t.uint16_t.int\n 0000a710: 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 32_t.uint32_t.ui\n 0000a720: 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e nt64_t..../../..\n 0000a730: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 /include/pru_typ\n 0000a740: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 0000a750: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a770: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a780: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a790: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 0000a7a0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a7b0: 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_0.TI PRU C\n 0000a7c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a7d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2691,15 +2691,15 @@\n 0000a820: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 _rsc_custom_ints\n 0000a830: 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 6368 616e 6e65 .reserved.channe\n 0000a840: 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 l_host.num_evts.\n 0000a850: 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 event_channel..r\n 0000a860: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e esource_table_0.\n 0000a870: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a880: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a8a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a8b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a8c0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000a8d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000a8e0: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000a8f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000a900: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2710,15 +2710,15 @@\n 0000a950: 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 ase.offset.rpmsg\n 0000a960: 5f76 6465 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e _vdev.rpmsg_vrin\n 0000a970: 6730 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 g0.rpmsg_vring1.\n 0000a980: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 0000a990: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 0000a9a0: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 0000a9b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000a9d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000a9e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000a9f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 0000aa00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000aa10: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_0.TI PRU\n 0000aa20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000aa30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -2731,15 +2731,15 @@\n 0000aaa0: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 0000aab0: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 0000aac0: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 0000aad0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000aae0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 0000aaf0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000ab00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000ab20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000ab30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000ab40: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000ab50: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000ab60: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000ab70: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000ab80: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2750,15 +2750,15 @@\n 0000abd0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 0000abe0: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 0000abf0: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 0000ac00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000ac10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 0000ac20: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000ac30: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000ac50: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000ac60: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000ac70: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 0000ac80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000ac90: 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_0.TI PRU C/C\n 0000aca0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000acb0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3719,15 +3719,15 @@\n 0000e860: 3341 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 3A.far..debug_in\n 0000e870: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 0000e880: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 0000e890: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 0000e8a0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 0000e8b0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 0000e8c0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 3249 5262 4762 6a33 5000 pes.TI2IRbGbj3P.\n+0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 3459 3979 7a4d 6448 6b00 pes.TI4Y9yzMdHk.\n 0000e8e0: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 0000e8f0: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 4c31 0024 3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.$\n 0000e900: 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a 7072 755f C$SL2..data:pru_\n 0000e910: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 736f 7572 intc_map..resour\n 0000e920: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 ce_table:retain.\n 0000e930: 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 726f 6461 .text:main..roda\n 0000e940: 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 4965 3867 ta:.string.TIe8g\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1234.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3330 0000 0000 ca09 0000 annel 30........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 amples/k2g/PRU_R\n 000002e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000002f0: 7570 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@\n 00000c00: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000c10: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000c20: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 .payload...D....\n 00000c30: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000c40: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000c50: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000c60: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000c80: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000c90: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000ca0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00000cb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000cc0: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000cd0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ce0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000d10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000d20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 .....CT_INTC...Y\n 00000d30: 0301 4403 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ..D...CT_INTC...\n 00000d40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000d50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000d60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000d80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000d90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000da0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000db0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000dc0: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_0.TI PRU\n 00000dd0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000de0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000e20: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000e30: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 tc_map...<.2...p\n 00000e40: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000e50: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000e70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000e90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000ea0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000eb0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00000ec0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000ed0: 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_0.TI PRU C\n 00000ee0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ef0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@\n 00000f30: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00000f40: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00000f50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 00000f60: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000f70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 00000f80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000f90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fa0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fa0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000fc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000fd0: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000fe0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 ho_Interrupt0_0.\n 00000ff0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001000: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001010: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1135,15 +1135,15 @@\n 000046e0: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 000046f0: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00004700: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00004710: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00004720: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00004730: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00004740: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00004750: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00004750: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00004760: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00004770: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004780: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004790: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000047a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000047b0: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 000047c0: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1213,15 +1213,15 @@\n 00004bc0: 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00004bd0: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 00004be0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00004bf0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004c00: 6465 2f6b 3267 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e de/k2g/pru_intc.\n 00004c10: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00004c20: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00004c40: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00004c50: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00004c60: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00004c70: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00004c80: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00004c90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00004ca0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1433,15 +1433,15 @@\n 00005980: 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 00005990: 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000059a0: 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 000059b0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000059c0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 000059d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000059e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005a00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005a10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005a20: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00005a30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00005a40: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005a50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005a60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1478,20 +1478,20 @@\n 00005c50: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00005c60: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00005c70: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 long double.....\n 00005c80: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 .......%..@.....\n 00005c90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00005ca0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005cb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00005cd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00005ce0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00005cf0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005d00: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005d20: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005d30: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005d40: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00005d50: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00005d60: 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00005d70: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00005d80: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@\n 00005df0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00005e00: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00005e10: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00005e20: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00005e30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00005e40: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00005e50: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00005e70: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00005e80: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00005e90: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00005ea0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00005eb0: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_0.TI PRU\n 00005ec0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005ed0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1527,15 +1527,15 @@\n 00005f60: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00005f70: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00005f80: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005f90: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00005fa0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 00005fb0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00005fc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00005fe0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00005ff0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006000: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006010: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f30 cho_Interrupt0_0\n 00006020: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006030: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006040: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1552,15 +1552,15 @@\n 000060f0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00006100: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00006110: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00006120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006130: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00006140: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006150: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006160: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006160: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006170: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006180: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006190: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000061a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 ho_Interrupt0_0.\n 000061b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000061c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000061d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1576,15 +1576,15 @@\n 00006270: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00006280: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00006290: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000062a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000062b0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 000062c0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000062d0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000062f0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006300: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006310: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00006320: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00006330: 7430 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00006340: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00006350: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1599,15 +1599,15 @@\n 000063e0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000063f0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00006400: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00006410: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00006420: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00006430: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006440: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006450: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006450: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006460: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006470: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006480: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00006490: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3000 ho_Interrupt0_0.\n 000064a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000064b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000064c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2647,15 +2647,15 @@\n 0000a560: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000a570: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000a580: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000a590: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5a0: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5b0: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4932 4952 6247 626a 3350 0024 ...TI2IRbGbj3P.$\n+0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4934 5939 797a 4d64 486b 0024 ...TI4Y9yzMdHk.$\n 0000a5e0: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0000a5f0: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0000a600: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0000a610: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000a620: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000a630: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0000a640: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/k2g/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1243.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 31........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ca09 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000630: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00000640: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000f60: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 00000f70: 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 0070 6179 load...D.....pay\n 00000f80: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 00000f90: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 00000fa0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000fb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000fd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000fe0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000ff0: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001000: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 00001010: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001020: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001030: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00001060: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 00001070: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 4403 .CT_INTC...Y..D.\n 00001080: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00001090: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8d00 .......main.c...\n 000010a0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000010b0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000010d0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000010e0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000010f0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00001100: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001110: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@\n 00001160: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00001170: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 00001180: 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 7275 5f69 ap...<.2...pru_i\n 00001190: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000011a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c300 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000011b0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000011c0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000011e0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000011f0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001200: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00001210: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001220: 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001230: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001240: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -297,15 +297,15 @@\n 00001280: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001290: 6500 1a01 5001 863f 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P..?..resour\n 000012a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000012b0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 f900 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012c0: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000012d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000012f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000012f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001300: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001310: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001320: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001330: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt0_1.TI P\n 00001340: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001350: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001360: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1818,15 +1818,15 @@\n 00007190: 02fe 1e00 0002 1c01 2d01 3e00 0002 071f ........-.>.....\n 000071a0: 0000 021c 012f 0f3e 0000 0210 1f00 0002 ...../.>........\n 000071b0: 2001 332b 3e00 0002 191f 0000 021a 0153 .3+>..........S\n 000071c0: 0f3e 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 0c00 0004 .>.........5....\n 000071d0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 000071e0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000071f0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007200: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007200: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007210: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007220: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007230: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f s/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00007240: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f Echo_Interrupt0_\n 00007250: 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 1.TI PRU Linker \n 00007260: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00007270: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1863,15 +1863,15 @@\n 00007460: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 00007470: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00007480: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00007490: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000074a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000074b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000074c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000074d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000074d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000074e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000074f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00007500: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00007510: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00007520: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007530: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00007540: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -2399,15 +2399,15 @@\n 000095e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000095f0: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00009600: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00009610: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00009620: 7564 652f 6b32 672f 7072 755f 696e 7463 ude/k2g/pru_intc\n 00009630: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00009640: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00009660: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00009670: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00009680: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00009690: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000096a0: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 000096b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000096c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2609,15 +2609,15 @@\n 0000a300: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000a310: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000a320: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000a330: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000a340: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000a350: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000a360: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000a370: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000a370: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000a380: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000a390: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 0000a3a0: 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000a3b0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 _Interrupt0_1.TI\n 0000a3c0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000a3d0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000a3e0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2650,20 +2650,20 @@\n 0000a590: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 0000a5a0: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 0000a5b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 0000a5c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 0000a5d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 0000a5e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a5f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a600: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+0000a600: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 0000a610: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 0000a620: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 0000a630: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a640: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a650: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000a650: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000a660: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000a670: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 0000a680: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 0000a690: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt0_1.TI P\n 0000a6a0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000a6b0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000a6c0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2672,15 +2672,15 @@\n 0000a6f0: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e 7431 ted.uint8_t.int1\n 0000a700: 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 6_t.uint16_t.int\n 0000a710: 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 32_t.uint32_t.ui\n 0000a720: 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e nt64_t..../../..\n 0000a730: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 /include/pru_typ\n 0000a740: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 0000a750: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a770: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a780: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a790: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 0000a7a0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a7b0: 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_1.TI PRU C\n 0000a7c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a7d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2691,15 +2691,15 @@\n 0000a820: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 _rsc_custom_ints\n 0000a830: 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 6368 616e 6e65 .reserved.channe\n 0000a840: 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 l_host.num_evts.\n 0000a850: 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 event_channel..r\n 0000a860: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e esource_table_1.\n 0000a870: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a880: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a8a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a8b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a8c0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000a8d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000a8e0: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000a8f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000a900: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2710,15 +2710,15 @@\n 0000a950: 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 ase.offset.rpmsg\n 0000a960: 5f76 6465 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e _vdev.rpmsg_vrin\n 0000a970: 6730 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 g0.rpmsg_vring1.\n 0000a980: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 0000a990: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 0000a9a0: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 0000a9b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000a9d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000a9e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000a9f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 0000aa00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000aa10: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_1.TI PRU\n 0000aa20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000aa30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -2731,15 +2731,15 @@\n 0000aaa0: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 0000aab0: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 0000aac0: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 0000aad0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000aae0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 0000aaf0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000ab00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000ab20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000ab30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000ab40: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000ab50: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000ab60: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000ab70: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000ab80: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2750,15 +2750,15 @@\n 0000abd0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 0000abe0: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 0000abf0: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 0000ac00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000ac10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 0000ac20: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000ac30: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000ac50: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000ac60: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000ac70: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 0000ac80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000ac90: 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt0_1.TI PRU C/C\n 0000aca0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000acb0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3719,15 +3719,15 @@\n 0000e860: 3341 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 3A.far..debug_in\n 0000e870: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 0000e880: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 0000e890: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 0000e8a0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 0000e8b0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 0000e8c0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 324b 4839 3051 6e76 6200 pes.TI2KH90Qnvb.\n+0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 345a 496d 4b64 3541 7700 pes.TI4ZImKd5Aw.\n 0000e8e0: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 0000e8f0: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 4c31 0024 3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.$\n 0000e900: 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a 7072 755f C$SL2..data:pru_\n 0000e910: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 736f 7572 intc_map..resour\n 0000e920: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 ce_table:retain.\n 0000e930: 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 726f 6461 .text:main..roda\n 0000e940: 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 4965 3867 ta:.string.TIe8g\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1244.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3331 0000 0000 ca09 0000 annel 31........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 amples/k2g/PRU_R\n 000002e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000002f0: 7570 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt0_1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@\n 00000c00: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000c10: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000c20: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 .payload...D....\n 00000c30: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000c40: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000c50: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000c60: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000c80: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000c90: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000ca0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00000cb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000cc0: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000cd0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ce0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000d10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000d20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 .....CT_INTC...Y\n 00000d30: 0301 4403 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ..D...CT_INTC...\n 00000d40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000d50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000d60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000d80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000d90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000da0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000db0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000dc0: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_1.TI PRU\n 00000dd0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000de0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000e20: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000e30: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 tc_map...<.2...p\n 00000e40: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000e50: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000e70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000e90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000ea0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000eb0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00000ec0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000ed0: 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt0_1.TI PRU C\n 00000ee0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ef0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@\n 00000f30: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00000f40: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00000f50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 00000f60: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000f70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 00000f80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000f90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fa0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fa0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000fc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000fd0: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000fe0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 ho_Interrupt0_1.\n 00000ff0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001000: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001010: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1135,15 +1135,15 @@\n 000046e0: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 000046f0: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00004700: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00004710: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00004720: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00004730: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00004740: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00004750: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00004750: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00004760: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00004770: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004780: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004790: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000047a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000047b0: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 000047c0: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1213,15 +1213,15 @@\n 00004bc0: 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00004bd0: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 00004be0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00004bf0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004c00: 6465 2f6b 3267 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e de/k2g/pru_intc.\n 00004c10: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00004c20: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00004c40: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00004c50: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00004c60: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00004c70: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00004c80: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00004c90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00004ca0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1433,15 +1433,15 @@\n 00005980: 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 00005990: 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000059a0: 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 000059b0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000059c0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 000059d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000059e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005a00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005a10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005a20: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00005a30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 _Echo_Interrupt0\n 00005a40: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005a50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005a60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1478,20 +1478,20 @@\n 00005c50: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00005c60: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00005c70: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 long double.....\n 00005c80: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 .......%..@.....\n 00005c90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00005ca0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005cb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00005cd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00005ce0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00005cf0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005d00: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005d20: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005d30: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005d40: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00005d50: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00005d60: 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 0_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00005d70: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00005d80: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@\n 00005df0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00005e00: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00005e10: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00005e20: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00005e30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00005e40: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00005e50: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00005e70: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00005e80: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00005e90: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00005ea0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00005eb0: 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt0_1.TI PRU\n 00005ec0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005ed0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1527,15 +1527,15 @@\n 00005f60: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00005f70: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00005f80: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005f90: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00005fa0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 00005fb0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00005fc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00005fe0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00005ff0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006000: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006010: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7430 5f31 cho_Interrupt0_1\n 00006020: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006030: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006040: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1552,15 +1552,15 @@\n 000060f0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00006100: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00006110: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00006120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006130: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00006140: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006150: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006160: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006160: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006170: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006180: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006190: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000061a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 ho_Interrupt0_1.\n 000061b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000061c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000061d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1576,15 +1576,15 @@\n 00006270: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00006280: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00006290: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000062a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000062b0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 000062c0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000062d0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000062f0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006300: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006310: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00006320: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00006330: 7430 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t0_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00006340: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00006350: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1599,15 +1599,15 @@\n 000063e0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000063f0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00006400: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00006410: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00006420: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00006430: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006440: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006450: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006450: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006460: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006470: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006480: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00006490: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 305f 3100 ho_Interrupt0_1.\n 000064a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000064b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000064c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2647,15 +2647,15 @@\n 0000a560: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000a570: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000a580: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000a590: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5a0: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5b0: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4932 4b48 3930 516e 7662 0024 ...TI2KH90Qnvb.$\n+0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4934 5a49 6d4b 6435 4177 0024 ...TI4ZImKd5Aw.$\n 0000a5e0: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0000a5f0: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0000a600: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0000a610: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000a620: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000a630: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0000a640: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/k2g/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:55 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1253.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 0000 0000 1002 1100 annel 32........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ca09 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000630: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00000640: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000f60: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 00000f70: 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 0070 6179 load...D.....pay\n 00000f80: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 00000f90: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 00000fa0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000fb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000fd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000fe0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000ff0: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001000: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00001010: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001020: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001030: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00001060: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 00001070: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 4403 .CT_INTC...Y..D.\n 00001080: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00001090: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8d00 .......main.c...\n 000010a0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000010b0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000010d0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000010e0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000010f0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00001100: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001110: 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_0.TI PRU C/C\n 00001120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@\n 00001160: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00001170: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 00001180: 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 7275 5f69 ap...<.2...pru_i\n 00001190: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000011a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c300 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000011b0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000011c0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000011e0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000011f0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001200: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00001210: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001220: 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001230: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001240: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -297,15 +297,15 @@\n 00001280: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001290: 6500 1a01 5001 863f 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P..?..resour\n 000012a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000012b0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 f900 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012c0: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000012d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000012f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000012f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001300: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001310: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001320: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001330: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt1_0.TI P\n 00001340: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001350: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001360: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1818,15 +1818,15 @@\n 00007190: 02fe 1e00 0002 1c01 2d01 3e00 0002 071f ........-.>.....\n 000071a0: 0000 021c 012f 0f3e 0000 0210 1f00 0002 ...../.>........\n 000071b0: 2001 332b 3e00 0002 191f 0000 021a 0153 .3+>..........S\n 000071c0: 0f3e 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 0c00 0004 .>.........5....\n 000071d0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 000071e0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000071f0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007200: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007200: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007210: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007220: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007230: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f s/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00007240: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00007250: 3000 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 0.TI PRU Linker \n 00007260: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00007270: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1863,15 +1863,15 @@\n 00007460: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 00007470: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00007480: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00007490: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000074a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000074b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000074c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000074d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000074d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000074e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000074f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00007500: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00007510: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00007520: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007530: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00007540: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -2399,15 +2399,15 @@\n 000095e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000095f0: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00009600: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00009610: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00009620: 7564 652f 6b32 672f 7072 755f 696e 7463 ude/k2g/pru_intc\n 00009630: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00009640: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00009660: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00009670: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00009680: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00009690: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000096a0: 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_0.TI PRU C/C\n 000096b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000096c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2609,15 +2609,15 @@\n 0000a300: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000a310: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000a320: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000a330: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000a340: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000a350: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000a360: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000a370: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000a370: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000a380: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000a390: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 0000a3a0: 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000a3b0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 _Interrupt1_0.TI\n 0000a3c0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000a3d0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000a3e0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2650,20 +2650,20 @@\n 0000a590: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 0000a5a0: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 0000a5b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 0000a5c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 0000a5d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 0000a5e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a5f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a600: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+0000a600: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 0000a610: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 0000a620: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 0000a630: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a640: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a650: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000a650: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000a660: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000a670: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 0000a680: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 0000a690: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 nterrupt1_0.TI P\n 0000a6a0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000a6b0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000a6c0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2672,15 +2672,15 @@\n 0000a6f0: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e 7431 ted.uint8_t.int1\n 0000a700: 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 6_t.uint16_t.int\n 0000a710: 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 32_t.uint32_t.ui\n 0000a720: 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e nt64_t..../../..\n 0000a730: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 /include/pru_typ\n 0000a740: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 0000a750: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a770: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a780: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a790: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 0000a7a0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a7b0: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 0000a7c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a7d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2691,15 +2691,15 @@\n 0000a820: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 _rsc_custom_ints\n 0000a830: 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 6368 616e 6e65 .reserved.channe\n 0000a840: 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 l_host.num_evts.\n 0000a850: 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 event_channel..r\n 0000a860: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e esource_table_0.\n 0000a870: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a880: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a8a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a8b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a8c0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000a8d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000a8e0: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000a8f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000a900: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2710,15 +2710,15 @@\n 0000a950: 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 ase.offset.rpmsg\n 0000a960: 5f76 6465 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e _vdev.rpmsg_vrin\n 0000a970: 6730 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 g0.rpmsg_vring1.\n 0000a980: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 0000a990: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 0000a9a0: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 0000a9b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000a9d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000a9e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000a9f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 0000aa00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000aa10: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_0.TI PRU\n 0000aa20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000aa30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -2731,15 +2731,15 @@\n 0000aaa0: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 0000aab0: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 0000aac0: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 0000aad0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000aae0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 0000aaf0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000ab00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000ab20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000ab30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000ab40: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000ab50: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000ab60: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000ab70: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000ab80: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2750,15 +2750,15 @@\n 0000abd0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 0000abe0: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 0000abf0: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 0000ac00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000ac10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 0000ac20: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000ac30: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000ac50: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000ac60: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000ac70: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 0000ac80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000ac90: 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_0.TI PRU C/C\n 0000aca0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000acb0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3719,15 +3719,15 @@\n 0000e860: 3341 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 3A.far..debug_in\n 0000e870: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 0000e880: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 0000e890: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 0000e8a0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 0000e8b0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 0000e8c0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 324d 6539 306c 7239 7500 pes.TI2Me90lr9u.\n+0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 3530 454e 4e30 5757 4900 pes.TI50ENN0WWI.\n 0000e8e0: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 0000e8f0: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 4c31 0024 3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.$\n 0000e900: 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a 7072 755f C$SL2..data:pru_\n 0000e910: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 736f 7572 intc_map..resour\n 0000e920: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 ce_table:retain.\n 0000e930: 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 726f 6461 .text:main..roda\n 0000e940: 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 4965 3867 ta:.string.TIe8g\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1254.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3332 0000 0000 ca09 0000 annel 32........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 amples/k2g/PRU_R\n 000002e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000002f0: 7570 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_0.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@\n 00000c00: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000c10: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000c20: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 .payload...D....\n 00000c30: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000c40: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000c50: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000c60: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000c80: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000c90: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000ca0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00000cb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000cc0: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000cd0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ce0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000d10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000d20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 .....CT_INTC...Y\n 00000d30: 0301 4403 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ..D...CT_INTC...\n 00000d40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000d50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000d60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000d80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000d90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000da0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000db0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000dc0: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_0.TI PRU\n 00000dd0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000de0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000e20: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000e30: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 tc_map...<.2...p\n 00000e40: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000e50: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000e70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000e90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000ea0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000eb0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00000ec0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000ed0: 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_0.TI PRU C\n 00000ee0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ef0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@\n 00000f30: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00000f40: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00000f50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 00000f60: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000f70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 00000f80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000f90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fa0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fa0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000fc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000fd0: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000fe0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 00000ff0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001000: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001010: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1135,15 +1135,15 @@\n 000046e0: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 000046f0: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00004700: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00004710: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00004720: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00004730: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00004740: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00004750: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00004750: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00004760: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00004770: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004780: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004790: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000047a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000047b0: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 000047c0: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1213,15 +1213,15 @@\n 00004bc0: 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00004bd0: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 00004be0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00004bf0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004c00: 6465 2f6b 3267 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e de/k2g/pru_intc.\n 00004c10: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00004c20: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00004c40: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00004c50: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00004c60: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00004c70: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00004c80: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00004c90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00004ca0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1433,15 +1433,15 @@\n 00005980: 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 00005990: 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000059a0: 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 000059b0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000059c0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 000059d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000059e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005a00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005a10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005a20: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00005a30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00005a40: 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _0.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005a50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005a60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1478,20 +1478,20 @@\n 00005c50: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00005c60: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00005c70: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 long double.....\n 00005c80: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 .......%..@.....\n 00005c90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00005ca0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005cb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00005cd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00005ce0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00005cf0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005d00: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005d20: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005d30: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005d40: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00005d50: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00005d60: 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_0.TI PRU C/C++\n 00005d70: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00005d80: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@\n 00005df0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00005e00: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00005e10: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00005e20: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00005e30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00005e40: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00005e50: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00005e70: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00005e80: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00005e90: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00005ea0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00005eb0: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_0.TI PRU\n 00005ec0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005ed0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1527,15 +1527,15 @@\n 00005f60: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00005f70: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00005f80: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005f90: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00005fa0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 302e 6800 2f68 rce_table_0.h./h\n 00005fb0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00005fc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00005fe0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00005ff0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006000: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006010: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f30 cho_Interrupt1_0\n 00006020: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006030: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006040: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1552,15 +1552,15 @@\n 000060f0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00006100: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00006110: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00006120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006130: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00006140: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006150: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006160: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006160: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006170: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006180: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006190: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000061a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 000061b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000061c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000061d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1576,15 +1576,15 @@\n 00006270: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00006280: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00006290: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000062a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000062b0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 000062c0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000062d0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000062f0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006300: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006310: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00006320: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00006330: 7431 5f30 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_0.TI PRU C/C+\n 00006340: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00006350: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1599,15 +1599,15 @@\n 000063e0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000063f0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00006400: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00006410: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00006420: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00006430: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006440: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006450: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006450: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006460: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006470: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006480: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00006490: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3000 ho_Interrupt1_0.\n 000064a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000064b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000064c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2647,15 +2647,15 @@\n 0000a560: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000a570: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000a580: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000a590: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5a0: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5b0: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4932 4d65 3930 6c72 3975 0024 ...TI2Me90lr9u.$\n+0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4935 3045 4e4e 3057 5749 0024 ...TI50ENN0WWI.$\n 0000a5e0: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0000a5f0: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0000a600: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0000a610: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000a620: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000a630: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0000a640: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_0/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/k2g/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_0.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.map", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n ******************************************************************************\n PRU Linker Unix v2.3.3 \n ******************************************************************************\n->> Linked Thu Dec 23 06:59:56 2021\n+>> Linked Thu Dec 23 07:41:11 2021\n \n OUTPUT FILE NAME: \n ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: \"_c_int00_noinit_noargs\" address: 00000000\n \n \n MEMORY CONFIGURATION\n \n@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@\n \n ../../../lib/rpmsg_lib.lib\n pru_rpmsg.object 600 0 0 \n pru_virtqueue.object 324 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 924 0 0 \n \n- /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n+ /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/lib/rtspruv3_le.lib\n memcpy.asm.obj 52 0 0 \n boot.c.obj 28 0 0 \n exit.c.obj 16 0 0 \n +--+----------------------+------+---------+---------+\n Total: 96 0 0 \n \n Stack: 0 0 256 \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1.out", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text:_c_int00* /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1263.out` exited with 1. Output:", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!", " ", " /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-objdump: section '.text:_c_int00*' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@\n 00000580: 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 0000 0000 1203 1301 annel 33........\n 00000590: 0100 0300 0100 0000 0200 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005a0: 0300 0300 0100 0000 0400 0300 0100 0000 ................\n 000005b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ca09 0000 0300 0000 ................\n 000005c0: 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 0002 ....main.c......\n 000005d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000005e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000005f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00000600: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00000610: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00000620: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00000630: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00000640: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00000650: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00000660: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -246,15 +246,15 @@\n 00000f50: 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e 0290 7f52 ...~R31_b2.....R\n 00000f60: 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 0070 6179 31_b3........pay\n 00000f70: 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 0070 6179 load...D.....pay\n 00000f80: 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 ba00 0000 load............\n 00000f90: 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 004a 0000 0002 2f68 ..main.c.J..../h\n 00000fa0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00000fb0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00000fc0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00000fd0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00000fe0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00000ff0: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00001000: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00001010: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00001020: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00001030: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@\n 00001050: 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 496e 636f Instruments Inco\n 00001060: 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 0300 0002 rporated........\n 00001070: 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 0301 4403 .CT_INTC...Y..D.\n 00001080: 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a 0100 0003 ..CT_INTC.......\n 00001090: 00e3 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 8d00 .......main.c...\n 000010a0: 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .../home/peko/au\n 000010b0: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+000010c0: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 000010d0: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 000010e0: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 000010f0: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00001100: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 00001110: 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_1.TI PRU C/C\n 00001120: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 00001130: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@\n 00001160: 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 6400 0102 Incorporated...\n 00001170: 0503 8403 0000 7072 755f 696e 7463 5f6d ......pru_intc_m\n 00001180: 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 7275 5f69 ap...<.2...pru_i\n 00001190: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 0003 000c ntc_map.........\n 000011a0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 c300 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000011b0: 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 000011c0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+000011d0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 000011e0: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 000011f0: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00001200: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00001210: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00001220: 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00001230: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00001240: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -297,15 +297,15 @@\n 00001280: f002 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c ....resourceTabl\n 00001290: 6500 1a01 5001 863f 0000 7265 736f 7572 e...P..?..resour\n 000012a0: 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 0003 0035 ceTable........5\n 000012b0: 0100 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 f900 0000 .....main.c.....\n 000012c0: f400 0000 bc01 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 ........./home/p\n 000012d0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 000012e0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-000012f0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+000012f0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 00001300: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 00001310: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 00001320: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 00001330: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt1_1.TI P\n 00001340: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 00001350: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 00001360: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -1818,15 +1818,15 @@\n 00007190: 02fe 1e00 0002 1c01 2d01 3e00 0002 071f ........-.>.....\n 000071a0: 0000 021c 012f 0f3e 0000 0210 1f00 0002 ...../.>........\n 000071b0: 2001 332b 3e00 0002 191f 0000 021a 0153 .3+>..........S\n 000071c0: 0f3e 0000 00db 0000 0003 0035 0c00 0004 .>.........5....\n 000071d0: 015f 5f54 495f 696e 7465 726e 616c 002f .__TI_internal./\n 000071e0: 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 home/peko/autobu\n 000071f0: 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f ild/instance-0/o\n-00007200: 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-1/build/pr\n+00007200: 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 utput-2/build/pr\n 00007210: 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f u-software-suppo\n 00007220: 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 rt-5.9.0/example\n 00007230: 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f s/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_\n 00007240: 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f Echo_Interrupt1_\n 00007250: 3100 5449 2050 5255 204c 696e 6b65 7220 1.TI PRU Linker \n 00007260: 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 Unix v2.3.3 Copy\n 00007270: 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3230 3132 2d32 right (c) 2012-2\n@@ -1863,15 +1863,15 @@\n 00007460: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 00007470: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00007480: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00007490: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 000074a0: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 000074b0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 000074c0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-000074d0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+000074d0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 000074e0: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 000074f0: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00007500: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00007510: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 00007520: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 00007530: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 00007540: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -2399,15 +2399,15 @@\n 000095e0: 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e 250e 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 000095f0: 0002 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ........9.:.;.I.\n 00009600: 0000 0001 1100 0308 1b08 2508 8b40 0b00 ..........%..@..\n 00009610: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 00009620: 7564 652f 6b32 672f 7072 755f 696e 7463 ude/k2g/pru_intc\n 00009630: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 00009640: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+00009650: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 00009660: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 00009670: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 00009680: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 00009690: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 000096a0: 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_1.TI PRU C/C\n 000096b0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 000096c0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -2609,15 +2609,15 @@\n 0000a300: 4553 545f 4849 4e54 5f39 0048 4945 5200 EST_HINT_9.HIER.\n 0000a310: 4849 4552 5f62 6974 0045 4e41 424c 455f HIER_bit.ENABLE_\n 0000a320: 4849 4e54 0070 7275 496e 7463 0000 2e2e HINT.pruIntc....\n 0000a330: 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f72 /../../include/r\n 0000a340: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 sc_types.h./home\n 0000a350: 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f /peko/autobuild/\n 0000a360: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-0/outpu\n-0000a370: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-1/build/pru-so\n+0000a370: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f t-2/build/pru-so\n 0000a380: 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 ftware-support-5\n 0000a390: 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 .9.0/examples/k2\n 0000a3a0: 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo\n 0000a3b0: 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 _Interrupt1_1.TI\n 0000a3c0: 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 PRU C/C++ Codeg\n 0000a3d0: 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 en Unix v2.3.3 C\n 0000a3e0: 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 opyright (c) 201\n@@ -2650,20 +2650,20 @@\n 0000a590: 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e ong.unsigned lon\n 0000a5a0: 6700 6c6f 6e67 206c 6f6e 6700 756e 7369 g.long long.unsi\n 0000a5b0: 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f 6e67 0066 gned long long.f\n 0000a5c0: 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 6c6f 6e67 loat.double.long\n 0000a5d0: 2064 6f75 626c 6500 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 double../home/p\n 0000a5e0: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a5f0: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a600: 312f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 1/host/share/ti-\n+0000a600: 322f 686f 7374 2f73 6861 7265 2f74 692d 2/host/share/ti-\n 0000a610: 6367 742d 7072 752f 696e 636c 7564 652f cgt-pru/include/\n 0000a620: 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 stdint.h./home/p\n 0000a630: 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e eko/autobuild/in\n 0000a640: 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-0/output-\n-0000a650: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 1/build/pru-soft\n+0000a650: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 2/build/pru-soft\n 0000a660: 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 ware-support-5.9\n 0000a670: 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f .0/examples/k2g/\n 0000a680: 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 PRU_RPMsg_Echo_I\n 0000a690: 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 nterrupt1_1.TI P\n 0000a6a0: 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e RU C/C++ Codegen\n 0000a6b0: 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 Unix v2.3.3 Cop\n 0000a6c0: 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 3031 322d yright (c) 2012-\n@@ -2672,15 +2672,15 @@\n 0000a6f0: 7465 6400 7569 6e74 385f 7400 696e 7431 ted.uint8_t.int1\n 0000a700: 365f 7400 7569 6e74 3136 5f74 0069 6e74 6_t.uint16_t.int\n 0000a710: 3332 5f74 0075 696e 7433 325f 7400 7569 32_t.uint32_t.ui\n 0000a720: 6e74 3634 5f74 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e nt64_t..../../..\n 0000a730: 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 7970 /include/pru_typ\n 0000a740: 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f es.h./home/peko/\n 0000a750: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+0000a760: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0000a770: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 0000a780: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 0000a790: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 0000a7a0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 0000a7b0: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 0000a7c0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 0000a7d0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -2691,15 +2691,15 @@\n 0000a820: 5f72 7363 5f63 7573 746f 6d5f 696e 7473 _rsc_custom_ints\n 0000a830: 0072 6573 6572 7665 6400 6368 616e 6e65 .reserved.channe\n 0000a840: 6c5f 686f 7374 006e 756d 5f65 7674 7300 l_host.num_evts.\n 0000a850: 6576 656e 745f 6368 616e 6e65 6c00 0072 event_channel..r\n 0000a860: 6573 6f75 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e esource_table_1.\n 0000a870: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000a880: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000a890: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000a8a0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000a8b0: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000a8c0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000a8d0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000a8e0: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000a8f0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000a900: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2710,15 +2710,15 @@\n 0000a950: 6173 6500 6f66 6673 6574 0072 706d 7367 ase.offset.rpmsg\n 0000a960: 5f76 6465 7600 7270 6d73 675f 7672 696e _vdev.rpmsg_vrin\n 0000a970: 6730 0072 706d 7367 5f76 7269 6e67 3100 g0.rpmsg_vring1.\n 0000a980: 7072 755f 696e 7473 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f pru_ints..../../\n 0000a990: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f72 ../include/pru_r\n 0000a9a0: 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b pmsg.h./home/pek\n 0000a9b0: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+0000a9c0: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 0000a9d0: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 0000a9e0: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 0000a9f0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 0000aa00: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 0000aa10: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_1.TI PRU\n 0000aa20: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 0000aa30: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -2731,15 +2731,15 @@\n 0000aaa0: 5354 524f 5900 7072 755f 7270 6d73 675f STROY.pru_rpmsg_\n 0000aab0: 7472 616e 7370 6f72 7400 7669 7274 7175 transport.virtqu\n 0000aac0: 6575 6530 0076 6972 7471 7565 7565 3100 eue0.virtqueue1.\n 0000aad0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 0000aae0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 0000aaf0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 0000ab00: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+0000ab10: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 0000ab20: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 0000ab30: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 0000ab40: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 0000ab50: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 0000ab60: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 0000ab70: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 0000ab80: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -2750,15 +2750,15 @@\n 0000abd0: 5f61 726d 5f65 7665 6e74 0066 726f 6d5f _arm_event.from_\n 0000abe0: 6172 6d5f 6576 656e 7400 6c61 7374 5f61 arm_event.last_a\n 0000abf0: 7661 696c 5f69 6478 0076 7269 6e67 0000 vail_idx.vring..\n 0000ac00: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 0000ac10: 2f70 7275 5f76 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 /pru_virtio_ring\n 0000ac20: 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 .h./home/peko/au\n 0000ac30: 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 tobuild/instance\n-0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c -0/output-1/buil\n+0000ac40: 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c -0/output-2/buil\n 0000ac50: 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 d/pru-software-s\n 0000ac60: 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 upport-5.9.0/exa\n 0000ac70: 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 mples/k2g/PRU_RP\n 0000ac80: 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 Msg_Echo_Interru\n 0000ac90: 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 pt1_1.TI PRU C/C\n 0000aca0: 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 ++ Codegen Unix \n 0000acb0: 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 v2.3.3 Copyright\n@@ -3719,15 +3719,15 @@\n 0000e860: 3341 2e66 6172 002e 6465 6275 675f 696e 3A.far..debug_in\n 0000e870: 666f 002e 6465 6275 675f 6c69 6e65 002e fo..debug_line..\n 0000e880: 6465 6275 675f 6672 616d 6500 2e64 6562 debug_frame..deb\n 0000e890: 7567 5f61 6262 7265 7600 2e64 6562 7567 ug_abbrev..debug\n 0000e8a0: 5f73 7472 002e 6465 6275 675f 6172 616e _str..debug_aran\n 0000e8b0: 6765 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 6e61 ges..debug_pubna\n 0000e8c0: 6d65 7300 2e64 6562 7567 5f70 7562 7479 mes..debug_pubty\n-0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 324f 3939 5335 6f32 4a00 pes.TI2O99S5o2J.\n+0000e8d0: 7065 7300 5449 3532 6243 3869 5868 5a00 pes.TI52bC8iXhZ.\n 0000e8e0: 2443 244c 3100 2443 244c 3200 2443 244c $C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L\n 0000e8f0: 3300 2443 244c 3400 2443 2453 4c31 0024 3.$C$L4.$C$SL1.$\n 0000e900: 4324 534c 3200 2e64 6174 613a 7072 755f C$SL2..data:pru_\n 0000e910: 696e 7463 5f6d 6170 002e 7265 736f 7572 intc_map..resour\n 0000e920: 6365 5f74 6162 6c65 3a72 6574 6169 6e00 ce_table:retain.\n 0000e930: 2e74 6578 743a 6d61 696e 002e 726f 6461 .text:main..roda\n 0000e940: 7461 3a2e 7374 7269 6e67 0054 4965 3867 ta:.string.TIe8g\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.object", "comments": [ "Command `/home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/arm-linux-readelf --wide --debug-dump=info /tmp/diffoscope_ldcvw974/tmp07xz4e8g/0/1264.object` exited with 1. Output:", " readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 1 to section .debug_info", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x22 refers to abbreviation number 47 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 18 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 19 in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset 1a in .debug_info section", " readelf: Warning: Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1b refers to abbreviation number 72 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 20 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x1f refers to abbreviation number 84 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 68 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 17 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x27 refers to abbreviation number 124 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x15 refers to abbreviation number 30 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 21 which does not exist", " readelf: Warning: DIE at offset 0x19 refers to abbreviation number 23 which does not exist", " " ], "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@\n 00000230: 8002 3ef1 eee2 0001 f1e6 e610 9202 40f1 ..>...........@.\n 00000240: ef80 8010 8002 3cf1 f080 8010 c300 0023 ......<........#\n 00000250: 0000 0021 7270 6d73 672d 7072 7500 4368 ...!rpmsg-pru.Ch\n 00000260: 616e 6e65 6c20 3333 0000 0000 ca09 0000 annel 33........\n 00000270: 0300 0000 0000 0407 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 ........main.c..\n 00000280: 0000 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 ..../home/peko/a\n 00000290: 7574 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 utobuild/instanc\n-000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-0/output-1/bui\n+000002a0: 652d 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-0/output-2/bui\n 000002b0: 6c64 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d ld/pru-software-\n 000002c0: 7375 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 support-5.9.0/ex\n 000002d0: 616d 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 amples/k2g/PRU_R\n 000002e0: 504d 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 PMsg_Echo_Interr\n 000002f0: 7570 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f upt1_1.TI PRU C/\n 00000300: 432b 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 C++ Codegen Unix\n 00000310: 2076 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 v2.3.3 Copyrigh\n@@ -193,15 +193,15 @@\n 00000c00: 5f62 3100 0e02 907e 5233 315f 6232 000e _b1....~R31_b2..\n 00000c10: 0290 7f52 3331 5f62 3300 0f05 0300 0000 ...R31_b3.......\n 00000c20: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0009 0144 01f1 0300 .payload...D....\n 00000c30: 0070 6179 6c6f 6164 0000 0101 0000 0300 .payload........\n 00000c40: 0000 0000 0401 6d61 696e 2e63 0000 0000 ......main.c....\n 00000c50: 0002 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 ../home/peko/aut\n 00000c60: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00000c70: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00000c80: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00000c90: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00000ca0: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00000cb0: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00000cc0: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00000cd0: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00000ce0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -209,15 +209,15 @@\n 00000d00: 7861 7320 496e 7374 7275 6d65 6e74 7320 xas Instruments \n 00000d10: 496e 636f 7270 6f72 6174 6564 0001 0205 Incorporated....\n 00000d20: 0300 0000 0043 545f 494e 5443 0018 0159 .....CT_INTC...Y\n 00000d30: 0301 4403 0000 4354 5f49 4e54 4300 000a ..D...CT_INTC...\n 00000d40: 0100 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e ...........main.\n 00000d50: 6300 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b c....../home/pek\n 00000d60: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00000d70: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00000d80: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00000d90: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00000da0: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00000db0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00000dc0: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_1.TI PRU\n 00000dd0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00000de0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@\n 00000e10: 656e 7473 2049 6e63 6f72 706f 7261 7465 ents Incorporate\n 00000e20: 6400 0102 0503 0000 0000 7072 755f 696e d.........pru_in\n 00000e30: 7463 5f6d 6170 000f 013c 0132 0400 0070 tc_map...<.2...p\n 00000e40: 7275 5f69 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 000c 0100 ru_intc_map.....\n 00000e50: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000e60: 0000 0000 022f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f ...../home/peko/\n 00000e70: 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e autobuild/instan\n-00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+00000e80: 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 00000e90: 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 ild/pru-software\n 00000ea0: 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 -support-5.9.0/e\n 00000eb0: 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f xamples/k2g/PRU_\n 00000ec0: 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 RPMsg_Echo_Inter\n 00000ed0: 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 rupt1_1.TI PRU C\n 00000ee0: 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 /C++ Codegen Uni\n 00000ef0: 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 x v2.3.3 Copyrig\n@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@\n 00000f30: 0102 0503 0000 0000 7265 736f 7572 6365 ........resource\n 00000f40: 5461 626c 6500 1a01 5001 1e00 0000 7265 Table...P.....re\n 00000f50: 736f 7572 6365 5461 626c 6500 00bf 0100 sourceTable.....\n 00000f60: 0003 0000 0000 0004 016d 6169 6e2e 6300 .........main.c.\n 00000f70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 c800 0000 022f 686f ............./ho\n 00000f80: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00000f90: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00000fa0: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00000fa0: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00000fb0: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00000fc0: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00000fd0: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00000fe0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 00000ff0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 00001000: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 00001010: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1135,15 +1135,15 @@\n 000046e0: 7363 5f74 7970 6573 2e68 0000 0000 0000 sc_types.h......\n 000046f0: 0101 1c00 0000 0300 1300 0000 0101 00ff ................\n 00004700: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................\n 00004710: 0101 6f00 0000 0300 6600 0000 0101 00ff ..o.....f.......\n 00004720: 0d00 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0100 2f68 ............../h\n 00004730: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00004740: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00004750: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-1/host/shar\n+00004750: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 7368 6172 tput-2/host/shar\n 00004760: 652f 7469 2d63 6774 2d70 7275 2f69 6e63 e/ti-cgt-pru/inc\n 00004770: 6c75 6465 2f73 7464 696e 742e 6800 0000 lude/stdint.h...\n 00004780: 0000 0001 013c 0000 0003 0033 0000 0001 .....<.....3....\n 00004790: 0100 ff0d 0001 0101 0100 0000 0000 0001 ................\n 000047a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000047b0: 652f 7072 755f 7479 7065 732e 6800 0000 e/pru_types.h...\n 000047c0: 0000 0001 0132 0000 0003 0029 0000 0001 .....2.....)....\n@@ -1213,15 +1213,15 @@\n 00004bc0: 000b 1701 0113 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b05 0000 ........9.:.;...\n 00004bd0: 0c17 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 000d .......9.:.;....\n 00004be0: 1600 030e 130b 390b 3a0b 3b05 4913 0000 ......9.:.;.I...\n 00004bf0: 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 ..../../../inclu\n 00004c00: 6465 2f6b 3267 2f70 7275 5f69 6e74 632e de/k2g/pru_intc.\n 00004c10: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 00004c20: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+00004c30: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 00004c40: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00004c50: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00004c60: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00004c70: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00004c80: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00004c90: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00004ca0: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1433,15 +1433,15 @@\n 00005980: 0000 0713 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 00005990: 0008 1701 0113 030e 0b0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b ..........9.:.;.\n 000059a0: 0000 0917 0101 130b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0500 .........9.:.;..\n 000059b0: 0000 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c ...../../../incl\n 000059c0: 7564 652f 7273 635f 7479 7065 732e 6800 ude/rsc_types.h.\n 000059d0: 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 /home/peko/autob\n 000059e0: 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f uild/instance-0/\n-000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-1/build/p\n+000059f0: 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 output-2/build/p\n 00005a00: 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 ru-software-supp\n 00005a10: 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c ort-5.9.0/exampl\n 00005a20: 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 es/k2g/PRU_RPMsg\n 00005a30: 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 _Echo_Interrupt1\n 00005a40: 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 _1.TI PRU C/C++ \n 00005a50: 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e Codegen Unix v2.\n 00005a60: 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 3.3 Copyright (c\n@@ -1478,20 +1478,20 @@\n 00005c50: 756e 7369 676e 6564 206c 6f6e 6720 6c6f unsigned long lo\n 00005c60: 6e67 0066 6c6f 6174 0064 6f75 626c 6500 ng.float.double.\n 00005c70: 6c6f 6e67 2064 6f75 626c 6500 0111 0103 long double.....\n 00005c80: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0216 .......%..@.....\n 00005c90: 0003 0e13 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1000 0000 .....9.:.;.I....\n 00005ca0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005cb0: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-1/host/s\n+00005cc0: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f73 /output-2/host/s\n 00005cd0: 6861 7265 2f74 692d 6367 742d 7072 752f hare/ti-cgt-pru/\n 00005ce0: 696e 636c 7564 652f 7374 6469 6e74 2e68 include/stdint.h\n 00005cf0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f ./home/peko/auto\n 00005d00: 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 build/instance-0\n-00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00005d10: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00005d20: 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 pru-software-sup\n 00005d30: 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 port-5.9.0/examp\n 00005d40: 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 les/k2g/PRU_RPMs\n 00005d50: 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 g_Echo_Interrupt\n 00005d60: 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 1_1.TI PRU C/C++\n 00005d70: 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 Codegen Unix v2\n 00005d80: 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 .3.3 Copyright (\n@@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@\n 00005df0: 0d00 030e 320b 380a 390b 3a0b 3b0b 4910 ....2.8.9.:.;.I.\n 00005e00: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 00005e10: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00005e20: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00005e30: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f74 ../include/pru_t\n 00005e40: 7970 6573 2e68 002f 686f 6d65 2f70 656b ypes.h./home/pek\n 00005e50: 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c 642f 696e 7374 o/autobuild/inst\n-00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f ance-0/output-1/\n+00005e60: 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f ance-0/output-2/\n 00005e70: 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d 736f 6674 7761 build/pru-softwa\n 00005e80: 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 2d35 2e39 2e30 re-support-5.9.0\n 00005e90: 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f 6b32 672f 5052 /examples/k2g/PR\n 00005ea0: 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 686f 5f49 6e74 U_RPMsg_Echo_Int\n 00005eb0: 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 5449 2050 5255 errupt1_1.TI PRU\n 00005ec0: 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 6567 656e 2055 C/C++ Codegen U\n 00005ed0: 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 2043 6f70 7972 nix v2.3.3 Copyr\n@@ -1527,15 +1527,15 @@\n 00005f60: 010d 0003 0e32 0b38 0a39 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 .....2.8.9.:.;.I\n 00005f70: 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 0e10 0613 0b1b ..@.............\n 00005f80: 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 0101 1303 0e0b .%..@...........\n 00005f90: 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 0072 6573 6f75 .9.:.;.....resou\n 00005fa0: 7263 655f 7461 626c 655f 312e 6800 2f68 rce_table_1.h./h\n 00005fb0: 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 6f62 7569 ome/peko/autobui\n 00005fc0: 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 302f 6f75 ld/instance-0/ou\n-00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-1/build/pru\n+00005fd0: 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7275 tput-2/build/pru\n 00005fe0: 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 7070 6f72 -software-suppor\n 00005ff0: 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d 706c 6573 t-5.9.0/examples\n 00006000: 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d 7367 5f45 /k2g/PRU_RPMsg_E\n 00006010: 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 7431 5f31 cho_Interrupt1_1\n 00006020: 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b 2b20 436f .TI PRU C/C++ Co\n 00006030: 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 322e 332e degen Unix v2.3.\n 00006040: 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2863 2920 3 Copyright (c) \n@@ -1552,15 +1552,15 @@\n 000060f0: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0413 .......%..@.....\n 00006100: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0005 .......9.:.;....\n 00006110: 2800 030e 1c0b 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 (.....9.:.;.....\n 00006120: 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 ../../../include\n 00006130: 2f70 7275 5f72 706d 7367 2e68 002f 686f /pru_rpmsg.h./ho\n 00006140: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006150: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006160: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006160: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006170: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006180: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006190: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 000061a0: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 000061b0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000061c0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000061d0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -1576,15 +1576,15 @@\n 00006270: 0b3a 0b3b 0b49 1081 400e 0000 0211 0103 .:.;.I..@.......\n 00006280: 0e10 0613 0b1b 0e25 0e8b 400b 0000 0313 .......%..@.....\n 00006290: 0101 1303 0e0b 0b39 0b3a 0b3b 0b00 0000 .......9.:.;....\n 000062a0: 002e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 696e 636c 7564 .../../../includ\n 000062b0: 652f 7072 755f 7669 7274 7175 6575 652e e/pru_virtqueue.\n 000062c0: 6800 2f68 6f6d 652f 7065 6b6f 2f61 7574 h./home/peko/aut\n 000062d0: 6f62 7569 6c64 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d obuild/instance-\n-000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-1/build\n+000062e0: 302f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 0/output-2/build\n 000062f0: 2f70 7275 2d73 6f66 7477 6172 652d 7375 /pru-software-su\n 00006300: 7070 6f72 742d 352e 392e 302f 6578 616d pport-5.9.0/exam\n 00006310: 706c 6573 2f6b 3267 2f50 5255 5f52 504d ples/k2g/PRU_RPM\n 00006320: 7367 5f45 6368 6f5f 496e 7465 7272 7570 sg_Echo_Interrup\n 00006330: 7431 5f31 0054 4920 5052 5520 432f 432b t1_1.TI PRU C/C+\n 00006340: 2b20 436f 6465 6765 6e20 556e 6978 2076 + Codegen Unix v\n 00006350: 322e 332e 3320 436f 7079 7269 6768 7420 2.3.3 Copyright \n@@ -1599,15 +1599,15 @@\n 000063e0: 8140 0e00 0002 1101 030e 1006 130b 1b0e .@..............\n 000063f0: 250e 8b40 0b00 0003 1301 0113 030e 0b0b %..@............\n 00006400: 390b 3a0b 3b0b 0000 0000 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 9.:.;......./../\n 00006410: 2e2e 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7275 5f76 ../include/pru_v\n 00006420: 6972 7469 6f5f 7269 6e67 2e68 002f 686f irtio_ring.h./ho\n 00006430: 6d65 2f70 656b 6f2f 6175 746f 6275 696c me/peko/autobuil\n 00006440: 642f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d30 2f6f 7574 d/instance-0/out\n-00006450: 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-1/build/pru-\n+00006450: 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7072 752d put-2/build/pru-\n 00006460: 736f 6674 7761 7265 2d73 7570 706f 7274 software-support\n 00006470: 2d35 2e39 2e30 2f65 7861 6d70 6c65 732f -5.9.0/examples/\n 00006480: 6b32 672f 5052 555f 5250 4d73 675f 4563 k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Ec\n 00006490: 686f 5f49 6e74 6572 7275 7074 315f 3100 ho_Interrupt1_1.\n 000064a0: 5449 2050 5255 2043 2f43 2b2b 2043 6f64 TI PRU C/C++ Cod\n 000064b0: 6567 656e 2055 6e69 7820 7632 2e33 2e33 egen Unix v2.3.3\n 000064c0: 2043 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329 2032 Copyright (c) 2\n@@ -2647,15 +2647,15 @@\n 0000a560: 0600 0000 0116 0000 0600 0000 0117 0000 ................\n 0000a570: 0600 0000 0118 0000 0600 0000 0119 0000 ................\n 0000a580: 0600 0000 011a 0000 0600 0000 011b 0000 ................\n 0000a590: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5a0: 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5b0: 0000 0000 0000 0002 0100 0000 0000 0000 ................\n 0000a5c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4932 4f39 3953 356f 324a 0024 ...TI2O99S5o2J.$\n+0000a5d0: 0000 0054 4935 3262 4338 6958 685a 0024 ...TI52bC8iXhZ.$\n 0000a5e0: 4324 4c31 0024 4324 4c32 0024 4324 4c33 C$L1.$C$L2.$C$L3\n 0000a5f0: 0024 4324 4c34 0024 4324 534c 3100 2443 .$C$L4.$C$SL1.$C\n 0000a600: 2453 4c32 002e 7465 7874 002e 6372 6567 $SL2..text..creg\n 0000a610: 2e50 5255 5f49 4e54 432e 6e6f 6c6f 6164 .PRU_INTC.noload\n 0000a620: 2e66 6172 002e 6461 7461 3a70 7275 5f69 .far..data:pru_i\n 0000a630: 6e74 635f 6d61 7000 2e72 6573 6f75 7263 ntc_map..resourc\n 0000a640: 655f 7461 626c 653a 7265 7461 696e 002e e_table:retain..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "source2": "./usr/share/pru-software-support/k2g/PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt1_1/gen/main.pp", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n gen/main.object: main.c\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdint.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_stdint40.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdio.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/_ti_config.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/linkage.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stdarg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/k2g/pru_intc.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/rsc_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_types.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_rpmsg.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtqueue.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ring.h\n gen/main.object: resource_table_1.h\n-gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-1/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n+gen/main.object: /home/peko/autobuild/instance-0/output-2/host/share/ti-cgt-pru/include/stddef.h\n gen/main.object: ../../../include/pru_virtio_ids.h\n" } ] }