{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/mt -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/mv -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/netstat -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/nice -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/nuke -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/pidof -> busybox\n -rwsr-xr-x 0 0 0 70520 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/ping\n-lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/ping6 -> /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/target/bin/ping\n+lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/ping6 -> /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/target/bin/ping\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/pipe_progress -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/printenv -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/ps -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/pwd -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/resume -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/rm -> busybox\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 0 2019-09-05 08:08:39.000000 ./bin/rmdir -> busybox\n" }, { "source1": "./bin/ping6", "source2": "./bin/ping6", "comments": [ "symlink" ], "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-destination: /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/target/bin/ping\n+destination: /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/target/bin/ping\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/znc", "source2": "./usr/bin/znc", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -2386,15 +2386,15 @@\n 0x1010a540 74682057 61726e69 6e672054 68726573 th Warning Thres\n 0x1010a550 686f6c64 20686173 20626565 6e206869 hold has been hi\n 0x1010a560 74004966 20796f75 20646f6e 27742063 t.If you don't c\n 0x1010a570 6172652c 20746865 6e207365 74205365 are, then set Se\n 0x1010a580 744d6178 42756666 65725468 72657368 tMaxBufferThresh\n 0x1010a590 6f6c6420 746f2030 002f686f 6d652f6e old to 0./home/n\n 0x1010a5a0 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 aourr/work/insta\n- 0x1010a5b0 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f62 nce-0/output-1/b\n+ 0x1010a5b0 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f62 nce-0/output-2/b\n 0x1010a5c0 75696c64 2f7a6e63 2d312e37 2e352f73 uild/znc-1.7.5/s\n 0x1010a5d0 72632f43 736f636b 65742e63 70700054 rc/Csocket.cpp.T\n 0x1010a5e0 68697320 73686f75 6c642062 65206f76 his should be ov\n 0x1010a5f0 65727269 6464656e 00574152 4e494e47 erridden.WARNING\n 0x1010a600 3a205353 4c20436c 69656e74 204d6574 : SSL Client Met\n 0x1010a610 686f6420 6f746865 72207468 616e2053 hod other than S\n 0x1010a620 534c7632 33207370 65636966 6965642c SLv23 specified,\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/liblldpctl.so.4.8.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/liblldpctl.so.4.8.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@\n 0x0000bcf8 65640a00 436f6e66 69677572 6174696f ed..Configuratio\n 0x0000bd08 6e206469 72656374 6f72793a 20202020 n directory: \n 0x0000bd18 202f6574 630a006c 6c647063 6c690041 /etc..lldpcli.A\n 0x0000bd28 64646974 696f6e61 6c206f75 74707574 dditional output\n 0x0000bd38 20666f72 6d617473 3a202020 002f686f formats: ./ho\n 0x0000bd48 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x0000bd58 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 nstance-0/output\n- 0x0000bd68 2d312f68 6f73742f 62696e2f 706f7765 -1/host/bin/powe\n+ 0x0000bd68 2d322f68 6f73742f 62696e2f 706f7765 -2/host/bin/powe\n 0x0000bd78 72706336 342d6c69 6e75782d 67636320 rpc64-linux-gcc \n 0x0000bd88 2d737464 3d676e75 39392020 2d666469 -std=gnu99 -fdi\n 0x0000bd98 61676e6f 73746963 732d7368 6f772d6f agnostics-show-o\n 0x0000bda8 7074696f 6e202d66 64696167 6e6f7374 ption -fdiagnost\n 0x0000bdb8 6963732d 636f6c6f 723d6175 746f202d ics-color=auto -\n 0x0000bdc8 70697065 202d5761 6c6c202d 57202d57 pipe -Wall -W -W\n 0x0000bdd8 65787472 61202d57 666f726d 6174202d extra -Wformat -\n@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@\n 0x0000bf18 494c455f 534f5552 4345202d 445f4c41 ILE_SOURCE -D_LA\n 0x0000bf28 52474546 494c4536 345f534f 55524345 RGEFILE64_SOURCE\n 0x0000bf38 202d445f 46494c45 5f4f4646 5345545f -D_FILE_OFFSET_\n 0x0000bf48 42495453 3d363400 4320636f 6d70696c BITS=64.C compil\n 0x0000bf58 65722063 6f6d6d61 6e643a20 25730a00 er command: %s..\n 0x0000bf68 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x0000bf78 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 k/instance-0/out\n- 0x0000bf88 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-1/host/bin/p\n+ 0x0000bf88 7075742d 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 put-2/host/bin/p\n 0x0000bf98 6f776572 70633634 2d6c696e 75782d6c owerpc64-linux-l\n 0x0000bfa8 6420202d 576c2c2d 7a2c7265 6c726f20 d -Wl,-z,relro \n 0x0000bfb8 2d576c2c 2d7a2c6e 6f772020 20004c69 -Wl,-z,now .Li\n 0x0000bfc8 6e6b6572 20636f6d 6d616e64 3a202020 nker command: \n 0x0000bfd8 20202573 0a005445 5854004b 56004a53 %s..TEXT.KV.JS\n 0x0000bfe8 4f4e0058 4d4c0073 74617274 20736572 ON.XML.start ser\n 0x0000bff8 69616c69 7a617469 6f6e206f 66202573 ialization of %s\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libnspr4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libnspr4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00071d28 00000000 00071d28 00000002 00000000 .......(........\n- 0x00071d38 00059b7f e3c45500 00000000 00043058 ......U.......0X\n+ 0x00071d38 00059b80 f5a677c0 00000000 00043058 ......w.......0X\n 0x00071d48 04180000 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................\n 0x00071d58 00000000 0004306c 00000000 00043078 ......0l......0x\n 0x00071d68 00000000 00043089 00000000 0004308d ......0.......0.\n 0x00071d78 00000000 0004314e 00000000 000463dd ......1N......c.\n 0x00071d88 00000000 00000000 00000000 0006b748 ...............H\n 0x00071d98 00000000 0006b700 00000000 0006b700 ................\n 0x00071da8 00000000 0006b700 00000000 0006b730 ...............0\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libplc4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libplc4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00020300 00000000 00020300 00000002 00000000 ................\n- 0x00020310 00059b7f e3c45500 00000000 00004070 ......U.......@p\n+ 0x00020310 00059b80 f5a677c0 00000000 00004070 ......w.......@p\n 0x00020320 04180000 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................\n 0x00020330 00000000 00004084 00000000 0000408f ......@.......@.\n 0x00020340 00000000 000040a0 00000000 000040a4 ......@.......@.\n 0x00020350 00000000 00004165 00000000 0000431c ......Ae......C.\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00020198 00000000 00020198 00000000 0001fd50 ...............P\n 0x000201a8 00000000 0001fd20 00000000 0001fd38 ....... .......8\n 0x000201b8 00000000 0001fd08 00000002 00000000 ................\n- 0x000201c8 00059b7f e3c45500 00000000 00002d5a ......U.......-Z\n+ 0x000201c8 00059b80 f5a677c0 00000000 00002d5a ......w.......-Z\n 0x000201d8 04180000 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................\n 0x000201e8 00000000 00002d6e 00000000 00002d7a ......-n......-z\n 0x000201f8 00000000 00002d8b 00000000 00002d8f ......-.......-.\n 0x00020208 00000000 00002e50 00000000 00002e4f .......P.......O\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libthrift.so.0.12.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/libthrift.so.0.12.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -922,15 +922,15 @@\n 0x000ad5b8 4e395f5f 676e755f 63787831 325f4c6f N9__gnu_cxx12_Lo\n 0x000ad5c8 636b5f70 6f6c6963 79453245 45005446 ck_policyE2EE.TF\n 0x000ad5d8 696c6554 72616e73 706f7274 3a3a6765 ileTransport::ge\n 0x000ad5e8 744e756d 4368756e 6b732829 20286673 tNumChunks() (fs\n 0x000ad5f8 74617429 00546f6f 206d616e 79206368 tat).Too many ch\n 0x000ad608 756e6b73 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 unks./home/naour\n 0x000ad618 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x000ad628 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f62 75696c64 0/output-1/build\n+ 0x000ad628 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f62 75696c64 0/output-2/build\n 0x000ad638 2f746872 6966742d 302e3132 2e302f6c /thrift-0.12.0/l\n 0x000ad648 69622f63 70702f73 72632f74 68726966 ib/cpp/src/thrif\n 0x000ad658 742f7472 616e7370 6f72742f 5446696c t/transport/TFil\n 0x000ad668 65547261 6e73706f 72742e63 7070005b eTransport.cpp.[\n 0x000ad678 25732c25 645d205b 25735d20 4552524f %s,%d] [%s] ERRO\n 0x000ad688 523a2052 65616420 636f7272 75707420 R: Read corrupt \n 0x000ad698 6576656e 742e2045 76656e74 2073697a event. Event siz\n@@ -1088,15 +1088,15 @@\n 0x000ae018 72206175 74686f72 697a6174 696f6e00 r authorization.\n 0x000ae028 61757468 6f72697a 653a2061 63636573 authorize: acces\n 0x000ae038 73206465 6e696564 20626173 6564206f s denied based o\n 0x000ae048 6e207265 6d6f7465 20495000 61757468 n remote IP.auth\n 0x000ae058 6f72697a 653a2061 63636573 73206465 orize: access de\n 0x000ae068 6e696564 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 nied./home/naour\n 0x000ae078 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x000ae088 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f62 75696c64 0/output-1/build\n+ 0x000ae088 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f62 75696c64 0/output-2/build\n 0x000ae098 2f746872 6966742d 302e3132 2e302f6c /thrift-0.12.0/l\n 0x000ae0a8 69622f63 70702f73 72632f74 68726966 ib/cpp/src/thrif\n 0x000ae0b8 742f7472 616e7370 6f72742f 5453534c t/transport/TSSL\n 0x000ae0c8 536f636b 65742e63 70700061 7574686f Socket.cpp.autho\n 0x000ae0d8 72697a65 3a206361 6e6e6f74 20617574 rize: cannot aut\n 0x000ae0e8 686f7269 7a652070 65657200 53534c5f horize peer.SSL_\n 0x000ae0f8 6765745f 3f62696f 20726574 75726e65 get_?bio returne\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libthrift_c_glib.so.0.12.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/libthrift_c_glib.so.0.12.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@\n 0x00020440 20747970 65004120 73747269 6e672064 type.A string d\n 0x00020450 65736372 6962696e 67207468 65206578 escribing the ex\n 0x00020460 63657074 696f6e20 74686174 206f6363 ception that occ\n 0x00020470 75727265 642e0045 78636570 74696f6e urred..Exception\n 0x00020480 206d6573 73616765 0070726f 70657274 message.propert\n 0x00020490 79002f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 y./home/naourr/w\n 0x000204a0 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x000204b0 75747075 742d312f 6275696c 642f7468 utput-1/build/th\n+ 0x000204b0 75747075 742d322f 6275696c 642f7468 utput-2/build/th\n 0x000204c0 72696674 2d302e31 322e302f 6c69622f rift-0.12.0/lib/\n 0x000204d0 635f676c 69622f73 72632f74 68726966 c_glib/src/thrif\n 0x000204e0 742f635f 676c6962 2f746872 6966745f t/c_glib/thrift_\n 0x000204f0 6170706c 69636174 696f6e5f 65786365 application_exce\n 0x00020500 7074696f 6e2e6300 25733a25 643a2069 ption.c.%s:%d: i\n 0x00020510 6e76616c 69642025 73206964 20257520 nvalid %s id %u \n 0x00020520 666f7220 22257322 206f6620 74797065 for \"%s\" of type\n@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@\n 0x00020650 6c742073 65727669 6365206e 616d6520 lt service name \n 0x00020660 74686520 70726f74 6f636f6c 20706f69 the protocol poi\n 0x00020670 6e747320 746f2077 68657265 206e6f20 nts to where no \n 0x00020680 6d756c74 69706c65 78656420 636c6965 multiplexed clie\n 0x00020690 6e742075 73656400 64656661 756c7400 nt used.default.\n 0x000206a0 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x000206b0 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 k/instance-0/out\n- 0x000206c0 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 74687269 put-1/build/thri\n+ 0x000206c0 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 74687269 put-2/build/thri\n 0x000206d0 66742d30 2e31322e 302f6c69 622f635f ft-0.12.0/lib/c_\n 0x000206e0 676c6962 2f737263 2f746872 6966742f glib/src/thrift/\n 0x000206f0 635f676c 69622f70 726f6365 73736f72 c_glib/processor\n 0x00020700 2f746872 6966745f 6d756c74 69706c65 /thrift_multiple\n 0x00020710 7865645f 70726f63 6573736f 722e6300 xed_processor.c.\n 0x00020720 74687269 66742d6d 756c7469 706c6578 thrift-multiplex\n 0x00020730 65642d70 726f6365 73736f72 2d657272 ed-processor-err\n@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@\n 0x00020870 72005365 74207468 65207072 6f746f63 r.Set the protoc\n 0x00020880 6f6c2074 6f206265 20696d70 6c656d65 ol to be impleme\n 0x00020890 6e746564 00437572 72656e74 20646563 nted.Current dec\n 0x000208a0 6f726174 6f722077 72697465 5f6d6573 orator write_mes\n 0x000208b0 73616765 5f626567 696e2061 64647220 sage_begin addr \n 0x000208c0 25702c20 6e657720 2570002f 686f6d65 %p, new %p./home\n 0x000208d0 2f6e616f 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 /naourr/work/ins\n- 0x000208e0 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-0/output-1\n+ 0x000208e0 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0x000208f0 2f627569 6c642f74 68726966 742d302e /build/thrift-0.\n 0x00020900 31322e30 2f6c6962 2f635f67 6c69622f 12.0/lib/c_glib/\n 0x00020910 7372632f 74687269 66742f63 5f676c69 src/thrift/c_gli\n 0x00020920 622f7072 6f746f63 6f6c2f74 68726966 b/protocol/thrif\n 0x00020930 745f7072 6f746f63 6f6c5f64 65636f72 t_protocol_decor\n 0x00020940 61746f72 2e630043 6f6e6372 65746520 ator.c.Concrete \n 0x00020950 70726f74 6f636f6c 20257020 7c202570 protocol %p | %p\n@@ -194,15 +194,15 @@\n 0x00020f50 20776972 65005472 616e7370 6f727420 wire.Transport \n 0x00020f60 6f662064 65636f72 61746564 2070726f of decorated pro\n 0x00020f70 746f636f 6c005472 616e7370 6f727420 tocol.Transport \n 0x00020f80 6f6e2074 68652075 6e646572 6c617969 on the underlayi\n 0x00020f90 6e672069 6d706c65 6d656e74 6174696f ng implementatio\n 0x00020fa0 6e002f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 n./home/naourr/w\n 0x00020fb0 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x00020fc0 75747075 742d312f 6275696c 642f7468 utput-1/build/th\n+ 0x00020fc0 75747075 742d322f 6275696c 642f7468 utput-2/build/th\n 0x00020fd0 72696674 2d302e31 322e302f 6c69622f rift-0.12.0/lib/\n 0x00020fe0 635f676c 69622f73 72632f74 68726966 c_glib/src/thrif\n 0x00020ff0 742f635f 676c6962 2f70726f 746f636f t/c_glib/protoco\n 0x00021000 6c2f7468 72696674 5f73746f 7265645f l/thrift_stored_\n 0x00021010 6d657373 6167655f 70726f74 6f636f6c message_protocol\n 0x00021020 2e630054 48524946 545f4953 5f53544f .c.THRIFT_IS_STO\n 0x00021030 5245445f 4d455353 4147455f 50524f54 RED_MESSAGE_PROT\n@@ -360,15 +360,15 @@\n 0x000219b0 72740054 68726966 74536572 76657253 rt.ThriftServerS\n 0x000219c0 6f636b65 74005365 74207468 6520706f ocket.Set the po\n 0x000219d0 72742074 6f206c69 7374656e 20746f00 rt to listen to.\n 0x000219e0 53657420 74686520 61636365 70742062 Set the accept b\n 0x000219f0 61636b6c 6f670062 61636b6c 6f672028 acklog.backlog (\n 0x00021a00 636f6e73 74727563 7429002f 686f6d65 construct)./home\n 0x00021a10 2f6e616f 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 /naourr/work/ins\n- 0x00021a20 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-0/output-1\n+ 0x00021a20 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-0/output-2\n 0x00021a30 2f627569 6c642f74 68726966 742d302e /build/thrift-0.\n 0x00021a40 31322e30 2f6c6962 2f635f67 6c69622f 12.0/lib/c_glib/\n 0x00021a50 7372632f 74687269 66742f63 5f676c69 src/thrift/c_gli\n 0x00021a60 622f7472 616e7370 6f72742f 74687269 b/transport/thri\n 0x00021a70 66745f73 65727665 725f736f 636b6574 ft_server_socket\n 0x00021a80 2e630074 68726966 742d7365 72766572 .c.thrift-server\n 0x00021a90 2d736f63 6b65742d 6572726f 722d7175 -socket-error-qu\n@@ -396,15 +396,15 @@\n 0x00021bf0 74686520 77726974 65206275 66666572 the write buffer\n 0x00021c00 2073697a 65007772 69746520 62756666 size.write buff\n 0x00021c10 65722073 697a6520 28636f6e 73747275 er size (constru\n 0x00021c20 63742900 775f6275 665f7369 7a650074 ct).w_buf_size.t\n 0x00021c30 2d3e725f 6275662d 3e6c656e 203c2077 ->r_buf->len < w\n 0x00021c40 616e7400 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 ant./home/naourr\n 0x00021c50 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d30 /work/instance-0\n- 0x00021c60 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f /output-1/build/\n+ 0x00021c60 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f /output-2/build/\n 0x00021c70 74687269 66742d30 2e31322e 302f6c69 thrift-0.12.0/li\n 0x00021c80 622f635f 676c6962 2f737263 2f746872 b/c_glib/src/thr\n 0x00021c90 6966742f 635f676c 69622f74 72616e73 ift/c_glib/trans\n 0x00021ca0 706f7274 2f746872 6966745f 62756666 port/thrift_buff\n 0x00021cb0 65726564 5f747261 6e73706f 72742e63 ered_transport.c\n 0x00021cc0 00546872 69667446 44547261 6e73706f .ThriftFDTranspo\n 0x00021cd0 72740053 65742074 68652066 696c6520 rt.Set the file \n@@ -413,26 +413,26 @@\n 0x00021d00 74727563 74290066 64004661 696c6564 truct).fd.Failed\n 0x00021d10 20746f20 72656164 2066726f 6d206664 to read from fd\n 0x00021d20 3a202573 00466169 6c656420 746f2077 : %s.Failed to w\n 0x00021d30 72697465 2066726f 6d206664 3a202573 rite from fd: %s\n 0x00021d40 00466169 6c656420 746f2066 6c757368 .Failed to flush\n 0x00021d50 2066643a 20257300 2f686f6d 652f6e61 fd: %s./home/na\n 0x00021d60 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00021d70 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00021d70 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0x00021d80 696c642f 74687269 66742d30 2e31322e ild/thrift-0.12.\n 0x00021d90 302f6c69 622f635f 676c6962 2f737263 0/lib/c_glib/src\n 0x00021da0 2f746872 6966742f 635f676c 69622f74 /thrift/c_glib/t\n 0x00021db0 72616e73 706f7274 2f746872 6966745f ransport/thrift_\n 0x00021dc0 66645f74 72616e73 706f7274 2e630000 fd_transport.c..\n 0x00021dd0 74687269 66745f66 72616d65 645f7472 thrift_framed_tr\n 0x00021de0 616e7370 6f72745f 72656164 5f736c6f ansport_read_slo\n 0x00021df0 77005468 72696674 4672616d 65645472 w.ThriftFramedTr\n 0x00021e00 616e7370 6f727400 2f686f6d 652f6e61 ansport./home/na\n 0x00021e10 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00021e20 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-0/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00021e20 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-0/output-2/bu\n 0x00021e30 696c642f 74687269 66742d30 2e31322e ild/thrift-0.12.\n 0x00021e40 302f6c69 622f635f 676c6962 2f737263 0/lib/c_glib/src\n 0x00021e50 2f746872 6966742f 635f676c 69622f74 /thrift/c_glib/t\n 0x00021e60 72616e73 706f7274 2f746872 6966745f ransport/thrift_\n 0x00021e70 6672616d 65645f74 72616e73 706f7274 framed_transport\n 0x00021e80 2e630054 68726966 744d656d 6f727942 .c.ThriftMemoryB\n 0x00021e90 75666665 72005365 74207468 65207265 uffer.Set the re\n@@ -450,15 +450,15 @@\n 0x00021f50 6d6f7279 206d616e 6167656d 656e7420 mory management \n 0x00021f60 706f6c69 6379006f 776e6572 00756e61 policy.owner.una\n 0x00021f70 626c6520 746f2077 72697465 20256420 ble to write %d \n 0x00021f80 62797465 7320746f 20627566 66657220 bytes to buffer \n 0x00021f90 6f66206c 656e6774 68202564 002f686f of length %d./ho\n 0x00021fa0 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x00021fb0 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 nstance-0/output\n- 0x00021fc0 2d312f62 75696c64 2f746872 6966742d -1/build/thrift-\n+ 0x00021fc0 2d322f62 75696c64 2f746872 6966742d -2/build/thrift-\n 0x00021fd0 302e3132 2e302f6c 69622f63 5f676c69 0.12.0/lib/c_gli\n 0x00021fe0 622f7372 632f7468 72696674 2f635f67 b/src/thrift/c_g\n 0x00021ff0 6c69622f 7472616e 73706f72 742f7468 lib/transport/th\n 0x00022000 72696674 5f6d656d 6f72795f 62756666 rift_memory_buff\n 0x00022010 65722e63 00546872 69667453 65727665 er.c.ThriftServe\n 0x00022020 72005468 72696674 2050726f 63657373 r.Thrift Process\n 0x00022030 6f720054 68726966 74205365 72766572 or.Thrift Server\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libthriftnb.so.0.12.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/libthriftnb.so.0.12.0", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -376,15 +376,15 @@\n 0x0001e530 65004f4b 00426164 20526571 75657374 e.OK.Bad Request\n 0x0001e540 00617070 6c696361 74696f6e 2f782d74 .application/x-t\n 0x0001e550 68726966 7400436f 6e74656e 742d5479 hrift.Content-Ty\n 0x0001e560 70650065 76687474 705f6164 645f6865 pe.evhttp_add_he\n 0x0001e570 61646572 20666169 6c656420 002f686f ader failed ./ho\n 0x0001e580 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x0001e590 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 nstance-0/output\n- 0x0001e5a0 2d312f62 75696c64 2f746872 6966742d -1/build/thrift-\n+ 0x0001e5a0 2d322f62 75696c64 2f746872 6966742d -2/build/thrift-\n 0x0001e5b0 302e3132 2e302f6c 69622f63 70702f73 0.12.0/lib/cpp/s\n 0x0001e5c0 72632f74 68726966 742f6173 796e632f rc/thrift/async/\n 0x0001e5d0 54457668 74747053 65727665 722e6370 TEvhttpServer.cp\n 0x0001e5e0 70003a00 65766275 66666572 5f6e6577 p.:.evbuffer_new\n 0x0001e5f0 20666169 6c656420 00657668 7474705f failed .evhttp_\n 0x0001e600 61646420 6661696c 65642077 69746820 add failed with \n 0x0001e610 00657665 6e745f62 6173655f 6e657720 .event_base_new \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "source2": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n #\n # Configuration file for using the XML library in GNOME applications\n #\n XML2_LIBDIR=\"-L/usr/lib\"\n-XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/powerpc64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n+XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/host/powerpc64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n XML2_INCLUDEDIR=\"-I/usr/include/libxml2\"\n MODULE_VERSION=\"xml2-2.9.10\"\n \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/lldpcli", "source2": "./usr/sbin/lldpcli", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -818,15 +818,15 @@\n 0x10016c58 20202020 20202064 69736162 6c65640a disabled.\n 0x10016c68 00436f6e 66696775 72617469 6f6e2064 .Configuration d\n 0x10016c78 69726563 746f7279 3a202020 20202f65 irectory: /e\n 0x10016c88 74630a00 41646469 74696f6e 616c206f tc..Additional o\n 0x10016c98 75747075 7420666f 726d6174 733a2020 utput formats: \n 0x10016ca8 20002f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 ./home/naourr/w\n 0x10016cb8 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f ork/instance-0/o\n- 0x10016cc8 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-1/host/bin\n+ 0x10016cc8 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e utput-2/host/bin\n 0x10016cd8 2f706f77 65727063 36342d6c 696e7578 /powerpc64-linux\n 0x10016ce8 2d676363 202d7374 643d676e 75393920 -gcc -std=gnu99 \n 0x10016cf8 202d6664 6961676e 6f737469 63732d73 -fdiagnostics-s\n 0x10016d08 686f772d 6f707469 6f6e202d 66646961 how-option -fdia\n 0x10016d18 676e6f73 74696373 2d636f6c 6f723d61 gnostics-color=a\n 0x10016d28 75746f20 2d706970 65202d57 616c6c20 uto -pipe -Wall \n 0x10016d38 2d57202d 57657874 7261202d 57666f72 -W -Wextra -Wfor\n@@ -852,15 +852,15 @@\n 0x10016e78 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 52434520 ARGEFILE_SOURCE \n 0x10016e88 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 36345f53 -D_LARGEFILE64_S\n 0x10016e98 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 455f4f46 OURCE -D_FILE_OF\n 0x10016ea8 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 00432063 FSET_BITS=64.C c\n 0x10016eb8 6f6d7069 6c657220 636f6d6d 616e643a ompiler command:\n 0x10016ec8 2025730a 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 %s../home/naour\n 0x10016ed8 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x10016ee8 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 0/output-1/host/\n+ 0x10016ee8 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 0/output-2/host/\n 0x10016ef8 62696e2f 706f7765 72706336 342d6c69 bin/powerpc64-li\n 0x10016f08 6e75782d 6c642020 2d576c2c 2d7a2c72 nux-ld -Wl,-z,r\n 0x10016f18 656c726f 202d576c 2c2d7a2c 6e6f7720 elro -Wl,-z,now \n 0x10016f28 2020004c 696e6b65 7220636f 6d6d616e .Linker comman\n 0x10016f38 643a2020 20202025 730a0054 45585400 d: %s..TEXT.\n 0x10016f48 4b56004a 534f4e00 584d4c00 696e7661 KV.JSON.XML.inva\n 0x10016f58 6c696400 746f6f20 736d616c 6c00746f lid.too small.to\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/lldpd", "source2": "./usr/sbin/lldpd", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/powerpc64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -665,15 +665,15 @@\n 0x10015688 20202064 69736162 6c65640a 00436f6e disabled..Con\n 0x10015698 66696775 72617469 6f6e2064 69726563 figuration direc\n 0x100156a8 746f7279 3a202020 20202f65 74630a00 tory: /etc..\n 0x100156b8 41646469 74696f6e 616c206f 75747075 Additional outpu\n 0x100156c8 7420666f 726d6174 733a2020 20002f68 t formats: ./h\n 0x100156d8 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x100156e8 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x100156f8 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706f77 t-1/host/bin/pow\n+ 0x100156f8 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706f77 t-2/host/bin/pow\n 0x10015708 65727063 36342d6c 696e7578 2d676363 erpc64-linux-gcc\n 0x10015718 202d7374 643d676e 75393920 202d6664 -std=gnu99 -fd\n 0x10015728 6961676e 6f737469 63732d73 686f772d iagnostics-show-\n 0x10015738 6f707469 6f6e202d 66646961 676e6f73 option -fdiagnos\n 0x10015748 74696373 2d636f6c 6f723d61 75746f20 tics-color=auto \n 0x10015758 2d706970 65202d57 616c6c20 2d57202d -pipe -Wall -W -\n 0x10015768 57657874 7261202d 57666f72 6d617420 Wextra -Wformat \n@@ -699,15 +699,15 @@\n 0x100158a8 46494c45 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f4c FILE_SOURCE -D_L\n 0x100158b8 41524745 46494c45 36345f53 4f555243 ARGEFILE64_SOURC\n 0x100158c8 45202d44 5f46494c 455f4f46 46534554 E -D_FILE_OFFSET\n 0x100158d8 5f424954 533d3634 00432063 6f6d7069 _BITS=64.C compi\n 0x100158e8 6c657220 636f6d6d 616e643a 2025730a ler command: %s.\n 0x100158f8 002f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 0x10015908 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 rk/instance-0/ou\n- 0x10015918 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+ 0x10015918 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 0x10015928 706f7765 72706336 342d6c69 6e75782d powerpc64-linux-\n 0x10015938 6c642020 2d576c2c 2d7a2c72 656c726f ld -Wl,-z,relro\n 0x10015948 202d576c 2c2d7a2c 6e6f7720 2020004c -Wl,-z,now .L\n 0x10015958 696e6b65 7220636f 6d6d616e 643a2020 inker command: \n 0x10015968 20202025 730a0054 45585400 4b56004a %s..TEXT.KV.J\n 0x10015978 534f4e00 584d4c00 63726561 74652063 SON.XML.create c\n 0x10015988 6f6e7472 6f6c2073 6f636b65 74202573 ontrol socket %s\n" } ] } ] }